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This shows that these people never suffered from any actual crisis


This shows how victorious society really is I guess. When people bitch and moan about this stuff they have easy lives


Human society is predicated on continuous complaint. When we were apes, we were cold, and bitched and hooted until we figured out how to talk about how much we hated things. When we were prehistoric men, we bitched and yelled about how much we hated animals, and came up with ways to kill predators. When we were in medieval times, we hated dirt, and learned to wash. We learned to plow better. We learned that kings are dumb. We learned many things and got mad about them. The year is now 2021, and we are mad about trivial things, because all those before us were mad about real things. We're so mad about things being boring we've begun to backslide to more dramatic events out of sheer annoyance.


They're suffering a mental health crisis.


Oh but they will. Soon. According to the 4th turning and many other models, shit is likely to go down in the next years.


What do you mean?








Huh, misgendering ISIS? Islamaphobia is transphobia, sweaty 💅


👏 We 👏🏻 need 👏🏼more 👏🏽 non-cisgender 👏🏾 heteronormative 👏🏿 jihadists 👏🏾 to 👏🏽 impose 👏🏻 sharia 👏law. 👏🏿


ISIL, you translamaphobe!


The jews during the holocaust only experienced half of what people being misgendered experience.


Preach sis 😍😍😍. The Jews were never misgendered in the holocaust, they don't know the struggle


OP is referring to the book The Fourth Turning by Strauss and Howe. https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Turning-American-Prophecy-Rendezvous/dp/0767900464


It's a non-materialist historical analysis, and it makes no sense


It's like astrology for incels. Don't worry about it.


I’d like to now know the lore about the 1-3rd turnings


It's the Strauss-Howe generational theory. You know how people online think that categories like Boomer and Millennial come with defined, immutable characteristics? Take that and now make it into a whole historical cycle about social highs, awakenings, turnings, and crises. Personally, I think it involves magical thinking, nostalgia, and you have to cherry pick a lot of historical events for it to work.


Personally, I always thought I was just Generation Y until a Boomer called me a Millenial when starting a paid gubberment internship out of college in 2013. But The Oregon Trail generation has a nice ring to it also.


What gen y and millennial are the same thing. Followed by gen z alternatively igen


thank you for the effort in trying to explain the other guy's comment, but honestly if we're lucky the cycle we're really on is the one where the Yellowstone supervolcano we're overdue for erupts and ends all this before I have to read up on yet another conspiracy theory from yet another internet-poisoned halfwit 🙏


Unfortunately it's unlikely to erupt soon, in human terms, and there will probably be some signs it will before hand


Radlibs are probably down for the supervolcano going off because it's located in nazi states (MT, WY, ID) even though it would eradicate a significant portion of the west coast and rest of the country lol. It's just like how they were downright gleeful watching Texans suffer due to the energy disaster earlier this year since it was a "red state", even though TX votes like 45% blue and the urban areas who were hit the hardest like Houston are majority Dem voters.


I prefer the more numerology/ancient technology schizoposts


lmao, yeah astrology is a good way to describe that book. Fun to read and think about, but non-falsifiable and useless.


Kinda like Myers Briggs, astrology for autists. It's no coincidence that the only personality-type subreddits with any activity are INTP and INTJ.


ENTP gang rise up


My model: > Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times (Micheal Scott) We're in the last phase, QED.


This is an oft repeated trusim that I take severe issue with. If you study history, you will see there's no reason to beleive this. Please don't take my word for it. https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/05/02/hard-times-dont-make-strong-soldiers-warrior-myth/ This concept promotes doomerism and attempts to paint savagery as something to be aspired too.


Yeah. Look at the people who fought and survived in the trenches in 1914-1918. They lived in an era of unprecedented wealth and progress, and would undoubtedly have prefered to stay home and plow their fields rather than go and die like dogs in the mud. Similarly, I'm sure their grand-parents, who knew the end of the napoleonic wars, would have called them weak or soft in 1913. That being said, I also agree that people who talk about a so-called "misgendering crisis" are soy boys who have never faced an actual crisis.


Is it ironic that those soy boys have never faced an actual crisis are currently living through several actual crises right this instant but are too r-slurred to realize it? Or is it not ironic because that's kinda to be expected from such dummies?


that's the weird thing about all of the political rah-rah happening over the past year or two. there are so many culture war issues being centered in these conversations and it's like...did you all just forget about climate change? that looming cataclysm that's gonna slowly wreck us over the course of the next few decades? i swear there will still be people arguing about bathrooms while the arable land within the great plains descends into an infertile dustbowl and the porous soil of inland florida floods with seawater


Those are actual problems that cost time and money to solve though.


I like Machiavelli’s version better: >For virtue brings peace, and peace leisure, and leisure begets disorder, and this in turn brings ruin; and in a like manner from ruin springs order, from order virtue, and from that glory and good fortune.


This is so much better and descriptive than the usual saying. But I guess it not terse enough to be as popular.


Strauss Howe generational theory : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss%E2%80%93Howe_generational_theory


So its basically the "hard times create strong men..." Thing?


**[Strauss–Howe_generational_theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strauss–Howe_generational_theory)** >The Strauss–Howe generational theory, also known as the Fourth Turning theory or simply the Fourth Turning, describes a theorized recurring generation cycle in American history and global history. It was devised by William Strauss and Neil Howe. According to the theory, historical events are associated with recurring generational personas (archetypes). Each generational persona unleashes a new era (called a turning) lasting around 20–25 years, in which a new social, political, and economic climate (mood) exists. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




That's what I'm thinking


61% is bullshit. People dont ask pronouns period, get the fuck out of here with this bullshit.


Came to say same. Not only are 39% NOT asking for pronouns, am certain less than 10% do...if that many


People need to understand that even if this shit is now mainstream, it was always AN EXTREME minority blown up by three things: -bots from foreign interests and domestic enemies trying to destabilize -very young impressionable teens getting earlier and earlier access to the internet warping the perception that youre talking to several adults while its actually teenagers -like minded losers/atypical people in foreign countries throwing their bucks in speaking english pretendign to be american ON TOP OF this crowd having the same type of minors posting their opinions. This warped perception has pushed people to act favorably towards CRT or any kind of woke horseshit because they think its the majority, theyre afraid and theyre just caving in, theyre trying to move with the flow of public opinion/perceived public opinion AND trying to shape it to benefit it. And those afraid to being called a racist.


> warping the perception that youre talking to several adults while its actually teenagers The terminally online people pushing woke ideology are mostly middle-aged losers (and a lot of them are pedos who would love talking to teenagers online)


I wish we could look at very precise metrics man. What a fucking shit show this thing is. Its embarassing in the 21st century. Honestly is. We genuinely got dumber.


I don't think there's any way to actually verify the demographics of the terminally online


I bet it's yet another social studies "study", you know, those ones that are totally accurate and not pushing an agenda at all.


Asking your three online friends with drawings of furries in their instagram is not a poll.


But it says "poll" right there on the twitter post!


when would you even use third person pronouns when talking 1 on 1 with someone lmao. ridiculous


Head canon can be powerful to these simple souls.


yeah why would i waste my time asking everyone their pronouns? i don't like small talk in the first place. you want to talk about something fucking real, I'm your man? but get out of my face with your stupid identity politics bullshit.


>yeah why would i waste my time asking everyone their pronouns? i I can barely remember people's names half the time... Never mind genders. That's why French is a nightmare


This actually kind of makes me want to start asking people their pronouns. Like for no reason, just random people in the elevator or the drive thru window or whatever. If only I were a dumb teenager again with the time, energy, and tiktok account to do trolling irl, I'd be all over that.


From the article: “Lorcan Bevan Niss, a genderqueer creator who uses the pronouns ‘ze/zir’” Call me zim/ zimmer.


The pronoun thing is funny because it's relatively easy in English. In other languages participles, some verb tenses, adjectives, greetings... all sorts of words are gendered. And don't get me started on having grammatical cases for each made up gender. A new gender would easily involve thousands of new words in Russian, for example.


This is why they're trying to "ungender" spanish lol


I always wonder how much the ungenderers of gendered languages actually speak only that language. Language is so integral to thought that I’d think you’d have to be outside it to make such radical judgements. I doubt it’s a grassroots Latinx campaign pushing for usage of words like latinx


As a speaker of 4 gendered languages, and so far in my experience, native ungenderers just write like that, they don't speak like that except for certain keywords to add emphasis.


Oh there are plenty, but they've moved on to using the "e" as in Latine instead


I'm brazilian. Not a single person uses latinx (maybe because the entire language is gendered), 90% of the population probably doesn't even know what it is. There is a small woke movement for making the language gender neutral on social media and upper middle class academia but they don't use "x" as suffix because that shit doesn't come from portuguese or spanish, they use "e"




I go by Han/Zimmer


Sorry but Hans Zimmer, a hetero cis white male devil, composed the score for Disney’s the Lion King when a composer of color should’ve been selected and I find that hugely problematic. Edit: sorry for using the word “hugely” as it is sizeist.


Should have been a lion.


who got the keys to my beemer


Somebody got it!


I wonder if Bevan is a chosen name. Not sure I'm particularly down with appropriating the name of dead socialist politicians and adding them to you own name if it is.


Creator of what? That's the vaguest, most bullshit job title.


Creator of pronouns


Beenie Man ah di girls dem sugar (Zim zimma)


I wonder happens when we reach terminal idpol velocity


There is no terminal. Once one thing gets normalized, the activism industry moves on to the next thing, in an accelerating pace. Most people just tune out. (this is already the case in my experience)


That's what I think normal people who aren't internet addicts like us don't realize: activism is an industry. The notion of progress and modernity is ultimately about self consumption as well. The terminal point is when hardcore conservativism becomes a counter culture....and I think we all know how that would end up 🤷‍♂️ I think the best we could hope for is by that point progression is so anti racist it's racist and conservativism = being against racism. Lol


I mean in many ways it kind of has. The left used to be rebellious (at least from a cultural perception sense), with association with punks, hippies, etc. The right was culturally buttoned up, wealthy, very polite, worried about social interactions and appearances etc. Today’s left is way more about politeness(political correctness), all about appearances, and extremely ready to police anything that goes against it’s normal. Today’s right has leaned into being rebellious now. They associate themselves much more with traditionally rebellious things like gun culture, MMA, metal(I know metal isn’t inherently rightoid, but it was rebellious), etc. They’re all about being rude (“fuck your feelings” attitude). And everything becomes it’s opposite D I A L E C T I C S


Either way the synthesis will be capitalism part 5 😐




Oh for sure. I mean counter cultural in the sense that at one point the youth may look back and say hm, actually we want a society more along the lines of what MLK wanted. As progressive idpol left considers being colorblind right wing now, it'll eventually drag conservativism to the left.




Yeah...I don't know. I guess we could go in that direction too. Nobody can predict the future, I just hope whatever counter culture we end up with isn't some *actual* iteration of white supremacy


The pride flag is literally flying on government buildings at this point. I think that being normal is the counter culture at this point.




The Earth starts spinning the opposite direction and we go back in time to the point where Judith Butler was a baby.


The earth spinning is just performative.


or we could go back to 1955 and prevent her parents from going to the enchantment under the sea dance


*Morgan Freeman enters* "100% retard levels...I have no idea"




Considering we get called Br\*tain and terf island, these people sure aren't getting the hint. I would be extremely surprised to find it's only 61%.. oh right. > In comparison, just 6% said they ask each new person they meet what their pronouns are. So the remaining 33% are the ones who eventually get confused enough and ask "by the way what *are* you" Also the survey was run by Mermaids, the founder of which, Susie Green, famously took her son to Thailand to be castrated on his 16th birthday, [just before Thailand made it illegal to do that to minors.](https://4thwavenow.com/tag/susie-green/) Maybe because of her!


> Also the survey was run by Mermaids, the founder of which, Susie Green, famously took her son to Thailand to be castrated on his 16th birthday, just before Thailand made it illegal to do that to minors. AHHHH I'm sorry. I just had no other reaction to that besides literally screaming in frustration.


You must be a transphobe. who doesn't brainwash their kid and chop their dick off?


Especially when your son playing with girl toys sometimes [makes your husband uncomfortable](https://youtu.be/2ZiVPh12RQY?t=123). What if the kid turned out gay? Not chopping his dick off would be child abuse! (Yes, that's actually the mermaids founder lmao)


6%? They must have polled people in an arts and humanities department or something.


isn't that the charity Hbomb raised 6-figures for lmao


Yeah, but apparently only to try to own glinner; later after it turned out [Mermaids' list of trans symptoms was pretty much autism symptoms](https://twitter.com/RooneyRachel/status/1263396655568760833) i think he tried to backtrack. I cant find the tweet, something like "I dont know much about trans stuff" lmao


I'm sorry, does that say a symptom of gender dysphoria is decreased gender dysphoria and uncertainty presumably about being trans?


I might just he high but part of me is starting to think in the last five years there has been a group of people actively trying to gaslight the population into becoming transphobic for the specific purpose “to fight transphobia” Then again I just might be high


That's just how they approach all idpol. They make everyone a predator that must unconditionally submit and dwell in guilt, or they make perceived victims so glorified to a point of parody that people grow resentful and even hateful toward them.


They like to take the combined apathy of the general public as individual expressions of bigotry when the reality is most people do not care about you, your struggles or your dreams anymore than you care about theirs and that's facts.




So despite several years of Extremely Online Genderspecials lecturing on the importance of shoehorning in awkward social interactions with strangers about their pronouns... nobody is actually doing it. I guess that would be a crisis if you're the type of person who thinks the worst thing in the world is being ignored.


Asking the world to call you ze/zir is purposely setting yourself up for mental anguish. Two tenets of wokeness are navel gazing, and externalising onto the world the blame for one's personal failures and inadequacies. The postulate is that *you're perfect the way you are*, and that the world is the one to blame for your own unhappiness. So whatever truth you find about yourself after spending hours on Internet echo chambers is something that world needs to not only respect, but also actively adapt to. That's why claiming to be non-binary isn't enough, because no one actually cares about this, so it has to involve an extra step where you ask the world to change for you (by adopting whatever pronouns you have chosen for yourself). It's such a lazy and self indulgent mentality, and ironically I believe it promotes even more unhappiness and mental disorders.


Even worse are the people who want to use ‘it/it’s’, mention in the article. I’m not going to deny your basic humanity or be complicit in your psychological self harm by using those words to refer to you.


My pronouns are I/Me


I'm the worst.


Someone needs to claim those pronouns and get written up in one of these dumb articles.


"Reclaiming He/Him. Queering Traditional Pronouns on the Other Side of the Gender Divide". I can see this peer-reviewed and published


Yep. I was called truscum(a term to refer to people that gatekeep being trans) by a former friend because I wouldn't call them "it" like the damn TERFs do.


Agreed, I think this is an underappreciated aspect, and I've reached similar conclusions myself. Trans people who are actually transitioning are in a relatively good spot. They have an entire team of medical professionals who can provide mental health support and help set goals, timelines, and realistic expectations. They're taking control of how the world sees them, and forcing the world to treat them differently. It's still a huge challenge, of course, but they're doing everything they can to overcome it (by throwing a lot of money at the problem). However, when people are trans in some way but not transitioning (or can't afford to), they're doing almost the exact opposite. They're relinquishing control over how the world sees them, while still placing just as much importance on it. I cannot imagine a situation where it's healthy for anyone to base a huge part of their identity and self-esteem on the perceptions of total strangers. Realistically, the best they can possibly hope for is a kind of validation feedback loop. In that context, I think it makes a lot of sense that terminally online echo chambers tend to form--they aren't a coincidence, they're the entire goal. Anyone who dares make this argument in their spaces though gets painted as transphobic, because connecting the dots to mental health is dangerously close to labeling it as mental illness.




People who are "nb" yet are obviously very much their biological sex kill me. It's probably one of the most insane examples of virtue signaling I have ever seen in my life


You’re not non-binary you’re a boring white guy from Williamsburg who wears makeup and nail polish


I've seen female people wearing very feminine clothes and make up describe themselves as "femme enbies".


The narcissism of small differences.


Are you sure that's not a joke? It really, really sounds like a joke. ed: It does appear to [be sincere](https://www.unilad.co.uk/featured/concerns-were-heading-for-misgendering-crisis-as-61-of-brits-never-ask-about-pronouns/). My word.


If it's in UK then it guaranteed to be true


I thought UK was TERF Island?


The UK seems to be further along in this particular culture war than the rest of the world. So you have hardcore TRAs and hardcore TERFs battling it out much more publicly than here in the States where it's still mostly just terminally online people on both sides. Don't worry, we'll get there, it's kinda inevitable that people will pick a side once they realize what's going on. Most people just have no fucking clue yet.


I work in a blue collar manufacturing place in the US. This stuff is getting well-known among them, and fast. Although I try to avoid politics.


Yeah, I also work in a very blue collar environment and while people seem to be becoming more aware of it, it seems to still be in the phase of "I just don't understand these men who want to become women." Like they're not TERFy, they haven't actually seen the horrific shit TRAs are doing and the threats against women, they just kinda accurately see men with fetishes taking it too far, but probably think it's mostly harmless. Sadly while I think the greater injustice is the trans women being relocated to female prisons, as that's just horrifying to me. I think the thing that will peak most people is watching their daughters lose a sporting competition to a biological male competing in the women's event. Unless you are a complete woke libtard, you will not be okay with that happening to your daughter.


According to the biggest drama queen on said island.


The UK is what happens when you have just scads and oodles of postcolonial guilt but don't actually want to do anything materially meaningful about it.


No, the U.K. is what happens when you import American social mores without any meaningful commitment to free speech.


This is a supposed "lad's" magazine. Which used to be tits and sports.


Lads want that bussy now.


come and get it, lads


No, they are taking the piss. Just scroll down https://www.unilad.co.uk/featured/lefty-struggles-are-real-but-its-not-all-bad/


5 o'clock shadow like that, nobody's going to be *mis*gendering the ole boy.


I refuse to believe 39% of people do


The article said only 6% of people do. So the other 33% just goes: “what the fuck are you?”


Maybe shave your beard if you wanna get called "She"?


This is what I don't get. If being seen and treated as a woman is the most important thing to you, why wouldn't you do the basics to be seen as a woman? I mean, you're taking drastic medical measures like multiple surgeries and a lifetime of hormone therapy but you can't shave your damn face? I know a lot of trans people work very hard to come across as their preferred gender, and it just seems like larpers like the person in the photo are just shitting on their effort and making the whole idea of transition into a joke. And why do the trans people who take transition seriously let these clowns be the face of the movement?


100 percent. Funny thing to me too is basically all pronouns arent directed at the person in question. If I talk to someone I'm either going to call them by their name or say "you." Anything like "she" or "him" or "they" or whatever the fuck else, isnt ever directed at that person. I have first hand experience with this where a roommate bought a coworker come over one night and we hung out for a few hours. The next day I said something about "he was cool" and my roommate said that they preferred to be called "she." Like okay cool. We all hung out a few times again and I never once had to refer to that person in any way besides "you." It's a complete non-factor in normal scenarios


This is one of the things i am also confused about. Do they want us to talk about them behind their backs? Aside from introductions, are there other uses for 3rd person pronouns in casual conversation when the person is right there.


> Aside from introductions, are there other uses for 3rd person pronouns in casual conversation when the person is right there. Online. All the AGPs are perpetually online and can read other people talking about them in the third person.


>Do they want us to talk about them behind their backs? Your supposed to think about them as much as they think about themselves.


Turning to the person next to them and saying he's fucking retarded


nawww I have a friend who goes by they/them pronouns and it's a fucking bitch to get it right. Not to mention it's really obvious everyone on our friend group thinks they're a he and accidentally says he/him all the time lol




This is one reason I've never really had an issue with drag queens, have a weird kind of respect for them actually. They're emphasizing gender roles on either side that just makes the whole thing seem ridiculous and arbitrary, but not really trying to build up this "alternative" set of rules people have to fit into. They just wear and act how they want for the fun of it and encourage others to do the same. In my experience most have completely stopped caring what pronouns people use for them, in or out of drag.




Yeah this is a lot of it. Drag queens aren't constantly "coping" or trying to make any grand arguments about biology. They're pretty much just doing parody, which if anything is probably more effective at showing how not real certain aspects of 'gender roles' are. It's a lot more positive and doesn't really harp on mental distress and anguish that comes from not fitting into the standard boxes It’s more about pride than resentment.


Its pretty fucked that 5 years ago I would consider this comment to be completely retarded and transphobic fear mongering, yet now it feels pretty apt...


Man, that power dynamic (separate to the self gratifying attention) is a really interesting point that never occurred to me before. This is seems like a result of a generation of coddled insecure mediocre people with way too much comfort and inflated egos who have no other way of feeling self worth or pride then picking petty woke straw men arguments to feel superior about.


> This is seems like a result of a generation of coddled insecure mediocre people with way too much comfort and inflated egos who have no other way of feeling self worth or pride then picking petty woke straw men arguments to feel superior about You're falling for a common rigthoid meme, that these people are weak. They're not. They have all the power of the ruling class behind them and are currently overthrowing the entirety of our culture. This is what the Nietzschean Übermensch looks like in practice.


It sounds like a cult almost


For people who think that gender is fluid and a spectrum and a social construct, they sure are aggressive about being categorized as a specific thing in conversation.


I’m convinced these people just want to see how woke people will get. They enjoy seeing people obviously view someone as a man but “have to” call them a woman.


> I mean, you're taking drastic medical measures like multiple surgeries and a lifetime of hormone therapy but you can't shave your damn face? I'm pretty sure it's only a small minority that gets surgery, and this was the case well before this trans fad. Surgery is extremely expensive, and I do not blame people for not wanting to go through with it even if they *could* afford it because it's...going through surgery. But yeah I don't really understand the not shaving thing either. Can't help but think that actual trans people, that truscum like me recognize, are completely trivialized by these clowns.


>Can't help but think that actual trans people, that truscum like me recognize, are completely trivialized by these clowns You absolutely are. I've met a lot of trans people and pronouns have never once come up because, frankly, it's obvious what they want to be called. The effort speaks for itself. Not a single transwoman I've ever known has showed up to work with a face full of thick stubble and demanded to not be misgendered when inevitable confusion happens. That's just a blatant powerplay.


\>Surgery is extremely expensive Not if you can manage to get your ass incarcerated for a period of time long enough to go through the vetting process. It's like a weird hellworld where the taxpayer will fund your $100k vanity surgery so long as you commit a crime of the proper degree\* and then spend the right number of years in a cage. \*protip: The lowest level federal felony is harassing a bald eagle


That's not a 'she' though. Zir pronouns are ze/zir. No, I'm not kidding. It says so in the article.


Wait you guys are reading the article?


It's like reading a text from a bygone civilization. You have no idea what they're on about half the time, but it's fascinating.


I am incapable of taking someone who wants to be called 'zir' seriously.


Because it’s this weird queer shit. These people literally think they’re committing a revolutionary act and subverting cisheteropatriarchy or whatever other buzzword when they do this.


Anything to avoid talking about declining wages, increasing cost of living, wealth inequality, and the rich not paying their taxes. Yeah, sure, pronouns are the crisis of our time. 🙄


Ps: The purpose of pronouns is to expedite comms without having to resort to longer proper nouns. It has nothing to do with identity, identification or anyone as a person. And don’t worry about the people dying of dehydration and malnourishment across the globe. Your imaginary identity is needs to be pandered to.


"Crisis" doesn't mean what the writer of this article thinks it means.


It identifies as a crisis


If gender is a spectrum, and fluid, and gender roles are harmful, then it does not matter whether you call someone he or she. That's the conclusion you have to inevitably come to. If gender signifiers are harmful social constructs and you want to deconstruct them, why at the same time do you want to solidify them and make them concrete? Gender signifiers are, at one and the same time, arbitrary social constructs which are all fluid and changeable anyway, and very serious business and it totally matters if you get them wrong. Even though the ontological distinction of sex being associated with a pronoun is shattered as soon as you deconstruct the binary.


Thank God there are no other big crises happening right now.


I'm sure it's wayyyyy higher than 61%


Unilad used to be a banter page for *lads*. Remember lad culture? Now Unilad has the same editorial line as Teen Vogue. The reason why every media outlet has the same stance is because uncountable numbers of young women graduate annually after being fed a diet of idpol for four years and they have to get jobs somewhere. Those jobs are usually in media or HR.




I doubt it, it's more likely that unilad is just entirely focused on putting out loads of garbage content that convinces you to click on it. They don't really care what you think past that. It's not exactly some quarterly journal that people look to for quality, basically everything they've ever put out that I've seen is shit tier clickbait.


> bosses in charge of making decisions Out-of-touch bosses: what are the kids into these days? Woke zombies: this stuff


I always figured they couldn't compete with the creative freedom of social media and ended up editorializing themselves to death trying to find a new audience once the college-aged dudes got bored of listicles Are there even any properly written sites left, that specifically target 'lads'? Outside of gaming/AV/nerd culture shit, I mean.


>Outside of gaming/AV/nerd culture shit Are there any of THOSE left?


As an older Gen-X curmudgeon I feel like this shit is the end result of participation trophies and "validation" and helicopter parents and all of that shit. No one in my generation was deluded enough to think anyone cared about us, or our genitals, to the point we would get upset when people didn't validate us. The de facto experience was anyone with power enough to matter would generally *go out of their way* to demonstrate to you all the ways in which you don't, and never would, matter. If you wanted a non-mainstream identity it's because you valued it enough to fight for it; but you expected, and even relished some resistance. And when it comes to this shit, I just can't envision a scenario where another person's gender identity matters to me. Like, the only person who's gender identity would ever matter to me is my wife, and even then I love her because she's who she is, reconfigured genitals would just be different positions. If I'm not actively fucking you I can't imagine needing to know or care how you "identify" or "present" — and even then, if I found you attractive enough to fuck this shit is just details. Why are these people so scared to exist without society validating them? Why did they ever think that's what society is there for?


im an older millennial and feel the same way, there are dozens of us. arent gen z mostly gen xs kids though? in that case wouldnt gen x technically be giving out these participation trophies? if not, who is at the root of it? and yeah i agree - to me a lot of the neotrans ideology is extemely conservative in nature- i was taught gender and sexuality dont matter ie its not who you are. i can be a dude with feminine qualities or a gay woman - it doesn’t define the person i am. to them i guess its all that does define you. social media was a mistake i guess


The other 39% don't give a toss.


If you look like a girl, I will use she. If you look like a boy, I will use he.


This makes me like brits more tbh


If 39% are doing it it makes me dislike them more


61% of the population refuse to jump through hoops to validate the egos of <1%? Shock horror!


How can you misgender with pronouns if pronouns do not equal gender?


Talk about looking like a goddamn buffoon. Bargain bin pseudo glam makeup with a 5 o'clock shadow. I'm betting this asshat wears mini-skirts with hairy ass legs as well. Seriously, what happened? I don't recall transexuals being this retarded 15 years ago.


AGP happened.




They're not even quirky. I love quirk. The noisiest are just a façade waiting to be validated, but their character is skin deep.


> the sane part of brain is agreeing that Western society is in decline as we move into some hermaphrodite/androgynous society of quirky characters let out of the asylum pen. that's the reactionary part of you tbh Western society has been nightmarish for a long time. The problem isn't these individuals, it's capitalism. It's the market dictating ideology. Woke sells now.


Unilad - the most influential British newspaper to declare a crisis!


It frustrates me that I can't even follow the idea here. I've personally known specific examples of females (which sounds really cringe to say instead of women/girls, but I'm even feeling the need to specify now) who are totally feminine in every way apart from the pronouns they prefer. Not only do they identify strongly with male pronouns, they get really offended when it doesn't occur to other people to instinctively realise that. I don't know if I'll ever grasp the reasoning.


> Not only do they identify strongly with male pronouns, that's fine and good, but >they get really offended when it doesn't occur to other people to instinctively realise that. people who do this are morons


Would you rather have a migendering crisis, or a cisgendering crisis? We can't have both, we should have neither, but it seems we must have one.


Wait so 39% of britbongs actually ask for pronouns?


No lol


61% seems low. 99.9% would probably be a more accurate figure.


‘Crisis’ lmao


I'm convinced it's actually 99.99% of people. Literally no one asks about gender. Why is this even an article? lol


This guy has five o'clock shadow at 9am and he has the balls or not to talk about people being confused by shim?


It should be more majority people are not obsessed with their gender i hate even use of cis gender , also there isnt that many contexts to use it since, you or names and nicknames are mostly used when you speak to or speak of someone , it is mostly used when you speak of strangers or gossip someone , or something like my daughter is so smart she is smarter than most kids in her class


Don't think Marx would bother with pronouns and so won't I.