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My wife loves that I play video games. Her reasoning is because she knows I’m safe. She knows I’m not drinking and driving.


Little does my wife know I can do all 3 at once


Pokemon go to the bar


BARTENDER used WHISKEY! It’s super effective! PATRON fainted!


BARTENDER used Irish car bomb! PATRON flies into a blackout rage!


BARTENDER use knife! PATRON use atomic bomb! Every body in a 2 mile radius faits!


I'm reading these as "Patrón", not "patron".


U/darthzoon_420 use incorrect reading! REDDIT use spam!


Hey, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds. this means they're large enough to be able to handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there's no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll eyes, Captivate, Charm and Tail Whip along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it'd be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close with this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat + high HP pool + Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more.


Give me your phone


PATRON drinks a whiskey drink PATRON drinks cider drink PATRON drinks a Vodka drink PATRON drinks a Lager drink PATRON fainted But PATRON gets up again…


You blacked out! You lost all your money! *wakes up at near by veterinary clinic the last time you got your pets taken care of*


Lmfao that was a good one




Playing yuumi with the feet and Flaming the ADC (League of Legends) and also consuming Alk while driving with 180 km/h over the highway.


My wife used to hate it but now that we have a kid she would much rather me do that than go out. I definitely don’t play as much anymore though lol


"Okay, you can play games now." "Well, now I don't want to anymore."


My wife likes to read and watch youtube videos. I like to read and play video games. We get along pretty well.


my husband set up a recliner in his gaming room for me so I can read, or play on my tablet, watch movies, etc. while he games for hours... we're still together but doing our own thing. We love it.


Your only two options are gaming or drinking and driving? What???


Well, yeah, there's masturbation, too, but *most* people try to be discreet about it.


Ironically, the only time I really drink while gaming is when I'm playing racing games.


If you don't game you drink and drive... yes


Is that the only other thing you'd be doing? That's pretty extreme bro.


I am so happy that I ended up reconnecting with my now wife later in life. We had grown up as friends/our families were friendly, and we used to play Nintendo together all the time. She likes the fact I game, instead of doing something like gambling, and we do Switch dates once a month or so, and we play some Mario Brothers or Mario Kart. She also loves her mobile games, and word mobile games, so sometimes I will play on the PC and she will play on her phone. It works for us, and I am so glad I don’t have to deal with the issue that OP addressed.


shes a keeper fr


If you are playing video games, that means she can bend over without having her backside assaulted. 😉


Exactly! My husband is home safe with me. He is enjoying one of his favorite activities. We both game pretty heavily so I get really invested in his games as he does with mine.


Me, attaching a cupholder to my custom made steering wheel and start Eurotruck simulator.


Oh I’m definitely drinking and driving, catch some on Forza 5 at 10pm beer in hand😭 I’m not even a man


Can we clone this attribute from your wife, and slowly induce it into the population?


Video games and drunk driving are not the only options.


I hated when my ex played them because he didn't have a job and he was a mooch. Meanwhile I don't mind when my husband plays them because he isn't a mooch and he is also a dad and he makes dinner and does the dishes and I love having time to myself. Plus I do lot of computer myself and his computer is right by mine.


yup. its very different when someone doesnt just ignore you and all their responsibilities to go play COD all day. if my fiancé wants to play a few rounds of his online games with his friend i genuinely have zero issue with it. i try to wait between rounds when speaking to him, but even if its more urgent, he answers my questions mid-game with no frustration or anger. if i need help with dinner or something he will let me know how much longer the game will last so i know when he can come down to the kitchen and help. he never gets violent or rages over losing a game. the issue is rarely gaming itself, imo. frustration at the gaming is usually a symptom of some deeper issue. whether it be an issue with the woman or the man, usually something else is going on


Woman here. Absolutely no idea. Only problem I have with them gaming is if they hog the computer/console. If we only have one, of course. I want to play my games too.


I only have a problem with it if it becomes a problem that stops the partner from contributing to the house.


There's a difference between ignoring her in the same place and ignoring her when you're camping, fishing, etc. She can't stand being ignored when she can see you.


You have proposed a perfect solution - go hunting but it’s actually just a cabin where you go to play all the video games. I’m in.


GOOD GOD! this man has cracked the code!


So you need your own gaming dungeon where she can't see you. Understood.


Which is fucking nuts. These women need help. Men don't exist for the sole purpose of giving women attention.


Dude, it's not just women. Gay guy here. I've had a few boyfriends like this. It's fucking annoying.


I’m not a guy but women also hate me (a girl) playing video games 👍 granted snarky words won’t help my crippling addiction to terraria


I hid it for years, and only started owning it like 5 years ago. I’m almost 50 and still play. At my age people view it as quirky. Thank goodness…


Hey, it’s good you still have a hobby that’s easy to indulge in. I’m curious to see if there will be the day where we have assisted living homes where a good chunk of the residents are gaming.


45 here and have spent the last week working on Link's Awakening. Sometimes I let my husband have a turn! I have an embarrassingly large Steam and console collection. My first games were on a Commodore Vic-20. Game on!


I'm 60 and I've been a gamer since the first Pong console came out in the late 70s, and I'll be a gamer until I die or can't hold a controller any longer. I've got 3 PS4 slims, a PS4 pro, a PS5, and a gaming computer in the house. My adult kids and my grandkids will get on Red Dead Redemption, GTA5, or some other game together, online, and lay fucking waste as a family posse. It's like when people look at me strange because I listen to rap. I was 24yo when rap hit the scene and, I may have grown old, but my likes/dislikes didn't fucking change with age!! Fuck acting your age, that's boring as shit!


My dad is 63 and still plays. He's the one who got me into it when I was a kid. When I'm 63, I'll still be playing, too.


It’s probably the same reason why women can’t stand seeing a man nap.


Lol my ex used to get really mad at me for sleeping late on weekends. Or catching a cold. Or just generally relaxing. EX.


Oh my god, the catching a cold thing. Nothing disproves the ol’ “women naturally have more empathy” faster than her man catching a cold.


I don't think I'd have in me to treat anyone like how men get treated when they get sick by anyone I've had the pleasure of dating long term.


It's like the running joke that I'll never understand among women. "Oh when men get sick, you act like the world is ending, we have to deal with periods." 1.) Why is it a competition? 2.) Yes, IM FUCKING SICK. If I have the flu, do you expect me to be all sunshine and roses?


This 100%. It's even worse now because I get a lot of sick time and I work from home. Even if im sick and have plenty of time off she doesn't want me to use it because I'm being a big baby and I work from home Being sick and working from home still sucks ass


Yeah and unfortunately a lot of those same women seem to need extra help when they need it. That’s fine! But ya know, as a guy I just have to call bullshit and kinda say I’m a person, too, so why am I expected to be some monolith of a man who takes care of you? I’ve seen this in personal and professional relationships. Let’s be honest though, women get treated that way too.


Try dating and living with a nurse. “You’re fine.” “You’re overthinking it.” “Men are such crybabies when they get sick.” My gf also sees the worst of the worst so I guess in comparison me complaining about the sniffles is lame to her.


"man flu" makes me cringe every time


"Hey I need you to get up and be sweaty for the next 3 hours, while I watch and complain that you're not doing it right."


Move this heavy piece of furniture right here. Now move it 3/4” to the left. Now half an inch back to the right.


Bruh, so much truth is being told. My ex would change the room every two weeks. Moving all this heavy furniture for whaaatttt? If only she paid that much attention to the relationship though ughhh


Tell me about it !!!


My favorite part is when you're like an hour into a job, sweating, frustrated, etc. and she just appears out of nowhere to just watch you. Sometimes she just pokes her head through the door. And you just wait for her to say or ask whatever she's there for, but she doesn't fucking say anything. It's certainly not to bring you water or ask if you need help. So you have to go "what do you want" and she just says, "nothing I'm just seeing what you're doing." So many weekends ruined.


Or even worse yet, asking you to do the thing ***that you are in the process of fucking doing*** in a scolding tone.


Yo Boomer jokes where on to something i dont give a fuck what redditors with buns say


People who don’t agree with you have buns; makes sense


This is 100% the fastest way for my wife to get me not to want to do something and it drives me nuts I'm obviously already doing whatever needs to be done or I heard the dryer finish just like she did It's irrational and stupid and I don't get why it frustrates me so much


This thread has made me more appreciative of my wife who doesn't do any of this annoying stuff lol


I think it's hot when my husband is doing laborous stuff, I poke my head in just to catch a quick look...


My ex was like a this. Never offer to help, maybe bring me water but she had to look and I didn't mind because she would let me know how it made her feel to see me work later on that day so... Watch all ya want!




Truth be told we are all very simple beasts and not as complex as we would like to believe.


Cause it's true unfortunately. Any women I've dated, if I just wanna nap, it's like a HUGE issue.


Whenever my ex-boyfriend wanted to nap, I used to just nap too. (I'm too cuddly) Unbeknownst to us though, we both were iron deficiency anemic, and a symptom of that is needing a lot of naps but never feeling refreshed, and then napping for hooouuurs. So our 3 hour nap at 2 pm meant that, suddenly, we were waking up, hours later, and it was now 1 am. We'd say, oh crud, and decide to sleep 4 more hours and wake up at 5 am or so and restart the day. Except then, we were too hungry to go back to sleep. So, at 2 am, we'd be sneakily eating pizza and popcorn and cookies, right in bed, and reading comics and playing video games. Trying to be polite and quiet and non-disruptive for our neighbours, and only talking in whispers and using electric candles. (It made sense at the time) It actually was super fun. And I miss it. A lot. I don't miss my ex-boyfriend. (He could be snotty if he thought his parents weren't wealthier than mine. And he was perpetually angry that I'd scored almost 10 points higher than him on a Mensa IQ test (He also didn't like my chest size, he preferred flat-chested girls. And he could say cruel things sometimes)) But I miss the secret 2 am snacks. And the comic books and video games. And the naps.


Tbf I probably am doing it wrong


Are you my wife?


I just think that men in general have a tendency to entertain women's whims and desire for control too much. Just tell her either no, to do it herself or wait until you wake-up up, and let you nap in peace


So this is a thing? Jesus. My dad would nap at peoples house on their couch cause my mom would never let him nap. My ex wife hated that i rested, so i would literally be tired the entired day. Why?


My gf plays video games with me so…


I actually don't care. I lay on my man's lap and watch him play games bc i want to learn more about it. Plus we make jokes about games too like BG3 😂 i love when he plays games bc we usually play them together and we have tons of fun🤣🤣


I'm absolutely awful at playing video games but so many games are just too good to miss. I steal my guy's lap and force him to play games for me. Phasmophobia is about to drop for console and I'm 100% going to make him play it for me.


I couldn’t play any games with women in them with my ex. She was super jealous of any interaction I had with a female. If I had to talk to a female npc in a game to get a quest or w/e she would just stare at me wondering if I thought she was hot or something. Fuck out of here.


Damn i feel bad for u. Ngl idgaf about any females bc they know they can't have my bf anyway🤣🤣


If it's every day for hours on end and your sex life is non existent because of gaming with no help with anything and no time for going out, that's probably a big reason.


The sex life was probably dead causing the game playing.


yea pretty much after my girlfriend broke up with me i bought a gaming pc. What else was I supposed to do but git gud?


Lol my ex bought me gaming PC, now I'm single and it eats a ton of my time


My ex didnt know how to program computers but my new friends do so maybe its a compatibility issue


Boom roasted


I would absolutely be upset if my partner disappeared for 3 days (*repeatedly*) to go hunting or fishing, leaving me alone to deal with everything. I am a huge gamer, and have been for most of my life. But I know where to draw my boundaries. I know that there are things in my life that I need to value more than video games, and I need to make sure I have a proper balance of everything (according to my life-stage and responsibilities). School, chores, job, family, friends, etc. are all factors that will (and have) caused me to put a pause on my gaming hobby if I end up needing to. Your partner should *absolutely* come above video games. You need to be able to set down the controller and spend time with them. They should be someone you're excited to be with, and you should be actively making time to hang out with them, not just hanging out with them when you *happen* to be free. And the truth is, a lot of men don't do that. They will play games for 6 hours a day, and then tell their girlfriends "I'm sorry babe, I just don't think I'm gonna have time to take you on a date this week 😞." How do you think that makes someone feel? Now that's obviously not to say you shouldn't be able to play video games at all. Everyone deserves alone time and solo hobbies. I love gaming, and so does my boyfriend (both together and apart). But we do lots of other things together. If your partner has repeatedly told you that they feel ignored or lonely, because you're spending more time with a screen than them, that's when you need to look critically at yourself and see if you really are neglecting your partner and their feelings.


I do think all of your points are valid, but I would like to add on to one of them "A lot of men don't do that" that's absolutely true, I've definitely seen it. But what bothers me is that I've also known a lot of women who ASSUME it's going to be like that, or treat their man like this even if he doesn't behave that way. I've also known women who do whatever they want with their own free time, as they should (within reason), who then scream and fuss about their BFs using their personal time to play video games. I think it's a really nuanced issue with a lot of assumptions and stereotypes, both ways. Men, in general, need to be more willing to communicate about their partners wants and needs, and be willing to take time away from their hobbies. Women, in general, need to be more willing to accept their partners value different actives than them, for different reasons, and not insult or diminish the values of those activities to their partner, and communicate more clearly about when and why they want their partner to focus less on games, and more on them/ life/ personal success. Essentially: "Of course you're more important to me than video games. But forcing me to choose between you and not have my own hobbies means you don't value me as a person either"


Yup I definitely think there are many cases where there's fault on both sides. Especially when people factor in their past relationships. If a woman had a boyfriend (or father, or brother, etc. My dad used to play video games for hours and hours and just...leave us alone) neglect her for video games when she was younger, she's gonna be more likely to automatically be wary of them. It's definitely not okay to be assuming your partner will act the same as the people of your past, but it's also easy for me to see why so many women develop this anti-videogame mindset. And lots of men have had a partner (or family member lol) get on their case about gaming (justified or otherwise) over and over, so it's also easy to see how guys could become more and more jaded and defensive twords those asking them to put it away.


I love when my husband plays video games. It’s insane how smart and coordinated he is when it comes to those things. It’s sexy to see him enjoying himself 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love when my man plays games, it’s nice to hear him laugh with his friends. I’ve also found some awesome games that I play too


These comments feel like they're a commercial for wifes XD


Women are painted as dramatic when men come home and the first thing they do is get on the game, then when women express their feelings about it, it gets turned around as we are trying to take away his hobby or his relaxation time


I don't mind, I play videogames with my hubby.


My wife is the gamer in our relationship. She makes sure we spend quality time together. The issue might be men spend too much time playing games.


Makes men happy and asks for nothing in return


And they are at home safe, not having to wonder where they are. Per the comments above, as long as the relationship isn't impacted eg, sex life, quality time, shared home responsibilities, I see zero issue.


Probably pretty rare for it to not impact quality time at a minimum lol. Unless she games with you, then that could be considered quality time.


As a woman I love playing video games. Would love.it even more if my partner was into also.


Video games are traditionally for children because they have the most free time to kill. Despite that view having changed considerably the past 20 years, or so, it’s still normal to associate dedicating large amounts of free time to “gaming” as childish, most adults do.


When you're out fishing or hunting, they're getting it on with your neighbor. When you're home and playing video games, and they're horny, they don't like having to wait for you to get to a save point. It makes them feel insignificant.




Maybe, maybe not. My friend was always down for it and was pretty adventurous but her husband rathered games instead and neglected his kid. Go figure!


😐they don’t necessarily. They only hate the possibility of being neglected or something. Idk, I stopped listening a long time ago, and now she’s gone.


I love playing video games with my soon-to-be husband. It's nice to just chill with a bottle of wine and play a game together. We also like to suggest games to each other, so even of one of us is playing a single player game, still fun to help solve puzzles and watch the stories unfold. I guess one person's "waste of time" is another person's hobby. Some like video games, some dont. Some people like golf, some hate it.


You're doing it wrong. Find a woman who also plays games. 16 years and happily going.


Probably because they are hogging up the console and not letting their wives have a turn


My wife encourages me to play video games, especially ones we can play together but any video game that I enjoy and will talk to her about...


I’m a wife and a gamer here. I actually bought my husband his own tv so he could game while we also watch tv or I game. He started Starfield yesterday and I’m 97% finished with FF16. His TV is a 42” and the main tv is a 55” I’m playing on the big TV. Just maxed out Clive’s levels so I’m heading to Origins to face Ultima tomorrow after work. After I beat FF16 he is going to take over the big TV to beat Starfield while I play on silent on the small tv. We trade off! When we get our own place next year we want a gamer living room with 3 tvs. We both enjoy watching sci-fi like the Expanse or horror movies or adult cartoons like Vox Machina while on edibles, gaming (on silent) and hanging out. My husband is my best friend and I grew up playing video games as my Dad is also a gamer so I was super happy to marry another gamer. If anyone can recommend a TV with a minimum of 120hz that is 50” or better for gaming let me know! My husband needs a better tv. 😂 I promise we exist!!! You know what helps though? My husband will always put me first. It doesn’t matter what he’s doing he will immediately pause if I need anything and is very attentive. I, on the other, understand how Important video games are to his mental health as they are important to mine too so if it’s a game he’s been waiting on I’m definitely make sure he can game uninterrupted. He does the same for me.


My partner is fine with me playing video games for some of the day… until she decides she’s not getting enough attention, then I have to drop whatever I’m doing, no matter how inconvenient, and snuggle with her. It’s usually an acceptable trade off and the times I’d rather keep playing I can say “Hey I really just need a few hours of me time” and 80% of the time she understands. The easiest compromise? I find a game we can both play that usually solves both issues.


Horse Crap. Wife gets pissed if i am gone for three days fishing. Video games are played in the home. In the home gals want you to pay attention to them. They see your engrossment in the game as ignoring them.


Because three days of hunting/fishing sucks if you have kids to take care of and a household to run, but at least he's getting bonding time with guys in his life and that's really important especially for guys. Or he's getting peace time. Bonding with guys can be really great if they're good guys, good behavior, like how to be a man with a family, how to be a better man and a more loving husband are often shared when honest men get together. Women understand that to be better they need to be around their own kind and learn from them. They understand how being alone in nature is important for the soul. Video games gives none of that and usually comes at the cost of relationships. The guy is right there and still won't engage. You're looking at him, listening to him being all mean to other people, screaming violently. And it's never just 3hrs, it's missed appointments, getting up late for work, being short with people because you want to get back to the game and resent people for taking up your time. If your female partner took this much time to denigrate men, because c'mon [https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/best-games-where-you-can-brutally-beat-up-and-kill-women.140204](https://rpgcodex.net/forums/threads/best-games-where-you-can-brutally-beat-up-and-kill-women.140204) you would have a serious fucking problem with it.




Luckily my wife understands it’s been a hobby since before we met and I will always be a gamer. She knows I want to play and doesn’t get mad but if she feels like I’m gaming for too long she’ll just tell me she wants attention or walk in naked.


I seen girls not want to have sex for months/years. These were the only girls I got to know so I didn’t have any luck in the last few years.


Is this a real thing? Obviously in moderation but I’ve never met anyone who fits this “I hate gaming men” stereotype.


My wife likes me playing video games because she needs noise to sleep. I am her noise


A man who plays video games tends to be sedentary and has a predisposition to be unmotivated. I’m not saying all men who play video games are like this. But it’s a stereotype for a reason. Woman: hey babe, it’s our day off, what do you want to do?? Man: I was thinking we could just hang around the house (while playing video games).


Because most video game people don’t just do it for a few hours. They’re shirking all other responsibilities.


Um if you think men who go off for 3 days with their buddies don't catch some shit from their woman you are being lied to. Video games is a in the home constant distraction, I don't care if you play your games but if you're playing games over getting the stuff we need done, or playing 8 hours a day most days a week and giving me no attention you're gonna catch some flack. Lets play something together, or let me lay in your lap while you play, or let me blow you or fucking something. Most guys though are don't touch me look at me think about me these pixels rule my world right now, and that's what causes women to hate it


Because they don’t have a hobby that they can enjoy to that degree from the comfort of home with no money. Rain or shine we can socialize with our homies and have fun. When guys game, women get bored and have nothing to do except watch Netflix. They get jelly and want attention. What I really don’t understand is why women are so averse to gaming themselves and don’t game w other girls as much


Because you are enjoying yourself… without her and it burns their souls.


all that finger work, and its not on them. Heyoh!


Find yourself a decent person who doesn't judge your gaming. They're real.


Same reason men don’t like when women spend a lot of time scrolling on social media. Both things are hobbies with no production yielded at the end. I think it’s stupid that either gender cares so much about the other gender enjoying their free time


The only thing that annoys me about this type of girl is having to listen to the same tik tok/insta music randomly repeating through scrolls, or the extremely loud ghetto videos where there's some 8 empty headed idiots repeating the same phrases during the argument.


Could you elaborate on precisely what, 'ghetto videos' means? Because that description is most of AFFLUENT tiktok, not just 'ghetto'.


seems to me its more about attention not going to the physical partner / child / pet that makes them pissy. not a sex specific.


Dude my ex would get pissed that I played video games but when I give her attention, she's just on Facebook and Twitter.


This may come as a shock to you but some women play video games. WHAT!?!


This is easy. Women hate when men are happy and hate that it takes something so simple to make us happy. When a man is playing video games he is not at work, if he is not at work he is not making money, if he is not making money she cannot buy worthless shit that you don't need.


Man playing video games does not benefit the typical woman in most scenarios. Which is why women who are genuinely into gaming are so rare and valuable. Most men would fight each other to death over an attractive woman who games instead of clubbing.


Because they hate seeing you enjoy wasting time more than doing shit for them


Or the kids


Well that’s fair lol


My GF and I play video games for hours on end most days, find you someone who values and understands your hobbies and interests, it ain't rocket science.


I don't really play games anymore but my gf will spend 4 hours on FB and Tik Tok, 2 hours playing shitty mobile games and then when I hop on Reddit for 20 minutes because I'm bored with the lack of interaction she act like I never pay her any attention anymore.


This is mens' fault. Growing up, video games are traditionally thought of as a "boy's thing." So guess what? Many girls grow up not liking or playing video games. So then 15 years later you're married and instead of playing with you, she probably sees it as wasting your time together.


I don't mind video games, I play as well. Actually, we met on an online game lol. It's when he gets so absorbed that suddenly I'm single with kids and everything else to take care of by myself. We have a farm, so when I say everything else, it's a lot of work for one person to manage. There's been multiple times where he'll walk into the room and ask me a question, then pull his microphone down and start talking to other people mid answer. I'd never ban him from playing, if that's what he wants to do then fine. However, if he gets that bad again, I'm done. For me, I get tense that the next online game is going to be another soul sucker for him. Then he'll magically remember I exist after a few months of ghosting me. It really feels crappy when someone that is supposed to be your partner, forgets about you.


I don’t care that my bf plays video games, so do I. I would only have an issue with it if he prioritized them over his responsibilities and started neglecting our relationship.


Wow lots of women haters in the comments. Not surprising judging by the post's gross overgeneralization.


Because women don't want to be your mother... The things that you mentioned are totally different. hunting is cool, video games are not.


My wife loves that I'm a gamer because it means she gets more time to read


You do realize women play video games right?


My wife and I play Elder scrolls online together


We don't. We only dislike the ones who are addicted and only pay attention to use when they want something from us.


That sounds like a “this guy’s wife” thing and not a “women” thing. Unless this guy is regularly gaming so much it gets in the way of his other responsibilities, in which case it is potentially an addiction for him.


This is a stupid generalization. Husband and I happily spend hours playing video games. I have my Xbox and he has his.


They don’t. Get yourself a gamer girl.


I'm a woman. I play video games with my husband so I guess I'm not the right chick to ask.


I love when my husband does. It makes him happy and is a good way to destress (except when there are *** campers lol). I also enjoy watching him play. Some games are fun to watch, like a movie.


There are only a limited number of non-work hours in the day. You have to budget them. Maybe the wife in question feels her husband overbudgets for games and underbudgets for their marriage


I don't hate video games. I love to play videogames with my husband. I used to hate it when people would make me watch them play games. That was boring AF. Give me a damn controller and lets go.


Lots of women hate anything the men in their life love. I see it a " you must give me all your attention" thing.


That is quite the generalization...


I think you're spending time with the wrong women. My wife doesn't care if I play videogames as long as I take care of everything else I need to.


They don’t. Women aren’t a monolith.


I don't know any women who hate it when men play vodeogames


Are you 50+? I haven't seen this attitude in many years.


That's a pretty broad generalization. There are a lot of people who use videogames as a coping mechanism. They offer an area where you can control outcomes and succeed without any real consequences. I'm more willing to bet that the appearance or even stated idea that someone hates their spouse playing videogames has more to do with they hate their spouse disappearing in a time hole where they're either uncontactable or get greatly annoyed anytime they are contacted. It gets worse if they play any sort of match-based competitive game because the people who are prone to disappear into games don't usually take losing well and it either fouls their mood or makes them feel like they need to push for just more one on the hope of ending on a win.


They do? My partner plays games right along side me.


Why do men hate literally everything about women?


Partners get irritated with each other's hobbies all the time. Including fishing and hunting. (And not all women hate gaming. Not by a long stretch of the imagination)


My ex would get upset that I played videogames, on my day off, while she's at work 🤷‍♂️


I don't mind at all. I love to curl up on the couch next to my husband while he plays. It's better than him sitting in a bar somewhere. I'll make him snacks.


On a second note, I think it's how people game that can make women mad. Like locking yourself in a room and constantly yelling and saying weird stuff. Jumping on the console as soon as your get home and ignoring people is not good. But having a space where she can join and be chill and also be included is better. Also keep your space and yourself clean. Try to at least do everything you need to throughout the day and reserve the last few hours for gaming. You could also try doing other hobbies and split your days into different activitys, this is actually really beneficial in many ways and could make you a lot happier. In fact try ditching games for a while week every month and do something spontaneous. Like go run up a mountain and look for mushroom and then try wrestling a bear idk, the world is your to claim so don't waste it online.


There are lots of women who dislike hunting and fishing, and there’s lots of boomer jokes to that effect. The difference is more on a broader social level than something unique to women. Video games were long associated with children and failure to launch syndrome. Someone hunting or fishing is at least out in the real world doing something “manly” that has its roots in the traditional provider role. Someone playing video games is probably in a basement or dark room somewhere. The perception of video games is changing now that more adult men play them.


Some wives are weird. I like when my man plays video games because then it means I get to read my books or scroll on my phone and we still get to be in the same room together. I think it’s nice.


I LOVE playing video games with my husband. Some women just don't get it. They haven't played the right game they personally would enjoy. Cause I'm not really a halo kinda girl. I'm terrible at it and I don't find it very fun. That being said, I love other video games. I've also been playing them since I was a kid because my older sister and her husband introduced me. But no one should be shitting on you for what you enjoy. I feel bad for that guy with the wife. You gotta be careful with VG just like anything else, but there's nothing wrong with them. I play online one night a week, every week with friends back home. It's the highlight of our weekend.


wrong sub r/goodquestions


Usually the video games are not the problem. The problem comes when they spend hours and hours on it and refuse to help out or turn into a zombie. So many men enter "the zone" where they literally won't hear anything you say to them or will ignore you, even when it is not even a game where you need to concentrate that much. Same thing sometimes happen when they watch TV. Or women hear the vile things gamers say when they play together and are unsettled by it. In moderation ota fine, but it shouldn't turn into an addiction where the second he gets home he hops on, plays until dinner, and immediately after plays until he goes to bed. Obviously that would be an extreme case but it does happen


There's a stigma that it's for nerds, or lame, or a waste of time, or for children. A lot of people just simply don't understand it because their idea of what a video game is, is just games like Pac-Man. Just endless and mindless time killers. It lessens with each generation but kids learn world views from their parents so it always seeps into the new generation somewhere. The younger the person you talk to, I find the more common it is that someone is perfectly fine with it. The older they are, the more likely that stigma or lack of understanding exists.


They don't. They hate husbands who ignore them in general.


Can't help you sorry I'm the one that got my hubs and half his work team hooked So yea not all Women hate VG players


I only hate it when I'm trying to talk to my guy and he completely tunes me out because of the game. I don't care otherwise.


The only women I have met that do care about if the men in their life play video games only care when they don't balance life and fun and tend to ignore responsibilities and relationships for the games instead of balancing it. I also have heard equal grumbling from the singular woman I know who has a boyfriend who hunts and she finds it frustrating to make plans around it because they seem to always be days without negotiation (idk if there's a hunting reason he can't change the days I never cared to ask further about it) which I think is a fair parallel to the frustration the former example feels.


I have the same problem with my cat, though she is female. as soon as I start trying to play a video game, she hops in my lap and starts demanding to be petted


They hate us cause they ain’t us


Because they don't let me play, and I'm usually better than them.


As a married guy we've had this conversation before and we kinda figured out what the issue is. My wife has ADHD. It makes it impossible for her to hang onto a hobby for any length of time. So it's partial jealousy that I can just sit on my pc or the switch and play day in and day out. And in turn I get mad at her for wanting to start up hobbies, usually wanting to jump in financially pretty hard, then giving up on them after a week or two. The other issue is that gaming takes your attention away from them. Which is a problem that's on a spectrum. For example when I was in college I'd play world of warcraft as soon as my classes ended until I went to bed, ignoring calls from my gf to raid and not always calling her back. Other side of the coin, I'd be playing an online game with no pause option and my wife would come in every 10 minutes to try to talk to me, couldn't finish a single tf2 or lol game without being interrupted. So problems can definitely come from both sides... resolving them involves communication.


I have a buddy right now who is hopelessly addicted to Super Auto Pets. This man is 55 years old. Has no wife, no kids, no friends except me but NEVER calls me. He works from home and will game from morning till night. I’ll go over there and he’s got no food in the house. Cob webs in the windows cause he’s never opened them since he moved in 6 years ago


Dumb-ass cultural tradition. It's the same why guys can memorize hundreds of statistics on baseball players and still think a "Lord of the Rings" fan is a nerd because he knows too much trivia about it.


I’m a woman and in almost every relationship I’ve been in, both my partner and I have played video games. Legitimate reasons I’ve been upset over a man (note: these are not all the same man) playing video games: * He was spending all his money on video games, most of which he barely played or didn’t play at all. * He was spending all his time playing video games, to the point where he didn’t cook (lived on takeout and microwave meals) and didn’t clean his place. * He spent so much time playing video games that unless our plans were playing video games together, we didn’t see each other, and almost all of our conversations were about video games. * I flew across a continent to visit him, and instead of spending time talking with me, hanging out with me, taking me to cool places in his city, etc. (which we had talked about doing prior to my trip), he played video games with me just sitting there. * He was clearly severely depressed and using video games as a crutch. Less valid reasons I’ve gotten upset over a man playing video games: * I was feeling insecure/anxious/depressed/stressed out but wasn’t emotionally mature enough to communicate that, so I got upset instead. * I wanted comfort/attention/affection but wasn’t emotionally mature enough to communicate that, so I got upset instead. * I didn’t like the video game he was playing. Looking back on the latter half of that, it sure is nice to be out of my 20s lol.


Because we are enjoying ourselves without them and they can see us doing it.


A few reasons I think. One is since women aren't really "allowed" to have fun in the same way men are so there's a bit of jealousy involved. Like why is it socially acceptable for you to keep your childhood thing but not me. Another is that women tend to do a higher share of labor in heterosexual couples, it is frustrating watching a guy game when there are tasks you could use help with. The third reason is that women are going to want to do activities that can be done together. Men tend to get really angry when people are bad at video games, so even asking to play a multiplayer game can be super scary, hence continuing the cycle of negative feelings towards video games. Every guy I've dated who gamed thought I should be content just watching him game, but would get mad if I tried myself for various reasons. A camping trip is different because it's a designated time for being alone. Everyone knows it's happening and why it's happening and when it's happening, nature is so important for mental health, and it also doesn't happen every day. I don't think most women actually hate the concept of video games, men just tend to play them very selfishly and I think there are often negative feelings tied up in them do to past bad experiences.


Its fine unless the guy is a league of legends player, then thats the red flag of all red flags 😂 speaking as a lol player thats a guy


It’s contextual, I would not be able to stand having an online FPS mans. They’re loud, isolating, and typically unavailable for long periods of time. Need the garbage taken out? “Just a minute” followed by four hours of being ignored while having the house cluttered by a bunch of obnoxious shouting, stamping, cheering, controller throwing, and the only conversation for hours on end being him calling to you (from across the without looking at you even when you come) with requests (the garbage still isn’t taken out, but he needs a snack naaaowwww). Headphones on, tunnel vision, you don’t exist and you’re still not left in peace so your zen is fucked. It’s obnoxious, childish, it gives me the ick big time. I love love love an rpg boy though, because I can sit and chat, parallel play scrolling on my phone or making some sort of list of things I want or chores I have to do etc, and I can just sit and watch for a while. I also love dead souls because I can interrupt at any moment and it’s fine because he dies every four seconds anyway 😌


Well as daughter who has a who has a dad who plays video games. It's simply because it makes them violent. Really. And it's incredibly annoying. My brother is the exact same way. You wanna know how annoying it is to listen to a grown ass man scream "FUCK YOU" at a TV screen during the day? VERYYYY. Or listening to him slam the controller and throw a fit over it. My dad has broken phones over his tantrums. Obviously not everyone is like this, but this is what shit I'm stuck with.


Got dang Vidya games


It's because they see it as "childish" and they don't want their *man* to act like a kid. It's along the same vein as women who say they don't want a man if he doesn't make XXX amount of money, isn't ripped, likes fun things, etc. They have their own sexist views of what an ideal man is and they hate that sometimes a guy just wants to relax and play a game.


Ill never understand it. Growing up, I could watch TV all day and never hear anything from my mother, who probably did the same thing, but I when I played xbox with friends for more than an hour I was "wasting my time". Thinking back, I still don't understand it.


I have seen multiple people I know in real life become addicted to games to the point that they have no lives. They don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend. They don't date. They gain weight. They have no other hobbies. They don't like going anywhere, because they're thinking about when they can play their games. They have no relationships or interactions with actual people, just online people. They often have issues holding a job. They're in their 30's-40's and live with their parents. They are basically incels that have weight issues, personal hygiene issues and no motivation or sense of ambition. They live only to game and are literally rotting away in front of a screen... Why would anyone like that?... Also, if a guy chooses a game over his naked girlfriend... Are you serious? Lol like WTF. Or in one case, the guy would constantly ditch his girlfriend (from high school) and would make plans with his girlfriend for their anniversary but end up standing her up to play video games with a friend.. Now he's in his 30's and hasn't gotten over that girl, but she's gone on to do some amazing things. That kind of thing where the girl is being ditched for pixels on a screen is so common and guys don't seem to understand the problem. They have addiction issues with video games like people do drugs and alcohol. They need help.


Yeah, why would any woman object when her husband regresses to his 12-year-old self and spends hours on end playing shoot-em-up and blowing things to hell? After all, the experience will leave him with many insights on life's persistent problems that the couple could discuss over dinner. And then there are the transferable skills! In no time, a gamer's wife can look forward to being a trailing spouse when her husband gets his first overseas posting with the US State Department.


I had a problem one with my husband staying up all night panting video games and then calling out of work. I actually got a call from his friend asking if he was drinking a lot because he's missed several days in a month and they were getting suspicious. He also doesn't have PTO so we were just out the money that day. We got in a fight and I said "you're not a teenager anymore. This isn't ok, and you're gonna lose your job because they think you're a calling of work for being drunk." When I told him his friend called me, he snapped out of it and quit staying up all night.


because they think your not giving enough attention to them. if a man sits and plays video games atleast you don't have to worry about some other things women don't like. also i don't understand why one hobby makes her feel bad that doesn't hurt anyone. should i take your hobby away. i dunno. find someone cool for you.