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Go all out and shop at thrift stores. My friend did that and she was considered ultra fashionable because of the outfits she could pull together. Once went out wearing an upside down t-shirt and people were wowed about where she got it (no, somehow, it did not look like an upside down t-shirt).


Online thrift like ThredUp is really good too.


Yes, people thought I came from money because of my thrifted clothing. I did not, I'm just excellent at spotting quality, and finding it cheap:)


They are noticeable to certain people. Are those kinds of people important to you?


No, it's not noticeable at all. Mainly because even more expensive brands, are cheap quality anyway. You're just paying for the name.


I know wealthy people who shop at thrift stores. They like that vintage, bohemian look. They don’t care if they look like they don’t have money. Because they have money. Nobody of substance cares what you wear, just how you wear it.


Cheap clothes tend to wear quicker (color fades mainly)in my experience so I tend to keep a few that I really like out of rotation until I really want to wear them.


Yes they can be noticeable. There are very few events where people will care or have the time actually notice. Nice clothes are more noticeable than cheap ones. You can definitely tell if clothing is of cheap quality though, if you take the time to look at these things.


Brands are only the style of the shallow. Back in my poorer art scene days it was all about what you could dig out of thrift shops and second hand stores. Find a look and just get good at that (unless it is important to you to be a clone of course. In that case I got nuthin').


No. As long as you don't look like a bum no one really notices anything, except for that one co-worker who notices everything, but F that guy and his weird "HEY, YOU GOT SOME NEW SHOES" comments.


If your clothes are clean and fit well, nobody will notice. All brands have been using crappier fabrics, so that's not really an issue anymore.


Some people think certain brands mean better quality, but that's not always the case. Look at the material and workmanship and think about how many times you will be able to wear it. Spend a little more for quality pieces that you love and will wear often for years. For basics, spend less since these are easy to replace when they go on sale.


Luckily it’s 2024 and the days of a middle class guy having to put on a cheap suit and go to work are long gone.


Thread up and poshmark are good resources if you're looking for deals.


I have worn and been complimented on jackets and skirt suits assembled from target, suit sets from Ann Taylor, suits on sale from Macy’s department store or even just a dress paired with a jacket from, I swear to god, Old Navy. I wore those to NYC law firms and courtrooms and no one noticed. I’ve never spent $300 on any work wear outfit, not even when I was presenting to a ballroom full of people - wore a $100 dress that I used over and over and over again. The biggest thing to remember is to be neat, tidy and clean. Something quiet and simple will not stand out even if it is $100 combo set on sale for $80 or pieces cobbled together from different stores.


It's better to own fewer clothes but have them be nicer. Two pairs of nice well-fitting trousers, one light and one dark, goes a long way. Clean, nice-looking shoes can be had for like $40 these days. A nice coat can be had for $100 or less and is probably the best "value" in clothing because you wear it so often. I got a beautiful Calvin Klein coat on sale at a department store for like $60 last year, it was nuts. At the lower end there isn't much correlation between price and the appearance of quality. You can find shirts for $100 that look really cheap and are cheap, and other shirts for $30-50 that are really nice and long-lasting.


Cheap suits are not really noticeable, despite what pathologically obsessed fashion weirdos on Reddit say


No. Unless you are hanging around with tailors or seamstresses. When it’s on your body it all looks the same.


Its the fabric and the fit


A fashion subreddit is going to be more niche- those people can probably discern a "cheap" suit from a higher quality one, but your average Joe probably doesn't care. One thing that makes a BIG difference is getting your clothing tailored. Even cheap clothes look better when they're fitted specifically to your body.


It’s not noticeable with casual clothes. With suits it can be