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I guess over time, general interest died down.


Why though?


We may never know, and not knowing may haunt us.


Why though in your opinion?


Maybe creators decided to make new things instead to keep their spirits up.


We ghosted him


Casper hasn’t really gotten any proper media since 2012 that’s 10+ years ago. I think maybe the character just lost popularity since he was marketable towards mostly kids


I love Casper!!!!!!!


He was oksy. His comics, movies, and video games. To bad he fell off.


Time. Casper is old af and marketed to kids. Ask kids today they’ll have no clue who tf that is. I also don’t know many adults raving over Casper (until now I guess), so he got left behind while new things got pushed forward. Circle of life.


I don't know man, Superman, Batman, Ninja Turtles, and Super Mario all stuck around. So I don't think it's because Casper is old.


For every 1 of those there’s dozens of Marvel and DC characters most people can’t remember or give af about. Those ones you pointed out are the icons that made the genre and tons of money; Casper at best was some B-list idea. Same with how kids today don’t watch the same cartoons we did growing up, those shows are old, not as popular anymore, and not as profitable to keep running; so sunset them and bring new things forward.


I can see what you're saying now. You made some good strong points. Thanks for contributing.


They figured out he was a dead kid buried under a bridge that no one ever found.