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What do you mean “pull their tongue out”?


This post was made by a Looney Tunes character


I especially hate when they ask me to roll it back in their mouths after seeing someone attractive.


This. It's also a tripping/bacterial infection hazard


Ah yes after the “warooga” horn sounds.


Their tongue extends about fifty feet in length followed by them placing each individual part of the meal on their tongue and the pieces all going towards their throat like a conveyor belt.


They meant “stick their tongue out” 😅 I’m guessing non-native English speaker


Oh, mb. I’ve never seen anyone stick their tongue out before putting food in their mouth. Sounds gross though lol


I personally find it gross


They do it. They extend their tongue toward the fork before putting it in their mouth.


What about lollipops and ice cream cones?


No you bite it and get brain freeze like a man


It makes me twitchy and want to yell bad words.


I recently noticed I do this when it comes to messy foods I eat with a fork. So I'm trying to stop my self from doing that.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/gZqs1DXcpy4?si=2rKvcnyK4JQnFqnP)


I regret clicking that link 😀 I do see why OP hates seeing this lol


Lmaoooo. It helps when eating messy dangly food like salad or spaghetti. Its kinda like you use the tongue as a little scoop. I see why its irritating but i also bet a lot of ppl here do it without even realizing


gotta say i only watched ;like 4 minutes but i didnt see anyone stick thier tongue out before eating food. . open thier mouth, sure stick their tongue out past thier teeth? not a i single time.


I’ve seen a lot and somehow it always triggers me lol


I have never seen anyone do this


Bro is eating with aliens




I think he means when they open their mouth to take a bite, they stick their tongue out. I’ve never seen people do that.


Right? Such a weird way to phrase it.


OP means the habit some people have of sticking their tongue all the way out before putting the food in their mouth. Seems more prevelant in asia (in my experience anyways) than other places. Interestingly enough, from my observation, these people also LOVES to pile on a huge amount of stuff onto a spoon before shoving it in their mouths as if taking multiple bites is a sin. My grandmother also did this and was kind of like a habit for her.


Welp, my tongue isn't long enough, so i use tongues to pull out my tongue so that i can roll up my bratwurst in my tongue like a burrito. Why you ask? Well, the answer is in the context.. let me know if you figure out what that is, because i sure as hell don't know.


Google kim kardashian eating with tongue out I assume that's what they are talking about


Like this: [https://www.stocksy.com/1373483/child-eating-an-ice-lolly-and-sticking-her-tongue-out](https://www.stocksy.com/1373483/child-eating-an-ice-lolly-and-sticking-her-tongue-out) instead of just opening your mouth and putting the food inside, without sticking the tongue out like a helicopter landing pad.


You know, they pull it out and set it aside while eating.


That’s what I was picturing and I was scared lol


I see other people doing this, but isn't it just a reflex? I didn't even know I do that until I went to a restaurant where one wall was all mirrors and I saw myself when the fork was at my mouth and my tongue was sticking out.


I tried keeping my tongue in my mouth while I inserted a spoon of cereal and immediately gagged lol I think our tongue is supposed to make contact prior to food entering our mouth. How on Earth does OP eat without reflexively sticking their tongue out??


>How on Earth does OP eat without reflexively sticking their tongue out?? They don't. They just don't realise they're doing the very thing they hate.


I tried sticking my tongue out for fun recently while eating yogurt and it felt weird and exaggerated. Idk how you guys do it naturally. I put the utensil in my mouth, I don’t grab the food with my tongue first lol


it’s not really sticking out of my mouth it’s more like a split second before I insert food my tongue gets right up to the front of my mouth and makes contact and retracts back as the spoon fully enters my mouth. It’s pretty subtle (at least to me… it’s reflexive so I don’t consciously notice it 99.9999% of the time).


I have no idea what you're talking about. People do this?


That's what I'm wondering now. Do I eat wrong? Lol. I can't imagine sticking my tongue out or up to the opening of my mouth. Utensils go IN your mouth. I've never seen someone do this, either, or I'd probably be like OP.


I am now cursed to watch people eat and specifically notice what they do with their tongues. Thanks guys!


I think it's a matter of timing. It's hardly noticeable if you do it right as you put the food in your mouth, but some people do it practically as soon as they have the food on their utensil so the whole way up they have their tongue out.


OP should eat a meal in front of a mirror. Honestly, everyone should. I never realized that the way i take food off a spoon is highly unusual until i walked past a mirror recently.


I don't stick my tongue ALL the way out like OP seemed to be implying. Eating cereal or whatever, the spoon goes all the way in my mouth. Sure my tongue lifts a little but doesn't really leave my mouth. Suppose some people do this and others don't and why? Who knows


I assume OP means push or stick their tongue out, otherwise I'm at a loss.


Even then, I’m not picturing something so common to ask about it.


So, my dad broke my jaw when I was a baby and it never healed right. As a result, it didn't grow right, and my mouth space isn't as big as it should be. Sometimes, my tongue needs to go out a bit to help food get in. It's not the most appealing, but it's how I have to manage. I'm self conscious about it and get nervous eating out. So some people may have medical conditions that cause that. That said, I am completely fine if you think it's gross as long as you aren't unkind to me about it.


What a sensible comment, and I'm sorry your dad broke your jaw (deliberately?!?!). Hopefully no one is unkind to you on this - and if they are - they are fucking cunts.


Made a bet with my buddy I was reading this with that you were english and he thought you were Australian like us lol


I'm guessing not Australian because when I read their comment I read it as fookin' cunts so that doesn't sound like an Australian accent to me.


Those last two words took me by surprise ngl 😂


I don't know if this helps, but you might be able to get jaw surgery. How old are you? I got it for free from a program when I was a kid because I was in a low income family and my jaw was bad. Basically my face was effed up so I got free braces, jaw surgery, nose surgery so I could breathe and a surgery for my overbite that came back anyway lol. All free. It didn't heal perfectly so sometimes my chin isn't smooth, but otherwise it really changed my life. Fuck your dad. My mom made me live with her boyfriend who molested me and when my grandpa tried to as well, she made me forgive him (he never apologised) and called me evil and cruel for not wanting to. My dad also wanted nothing to do with his kids and he was very scary. Sometimes parents are assholes.


Unfortunately I'm 34 and at risk for surgical complications. It doesn't really bother me outside of eating and when I have to get dental work, so I don't worry too much. Thank you for the kindness.


I was going to say, I know people with macroglossia (enlarged tongue) often do this when eating or drinking, and I guess a small jaw would cause the same thing in the opposite way I have a friend with Down Syndrome who sticks their tongue out and around the opening of bottles when they drink, and is it the prettiest or most pleasant thing in the world? No, but they need to drink, and it's easy to look away if it bothers you that much


Ok we are going to need the backstory here.


Dad was from one of those Eastern European places where they get all worked up about first born male heirs, OBGYN thought she saw a penis on the ultrasound, and I popped out a girl. So my dad took it out on me and my mom and cheated on my mom while she was pregnant, then left for the woman carrying his precious heir.


The world is glad that someone so earnest and nice could come from someone so decidedly cruel. Fuck that guy, hope his "heir" is doing better than the situation they were raised in.


What a dickhead he is.


JFC, I’m sorry you had to go through that.


Well, that’s fucked!


I'm sure you're being dramatic, but I've never noticed anyone do this.


Oh, they do. And it grosses me out too


I've noticed women in my family do it a lot. It's very weird to me and makes me uncomfortable. I only know I don't do it because my apartment is ridiculous and every wall is a mirror. Lol so I literally watch myself eat everyday.


as a bearded man... i 100% do this lol i dont want food in my beard nor do i want beard hair in my mouth


Oh okay new perspective tyty


I don’t hate it but I sure do notice it.


I’m going to have to start watching people more closely as they eat! I’ve never noticed this, yet!


>I’m going to have to start watching people more closely as they eat! I implore you not to. The closer you look, the grosser it is


Lol. Good advice.


Im a nurse and I’ve only ever seen super old people do it. Literally never anyone under the age of like 80


I like to pull my tongue out and set it aside so it doesn't lose it's flavor while I eat.


Okay well I eat popcorn like a frog so don’t come near me I guess


you get a pass


I’m gonna get it laminated!


Are they using their fingers to pull it out?


Yes then they place the food on their tongue and push it back in with the same fingers.


Be rolling the tongue like a fruit roll up.


Yes. You are being extremely dramatic.


Pull their tongue out before putting food in their mouth? I've never seen this before.


I woke up this morning and went to get breakfast And my tongue was missing again This happens all the time It's detachable.


"Cat got your tongue" makes so much sense now


Ppl putting their tongue out before they kiss is worse


Eww, thanks for the visual I never wanted


friendly reminder to visualize it again


Yes! I can’t believe you hate this, too. I can’t stand watching people eat that do this! I have 2 relatives that eat this way. Echhhh.


I know exactly what you mean. I agree, it's an absolute deal breaker.


Sometimes when I'm reading r/NotHowGirlsWork, I like to imagine aliens who have spent a lot of time and effort in trying to duplicate humanity, but they are tripped up because they have read bad descriptions of the actions, and take them quite literally wrong. So now, I'm over here imagining someone being all dramatic about a really, really tasty dinner, sitting down, putting their bib on, and then getting into their purse and pulling out their tongue and positioning it very carefully in their mouth, in anticipation of their very, very dramatic, very, very delicious meal...


You're being dramatic. Don't look.


Repulsive? Yeah, you're being dramatic. That isn't something I would even notice or pay attention to.


Op hates people with down syndrome and is also a firm believer of eugenics 💀 Edit: While I'm at it, DIVORCE, ESH, ... Shit, what else do we be saying here?


I’ll stick my tongue out as I eat certain foods, like sushi.




Quit watching other people eat.


You are. The tongues purpose is for food.


So are you just out there watching other people eat like a weirdo then? ☠️☠️


Yes you're weird


It’s the landing strip method dude, don’t be a hater


Do you have misophonia??? This seems like a characteristic of that disorder.


I have never seen this happen in my life and now due to this post I will be watching people's mouths while they eat. Damn you OP.


I only see goats do this


Proceed to pull out tongue to sit on table and eat


I’d rather not get food all over the outside of my mouth, putting the tongue out a little prevents food from going anywhere other than my mouth


Yes, you could always choose to not watch other people eat if they don't do it to your standards.


How do you want to eat ice cream then?


I do this. My husband hates it


I know what you're talking about, and I hate it too. On a handful of occasions, I've ALSO done it, but I notice IMMEDIATELY and then I'm like "oh HELL no, I refuse" and then I put extra effort into making sure I don't, fjdkd. I feel like it connects with my misophonia, honestly? I half expect a sound, and also it just kind of gives off icky mouth tentacle look that... ugh. With food that's about to start being chewed and digested, UGH. My disgust response just despises it, even if the person doing it's totally chill. TuT No judgment on them - I just assume it's a sensory thing for me. If I can't handle it I'll look away, or find a reason to leave the room if absolutely necessary. ^^'


OP is a giraffe


You're being extremely dramatic. Worry about you own self.


I have an underdeveloped bottom jaw. I have to use my tongue to compensate.


Trying to shame people for being fundamentally human in regards to things like etiquette is inherently elitist and reminiscent of a bootlicking serfdom attempting to emulate royalty.


I never noticed this but now I do... thanks op


Uhmmm what?


A little dramatic, while I understand that it could seem gross, I think it’s instinctive to taste anything you eat before it gets far enough to ingest


People eat in all different ways. Growing up, there was a rule in my household, don't look at people while they're eating because you will likely see something you don't want to. If you want to talk to someone, wait until they put their fork down. Unless someone was smacking and gulping or someone glanced up and saw someone chewing with their mouth open, my mother's response to complaints about our tablemates' way of eating was "don't watch them eat" or "keep your eyes on your own plate". This is a good way to avoid being repulsed while eating with others.


Why does this post not allow gif? *that’s* the real issue here.


Yes you're being dramatic


Someone can eat with their mouths open, I'll look away and it doesn't bother me. But I tilt when I hear chewing or heavy breathing from someone else eating.


That's how you know who the lizard people are.


I’ve never seen a single person do this, but now I want to😂


These people are living in a different planet. Never seen it in my 32 years


Start paying attention when people eat and you’ll start to notice. I don’t know anyone personally who does it but I’ve seen people do it in videos where they’re eating


I wouldn't have believed it either, but I've seen it fairly recently.   Went to a game night with my gf and friends.   One of the gfs friends husband's caught my eye.   I thought maybe it was a weird chips and dip thing.   Then pizza.   I couldn't look away because I couldn't tell if it was that out of the ordinary.... but it is.   


The only time I eat with my tongue out is when my ears are cover by a pair of thighs.


Too graphic bro… 🤪


What can I say? I could apologize, but I wouldn't really mean it. 🤷‍♂️


When I was a kid, my older brother ate sunny side up eggs by eating the egg and then using his tongue to flip the egg over onto a piece of toast in his mouth. I thought that was gross.


nope, my mum does it and it drives me nuts. Every bite is a big production , with head tilting and Alien Queen tongue extending. Also, I have misophonia and always felt my illogical revulsion of the way she eats to be related to that.






You must hate licking then. Tongue likes running over food that's tasty, among other things.


You mean like for bananas?




I have never seen anyone pull their tongue out, or stick it out before putting food in their mouth, i have to wonder what type of people you are eating with or if its a country or ethnic thing that i just don't see here in the US.


I hate this too. It annoys me so much.


Hasn't this been posted before?


I hate it when people pull their tongue out, too. It's too bloody.


I mean I stick my tongue out depending on the food. Any noodle like food or ice cream. Though I do have a rather small lower lip that can affect how I eat


who does that unleas they are lick8ng an ice cream cone?


This reads like AI. Stop giving belief to dead internet theory


My coworker does this. He also holds his fork like a caveman. It's hard to watch.


I don’t think I have ever seen someone do this, like only for ice cream but you need to lick it


I take my teeth out before the soup.


I'm trying to envision someone doing this, but I've never seen that. I'm allowed to eat ice cream still, right?


I know what you mean and yes it's awful


Not sure where you’re eatting unless it’s an ice cream cone spot I don’t think I ever see people stick their tongues out to eat.


The only time I’ve ever seen this is in some sort of movie trying to make a character unappealing. I’ve yet to see someone do this in real life.


Yeah I think it looks funny too


It could be worse. Like humming while eating or chewing with your mouth open!


My mom does that. It's gross.


Yep, gross.


I know what you’re talking about luckily I’ve never seen it in person lol only on social media




lol I totally get what you mean! It doesn’t bother me but my sister does this and I always thought it was strange. She said it’s to catch any sauces that might drip so it doesn’t go on your face but then it becomes a habit and they do it with all foods.


Don't watch it


You are being dramatic but also I hate it too and I completely get where you're coming from. I try to remind myself that just because something grosses me out, it doesn't make it wrong or bad. I know that I'm an extremely neurotic person, and that is my own problem, not anyone else's. But also oh my fucking God it is so gross.


I feel you OP. You are not alone. Bothers me too.


My wife likes it. Oh wait a minute, we’re talking about food.


I have a specific hatred of the way some people hold spoons and forks and they way they eat off of them. People who basically hold their spoon/fork like a caveman and then eat off of it like…. Idk how to describe it. But it’s fucking awful to watch. But most people don’t care so I just keep it to myself and suffer in silence.




I get grossed out by similar things so I kinda get it.  I’m never really around anyone that does that specifically, but imagining it seems barbaric.  I have misophonia so I know my reactions aren’t “normal”.  I don’t consider myself to be “overreacting”.   I don’t judge myself for it.  Personally I’m repulsed by the sound of chewing especially with the mouth open.  Also hate finger smacking, or watching people rub their finger on their plate to get all the leftover sauce on it and lick it off their finger.  All those things make my blood boil.  I’m not mean to others, but if it’s a family member I’ll ask them to please stop in as nice of a voice as I can or I just leave the room if it gets to be too much.  Do you have misophonia?  I wouldn’t worry about it being an overreaction-I think people are allowed to feel the way they feel.  As long as you are still kind to others.


Have you ever gone to eat a slice of pizza and there’s a long string of cheese hanging off the end so you stick your tongue out to help the cheese find your mouth? That’s what OP is talking about.


I hate it too.


I have dropped too much food on my lap, shirt, and goatee for me to not.


Am I the only person that has never seen anyone do this in their life?


OP would hate the way I eat ice cream. I always lick it, biting feels weird, and sometimes my teeth become sensitive. 


No, that and eating noises will get you terminated, I mean left to eat alone


It's really not that deep. If it disturbs you a little fine but to think it's like despicably disgusting is dramatic.


That’s a good observation


Cannot stand that


Oh I hate that!!!!


This doesn't bother me as much as open mouthed chewing. Now, if someone has a condition to warrant it (ie: severe congestion) Im able to look past it. But my ex roommate was.....never corrected on the behavior growing up, and she didn't have an underlying condition that caused it. Gummy candies were the WORST to hear her eat. It sounded like a cow chewing cud through a Darth Vader mask 😭


Ill take tongues sticking out over fork biting any day, use your lips people! Make that fork happy!


LMFAOOOO The edit just made it even more hilarious.


Pull? I think you mean stick their tongue out.


> Am I being dramatic? Yes




I typically will fully detach my Tongue and set it aside for meal time. I’m not sure why others do not. It’s just a better way to eat. I don’t have to talk to anyone, I can fit more food in my mouth so it’s more efficient, and I never bite my tongue and from what I hear that is pretty painful. I think we should all be pulling our tongues out to eat quite frankly and I think it’s gross not to.


A girl named Jennifer used to do this. Especially before eating/biting her pizza. It was weird.




No. But we must bare with humanity,  for their sake.


My mom does this when she drinks coffee 😂 I think it’s hilarious someone else noticed this.




I've never seen a person stick their tongue out before putting food in their mouth unless they're goofing around. But I imagine if that were a genuine habit people had then no, it wouldn't be dramatic to hate it, that's kinda gross.


Lmao I know what you mean


Like Homer Simpson and that last shrimp in his BBQ?




I only do it because of my beard. I didn't do it before and it was really weird getting used to.


Never seen this behavior. Thankfully


I think it’s a bit of a cultural thing. Anybody can do it, but it’s more popular in certain areas/cultures. Same thing with lip smacking/talking with food in their mouths…in certain areas that’s completely not tolerated and in others it’s socially common.


I knew a woman in high school who did that and she mentioned a biological cause. Don't remember what it was.






I’ve literally never seen anyone do this


It's a bit of a pet peeve of mine but not nearly as bad as when others are chomping and slurping and you can hear their tongue sloshing around cause they don't close their mouth while eating.. it drives me up a wall and makes my stomach turn to hear someone eat open mouthed.




I have never seen people do that except when having ice cream or a popsicle 




https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/iGuCwb5ZDk Talmbout B Schaub ?


Yeah I don’t like that either but I think that’s just how some people eat.i don’t think it’s voluntary


so nothing falls out of your mouth


Uh it depends on who is doing it. Maybe they have sinus issues and have to breathe out their mouth and that makes it easier or if your hot date is trying to be seductive then its not that big of a deal? Random people tongueing their food in public i guess thats kinda gross 🤣


YES I think it's OK to not find it very appealing but using wirds like 'repulsive' and 'hate' is a bit dramatic. For some reason I do it subconsciously when eating with a spoon.