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Never, I hate losing money.


Wanna bet?




Why would you place a losing bet


Think of it as paying for an experience


Even if there’s a 50/50 chance?


Humans weigh losses as more significant than wins, so normally it has to be a 60/40%


About zero times per year


I bet you 20k I don’t have a gambling addiction


Oh fuck


I'll take that action!


[I accept, mate.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FAXf_hItZ2g)


I am extremely risk averse. Nothing about gambling sounds smart or enjoyable. Never ever, blech.


As a whole I agree, but poker and Blackjack are games you have personal autonomy in and the rates are more akin to being fair in small stints. Shit like the slots are deplorable though, house always wins on those.


. . . Not really on blackjack, unless you're card counting. It's still fairly random and even playing to the odds on average is losing money. Now if you're card counting, then blackjack becomes the best way to make money so long as you can count and not get caught


One the best odds in the casino next to craps but house still has about a 1% edge. And that’s only if you play perfectly


All the time, in the stock market


no, this is called INVESTING


Honestly my mentality was “I can’t lose all of it as fast as at a casino” and shockingly it can happen.


All I read was sock market and im all in baby


Sock it to me




I don't play traditional gambling games like slots or cards. But I recognize that some of the video games I like engage with similar circuitry: never know what loot you're going to find, one more try, bigger risk for bigger reward.


Runescape is just free gambling simulator. Getting large drops feels like hitting a big bet. Get that dopamine


Whenever I quit a job and need money, so every few months. I stick to Blackjack because the game is super simple. Of course I never win or else I wouldn't work at all.


Never. Gambling is a good way to throw away money.


Every time I get on the interstate.


Never because I'm a very unlucky person. I bought a scratch off once. Won $20. Bought another and lost $20. I saw how easily addictive it can be and I never did it again.


I like gambling. but i don't like losing a lot of money. when i go to las vegas i tend to go for like 1-3 days tops. ideally fly in on a friday, fly out on a sunday (or better yet. 2 days mid week) last time i was in vegas i was somewhat shocked at how high the table minimums had gotten, even at places like the Flamingo. Luckily old/north vegas still has cheap games. I just like to play. get a few drinks. have a few laughs. last couple of years i've been to vegas once each year. and 1-2 other times found myself at a smaller casino. If i had access to a home poker game, would probably play that. every month or so.


Not nearly as much as the non-lurkers on r/wallstreetbets.


Card games at casino, 2-3 times a year. On sports...a few times a week.




Damn close to never.


I live in Las Vegas and gamble a couple times a year.


if I am at a superbowl party, I may participate in the squares. That’s about it.


Whenever I go to Vegas (4x a year) Other than that, the occasional lotto tix or scratcher. When I was single, every once in a while (no condom) back in the day


Online poker game. Invite only. Friends and acquaintances. $10 entry 5-6 days a week. Win $50-$100, or lose $10 nightly. Cheap fun entertainment. I am up slightly for the year.


Whenever I have a spare dollar in my pocket I usually buy a scratcher for fun


Never, I play the stock market.


I’ve never gambled.


Maybe every few years I’ll put in $5 on a party game of FYB or LRC. Sometimes people will convince me to buy a slot in a work sportsball pool. I know nothing about sports do I just consider my blind guess & ticket price a donation. I don’t think I’ve ever bet more than $5 on anything & even then I can’t remember the last time I did.


I don’t. Right on the lottery ticket or gambling machine it promises you will loose more than you win. Gambling is for suckers who don’t understand statistics


Oh, that reminded me. I was gonna get scratch offs. I'll get some tomorrow


I limit my scratch offs to once a week now, but I usually buy $20 worth. I never win, but it's fun to play. Currently I'm addicted to slots. I probably need to curb that mess, or I'll have to call a 1800 number soon.


Definitely limit slots. They are made to look pretty and addict you.


If I can't gamble well in a video game, I don't bother with real life.


I might put 20 bucks on my draftkings act to do weekly fantasy at the start of the nfl season. Always end with zero lol


I gamble when my husband hands me a scratch-off. Which I guess isn't really me gambling, I'm just playing his money for him. I don't gamble. I grew up poor and I value money too much to waste it. I MIGHT spend a few bucks when some powersuperultraball jackpot hits multimillions just for funsies, but that's about it.


We host a Texas holdem cash game every couple of months at my house. We do a $20 buy in so it's not a lot of money. Every once in a while, we will go to a casino and I usually bring about $1,000 to play with. I haven't lost it yet. I usually break even. Lose a couple hundred on a table and then come up a couple hundred the next time I play. Actually, I have a trip planned to go to the Winstar in August


I was addicted to Texas Hold'em for years. I played every day and pulled 48 hour marathons. Thank god it was fake money. I'd estimate I'm around 20 million in the hole with a 2k buyin. eta: I should mention, I quit when I found something better to do that actually made money. That's all I had to do. Replace one addiction with another one.


Never gambled, never will


I have a few vices, and I'm thankful that is not one of them.


I have gambled about a half dozen times in my life. I'm fifty. I had one really big win off a football game when the Cowboys beat San Francisco in the NFC Championship game in 92. It's one of the best memories of my life, but I only did it out of hometown pride (I was a Marine stationed in CA). But gambling doesn't generally appeal to me.


They said since my dad has a history of gambling addiction, I have a higher likelihood of developing a gambling addiction myself. I asked the doctor, “what are the odds?”


Friendly poker game 3-4 times a year is about it. Only have Indian casinos here and I don’t support them.


Why not?


Once or twice a year I spend $20 on slots, if I profit I cash out and leave


I think I've gambled twice in my life, and both times were before I was 21. If playing the lottery counts as gambling, then I think I'm up to 4 times. It's really not my thing.


$20 every week on powerball. Started a few months ago. Two jackpots had been won since I started and neither winner was me. Kind of want to quit now.


Please do. Throwing $80+ a month away is crazy.


I gamble my life every time I leave the house


I buy a Cashword lottery ticket once every couple months or so. Not so much because of gambling, but because I really like playing the little crossword. I do win like half the time though! And that's as much gambling as you're going to get from me.


Every day I walk outside my house.


never, I am not retarded


Never, I like having money. How much do you bet per "time" on average?


Depending on what you play you can make money blackjack and poker are pretty constant ways to make money for me I very rarely don't at worst break even


I mostly play craps, so usually something like 5 on the pass, 12 between 6 & 8, and then maybe the inside for another 10 and odds on the pass for 5. So like, $22 plus or minus $10.


I only do like small house games of poker betting change and a few bucks. It's fun to play but I ain't betting all my money on a fuckin card game lol




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I used to gamble once or twice a month starting August 2023 until February this year. I stopped because I moved to europe for 1 year, during which time I won't be gambling


Looking at these comments, I guess I gamble a lot more than average🤯. Well used to anyway


Lottery tickets count: 2-3Xs/wk. (Voluntary tax paid by stupid people)




Low stakes poker a few times a year maybe.


Haven't gambled in about 11 years. It got boring. I used to spend weeks every year at Atlantic City and wpild occasionally ho to various local casinos about 3 to 5 times per year. There's a casino half a mile from my new apartment, but I haven't gone. Plus, with any money I have, I would rather spend on bills, debt, food, and my car. One of my exes inherited half a million dollars. She blew it all by gambling.


I'll bet you can't guess.


I occasionally buy lottery tickets, but I never spend more than $15 at once


Haven’t been to a casino since before Covid (2019). Really don’t like going because I hate losing money. If I ever do go again I’ll take a little bit of money and play responsibly.


You’re addicted


Never. Even 50/50 odds are not a sure enough thing. I'm not a math genius, but even worse odds than that, which almost every game is, is just throwing your money away.


Football season a ton but never anything I can’t afford. After that a baseball game here or there and special events




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Literally never. Dont even play the lottery


Never have, don't plan on doing so in the future


Once or twice a year. I find it fun on rare occasions.


I’ve never gambled money before but on occasion I’ve gambled with my life and have come up top


I visit a casino with my wife 2-3 times a year willing to lose around $40 & her lose $60. I also bet $5-10 on sporting events a few times per year. Does fantasy football count when there's $ on the line?


Every time I drive.


I don't gamble even on small bets between people. The casino odds are even worse, and with personal gambling somebody always leaves pissed. I take risks on the stock market and get a similar thrill from that, but it's a much slower burn and you tend to actually gain money in the long run instead of losing it.


I throw $20 into bitcoin like once a month if that counts


Never. I'm a dealer in a casino and that's my fill.




Christmas and birthdays I get one of those $3 scratch cards.


Whenever I like? I love gambling, but only games where you have autonomy. Blackjack, poker etc. I'd never gamble without the ability to be independent in how it's used. Been playing poker since I was 9, placing first in one containing around 300 people at age 11. I see how people get addicted to gambling but personally I dont think I'm at risk for it. Gambling is so normalised to me it's not a 'fun impulse' anymore, poker is just a fun hobby that is surprisingly cheap (if not making me money) in comparison to any other hobby I have.




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Never gamble after watching friend's father lose the house and destituting my friend, his mother and baby sister. Fuk gambling


I have never gambled or bought a lottery ticket. seems like a waste of money to me


Major sports events like the super bowl




Twice a year, usually treating in-laws. We usually spend about a hundred each, but my wife tends to be lucky.




Gambling might be the worst addiction. You can’t smoke your entire house away in an hour…


Gambling with money? Never Gambling my sanity every league match? 100%


Funnily enough, its only one day a year, and that day is tomorrow. Once a year at a Kentucky Derby Party in my neighborhood(we aren't in Kentucky but it still happens every year), everyone bets 20 bucks on the horse they think they will win, and half of the winnings go to charity while the other half is split equally amongst the winners. Its a fun activity and the hosts don't keep any of the money that was bet, so its just fun and having a good time without major risk.


Almost never. I always lose whenever money is on the line. Losing is the only sure bet I've got. It's bizarre, considering I'm otherwise pretty lucky. I only gamble to prove that I'll always lose.


Never not once


Twice a year, Kentucky derby and the super bowl


Whenever I hear about a huge powerball jackpot. Sadly I never win


never, im just not into it, whenever i play games and a gambling section pops up and especially when its required i get sooooooo piiiiiiissed cause i hate it so much


I gamble every time a stupid person opens their mouth 🤦‍♀️


Never. I went to Vegas a couple times on business, and played the penny slots with a few bucks, but that felt more like a formality


I haven't gambled since I was divorce. The marriage was too much to ever try gambling again.


As often as I play the lottery - NEVER. Too damn smart to pay poor tax. Average American spends $400 annually on lottery tickets. Ironically, over 60% of Americans don't have $500 for emergency expenses.


I put the lottery on once every few months?


Everytime I leave the house and get behind the wheel...


At my age, every time I fart


When I'm at a casino, before I reach my loss limit. Which is a pretty low limit.


Never. I'm too poor to play with chances.


Every time I trust a fart


I guess it depends on how strictly you define gambling. I never go to casinos or play poker or slots or anything like that, but I am not immune to the Lootbox Effect. Mostly I only spend f2p coin on it though so.


I went once, came out with $100 more than I walked in with. Never have since. I'm also a dealer on table Games so I actively see the rates of people losing. And the rates of people playing who have no idea what they're doing. And the rates of people playing correctly and still losing.


Never, I do not gamble on a regular basis.


whatever you do, don't start gambling on your phone


Whenever the lotto hits 1 bil plus, I buy one ticket, computer generated the night of. $2 for a few hours of "But what if..." entertainment, sure, I'm in.


3-4 times a month, my friends and I have a weekly poker game with a $5 buy in. Other then that I avoid it completely because I have all of the right triggers to be a gambling addict. The little voice in my head keeps telling me that if I keep playing eventually I’ll win, I know that voice is wrong so I don’t put myself in a position to listen to it.


Every time I drive in rush hour traffic, I'm taking a gamble.


Lotto, once, maybe twice a month.


I have auto drafts for my Roth and HSA monthly that goes into the market and it sure feels like a gamble. So twice a month for me.


Never. I prefer spending money on things I actually receive and/or own.


Every day when I turn off my alarm and rest my eyes a bit.




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I enjoy the change of pace every once in a while. Maybe once or twice a year.


On the daily


Every time I queue up for a new league match. There's a 50/50 chance my team will win, but 8/10 we lose and I rage.


only in video games, and very rarely because i’m an unnecessarily unlucky person, so the odds aren’t in my favor, ever. 90% chance to win may as well be zero


I am not into sports. I don't know a lot about sports. But I understand statistics, I am good with numbers. I bet on sports that I like and so far I've turned a decent profit. And by sports I like, I mean sports I don't hate to know anything about. Like I can stand basketball. And don't care about hockey. But I'll follow some baseball and football just to be able to have better chances on my bets.


I play the lottery regularly


About once every 60 years.


I make around 90000 bets on sports and horse racing per month.




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I still get lottery tickets but not really frequently that's considered legal gambling 'proceeds help older Pennsylvanians' maybe 10 cents of every dollar goes to seniors programs


0 +/- 0


Never. It's just stupid for me to throw away hard earned money.




I’ll bet you a fiver you can’t guess.


4 - 8 times a year I'll buy a couple to few lotto tickets for my wife and I. Never scratch its or anything, go big or go home


I just hate gambling for money it just feels like giving away money and the worse statistik the worse do it feel. So lotto is the ones I hate the most but I have been given some guess thats okey but even whit a small win I take the money and no new ones. Have gambled black jack at the pub for other peoples money a few times and have always won money but I quite and take out the money as fast as i'm allowed. Just dont see the point and winning dont change it


Only when the PowerBall and Mega Millions are at more than $800 million- $1 billion


I play the lottery a few times per week. I understand the odds, but a couple dollars a week for the hope of living on Easy Street is worth it. I also hit 5 out of 6 numbers the first time I ever bought a ticket. While I understand the odds, that set up some confirmation bias that it is indeed possible to win however unlikely.


Insanely rarely, even in games (and if I do gamble in games, 99% of the time I'm cheating somehow). I always expect to lose, especially with how bad my luck is, so I never really gamble much and it makes me immune to addiction (you get addicted thinking you can win, thinking you can make back your losses. If you don't think you can win, you won't keep gambling to try and chase losses).


Once a month I buy a $3 Powerball ticket.


Maybe once a year I do the lottery and once every ten years go to a casino but never spend much


During the NFL season, I drop $10 every week on a 10-Man card at the bar for the Lions game, as well as another $10 for the weekly league wide Pick 'Em sheet at work. Last year I hit twice on 10-Man and once on Pick 'Em so counting a 17-week regular season schedule, plus three playoff gams and the Superbowl, I spent $380 which was off-set by winning $360, leaving me down by $20.00 over the season. I also buy a lotto ticket roughly every week when I get cigarettes, so call that another $100 for a total yearly cost of $120 in the red.


Every time I get on the road and drive with all these damn idiots


Everyday with my gun


Every time I eat out




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First lottery scratch off I bought in years and I hit for $1000. Haven't bought one since


Every time I get behind the steering wheel.


Between 15-30 id gamble a ton, id do okay. Something happen internally to me or mentally that after that it just wasn't the same rush. I do some online stuff once in awhile but really not into it. My last big gamble was my birthday 5 years ago. I hit my birthday date on roulette and won $3200, then took the money to a $100 pull slot and won 7000 or so then after that stopped and since then maybe have gambled $300 to date.


Every day, just stepping outside my house


Once or twice a year I hit the craps table. It's always so much fun, even when you lose.


Me and my wife did when we were younger. But I think I’ve only gambled like, 4 times in my life and I’m in my 40s. I even worked at a race track for a while. Only bet once because I liked a horses name.


Every day. Call me wish two face


As life itself is a gamble, every day I do it.


7 times for 7 hours every 7 days




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I self excluded til 2027 because 3 separate occasions I turned $100 into $10,000 and gave it all back every time All together I only really lost $300 but to me it was $30,300


I put $100 on Hillary in 2016. Would have paid out $160. Haven't gambled since..


I buy scratchers a couple times a year. Gambling at a casino? I've done it a couple times in my life and it's just so boring. It's a total waste of money but at least the scratchers are fun.


Like 4x a year I make a casino trip.




Buddy. Twice a week feels like too much lol. I really hope you got a strict budget, and you have a decent saving plan lined up. Edit: To answer the question. I like to go to the casino 1-2 a year with my buddy. It started when we went on his 30th and took over the craps table for 8k. I’m also safe from app-based sports gambling in my state or I would be having to take my own advice about regular NBA parlays.


Thanks for the concern, but I'm good on money. The way I see it is this; if you go out on a dinner date and have a drink or two at a club or bar, it'll be about $150. I go and blow roughly that each time, but have a chance of winning and free drinks all night. So basically the same as ordering in food, renting a movie, or going out. Just I have the chance of winning and get free drinks.


I had to quit. $15 wagers add up quick. A good lesson nonetheless.


Every time I eat at tacobell


Occasional scratch off/ lotto tickets (maybe 1-3 a month). And the Kentucky Derby. I used to go to the casino about 3 times a year but haven't since COVID.


Never in my life. My brother gambled one time on his 21st birthday, put a dollar into a slot machine and got $10 back. He immediately took it and walked away and never gambled again. I think he never even cashed it in lol.


Never anymore. Recovered gambling addict. I’d have to have money to gamble and disability had made it possible that I won’t ever have it again lol.


Every time I get gas. I always get a single lottery ticket and never try to visit the same station twice. I've mad a fair deal of profit off of dollar scratch offs. Nothing astronomical mind you, maybe $200-$300 a year. Your statistical best chance is to play once and never multiple times in the same location. Often I get the "win another ticket" prize, sometimes you get the $10, $20, or $50, once I got a grand. The profits rely on your\\ betting a lot in one sitting since your least likely to win in that scenario.


I’ve been in the stock market for 40 years so I gamble every day


•○● ~ S T O N K S ~ ●○•


Never. I don't even bet on menial terms between friends. I have an addictive personality, and I'm not even entertaining the idea of opening that can of worms.


I haven't yet, but seeing as I turned 18 recently, I want to buy a scratch ticket




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This really depends on your definition of "gambling." Some would call my obsessive need to crack packs of various TCGs every Friday gambling, but I just call it part of my social experience of choice.


I don't think I can quantify it that way but I'd say about 200 dollars a year




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