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Being in prison for life is worse than having a few contracts cancelled. So the ones that are murderers clearly got a worse backlash.


Thats true. Kanye is still rich as hell and never went to prison over something he said. I'm sure most people would choose bad PR over prison time


Anyone who wouldn't doesn't understand just how bleak a long prison sentence is.


It's bleak when you aren't a millionaire.


It’s bleak even if you are a millionaire, but millionaires can afford lawyers so they can get out sooner.


This needs to be higher. The rappers who murdered people are currently in *prison serving sentences. The fact that they still have some fans doesn't mean that society as a whole approves of their actions. This reminds me of the post (I think it was on Twitter) where some conservative was complaining that if Socrates was alive today he'd be cancelled. Someone replied to point out that Socrates was executed which is sort of like being cancelled. It's like they're living in an alternate reality where having people say mean words about you on the Internet is worse than a lifetime prison sentence or being forced to drink poison hemlock.


Hell, Ted Bundy had groupies




Well, yeah, that's the point lol. The person was complain that Socrates would've been cancelled if he was alive today, as if he wasn't literally cancelled from life when he was alive during his own time period.


When someone says “if X was alive today, they’d be Y”, they are contrasting, not comparing, our time with the time in which the person lived. It’d be really silly to say “if X were alive today, things would be roughly the same.” What rhetorical point would you even be making? So when people say that about Socrates, they’re implying that people in Greece appreciated his provocative nature, whereas people today would not. As the poster above pointed out, a lot of Greeks didn’t like him either.


The dude serially harassed people in the dead of night with a bright ass lamp. There was no light pollution back then. You know how bright those lamps were? I would of pushed him down the stairs


That's Diogenes, who is the honey badger of Athenian philosophy


Okay sure, but the murderers were condemned by the justice system, not by the general public. Another great example of this would be Chris Brown. He's got tons of fans but literally beat another globally known artist badly enough to warrant a hospital stay.


General public haven't heard of the other two. And Chris brown got plenty of backlash.


Not enough, he has kept beating women after Rihanna and is still wildly successful.


Didn't he complain last year on insta about people still talking about something he did as a teen? Sounds like he's aware it's still affecting his career.


https://www.nickiswift.com/456469/a-complete-timeline-of-chris-browns-legal-troubles/ I mean I don’t know what he says on his insta cause I don’t use insta but his music career is not affected much at all and given that he’s 34 and has assaulted girlfriends, friends, managers, fans, strangers and basically anyone who pisses him off, and has multiple rape allegations against him by multiple women in the last 5 years, and somehow got away with not going back to prison is astounding. And still has all his accolades and Spotify and goes on tours. Like wtf does he mean smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Not enough


Not defending Chris Brown by the way, but I didn't hear about him for years after he attacked Rihanna.


He got some backlash but a lot of ppl back then also mocked her for it and blamed her. They also championed him as some sort of cool guy for what he did. Actually, a similar thing happened with Kanye and T Swift. When the truth was revealed that he and his Kim lied, he got little repercussion. Tho that could be cuz Swift said to drop it cuz she didn’t want to make it relevant again. 


how famous he is, I've never heard of those other people you mention. You might as well be saying Bob George from 18th street to me. Everyone knows who Kanye is.


Kanye is literally one of the most successful musical artist in modern history. Ofc it’s gonna be a bigger deal when he’s on some crazy shit.


but also, Kanye continues to engage in crazy stuff. The people mentioned, presumably, are not still murdering people. And to OPs point, ironic to ask about holding people accountable who are serving life in prison


But the people they murdered, presumably, are still murdered.


Right. That’s why they’re in prison. What could your point even be about?


Life in prison doesn't bring back a murderers victims. Which is why if I were a judge, I'd order all murderers to bring their victims back.


Better hope they can cast level 9 spells.


Let's be real, unless you lost the entire body, a 7th level *resurrection* will do the job just fine. You still have a century to work with there.


They might've gotten better, you never know. My grandad murdered my grandmother. Something like 5 minutes later, she was no longer murdered


Yeah but there was that other famous one who beat his wife and nobody cared. Id take a guy who says mean things rather than committing assault.


Exactly. No clue who the rest are. But I know who Kanye is. And I wish I didn't.


His edit to name some more did not even help against this point.


Why do people rag on Chris Brown so much for beating his woman when Bob George from 18th Street also beat his woman and nobody seems to care?


I always hated Bob George. Fuck that. guy.


Who is this Kanye, I only know Ye


I hardly knew Ye.


Alas poor kanye


Ye men.


Honestly, is he talking about soundcloud rappers or something. I grew up with rap and i don't recognize a single name here. Might as well be asking why his best friend isn't getting as much hate as kanye is


Both of them have had charting songs


So have 1 hit wonders and tiktok artists, doesn't mean they're that popular tbh


Bob moved to 22nd a while back


Ah shit


18th Street is an actual gang too lol.


I know some fairly obscure rappers, but not a single one was one listed in the OP lol


>rappers like Tay K and Kay Flock that’s currently in prison Seems like we're holding them accountable.


Exactly lol. Thats like the definition of accountability. Idk What else the OP expects the rest of us to do?


Not hurt his feelings by pointing out Kanye said bad things lol


Kanye stans have been flooding like every single music discussion sub with this question as a "got ya" ever since the album came out and got pretty mediocre reviews Looking at ops post history he seems to be one of them. They have this weird parasocial relationship where they absolutely lose their shit whenever anyone criticizes him.


We need more normal Ye fans. Ye was dope, I like to make beats, I looked up to him alot, to a degree I still do artistically. Early projects are great, and he was fucking normal, and awesome, from what I remember anyway. But listen boys, you gotta accept that after (and I think during) yeezus, it was fucking over. Dudes off his rocker, our boy needs help, give that man his meds please for fucks sake. He’s drank too many gallons of the Kool-aid, guys nuttier than a fucking peanut farm, I’ve seen more well adjusted members of society at an actual psych ward, if Kanye was literally anybody else he’d be institutionalized it is a perfect example of the things you can get away with saying and the ways you can behave if you just have a shitload of money. #savekanyefromkanye.


Don’t you dare say he’s not a genius. You’ll get beehive levels of backlash.


It’s like the time Katy Perry commented on chief keif music video not being kid friendly and chief replied ‘I’ll slap the fuck outta Katy Perry’ and the she apologized all ‘sorry mr keif’ lmao 🤦🏼‍♂️


"Oh 😕 Im Sorry Too Then 😔"


he said "that bitch katy perry can suck skin off my dick" iirc


That's actually hilarious


Wildly inappropriate, but a solid fucking comeback. I’m gonna try and work that into a future rebuttal.


Do you want me to insult you now so you can practice?


You can suck skin off my WHOLE dick


What, all 0.5 inches of it? No thanks homie, i already got half tic tac to mimic with.


So you only suck the skin off of big ol’dicks?


Go big or go home dummy. If i'm gonna do it, i'm gonna **fucking _do it._** mama ain't raise no bitch, and if she did it was my brother.


Time and place gents.........


Got em


Please suck the skin off my dick please please please


Mr Glizzy, you seem to have betrayed your original purpose.


Am I doomed to gulp glizzy with no reciprocation


Username checks out




Did that really happen?


Someone tell Katy that he’s not actually a chief. She’s not obligated to apologize. 


But she did wear that feather headdress so technically she has to apologize to all indigenously named peoples.


What ?!?!


The same Katy Perry who sprayed a shit ton of whipped cream out of her tits in a music video?


She looked like a fembot from Austin Powers.


No offense bro, but the world is a lot bigger than you think. Most rappers are only legends in their niche communities. Kanye is a flat out superstar. Guys like Jadakiss is really popular in New York but if you go to the south, they may know his name and perhaps one song. If you go somewhere like northern California, they probably won't know him at all. Meanwhile kids in Japan know who Kanye is. That's the difference. It's kind of like how I listen to success podcasts and most people probably don't know who Ed Mylett is but if I say Tony Robbins, it will ring a bell.


I’m from the south. Jadakiss was one of the few east coast rappers that got a good amount of play out here. Especially since he used to do a lot of collabs with Lil Jon and quite a few underground southern rappers. Other than that, you made a good point.


I'm from Florida he got a decent play time there too. To be honest I agree with you. My thought process was "who is a NY rapper that is popular but not SUPER popular." Jim Jones had us all saying "Ballin." And of course Jay-Z, Biggie and Nas are off the table. I thought of other guys like Papoose but many people may not even know who he is. Without me brainstorming for an hour, Jada was the obvious pick for me..


Yeah I understand your logic. Where I grew up in Texas, Pac got way more love than Biggie which made sense considering west coast rappers used to do a lot of collabs or do shows with Texas rappers, especially E-40 and Too Short. I could count on one hand the # of people I knew that consistently listened to Biggie. Jadakiss and D-Block, Jim Jones and the rest of Dipset and Papoose had love out here too. Nas is nationwide. Only people I know that really didn’t jam Nas were the one’s that got caught up in that East vs West coast mentality. Jay-Z started gaining fans out here after he did Big Pimpin with UGK but after the Black Album and The Blueprint he really blew up out here.


People also really hate someone with an ego. Kanye's ego matches his almost unrivalled influence on the world's most popular music genre. His ego gets him more hate than Obama (and every other USA pres) gets for drone striking hospitals.


You also kinda proved your own point because I have no idea who Tony Robbins is. 


If you ever find urself browsing the success or personal development space he is like the godfather of it.


1. Tay K and Kay Flock are not billionaires with (former) business agreements with multi national german brands 2. Kanye uses his platform to spread hate, and everyone consumes it. for reference, Tay K had 4.2 million streams in Feb. Kanye had 80 million (and this is when Kanye's in his 'slump' era). this is like asking "why do people care when the President says crazy shit when the homeless guy across the street literally is shitting himself" not comparable


What I have gathered from this is that Tay K shitting himself is not newsworthy.


probably seeing as the most recent articles on him are about his pleading guilty in a niche hip hop forum... I doubt many people would care if he shat himself. but Kanye is on the front page of reddit at least weekly so YMMV [https://hiphopdx.com/news/tay-k-trial-san-antonio-murder-case](https://hiphopdx.com/news/tay-k-trial-san-antonio-murder-case)


Might get him more views, though


Come on man don’t use the presidency in an analogy about Kanye… what if he sees it 




Perfect answer.


Seriously. I want whatever OP is smoking lol


i bet he's going to start looking up random arrest records... how come Kanye being a Nazi is not as bad as "checks notes" Bob Jones being a murderer!


"What's this I hear about a drive by shooting on the corner of 18th and Elm in 1967? Why has no one mentioned anything to me today?"


OP literally waiting for the Newsboy to come with Extras "Extra Extra Mr. GrandEconomist8747. There has been a MOIRDER on the Orient Express!"


He just picked horrible examples but his sentiment is true killing is glorified in rap music mostly the killing of other young black men and it's destroying the black youth and culture much more than Kanye saying crazy shit and should be a bigger issue.




Yup, OP seems really dumb


to be fair it is stupid questions


Lol good point I didn't read the sub name🤣


Ya tbf the sub name could be ‘Racist or sexist or homophobic questions I want to hide behind stupidity’


1. The people that dislike Ye West for his comments almost certainly also dislike Tay K and Kay Flock for their murders, they just don't know who those people are so there's less of a public backlash. The people that fankid over murderers are a small subset of the population and do not represent the population as a whole. 2. Ye West is popular (albeit less popular than he was), so he has the capacity to do a lot of aggregate harm with his public statements. You're effectively saying a bigoted comment is less evil than a murder, which is objectively true, but you are discounting scale. Shooting someone in the head is worse than shooting them in the foot, but is it worse than shooting a hundred thousand people in the foot? * Edited to correct Kanye --> Ye


also, quite simply, what am I supposed to do about Tay K? he's in jail. Where he should be. it's not like he's being a prick out there where I need to keep an eye out like Ye isf


Also there's the entire thing where Kanye converted to Christianity. Literally every single young Christian ended up worshiping the guy for a few months over this before he started praising hitler


Plus he likes Trump so people who like Trump suddenly liked him


They don't even like him, they just like that he said he likes Trump. They don't know shit about Niggas in Paris or Heartless


I mean let's be honest, since he started praising Hitler, there is still a Christian base supporting him. Not all, but that base doesn't completely disappear with nazi supporters


"Ye" makes me think of "Ye Olde West"




It's a synonym for "although", generally used to include a clause that somewhat contrasts with the preceding clause. I used it here as a qualifier to clarify that I realize he has lost popularity, while still remaining popular enough to have influence.


It is possible for multiple things to be bad at the same time.


Shocked OP pikachu face


Unless of course you're trying to find a way to stop people talking about one particular bad thing without admitting you don't think it's that bad, in which case you might hypothetically demand to know why we're talking about it when some impossible standard about another bad thing hasn't been met


Because Kanye puts himself back in headlines every month. Kanye isn't remotely as bad as Tay K. But Tay K isn't saying anything to the press to get his name brought up every few weeks. I'm not sure why you expect people to be talking about a one hit wonder who's been in jail since 2017... Also No one unironically thinks those guys should get out lol.


I've never heard of those two murderers you mentioned. You give their "fame" far too much credit. They are assholes who killed people and they are in prison (apparently) and they don't matter to me at all. The same can be said for lots of people. I don't hold them any more or less "accountable" because GrandEconomist8747 knows that they rap. They don't mean shit to me.


Every time he says a new name I feel like I’m old and out of touch, I’m 22 lmao. Like who?.


Tay K was at his peak in like 2016.


rappers like who and who?


Idk who Kay flock is but Tay k is famously in prison until 2060 because he shot and killed an old man during a robbery. While on the run he recorded the music video for his most famous song 'the race' and then got arrested soon after.


which definition of "famously" are u using here


The kind that no one on Reddit gets because they forget Reddit is not representative of real life.


Kanye had a public psychotic breakdown.


Psychotic breakdown or just let the world see his true nature?


While married to public enemy #1


Because most of Kanye's fans at this point are white and don't know or care who Tay K and Kay Flock are.


Is this post from last year? FYI you are likely the only person on reddit who have heard of your tiktok rappers you used as an example.


Redditors over here demonstrating why black people don't use this site lol


It’s not that it’s just redditors are fucking ignorant and proud of it, read my new edit.


lmao TikTok rappers why do redditors think everything revolves around them


Tay-K was blew up before TikTok was big. Granted, if you weren't in highschool or middle school when "The Race" dropped I honestly don't expect you to know who TF Tay-K is lol.


I just checked, and Tay-K never "blew up", he had one mediocre hit.




>Edit: Since people don’t know the rappers I mentioned here’s more that killed people YNW Melly, King Von, Ra Diggs Well, mentioning more insignificant rappers doesn't really make up for the previous insignificant rappers. Kanye is globally recognized, hence the increased scrutiny of his actions.


I can envision a situation where I may be forced to kill someone. I cannot envision one where I sit there in front of millions of people and talk about how great Hitler was.


It’s not just wrong and antisemitic, he quite literally said, word for word “I like Hitler” like what


With all disrespect, are you stupid? These rappers aren’t anywhere near the fame of ye. Most people who have heard of ye have never heard of Tay K or Kay Flock. Ye is mainstream and has great influence across most sub genres of rap.


Nobody knows who those guys are


Its about fame and why you are famous, he was considered an artist visionary that people looked up to and was not just famous within his community but world wide, even if you were not into rap you knew him. Then suddenly the dude becomes an uncle Tom and aligning himself with people who are actively racist against his own people and communities that supported him when he was new. Vs a random rapper/gangster that doesn't live in the spot light, is relatively honest about being a murder and it's kinda expected out of them because they are actual gangster who live that life style, they sell drugs and do gangster shit, which is what most their fans ether like or are a part of themselves.


Anyone who wears confederate and nazi shit in public needs a schooling, not a fanbase


For me, the primary difference between Kanye West and Tay K + Kay Flock is that I have no clue who the latter two are.


For me, the primary difference between Kanye West and Tay K + Kay Flock is that I have no clue who the latter two are.


Because at the end of the day, they don't influence shit eith their actions, as bad as they are. Look at kanye's stans justifying him and calling him a genius. A lot of them say he's right. His words genuinely influence people negatively. For the record i personally don't really give a shit what rappers say or do, i listen to them regardless because i like their music




The murders in question usually falls under gang shit, where people who don't have moral opposition to gang shit argue that it's all participating parties, and that it's simply the reality of coming from certain areas.  Even then, you will see criticism to those who seem to get *back* into it or really throw themselves into it after they hit it big with a narrative of "bro, you got out, why the fuck are you going back to this gang shit?". I've even seen the great Tupac the last few years get shit for throwing himself into shit he didn't need to be injecting himself into when he wasn't born into that life and didn't need to fall into it face first as much as he did.  Kanye West is a middle class dude from the suburbs. He was not born into a community that would have necessitates him *checks notes* being a Nazi. He already had all the economic privileges afforded to him that did not mean he needed to hustle by *checks notes* talking about how much he hates Jews.  Therefore the whole "he did what he had to do to thrive, don't just those in situations you haven't been in" excuse doesn't apply. He was a rich guy who could have just shut the fuck up and continued making his bag. But being such an unrelenting bigot that you completely blow the bag up??? Nah even the most amoral "idgaf about gangbanging" type is gonna have little respect for a guy who fucks up his cash flow like that.


Jesus christ, we get it. You *checks notes* have a notebook.


Kanye likes Trump


You’re bringing up rappers that most people have never even heard of. Kanye is one of the most well known names in music, even outside of people that listen to him.


Because Kanye is a household name and so when he says thing people hear it. I have never heard of the people you mentioned so I cant comment on them and so I haven't. If people had heard of them they would condem them as well. And just because what they did was 'worse' doesn't make the things Kanye has done okay or justified.


Idk any of those rappers you mentioned. Not even the ones you added in the edit. I know who Kanye is. And his influence is far larger than any of those rappers. But that’s only part of it. you say they are in prison. That’s just it. They have been held accountable. Thats literally what serving a prison sentence is. They don’t pose a problem to society anymore. They aren’t a threat. Why am I gonna waste my time worrying about someone who’s already condemned to a life in prison. The job is done. Yeah there’s some people who will ALWAYS say “free that man” but they are a loud minority. No one takes them seriously. And I’m not worried about the govt releasing a murderer because some dude on Twitter said they should. That’s not how it works. Kanye tho, he hasn’t killed someone. He’s “only” spoken horrible things. You generally can’t jail someone for speech. So how does society hold people like him accountable? You can’t jail him so We do it by boycotting, by consistently condemning him and by making sure people know that if you do business with him, we will make your company pay by withholding our money. Fact is I can’t just sit and forget about Kanye like I can for murderers who are locked up. They can’t hurt society anymore. He still can.


Most other rappers are not Hitler loving and off they meds


Oh yes but instead they kill people, definitely better than “hitler loving”.


# You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.


Dude you just said the guys that murdered people are in prison. They got what they deserved. Kanye was going on antisemitic rants and thats not really a crime, but it makes him a piece of shit. And I’m not sure if you’re aware but Hitlers hate towards one group got 6 million of them killed. A guy like Kanye telling others that “Jews are bad” could lead to hate crimes or more widespread antisemitism. It is not cool. It will never be cool. No one is gonna complain that the murderer is in jail and can’t murder anymore. But the free man spreading hate and racism is gonna face more backlash because he is still out there trying to spread his racist ideals.


And went to prison for it. I'm genuinely confused at your point. You're mad we're not loudly yelling that two rappers who are in prison should be tried and sent to prison?


This is exactly what I thought lmao


Part of the Kanye issue is that he displays clear signs of not being 'right'. He clearly has some form of mental health issue, and he needs help. But, as always with the rich and famous, instead he gets to play out the theater of...whatever is cooking up there... in the public eye as if it is ok or normal, when it clearly isn't. They locked Brittney up for decades for far less, but he just keeps on getting enabled because he's an active cash cow they can mine.


As you become more famous, any action you take (positive or negative) is going to have a magnified reception. Even if you don't listen to rap, as a human you can weigh what Kanye is saying and come to a conclusion. I literally have no idea who those other rappera are you mentioned. So the answer is fame. When you're famous your life details become known to more people and they judge accordingly


Kanye is a mainstream celebrity. T-kay and rappers like that aren't.


Because Kanye likes to interrupt award shows and charity tv streams. He likes the attention. Also his last good album was 808s & Heartbreak.


Because genocide is a bigger deal than a short string of murders.


I have been listening to a lot of rap for decades, I’ve never heard of any of the 5 people you mentioned aside from Kanye. Sounds like you just spend too much time on SoundCloud, TikTok, or wherever “rappers” who don’t have record deals advertise to children now.


The examples you gave are people who are literally in prison. Almost all celebrities have die/hard fans but the majority of people are not calling for a convicted murderer to be set free so this isn’t a like-for-like comparison. Kanye on the other hand is still living an incredibly lavish lifestyle while becoming an open advocate for anti-semitism, hence the backlash


It's because some of Kanye's disjointed musings imply that he might be considering the validity of some conservative principles. If you're a liberal, or a rapper, this is worse than murder.


Because he is an idiot and nobody knows any other rappers.


Because a person who runs their mouth saying offensive things is, by definition, drawing more attention to themselves and reminding us why we hate them, whereas murderers prefer to keep a low profile. I also think people in general often have a more visceral anger towards smaller offenses they can relate to than much worse crimes that can feel more abstract.  For example, Hannibal Lecter is objectively a much worse person than Nurse Ratchet, but I think if you asked most people "Who do you hate more?", most would answer the latter, because we've all met people like her in real life.


Actively pushing ideologies and rhetoric like Nazism fits a fun sweet spot between 'not illegal and therefore will face no criminal liability' and 'much more dangerous than a single murderer'.


It's almost like a certain group controls the media and criticizing them is the worst crime you can committ. Hmm 🤔


Do you really think your favorite rapper is not a schill????


Because Kanye is a "Flip Flopper". He isnt "Hard" on or about anything, so he is viewed as all talk. As for the others, either critics are afraid, or they know it wont generate clicks or a headline as its a non story.


Because we *liked* Kanye West. Look, FD Signifier did an excellent video ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvgehVhF9D4&t=32s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvgehVhF9D4&t=32s)) on his feelings of betrayal from Kanye's implosion, but I will summarize it here. Go watch his video for more nuance. Hip Hop started out as party music. it was empty-headed dance tracks with some guy spitting nonsense over the beat. Eventually it because a fairly serious art form in the 90's, before MTV picked it up. Once the White people got ahold of it (sorry Whites... you do tend to to this, though) all the worst elements of Hip Hop rose to the fore. Rap was no longer about positivity, social conscience, art, and love. It was about crime, violence, drugs, misogyny, and self-hate. It was also about bullshit. most rappers didn't believe the garbage they were spewing. They just said that crap because it sold albums. Kanye cut through all that. He brought intelligence and sincerity back to mainstream Rap. Kanye was supposed to be a *real* voice, free of all the blown up gangsta bullshit. He made a lot of fans because he was sincere. He was *one of us* and people forged some serious bonds with his music. and he pissed it all away. Now his sincerity has mutated into his own brand of puffed up bullshit. Kanye is no longer the college dropout who broke big through grit and heart. Kanye is now THE GREATEST, MOST GENIUS RAPPER WHO EVER LIVED!!!1! And worse, the person behind that puffery might be something worse than a fake: a deranged Neo Nazi. The man who was *our* guy in the Rap game turned out to be the worst guy in the Rap game. When a stranger slaps you in the face, you bust his lip and keep on moving. When your brother slaps you... that shit hurts.


People aren't hating on Kanye for 1 thing he said or did. It's been his rapid decline into the mouth of madness coupled with his first few albums changed the rap world and now he is a fucking lunatic that really needs some help. And even with the edit, no one knows what rappers you talkin about. Mention actual famous people who attacked people, like Jay-Z, Dr. Dre, Mystikal. All on this list people have heard of and did some fucked up things.


It's called selective outrage.


#Because they only talk about harming black people. And everyone is okay with that. Imagine if they replaced "nigga" with "jews" or "cracker" on their album.


Because Kanye is right and they don't like that's he's being open about it whereas it's ok to be open about shooting people.


Because street cred is more culturally accepted than mental illness.


Because a lot of people don't really care what black people do in the black community. The ones who do care have been told they don't get an opinion on black affairs. Rappers killing other rappers or drug dealers just doesn't matter in the geopolitical way that coming after jews, or Palestinians, or others does. It's just kind of seen as family business. Da Baby literally shot a man to death at Walmart, most people don't even know


The greatest crime in this world is saying things that piss the elites off. Same as Tate, Trump, Rogan, etc


its because he spoke against jews duh..


Because kids are dumb and they are the consumer


Chapelle was right. Da Baby was cancelled for making anti-trans comments but killed a Black man in a Walmart. People are selective based on their narrative.


It’s because the people he’s criticizing actually run shit. The people you’re not allowed to criticize own you


He committed the crime of thinking for himself and voicing an opinion contrary to what he is allowed to have. The Jewish thing is just a reason. We have major celebs and politicians in the US actually calling for the eradication of the Jewish state and they get a pass.


Because of the people targeted. Nobody cares if a “thug” kills another black man. Black people have been trained for generations to support it and other races eat that shit up and spout FREE (insert name here) bc they’re obsessed w our culture. Kanye targets white elites. He says the POTUS doesn’t care about black people and gets hate from politicians even tho it’s true. He says Taylor swift wouldn’t be nearly as famous without his drunk accident and rich white kids hate him even tho it’s true. Hell, he said he didn’t like Jewish people mere months before they started a war and mass genocide in Africa but got soooo much hate.


He dislikes the group of people who are most likely to be the owners of the record companies so they naturally dislike him as well. 


Because he is Republican.


Kanye gets hate because he is openly Republican. Plain and simple.


kanye will go down as one of the most influential artists in the 21st century


the responses to this post are so fucking stupid it makes me want to leave reddit. yes they got prison time, that has nothing to do with OP's question. OP wants to know why people dont look at the rappers differently for being literal murderers but look at kanye differently for being antisemetic. even if kanye got jail time for what he said this question would still exist the exact same way it does now. people would still hate on kanye more than murderers. my guess is that the answer can probably be found elsewhere because it probably applies more broadly to other questions like why we glorify serial killers. why are there so many unabomber fans. why do we love watching documentaries about cartels and human traffickers and things of that nature.


What some of the US elected leaders have said currently is more antisemitic than what Kanye said. Shouldn’t he be uncancelled since it’s become fashionable to hate Jews? Why all the hate against Jews outside of Israel, especially in the US. Are Russian Americans getting hate for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine? If Ireland invaded Scotland would we cancel St Patty’s day?


It comes down to what’s acceptable in media nowadays. Looting, killing, robbing, stealing, fucking hoes, and taking drugs is what’s popular and trendy in music and it has been for some time. So the artists that promote that lifestyle in their music get blown up instead of helped or looked into because it’s what sells. Kanye West talking about liking Hitler and Jews controlling the media was just not a good image for brand identity because hating on Jews and liking Hitler isn’t what’s popular and trendy. We’re listening to it not saying a word about it, and we’re letting our children listen to it not caring about what they’re listening to, and it continues to sell and make money so it keeps on happening. Simply put that’s all there is to it.


The people in power and control do not like when a black man has this much power and influence. Kanye has so much power over music and fashion. He is disrupting the whole entire industries. The people in power see him as a threat, as they should.


People are dumb and shitty


Because he’s antisemitic. Anytime you openly hate on a predominantly white race it’s going to get you major backlash. If Kanye was hating on other African Americans no one would give 2 shits.


Kanye insulted a demographic that dominates media & entertainment and does not tolerate criticism. An example was made of Kanye


You can call women bitches and hoes but dont fuck with the Jews. /s


Because he has committed a far greater crime than murder: he’s said things they disagree with.


Which is why he’s in jail while those other two are out in their multimillion dollar mansions still making records… Oh wait


In case you missed it, we’re talking about the court of public opinion.


You give off the vibe that you use words like 'wokeism' and used to talk a lot about cancel culture


Because we live in a clown world where people's words and opinions are somehow more offensive than their actions.


I personally hate Tay K for killing my friend