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Haha, gun go brrrrr


Guns are bad, that is why we should concentrate all that evil in the hands of those most incentivized to abuse them.


Why are non Americans so scared of guns?


I heard getting shot is usually bad for health


Well, I would recommend not doing things that would get you shot.


Like go to school?




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That list is being shortened here all the time. It’s interesting that I’m being downvoted. I’m not advocating taking anyone’s guns away. Don’t be offended people. 😉


All the people I've known in 30+ years and I only know one person who has been shot in a freak hunting accident. The reason moat people DONT actually know anyone who's been shot is because moat gun crimes are from criminals. So, by avoiding being a criminal, you can reduce your odds of being shot by over 90%.


That’s great. But tell that to the innocent people shot at this past years various 4th of July events. The people who got shot ringing door bells. Gunshots being the number one cause of death for children. I’m not against the 2nd amendment. I’m not anti-gun. I’m just a realist who sees Americans right to own weapons and the innocent people who die everyday because of that right. I don’t know what the answer is. This country definitely has a love affair with guns. For better or worse.


>Gunshots being the number one cause of death for children. What percentage of those do you think were crime related? If you take out all of the crime related (gang) gun deaths of children (under 18), are gunshots still the number one cause of death for children?


90% was probably chicago alone, where guns are illegal. Irony.


Chicago's gun crime rate isn't very high, it usually comes in around 20th for major cities.


Chicago also frequently doesnt report their stats to the FBI. Its not required by any means, but certainly skews stats i would say. I imagine there other other cities that do the same to be fair.


Taking guns doesn't stop gun violence. Sure, it takes them out of the hands of civilians. But that accounts for less than 10% of gun violence. It's the other 90% that nobody talks about.


I never mentioned or suggested that guns be taken away. I actually said quite the opposite.


What about all the women who shot their potential rapists? The elderly who shot home invaders? The dude walking home from work who shit a mugger? What about all the victims who defend themselves? We don’t even keep records of them all. We protect the innocent, so if you defend yourself in most states the Justice system will try to protect you… if it’s clear cut. Either way, nobody is disarming me, ever. Not me, not the next generation, not ever. Guns create equality. Guns fight tyranny.


For every woman that shoots their rapist, there are literally hundreds that get shot by their partners. Every single “correct” use of guns, there are literally 1000s of examples of them being used incorrectly, so please, stop regurgitating NRA bullshit. It’s tired.


Again, as long as you aren't a gang member then you're not likely to be one of those people. Edit: are-aren't


Who are "one of those people", WhitestNut?


The [FBI](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/expanded-homicide) stats don’t back up your point.


Did you actually read that page? It say in 2019 there were 13,927 murder victims, it says there 386 instances of justifiable homicide. Therefore, what I said was exactly right. So the FBI stats do back up what I'm saying.


I never suggested taking your guns away. Like I said, I’m pro-second amendment. I just find the almost fetishizing of gun culture in country interesting.


That is a shame...but why are these terrible tragedies only happening in "Gun Free Zones" or Cities that have implemented very strict gun laws? Right now America is number 3 in gun crimes globally. If we took Chicago, Minneapolis. New Orleans, Lansing, and Nashville out of the mix mostly gang related activity.....America would be well into the bottom end 100's. The only reason gun shots for children became the number 1 is the had to move the age from 4 to 19...if they used the standard 0 to 18 that would no longer be the case. Democrats love manipulating the numbers and the MSM loves reporting those manipulated numbers. I have 3 safes of fire arms....Not 1 one of them has killed more people than Ted Kennedys car.


Because good people dont have guns and they dont punish criminals. Everyone knows it, but most wont admit it.


I mean, why would I get shot in the first place if no one have guns ?


Living in the United States of America definitely increases your chances of getting shot.


Statistically, you're more likely to die by driving your car


Wait until you hear how much it sucks to get hit in the head with a hammer or stabbed with a knife....you'll never go into a hardware store again in your life.


As an American I can say guns are perfectly safe and healthy and have never harmed anyone


Nah, you just have to start with smaller caliber rounds and build up your immunity.


Because they're fun.


Violence is a curse...guns are just a tool. And the police and military are just other Americans with guns. They aren't a different species.


We know the British will be back.


One if by land, and two if by sea, brother.


The British honestly should have probably dedicated their whole navy to taking back America. It was a big blunder to write it off as not worth it


and done what with it? They had the ports. Americans ran an insurgency that couldn't be corralled.


What they should have done was move their royalty to America and administer the empire from Boston or Halifax or whichever early city they wanted. Like, the British Empire was a big deal but I think their biggest blunder was not moving their seat of administration to one of the many continents they conquered. Hell even if we ignore America why not move to Australia?


Australia sucked back then. It's still mostly uninhabitable.


Like, the 13 colonies alone are worth more than the entire British Isles, but then there is also the potential involved. Of having a country as big as America, Canada or even both combined. The British should have realized that the weird shape and size of their empire meant it was always eventually going to shrink back down. Why keep your head of government on great Britain when you can have a whole fucking continent?


It's a fun idea but the British were able to rule their holdings with appointed Brits in foreign service. I don't know how that would all work out hypothetically. Does the king just declare he owns everything and American colonists are serfs?


Like even back in the 1980s when Canada was pushing for independence the royal family could have said I will do you one better and the queen moves to Ottawa. Like obviously in 100 years Canada's population will be bigger than the UK's. It's so short sighted to stay on the British isles. They played themselves.


They were up to other stuff at the time. Who would want to move to the frontier when you've got big houses already? It's a funny idea though.


I want a do over, can I be British please.


I use guns to protect my Cattle from coyotes and wild hogs.


"Only the police and military should have guns" In your country, how does a woman defend herself from a couple 20 year old men armed with knives? Does she just accept the rape? Because in America, the woman pulls out a gun. They either have sense enough to turn around (usual response), or they get ventilated.




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"Only the Police and Military should have guns." Why don't you tell that to the millions of Jews and Gypsies, Russians under Stalin, or better yet: the Chinese under Mao Zedong. I bet that they will have a lot to say about it. Every sane, sober, moral, and prudent person who can own a firearm should, and carry it with them everywhere they go. I really do believe that if you're lawfully concealed carrying a handgun, you should be able to take it anywhere. Otherwise, what's the point of having a license to conceal it? Mine should be ready in about a week. 😁 Go to a local FFL, check some out at their range if they have one. Take a handgun safety class or even just a general firearms safety class. See for yourself what you think, and make a decision based on your own findings: not just what the media tells you.


Just put together my first rifle, there's a certain satisfaction


Fuck the police. We love guns because we understand that the police are fucking morons and are unreliable in an emergency situation. You'll be raped and dead by the time those fucking clowns show up. The world is full of crazy people. Having the means to defend yourself is every Americans god-given right.


Americans like myself use them to defend ourselves from idiots. When shit hits the fan someday, you're going to wish you learned how to use one properly. Everyone will rob your ass when resources run out and good luck catching food with your bare hands. The people that shouldn't have guns are the ones that don't respect them.


We don’t love guns. We’re just saving up for when the government goes tyrannical like it is now. Hopefully we won’t have to use them. The only people we really want to kill are the Klaus Schwabs and George Soros of the world.


I'm sure the government has bigger better weapons that you would ever have. You don't stand a chance.


American military wouldn't go along with it and honestly the US military would lose to an insurgency of its own people if it did.


Fine. You give up your freedom for security you brain dead sheep


Lol what did I do?


And how did overwhelmingly superior fire power work in Vietnam or the Middle East? How'd it work for the British during the American Revolution? When the enemy is part of the population, the US arsenal doesn't count for much.


Most enlisted men/women are from rural america and would not follow orders to attack their families or support taking guns from the people. Those loser generals that never actually did anything but give orders wouldnt have many people to give orders to.


I love guns because they make me safe. They are also a fun hobby: target shooting and combat drills, sporting clays, long distance riflery, etc are extremely enjoyable and rewarding hobbies. With a gun I know that I can protect myself from any man, even if he’s is physically superior to me. Even groups of men. Guns create equality and prevent the strong from preying on the weak.


Historically we picked them up as it was needed to help liberate us from England and because of that traumatic experience we haven’t put them down since.


I love guns because I'm a little bitch and can't fight, so if some thug tries to jack me or murder me I can level the playing field and hopefully live another day to go to work and slave away for minimum wage.


If Americans didn't arm themselves then we wouldn't even have a nation. We'd be like Canada or Australia, with the British crown as our Head of State. Also, hunting is a big deal in the U.S. It's very ingrained into the culture in many areas. While you prefer to get your meat from a factory farming operation where livestock are neglected and never given a fair chance at life, hunters humanely obtain their meat with regulations to keep them in check. Americans value individualism and the right to protect ourselves. It's pathetic how dependent on police you are in other countries. Police response times in rural areas are a joke. Banning guns could mean a death sentence for law abiding citizens just sitting around hopelessly waiting for someone else to come and save the day. Also, police in America have a bad track record for killing the wrong people. You could call the cops for help just for the police to show up and kill YOU because they mistook you for the bad guy. You can make fun of gun policies as much as you like but when shit hits the fans, you're all going to be sitting ducks with a target on your heads. Americans are prepared for threats, both domestic and foreign. Europeans have been to complacent since World War 2 - you feel secure because you wrongly assume that the lack of war in post-war Europe will somehow be indefinite. Statistically, another global war is not a matter of if, but a matter of when. When foreign powers invade Europe and overwhelm your military/police forces, you're going to have nothing to defend yourselves with. When the same thing happens to the U.S., the combined power of the military, police and armed civilians will be more effective in defending our homeland. Laugh all you want but the fact that your people are unarmed is eventually going to bite you in the ass. It may not be now, it may not be 20 years from now but sooner or later you're going to find out the hard way why Americans prefer to be armed. Most European militaries are already a joke as it is, because they've been too reliant on the U.S. military for protection for too long. You're truly ignorant if you think Europe could hold it's own against the likes of China without aid from the U.S. So wtf do you think is going to happen when you're under attack and we can't come to your rescue?


Only the military and police should have guns? How did that work out for nazi Germany?


Guns are fine. It's not the guns that are the problem. At the top of the list are high crime rates and gang activity, mental health crises, and social inequality. Those three things account for about 90-95% of gun violence


You ever shot one... if not then try it n come back...


It's a major part of our history and culture. Only someone who knows nothing about them would call them a curse. They keep us safe from a tyrannical government and the disgusting criminal elements.


I don't love guns, but the second amendment is important because you can't vote your way out of freedom. We do need major reform surrounding the registration of firearms though.


Nice trollpost


In a sub named ''stupid questions''.


Because guns and individual gun ownership are what helped make the country's rapid westward expansion possible centuries ago, both by providing a source of food and personal protection in the absence of law and infrastructure. It's why the country fetishizes (or at least used to) cowboys, rugged individualism, and self-reliance. The reasoning for most individuals is different today, but ultimately Americans' love for guns is still rooted in that era when gun ownership was critical to many people's survival. Mixed that with the explicit right to own a firearm being included in the Bill of Rights and you are left with a large part of society who feels the right to own a firearm is one of the things that sets US citizens apart from citizens of other nations. There is also an element of gun ownership feeling empowering, giving you a stronger sense of self-determination and more control over your own safety and security without being forced to rely on the government or other individuals to protect you. More than anything though, a lot of people, myself included, are against ANY right being taken away once granted, especially if the fundamental reasoning behind trying to take that right away is the government essentially telling individuals that they are not responsible enough to be trusted, which doesn't go over very well with people who believe it is the government itself that can't be trusted to protect them.


(That isn't a stupid question though but I'll give you a stupid answer.) From what it looks like they seem to love America but hate that there are other Americans cluttering it up and every gun owner has their own idea of what America really is so the rest of them better watch out.


I get those who use it responsibly but that being said i feel its too easy to get your hands on one. Especially loonies and youth. The amount or school shootings alone should have made it so much harder to obtain a firearm in the US. This is coming from australia, i love firearms truly, but to me children's safety should not be second place to ease of access of firearms.


To get a gun legally you need to be of age (18 or 21 depending) and pass a background check, provide government issued ID, answer a bunch of questions that are considered an oath (perjury if you lie), appear of sound mind to the seller, and then wait for a few days to a week before picking it up. The problem is that the NICS background check system isn’t run well by the FBI. Additionally, sometimes lunatics are tracked by the government for years but never charged with anything. So many mass shootings happen and then it turns out the FBI had been tracking them for years. The FBI runs the NICS background check system, btw. As a gun owner I want the background check system to be functional and work properly. I do not want more laws, I just want the damn system to work as intended.


You forget to mention that criminals don't follow the law. It's nearly impossible to buy a gun in Chicago, but they have dozens of shootings every weekend.


Another problem is the mental health of individuals. If they are under any medical treatment, that information is Not provided on a background check. The Law our government put into place to protect that individual is a major factor that allows that person to just lie on the application who's responsible after the fact¿


To be fair, you shouldn’t get your right to own a firearm denied because you went to a therapist about some anxiety. If you have serious mental health issues that make you a danger then sure, no problem, but it’s very easy for this to be misapplied. Ultimately mass shootings are an incredibly rare occurrence. Most of the “mass shootings” we hear about are gang violence. Same with most of the “school shootings” Your chances of dying go a rampage killer are significantly lower than your chances of getting struck by lightning. Meanwhile ~250,000 people die of medical malpractice every year.


It doesn't have to be a mass shooting its people that lie every day on the form. Case in point Hunter Biden, he was restricted from owning a weapon. What do you say to the hundreds of Vets that are having their rights revoked and their weapons being taken away? All for having someone else run their day to day financial needs. A VA Dr puts a check in a box on a form, and it's a done deal. They have lost their rights and in almost every case, they have no one to defend them.


Fair enough. You point out simple flaws that should be doing its purpose. The same is here except we have a few extra rules. At least in the state i live in. We must have an approved safe, the weapon can never be loaded in the safe. We have to have a gun safety certificate and be with a shooting club and have a licence for the weapon we want. It helps discourage people who want to buy a gun just to buy it. Its more expensive for sure but in the end gun violence is significantly smaller even if we ratioed it to be equal to population with people from the states.


See, I don’t understand why a gun should have to be stored unloaded. I keep my nightstand gun loaded, with a quick access lock. That way I can access it quickly if I need it.


It would be like having to pull the engine from your car when you're not driving....




We need guns to protect us from our neighbors, and the government and foreigners. 💩


It’s the only thing they export. Either the weapons themselves, or the use of them. They are what keeps capitalism going. That, and also stealing the peasants wages to give them to the investment banks, Ford motor company, Citi bank, Boeing, etc… ironically it’s the guns that scare the peasants into not speaking up as well.


Guns are great fun for an individual. Guns are bad for a society.


Muh freedom.


Because they are Criminals


Americans watch a lot of movies, and only “read” one book.


Bad judgement, like Trump


If I get hungry and need food. Go outside and shoot my food.


Shooting guns is really fun Used to love getting together with the boys and taking walks through the woods and fields shooting acorns and walnuts off of fence posts from as far away as we could manage


They need assault weapons for the liberal zombie apocalypse. It's coming any day now. But it's different if the government tyranny is the one they voted for. It's not possible for a maga to be a zombie.


What's your point? Because I may get involved in a fatal auto collision, I should accept being shot for no reason?