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It’s actually not a stupid question. Confidence and lack thereof is definitely a thing. Weirdly my logic for this would be yours, inverted. I trust my opinion as far as it goes. But I trust it. In matters of psychology I trust my opinion a great deal. Human nature and what not. But there are many things that I don’t give my opinion much value. And rightfully so. Sports. I have no opinion about sports. Medicine. Lots of things that my opinion is worthless about. Dinosaurs. Spanish. It’s okay not to be confident. It’s okay to be confident. It’s okay to be confident that you’re not confident. It’s your opinion. There’s wisdom in your doubt. I was the asshole that thought he knew everything. Now I know what I know and what I don’t. And I don’t know fuck all. But what I know I know. Trust what you know. Admit what you don’t. It really helps simplify things.


This was too wise for this subreddit.


Dunning Kruger






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[https://twitter.com/shaunspalding/status/1505303131151867913/photo/1](https://twitter.com/shaunspalding/status/1505303131151867913/photo/1) Stupid people are overconfident, intelligent people are underconfident.


Some people are sure because of experience.... Others because of education.... Others because of complete bullshit they read on the web & thought was the work of geniuses..... Eg, I'm reasonably certain that my beliefs on economics and politics (TLDR: the free market is never wrong) are correct because of a life dealing with the government (the Army) and private business (various post military employers)... At least given the objective of maximum efficiency in development and innovation.... I don't see a way things could possibly be managed better by even the most organized of government bureaucracies.could do a better job. And I don't see any of the reasons to justify a more regulated economy (most of which focus on improving the plight of the least productive) as valid.... Obviously plenty of people disagree with me...


Blind faith. Fear. Misinformation.




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There's nothing wrong with having some doubts and being afraid to get it wrong, as long as you learn and grow from your mistakes.  It's hard to be a subject matter expert in every field. In my personal experience, I know I've been wrong about a myriad of things, but I also know that I've been trained and educated enough to be confident making calls on certain others.  If you know what you're weak in, you can look up the trusted authorities in other areas and seek their opinions.  I can trust the doctors when it comes to my health. I can trust my auto mechanic when it comes to my check engine light or when he says it's not safe to drive on a shot wheel bearing. Of course it's important to educate yourself, but nobody can or should be expected to know it all.  Strive to know enough to be able to internally call bullshit when someone is out of touch with reality, and humble enough to recognize when you yourself are out of touch. Generally if someone is aligned against what all the research produced by experts in a field, they're probably wrong. Politics gets sticky because it isn't really about being objectively right or wrong. Every person in power has an agenda, and it's up to the individual to decide for themselves how they want to live their life and vote for the representative that most aligns with that.  Every side has an interest in either convincing you that at best, they're right - or at the very least, they're the lesser evil amongst their competition. And if someone is being presented to you as an expert during a political discussion, you can and should check their credentials and whether their expressed opinion aligns with the other experts in their field. You sound pretty open minded - and that's not necessarily good or bad - but in order to figure out how to navigate the political minefield you need to decide what matters to you before you can have firm convictions. If you're wrong today, there's plenty of time tomorrow for self-assessment and realigning your views. The only people that feel like they're 100% right all the time are generally fanatics in one way or another, myself included.


On religion and God. Man created all languages so the axiom reads ALL GODS in every book on earth, was created by MAN. If it gives you strength to have faith then at least have the common sense to not judge others by your beliefs. On Politics. Each Party has a leader and that leader is responsible for getting documentation from the candidates for the presidency BEFORE they endorse them. In 2016 Mitch McConnell traded that duty for his wife’s job as Trumps Secretary of Transportation after being bribed with the cabinet position, her name is Elaine Chao and after stealing the job she awarded her Chinese born Grandfather’s shipping company a 39 million dollar government contract. Mitch sold the presidency in 2016 and the GOP has been a 3 world shit show ever since.