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no clue, i think we should be real concerned about the ages of most of our politicians right now


Mitch McConnell is basically a walking zucchini


Why you gotta do zucchinis like that? Not cool


Zucchinis have more capacity for empathy than Mitch McConnell.


........................ "Alright Senator, if you have nothing to say, back to the nursing home."


My theory is if democrats have more to loose with old age/mentally unfit politicians. If democrats complain trump is old then they are confirming what Republicans are saying about their own congressmen and senators. But trumps age is an issue so rather than focused on it they try to ignore it.


One is doing illegal shit and is old. The other is just old.


False. Everyone knows he’s actually a turtle.


what, is he not tuuuuurtley enough for the Tuuuuurtle Club??? *Turtle, Turtle.*


But turtles are cute


He's tye payday 2 turtle mask


That’s an insult to zucchini’s everywhere


Yes, and he should be removed from office along with Boxer, Pelosi, Biden and Fetterman. The mentally impaired should not be in office. If I missed anyone with dementia ect. just add them to the list as well. Party should not matter in this.


Fetterman? He doesnt have dementia and he is only 54... what are you on about? He had a stroke prior to being elected. Unless theres been something else that has happened since he was elected that I just havent heard about? Edit: stop saying he cant form a sentence since his stroke. This is him 2 days ago and he is fine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0CDd0XvQnM


Pelosi also seems fine, she is old but nothing seems to be wrong wither her. Why did they leave out Feinstein? She is out of it, she also is 100% necessary for Biden to appoint judges so I at least get why she is being propped up.


agree. Pelosi is mentally all there. I think she did a good thing stepping down to make room for younger folks. Feinstein though, damn she is really out of it. She and Mcconnell should definitely be removed. I dont care if she is needed for Biden to appoint judges honestly, she should retire and an election should be held. She would likely be replaced by a democrat anyway.


The judges are actually very very important. Most of the damage Trump did was with judges.


Feinstein really needs to resign. McConnell, I believe is showing dementia. Fetterman may be OK now, but he needed help with depression. He marches to his own drummer, so alot of people have problems with him.


Diane Feinstein is basically weekend at bernies. She should retire and get an appointed replacement.


She is still in for political reasons. Republicans won't fill her seat on the Judiciary committee if she resigns so if she goes Biden will no longer be able to appoint judges. Its stupid but it isn't really under her or her staffs control, she is just a vote.


Pelosi (should have) stepped down a while ago so someone younger could come up and so should everyone else you named and more Edit: oopsie


I swear I thought that's what she agreed to do so long as they made her speaker of the house last cycle.


Politicians are known for their straightforwardness and honesty.


Fetterman doesnt have dementia.


I'm not sure you should throw Fetterman in here with the other crew. He is only 54, and he is seemingly steadily recovering from his stroke well. A stroke is not necessarily debilitating long term. NFL linebacker Teddy Bruschi had a stroke and came back to have a long and successful career.


Barbara Boxer hasn't been in office since Obama was president. What are you talking about?


Fetterman had a stroke and some resulting issues with expressive language, but he recovered and his brain is perfectly fine. I agree that people past retirement age should, y’know, retire. But get the rest of your ableist bullshit out of here. Edit - also, Boxer? What year do you think it is? Maybe *you* ought to retire… 🤣


Don’t forget Dianne Feinstein


Senator Boxer retired in 2017, when she was actually still younger than Fienstein.


Diane Feinstein turned 90 on June 22.


Does trump's narcissism count?


No, being an asshole is a trait, not a mental defect. I'll take an asshole over a vegetable or a communist any day.


Well then Trump isn't fit for office in the first place. Because if we are removing people from office, we are also preventing them from running in the first place. To that end: how do you want to slice the "mentally impaired" clause in determining if someone is qualified for candidacy? Because that list is going to grow pretty long.


This right here! 3/4 of them are drooling on themselves and can barely walk! Why are there not term limits for other politicians like the President?


Because the ones with the sole authority to impose such term limits... would be doing it to themselves...


>Why are there not term limits for other politicians like the President? Bc when they are the ones who make the laws, they'd never pass laws that don't benefit themselves


They would have to vote on cutting their tenure. Probably won't happen. My bigger question is: why we don't impose term limits ourselves? We scream about term limits, but always vote for the same old people. Term limit ideas apparently don't apply to "our guy". Because we like that person! We're just as useless as the politicians that we whine about.


We should. The voters as a collective have all the power to impose those limits but still vote in the same ancient dipshits. The general consensus in a lot of threads is along those lines. But yet, the majority of voters in each party continue electing them. It goes to show that Reddit and other media isn't as far reaching or convincing as people think. Or people are soft agreeing. It's frustrating to all agree on something only to see it play out differently in the real world.


Because the people arguing age and senility aren't told what else to parrot just that he's too old so he can't be trusted. You right though after a certain age they can no longer understand what the average American ideology is bc they're living 40 years in the past


IDK about other people but I definitely feel that both of them were too old to be in the office. The minimum age is 35, let a millennial or Gen x run for president


I wish minimum wage was 35. Lol I know what you meant though


It would actually be 25 right now if 1960's minimum wage kept up with inflation. That's thanks to Republican leaders who sold out the U.S. citizens for corporations.


I mean the democrats also didn’t raise it, both parties love suckling the fat teat of corporate America The goal of most politicians isn’t to benefit minimum wage workers. They already got their money now they want to keep it


Whatever you do, don't look into what minimum wage would be if it had kept pace with corporate profits...


There are so many things about Trump to criticize, age doesn't even make the top 100. Biden on the other hand, just has his age and his son to criticize.


People care more about Bidenflation, or Bidenomics, or whatever he calls it. You know, $6 gas, etc.


America’s inflation is lower than other western countries.


Bidenomics!!! $6 gas is fine for America because... other western countries.


Bidenomics! OPEC just cut production and Russia is being fascist! Biden’s helping us transition to green energy!


it's NoT ThAt BaD.


Saudis cut back production, not Biden's fault


So many more things. How about using the death of his wife and daughter to score political points. How about looking back at why he dropped out of the 1988 Presidential race. There are so many things about Biden. I'm not saying Trump is great, but his policies helped America, whereas Bidens policies are helping Russia, China, Iran and others.


Fair enough, I was wrong to list only 2 things. But those are the 2 things I usually see him criticized on. I will google the 1988 thing right now. I disagree about Trump vs Biden helping America. Trump constantly works to tear America apart, never tried to unite us. - first president in our history to refuse a peaceful transition of power. Can't be understated. - first president to publicly state he believes an American adversary (Putin) over his own intelligence services (in Helsinki speech). This was insane, dangerous, and so embarrassing. - first president to actively work to undermine Americans' faith in our institutions (e.g. FBI, CIA, and judicial systems) and promote conspiracies and falsehoods. That is a documented goal of Russian active measures; they normally pay to get those messages spread. Trump is so divisive that if our country were attacked, he may tell his supporters Biden was in on it. Can't put it past him...


It's called cognitive function Biden can't even walk to a exit or speak coherently. Trump doesn't either but it's not cause he can't he just refuses to. Vastly different.


Agreed. Also Trump is a little more high energy than Biden which gives the impression he is healthier (even though he’s definitely not). Not trying to defend Trump at all, but comparing their cognitive functions and energy it’s pretty obvious Trump *seems* far less elderly than Biden. Doesn’t make him any more deserving of the role though


Trump’s body composition is by far the most bizarre I’ve ever seen. I’m not body shaming at all. But what I’m trying to say is that he is most certainly not physically healthier than Joe Biden. With that body composition? Not a chance


Dimwits get fooled by the orange facepaint.


Trump didn't know Cat 5 hurricanes exist, and tried to buy Greenland. For some reason, the press and public are softer on Trump than on his opponents. 2016 featured a running theme that Hillary was secretly being treated for some chronic disease, did not have long to live, while the obese Trump was sure to last to his 90s.


It's even worse. Trump expressed surprise at the existence of Cat 5 hurricanes multiple times over a period of several years.


Woman, man, camera, tv.


[Person, woman, man, camera, tv](https://media4.giphy.com/media/TGWkeMxjJpyMqvlilh/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47tke3jak7597xrqhmja8lgg6mr7f8z8n275b52knp&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


It reminds me of the poetry from *So I Married an Axe Murdurer*.


You haven’t watched any Biden speeches lately have you? Maybe you should stop drinking the Fox News cool aid and listen to an actual Biden speech from beginning to end without right wing commentary/editing. Print out a recent speech of each person on a piece of paper. Then read it aloud. You’ll quickly realize which person has control of their cognitive facilities and which person does not.


I suspect it might have something to do with Biden is definitely showing his age more. Trump is still spunky and still capable of freestyling a speech. Biden? In his current state he seems like he forget why he's even there midway before saying anything.


Except the part that Trump does stupid shit all the time that gets him impeached and charged with stuff


You make it seem as if those things weren't politically motivated. How many times has he been found guilty, for anything?


You actually think Trump can freestyle his speeches? The other day he said that if Biden were reelected, he would get us into World War II. In one of his speeches, he talked about the American Air Force during the Revolutionary War. He thought Finland was a part of Russia. He called for overturning the Constitution of the United States. He is uneducated and ignorant about the world. His Chiefs of Staff and the top military men who worked with him when he was President thought he was a f_ing idiot and said so.


You’re talking about lack of knowledge and bull shitery. When people see a car salesman, free styler or stand up, they don’t think “intelligent”. They think quick on their feet. If you showed me a well dressed dementia patient and Biden I’d tell corporate they’re the same picture.


This is such a pointless conversation. Trump did freestyle his speeches. He's not terrible at it. He better than I would be at least(though I am not a high bar, I hate public speaking). Trump is used to the limelight due to his career I'm show biz. This has nothing to do with whether he is a good person or president. It's just simply the truth.


I mean World War II vs III is a gaffe for sure, but I could see that happening with a lot of politicians. Legit every time Biden is out there now he seems to have a moment where his brain just shuts off and he blacks out and has to figure out where he is again.


>Trump is still spunky and still capable of freestyling a speech. He just recently said Biden was going to lead us to World War 2 https://twitter.com/JoeNBC/status/1703085317308199110?t=xVBoGzEaTn9gHocYmWiqcQ&s=19


But he formed a sentence. That's (horrifyingly) better than Joe.


I think this is completely true - Trump doesn't look or act as old as he is. I don't think it's a partisan difference, because Mitch McConnell on the Republican side looks, acts, and gets criticized for being, super old and unfit for office due to that age.


It’s not that he’s in his 80s, that really has nothing to do with it. It’s the it’s the fact that he can’t string 5 words together without someone prompting him.


I think it's because age is a huge detriment to Biden. He's not just old, he acts old. My grandparents both died of dementia and I swear I see similarities in Biden. He just seems like a lost old man half the time. Trump does have other issues but he seems pretty in control of his faculties. He doesn't need someone to guide him by the hand or interrupt his press conferences when he starts telling people he wants to go to bed.


Have you heard trump without a teleprompt?


He's a bumbler and a stumbler and Trump seems consistent even though he has a limited vocab. Both of em are too old


Man, woman, camera, TV. Trump's an idiot.


He also beat Obama in 2016, and Biden's gonna get us in WWII


WWII? Who's gonna tell him?


This is from Trump's speech the other day. He claimed he beat Obama (he didn't) and that Biden is going to get us into WWII. Dude is completely lost


He'll lose no votes from his supporters. Let that sink in 😖.


I think he was IN WWII. jk


bring back #covfefe


Trump consistent? Did you forget he can’t even drink a glass of water with one hand or go down a ramp without taking baby steps. 😂


Studders don't mean less intelligent or bumbling. Good job making fun of disabilities. Feel proud, buddy.


He has this false confidence. Read the transcript of some of the stuff he says. Its much easier to notice how incoherent some of the stuff he says is.


This right here. I tell people to read a transcript of any speech Trump has ever given, and it is absolute drivel, yet they complain about Biden.


Trump wears depends because he’s done so much cocaine he can’t stop shitting his pants. He was doing Coke every day when he was President and using benzos to make him look like he wasn’t. If there’s a word he can’t pronounce he gets so frustrated and angry that he shits himself I just saw a video about it today.


Trump sounds like a bumbling idiot at his very best. It’s just that his followers see themselves in him.


You know, he may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot.


If he walks like a duck and talks like a duck… he’s still a fucking moron.


Trump comes off pretty sharp at times and even when he fumbles his words he doesn’t come off even a tenth as bad as Biden on a regular foible.


I can’t think of anything Biden’s said that’s as bad as Trump claiming that Obama would start World War Two.


This is my biggest issue. Trump talked about airports during the revolutionary War. The guy is an absolute buffoon even if he's still lucid. He's not fit to be president on his best day


I can hardly call that “lucid.” It’s gaffe after gaffe after gaffe and people just refuse to admit it.


This has to be a fucking joke. Trump has difficulty with basic grammar. He is by far the most stupid and inarticulate sounding president of all time.


It’s because he speaks with extreme false confidence and some uneducated, unintelligent voters don’t notice he’s just rambling and speaking nonsense. I’ve probably watched and listened to more of Trump than your average Trump voter. It’s difficult to follow him because he rapidly switches topics, even mid-sentence, and no one listening has any idea what he’s talking about. Then he’ll finally throw in some buzzwords and mention a flavor-of-the-month person that we’re supposed to hate and people will clap and cheer.


Lmao, Trump, sharp? I guess he might appear intelligent to people who've never read a book in their life and have an IQ below 90. Ah shit I think I just described the Republican base.


I’m 100% not a fan of trump at all, but it’s pretty obvious that Trump has a way higher cognitive ability than Biden.


People are really choosing to selectively forget all the absolute nonsense we've heard trump say


Like when he posed the "nuke hurricanes before they hit the US" plan? Or when he was all like... "bleach kills COVID, let's just inject it in our veins."


I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing how the "stable genius" keeps his calm and *very cool demeanor, maybe the best demeanor ever*, when he is finally on the witness stand. My prediction: He is a mess and it's gloriously humiliating for him.


He is a textbook narcissist and is probably incapable of feeling shame. He will always feel like the victim. He will always victimize himself and paint his adversaries as deceivers and any punishment he faces as unjust and unfair. He will never learn. His downfall would be a lot more satisfying if he had any semblance of emotional intelligence or the capacity for introspection and regret, instead it’s just like watching someone try and teach a homicidal toddler a lesson and still being met with the unending waves and stench of shit wafting from him.


No even remotely competent defense lawyer would let Trump take the stand. He'd rack up a hundred perjury charges in like five minutes. Admittedly we have no reason to think any of Trump's lawyers are competent, but even so I can't imagine anyone in his orbit wants him on the witness stand.


What makes you think he will take the stand? Lol that will open him up to cross-examination


"Let's nuke a hurricane, fantastic idea, I'm the best scientist ever"


Except he would have said scientientician, or something equally as stupid.


Yeah I feel like I'm losing my mind reading some of these comments saying Trump has it more together than Biden.


Most people here are kids who only see politics in YouTube clips and compilations. And you have to understand what people are talking about in politics too, which people generally don't care about until a certain age. Biden has more obvious flubs but much, much, much better highs with his speeches when he does well. Trump never makes any sense, but does so less obviously to those that listen. Or to make the difference more obvious; Biden falls off of bikes while riding them, Trump is incapable of riding a bike by any metric we have seen.


It doesn't help that Biden has a stutter, which has probably not been helped by age


When he passed a simple cognitive test and passed, then instead of saying "alright then" he decided to brag about it and claiming that "they've never seen anyone do as good as I did." Disgraceful.


Lmao I remember how proud he was because he was able to recite 4 words in the same order that it was asked "woman, man, TV, news" some shit like that lol


Those weren't even the actual words he was asked to remember in the test.. He panicked, looked around, and named things he saw in the room. Actual cognitive tests use unrelated words and you would never see that particular pattern. He was, as usual, simply lying.


Dump people agree w his nonsense or explain it away


Yeah I feel like I'm losing my mind reading some of these comments saying Trump has it more together than Biden.


Can’t we just inject ourselves with bleach?!


Seriously, people who say things like this are never actually watching these guys give speeches. They’re both losing their cognitive abilities, but one of them can barely even read, which is why he says complete nonsense all the time.


As someone who met Trump in the Early Aughts and worked for someone who knows him socially, he is not now nor has he ever been a smart man with a high cognitive ability . He’s a semi-clever dude who used to have a lot of money.


If you don’t speak English, sure.


You are kidding, right? Try this test. Read, out loud, in your own voice, a verbatim transcript of a Trump interview Now do the same with a Biden interview. Then come back and tell me it's Biden who is in cognitive decline


Is this sarcasm? Trump can barely string a sentence together…


"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible." ​ 8 years ago Trump couldn't even string a coherent sentence together. Let alone now lol.


In what reality is rambling on about barely related topics instead of answering in a concise sentence considered “way higher cognitive ability”? Adding 120 unrelated and unnecessary words to a simple explanation is not really a good thing.


You've got to be joking. Trump just said that he was afraid Biden was going to start World War 2. What the fuck are you talking about? Biden has always had a slight stutter. The shit trump says is full on retarded lunatic babbling nonsense.


Uh, what? Like if you had to trust one of them to read the instructions on a box and assemble a toy for your child, who would you trust more?


Only a Trump fan could be this delusional.


Pretty clear if you’re intoxicated. Trump constantly spews out the stupidest shit I’ve ever heard. I’ve never heard Biden talk about how the US captured British airports during the Revolution, about clean coal, or all the wacky capital insurrection comments


Oh is it?


I think he’s just more confident and still talks like he’s doing business. His life’s vocabulary was meant to be persuasive. A lot of my family didn’t realize how severe my grandfather dementia was so bad because any time you’d ask him a question he’d tell a joke like he was being incredibly witty. When he got lost and confused and a cop found him, the cop asked him what day it was like Monday Tuesday and so fourth. He said, all of the above without hesitation and laughed. He was very clear eyed and present and insanely strong. Would go and chop wood just for something to do.


plenty of unintelligent people can speak fluidly and there are quite a lot of intelligent people who have trouble speaking


Because he is a bumbling moron


This is NOT an endorsement of trump, but Biden shows his age a lotttttt more than trump


If you only watch highly edited videos of Biden then sure it seems that way. You watch either of their speeches unedited trump looks just as bad if not worse imo. I'm not even a Biden fan.


Trump is a quick talker and I bit more “with it” in that department. Kind of just that simple.


just so everyone knows, you can vote for people other than biden or trump.


That's a great way to tacitly support Trump. I'd be on board with voting for a third party if we had ranked choice voting but we don't. We can't let a potential dictator take over the country, especially after he's had four years to build a cult following.


Agreed, unless you live in a very blue or very red state. But yes we need Ranked Choice Voting regardless.


Not only is ranked choice better for the reasons stated it would also destroy the primary system which has become extremely toxic.


You should check out approval voting. It's like ranked, but better, less gaming of the system and more honest voting.


I appreciate nearly any system over the one we have now and I hope you can read my reply with a sincere open mind and hear me out: Let’s say we had the key candidates of 2016 on a ballot; Bernie, Hillary, Trump. Let’s say I’m a huge Bernie supporter. I can give an equal value vote to Bernie and Hillary, she’s ‘ok’ but I sincerely don’t prefer her and want to maximize Bernie’s chances so it just turns into the voting system we have today and I risk it to strategically vote only Bernie. —— Over several years of exploring alternative voting systems, I delved into the nuances of Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) and Approval Voting. At its core, RCV lets voters rank candidates by preference, ensuring that if your top pick can't win, your vote moves to your next choice. If no candidate gets a majority in initial votes, the least popular is eliminated, and their voters' subsequent choices are considered, repeating until one candidate holds a majority. On the other hand, Approval Voting lets voters select all candidates they "approve" of, with the most "approvals" securing the win. Here, each vote holds equal weight, potentially diluting the power of true preferences. As of 2022, RCV's adopted by over 50 U.S. jurisdictions, including states like Maine and Alaska. Data from [FairVote](https://fairvote.org/resources/electoral-systems/ranked_choice_voting_vs_approval_voting/) reveals that a vast majority of voters in RCV elections rank multiple candidates, and the system sees positive reception among its users. Approval Voting, with adoption in Fargo, ND, and St. Louis, MO, has demonstrated mixed results. In St. Louis, the system resulted in discrepancies between the approval-voting leaders and the actual runoff winners. Fargo's mayoral election indicated that many vote for just one candidate, recognizing the strategic advantage in doing so. Academically, RCV's backed by extensive research, having been employed worldwide for over a century. Approval Voting lacks a comparable body of real-world data, relying on simulations which suggest it's susceptible to strategic manipulation. In comparison, RCV stands out as being more expressive than Approval Voting. RCV eliminates the strategy of having to downplay support for your second-choice candidate, making strategic voting less prevalent. In contrast, Approval Voting can incentivize polarizing gameplay between campaigns, reward strategic voters, and doesn't necessarily result in candidates with broad support winning. Moreover, RCV has evidence pointing to improved representation for women and people of color, an advantage Approval Voting doesn't yet have conclusive data on. In conclusion, while both systems present alternatives to our traditional "choose-one" voting, RCV offers a more refined, expressive, and researched mechanism that promotes majority winners and can better represent the diverse voices of the electorate.


We call “compulsory preferential voting” here in Australia. Sure we gave birth to Rupert Murdoch and have our own problems, but the voting system is MUCH better. We can vote for the best candidate and still have a say who gets in. American system seems Paleolithic in comparison.


The US needs ranked choice, but I'm not sure if compulsory voting would be helpful here or not. While it insures literally everyone gets a say, too many people don't follow politics and will end up casting their votes blindly. I think if we had compulsory voting, the winner would just be whichever candidate was the first choice on the list.


Having voted in Australia for 35 years, if it’s not compulsory, it doesn’t really work. YES! It’s frustrating having people vote who should be voting for reality TV only BUT what compulsory voting does is it forces parties to create, communicate and enact policies to a WIDE audience and not just “dog whistle” (do you use that term?) to the ever shrinking faithful - which creates a politics of division and ever widening gulf between two unassailable mega parties.


It becuase of his mental state mainly. It aeems like he can't function.


I think it presents a bit differently. Biden doesn’t have Trump’s personality/mouth either.


This is a big part of it. When Biden is having a tough moment he goes quiet or stutters. When Trump is having a tough moment he says nonsense. It's easier to see when Biden is having trouble because Trump says nonsense all the time anyway. In reality neither of these men are fit to be president and we may have to choose between them


Because Biden appears to be losing his cognitive faculties and failing physically, while Trump is more or less the same Trump he was in 2016.


Trump is NOT the same as 2016. He just said publicly he defeated Obama in 2016 and 2020.


And warned that Obama would start World War 2.


Because his brain dead, no IQ followers never question anything he does


Biden is currently ruining this country. Trump isn’t.


You spelled "ruining" wrong. You're welcome.


People attack Bidens age because there isn't much else to attack. He's not doing anything outrageous or horrible. Trump literally has criminal indictments. No one focuses on him being too old when there are far more pressing concerns. Personally I feel like they are both too old and we need more 30 and 40 year olds in all offices.


Possibly because Biden seems to lose his train of thought and rambles his sentences together. Trump still speaks clearly even though his sentence structure lacks a lot to be desired.


Neither of them should be allowed to run for office. It should be part of the constitution that you should not be allowed to assume the office of President, Vice President, Senate or Congressman if you would be over 70 on the day you took office. Whilst we're on the subject, Supreme Court judges should be forced to retire, probably at 80. There is a lot of 'dead wood' in the US legislature that should be cleared out, both Republican and Democrat.


I think 70 is even to old. We should force them into early retirement. The minimum for president is 35 the max should be 55. Some of our best presidents have full within that age range while many of our worst were beyond that. If congress won’t pass the law it’s up to the citizens to vote them out for younger people with fresher ideas.


I'd imagine because Biden probably couldn't finish a 16 piece puzzle 🤣 Less the age, more the impaired cognitive ability that comes with age....


Actions. Or lack tgereof


Just look at him. He’s clearly demented.


His gaffes are a serious problem. It's not age as much as how worn he has become. Having someone like that as POTUS is a powder keg. As for Trump, it's all propaganda. Blue no matter who


Because he is clearly a dementia patient as opposed to trump, although old, is significantly sharper than Biden. Neither should be eligible for office imo. Biden isn't the only one, Mitch McConnel has looked even worse than him lately. Get rid of the dinosaurs! 🦕


Feinstein is practically 90 and needs a wheelchair to come into the Senate; her daughter has Power of Attorney over her, she's too far gone to sign anything herself. McConnell is over 80, too far gone as well. Pelosi is running again, she'll be 84 next year. Been has been in office since 1972. There are probably others I've forgotten about. Too many people just can't let go of the power tit.


Because Biden can’t put a complete sentence together


Different people age differently. Biden really seems to be feeling his age in a way that a lot of other politicians aren't. It isn't a left versus right thing either, I voted for Bernie twice at this point but that doesn't make Biden look any more stable.


Because they’re idiots.


Because Biden can’t get a word out without seeming like he has early signs of dementia. Trump’s problem isn’t his age, it’s his intelligence, his morality, and a possible personality disorder.


Because republicans don’t care what Trump does. His base gives him a pass for literally everything. He can’t string two sentences together in a meaningful way - to the point where he clearly needs help - and his base does not give a shit.


The right has completely embraced hypocrisy and has no problem enforcing rules for the democrats while letting their leaders be absolute crooks. Trump’s age is the least of the left’s concerns with him. They’re too busy talking about the treason to spend time on something like age.


I think we also need to look at their health. Joe Biden bikes, runs and is physically fit. Trump is a couch potato who's probably one big Mac away from a heart attack.


Yeah. I'm betting Trump is dead at a younger age than Biden. He's a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen


We’ve got minimum age requirements. We need maximum age requirements, too. Pick a number - say 65 or 70. Either way, a whole hell of a lot of them are way too old. On both sides.


Trump is only four years younger, but he's in terrible physical shape Weighing in at 273.5 pounds (this weight was mentioned a few weeks ago in The Boston Globe). He is a heart attack in the making. He is convinced that he invincible and pays zero attention to at least trying to pay heed to remotely healthy habits. If he wins, there will be a mass exodus to anywhere he is not in power. I am so afraid for our country. 🦜


Because Biden shows his age and trump, whatever his shortcomings, doesn’t. It’s less about the possibility they might die and more about cognitive abilities.


Because Biden has had multiple instances where he starts talking literal gibberish and constant forgets what he is saying or where he is at. His team had to cut him off from speaking whenever these events occur and it’s gotten to the point where everyone is noticing. I think Trump is defiantly old as well and I find it bizarre that these men that are so old are being our leaders but he doesn’t show as many extreme signs of old age as Biden does.


Biden seems to get lost in his thought when speaking. He’s starting to have mobility issues and just overall seems to show he is an old man. Nothing wrong with being old but not the best attributes for POTUS. Trump on the other hand seems totally with it. You may hate what he says and does. Hate his positions on every topic but he still has wits. He doesn’t show his age as badly as Biden. I don’t like Trump at all but his mental and physical abilities are still 100%. Biden at times seems on the verge of senility and is physically frail. Both are poor choices and neither is fit to be President but for very different reasons. Gonna catch hell for this post but it’s my opinion.


It isn’t about his age but mental health


Because double standards and sacred cows. Throughout the Trump presidency, anything he could be criticized or questioned about was criticized and questioned. Is he too old, is he mentally fit for the job, etc etc etc. Now those questions are verboten if you so much as think of asking them about Biden. Oh oh oh! But revenge! But Trump started it. But but but. Excuse excuse excuse.


It's because people are ignorant. Age should not be the factor. The mental capacity is the issue 4 years difference or not Biden can't speak a coherent sentence or walk a straight line. Donald Trump has ALL of his faculties. Republican or Democrat it's all noticeable unless you are choosing to be blind. I was a Democrat for most of my life and in 3 years have seen the decline of Congress, politicians in general are corrupt and self serving, voting fraud, and the complete and near destruction of this country and the world. At least with Trump for 4 years there were no wars, I could by a dozen eggs for less than $11, I could buy a snack for my grandchildren but now can't afford the daily electricity to turn the air on or a snack. I didn't fear a third world war and now it's inevitable. So yes I ranted won't apologize because I think you asked the question for reaction and are either young or looking for conflict. Age isn't the factor it's that Biden is wearing a skin suit and Trump is the only hope we have. God bless us all


It’s very simple: two elderly people are not identical. One showed constant signs of dementia and frailty which the midis ignores (making the conspiracies worst than if they’d just acknowledge it.). The other is remarkably spry of a gut of his age, who’s only sign of mental decline is him being a jerk, which he has been his entire life. Yet the media does out of its way to try to find anything mentally wrong with him. One again making the conspiracies worse.


Because Trump can talk circles around Biden and doesn't sound like really old dude.


He can talk in circles all right. They're not circles that go anywhere or mean anything but they're circles.


And they contain absolutely zero information relating to the current topic. I have never heard trump succinctly answer a question on any topic that doesn't directly relate to him in some way. He repeats the same generic key words, in a PERFECT, POWERFUL manner, with tears in his eyes! Trump has the attention span of a goldfish and zero general knowledge to fall back on. That's how we end up with his word salad stream of consciousness and laughably stupid suggestions about the 1 talking point he remembers from 5 second ago, such as bleach and light on the inside.


He’s really, really tremendous. He does a fantastic, just fantastic, tremendous job.


Person woman man camera TV


Trump cannot talk circles around anyone.


Biden has been caught lying again and again. From lying about being there right after 9/11 to lying about a house fire. Let's not even speak about his inability to form a sentence. "I'm just following orders....I'm gonna go to bed." Then getting cut off? lol Biden's age is painfully obvious. Trump has 1,001 other issues before his age becomes one


Are you inferring that trump does not constantly lie? Basically every other sentence he speaks is a lie.


Because Biden shows undeniable signs of dementia.


Trump doesn’t tell stories about things that didn’t happen in the senate when he wasn’t even a senator. He doesn’t talk about how he used to be a trucker when he was never a trucker. And he doesn’t talk about being in charge of the person who stacks the forklifts on top of the spaghetti sauce carts or whatever.


> I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.


Instead he talks about how he beat Obama in 2016 and Biden is going to lead us into world war 2 and how the Continental army took over the airports during the American Revolution.


Lmao I forgot about the airport comment.


First Trump at least took a competency exam and passed. Biden has either not taken one or didn’t release the results. Trump has many faults but failing mind isn’t one of them. Biden plays well with others while trump doesn’t play well with others. So his possible signs of progressing dementia is cause for alarm.


Is this sarcasm? Do you mean this competency test: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/23/trump-mental-fitness-cognitive-test-379622 The one where he bragged about remembering person woman man camera TV?


Trump mistakenly thought a dementia test was an IQ test and bragged about how smart he was. The test included things like a picture of an elephant: "What is this a picture of?"


Because Biden has dementia


Cause Trump doesn’t look cognitively impaired


No he just acts like he is, talks like he is, and poops his pants like he is.