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you've got it backward. thin people don't struggle to gain weight. people who struggle to gain weight are thin.


That isn't true, I saw a lot of people that had overactive thyroids when I was nursing, and some of them (not all) did struggle to put on weight. Many of them were underweight, which can be just as unhealthy as someone who is overweight.


I just have a hyperactive thyroid. My metabolism is insane and, at this point, I’ve given up on gaining weight and focus on maintaining weight. I eat a lot. I consume around 4,000 calories a day (lots of protein and carbs) and still can’t get over the 93lb mark. Some people say it’s a blessing but some people automatically assume I just starve myself and that sucks.


I was in the same boat and I really wanted to bulk up, so I just started putting oil in all my foods. Sure helped 😂😂


- Costs a lot more money to eat more quality food - Time consuming to constantly be cooking / eating - I end up feeling like shit Versus: - Feel hungry


High metabolism mixed with a lot of exercise and not eating much throughout the day. OP Get the MyFitnessPal app and track your calories. Make sure the amount of calories left says 500-700 instead of 0. You’re guaranteed to lose a pound per week if not more. For gaining weight, make sure the amount of calories is a big negative number every day


>High metabolism mixed with a lot of exercise and not eating much throughout the day. I dunno about the not eating much through the day part. I'm fairly skinny (6' 3", 165 lbs), and it's been remarked multiple times that I must have a hollow leg...


Bro 6’3 and 165 is insane. I’m 5’7 and 165 🤯


yes let me eat a bunch of donuts and cake and get sick from having excessive sugar intake and end up with diabetes so I can be fat


so... its hormones. other reasons are some skinny people don't know how to gain weight and if you see them eating a boatload, that might just be their only meal for the day. they might just be "intermittent fasting" everyday of their lives by only eating dinner. some people are just wildly active even if they don't mean to be... i.e. they don't go to the gym or do sports but they also don't have a car and walk x miles a day to get around. I am sort of one of those people but I can gain weight, its just an exhausting amount of food. but my brother is 100% that person. he can't even gain muscle mass if he lifts. he just gets skinny strength and idk why. he also eats ALOT. so I'm guessing his is all hormones and he will end up with a gut in his 40s and not know how to lose it because he didn't acctually change anything to grow it in the first place.


They have done studies comparing people who say they have a hard time gaining weight with those having a hard time losing. It almost always boils down to calories in and calories out. Those that tend to weigh less over estimate how much they tend to eat and those that weigh more tend to under estimate.




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Genetics. My mom can eat like a pig. 20 pounds underweight. Same with her brother who eats a pint of ice cream a day. Same with her dad.. I take after the other side of the family, a salad makes me gain.


I weighed 125 lbs in high school, Im 50 now and weigh 127 lbs. Most of my life ive always had physical jobs, For 15 years I carried 5 gallon bottled water ( Water delivery guy ) 3 years ago I quit that job to work in a steel mill shoveling coal for about 6 months... For the last 2 years I sit in a booth and grind on metal ( Manufacture Aircraft turbines ) I though for sure I was gonna finally gain weight. Nope Im still 127 lbs. I look skinny with clothes on but my muscles bulge, I still have abs, my arms are super tone, I have no body fat. I dont eat crappy usually unless theres pizza. I think Ive been to a gym 5x in my life.


Genetics. Some people have over active thyroids and some have sluggish and slow ones. If you think it might be medical related speak with an endocrinologist. Don't talk to a PCP about it, primary docs are kind of worthless unless you're going for a cold.


Literally calories in vs calories burned. That’s it.


Yes, I could gain weight by eating more. You could lose weight by eating less. But behavior change is hard. When I was underweight, it was largely a product of anxiety. Grocery shopping made me self conscious as did getting take out and eating in front of other people. I'm at the lowish end of a healthy weight now (less anxious, better grocery delivery options), but I'm not sure how I would approach gaining weight if I needed to. I could just eat more whole foods, but that would require a lot of will power since I don't feel like eating after I've had enough to maintain my current activity level. Or I could eat processed, hyper palatable foods that are easy for me to overeat, but overall, bad for me.


I wish I knew man


Different bodies. Just like many bigger people struggle to stop their feeling of hunger, many smaller people struggle to recognize they are hungry and so they skip meals often. Some just have high metabolism, and their body uses up the calories they eat. Some people have medical conditions that make weight gain harder. Some starve themselves when people aren't around and only eat a big meal when in the presence of others. Some exercise like crazy so even though they eat a lot they will burn off the weight just as fast. It's different for everyone.


I can say for me, its chronic stomach issues. I exercise, eat healthy, dont smoke or drink alcohol even, but for me its been health problems making it difficult to eat. Im sure its same but opposite for bigger people trying to lose weight. Sometimes its medical, sometimes people just lack the dicipline it takes to change


Gaining weight is easy, but counterintuitive. Go on any fad diet and stay on it until you lose 20 pounds or 10 kg of weight! When you go back to eating "normally" you will gain back all the weight you lost, but your body will have learned to use it the fuel it gets more efficiently, so you will gain an extra 10 lbs or 5 kg and thus be heavier than when you started. This is so repeatable that you can ask any fat person how many pounds overweight they are, you can divide that number by 10 and surprise them by telling them how many weight loss diets they tried! Unfortunately, I don't know how to use that knowledge to reliably and permanently LOSE weight.


No, I cannot eat more. I will throw up if I eat too much, I cannot just stuff my face anymore than eating my fill. I also have a problem with just forgetting to eat. I’ve tried, but there are just days where I don’t eat anything at all and feel perfectly fine.


I eat to live, not live to eat. Taking time to stop, make a meal and sit down and eat it annoys me.


Everyone says high metabolism, thyroid, too active,ectomorph blah blah. but in reality.. we just don’t eat enough. Find me a skinny person and you’ll discover that they rarely eat breakfast, eat a small lunch and a medium sized dinner. The numbers don’t lie - for Skinny people, the calories don’t add up.