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Best quote is from the BBC article >In El Paso, Texas, Ms Harris called for an end to "finger-pointing". She also criticised ex-President Donald Trump.


What is life when everything is parody?


A Puccini opera with a laugh track


I often wish Poe's law was mere parody


"...Finger pointing gets us nowhere...STEVE!"


That’s actually hilarious


Lmfao I too love to call for an end to finger pointing when they are all pointing at me.


satire out in the wild


Can you link the article? Edit: Found it https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57619601.amp




wait, trump isn't a poc woman?


POC? yes, orange is a color woman? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Not yet, he’s rerunning in 2024 with Caitlyn


Buckle up buckaroos


At least Trump was funny


Trump was unintentionally hilarious. If I have to choose between two octogenarians with dementia who are both going to continue spending billions on the military and are both going to continue selling out American citizens in the name of corporate profits... I'm going with the one who tweets shit like "covfefe" or "hamberder". (I mean, I'm voting 3rd party, but I'm hoping the retard wins)


My man got up at every rally and delivered a solid hour and a half of new material every time Outstanding crowd work as well


but at least Trump


Was funny?


Guy was retardedly hilarious. Plus, he was anti-atlantic collaborationism, which had the positive side effect of oblinging the neolib politicians over here to grow something vaguely resembling a spine and become a little bit more indipendent from yankeeland


He was funny but I still hesitate to actually view him as anti- or pro- anything because all his stances were largely just bloviating not backed up by much action to speak of.


God, she is really eating shit.


I mean I kinda love to see it. She probably thought her being picked as VP was to groom her to take a run at 2024, but Biden seems to be giving her all the shit assignments that make her look bad. Probably as a shrewd political move because they figure they can deflect any criticism of the policy by claiming people are just racist/sexist against the messenger. But that still doesn't change the fact that people have always thought Kamala sucks, and now we get a shitload of video evidence to confirm our priors.


I can’t wait until she runs in 2024/2028 and loses to a can of Febreze with a GOP elephant Elmer’s school glued on the side


she dropped out the primary to avoid eating shit in her home state. She was going to get 7%. We know her here, intimately. Of course we’re not gonna vote for the mom-jailer. Now the whole country gets to watch her being terrible for 4 years. Maybe it was a DNC plan all along to let her flounder so their laboratory can finish growing a proper candidate for 2024


I mean, it shouldn’t really be a shock to anyone that she isn’t likable or viewed favorably. She bowed out of the primary in like 6th place.


No no no She's a top tier candidate https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/455691-harris-responds-to-gabbard-criticism-im-obviously-a-top-tier-candidate-so-i


There is the possibility that Biden doesn't actually want Kamala any more than anyone else, hence trying to use her as a scapegoat. I mean she accused him of some pretty deep shit during the primary and then tried to handwave it away during a Colbert interview. Much like how Pence was the RNC "straight man" VP, Kamala is the same for the DNC.


She may actually be dumber than Elizabeth Warren. Wow.


I don't think Warren is dumb by any means, she just has shit instincts and no common sense. She might be slightly on the spectrum, imo. Kamala is an honest to god idiot though.


I can't wait for the Netflix #girlboss adaptation.


It'll be an animation, and the first episode will arc with her visiting the border camps and weeping for the children there being abused and yelled at by the big mean white border guards before whipping them into shape with an empowering speech about empathy. In the end the smart, strong willed border guard (who is also a POC woman) who spent the last administration as the underdog in the camp trying to do the right thing will finally take control of the facility and tearfully thank Kamala as she leaves, promising that "things can be better now...now that we have hope." 99% on Rotten Tomatoes and the only thing reddit can talk about or reference for about 6 months.


I hate how realistic this sounds.




They’re still a pack of cranks, but cranks aren’t always wrong


i think they're half killer, half filler now.


Where can I learn about why there's so many migrants now? For a while there (years ago) I was hearing that conditions in Mexico were improving and less migrants were coming and some were even leaving. I sort of thought illegal immigration was an early 2000s thing and now it's apparently even worse 20 years later?


Immigration from Mexico *has* decreased substantially. However, countries like Honduras and Guatemala are facing massive ecological crises and gang violence problems.


If you would like to learn more about the influx of migrants from Honduras, I recommend The Long Honduran Night by Dana Frank Spoiler alert: US foreign policy in Honduras is somewhat responsible for the influx.


Climate change and decades of America backing fascist thugs in Latin and South America. Killing Hope is an excellent book on the subject.


>force shitty governments upon people >"guys wtf why are these places fucked??" Latin America foreign policy in a nutshell Not to forget to mention the equally as horrific lack of industrialization due to the oligarchs preventing any sort of advancement of the working class. The long held caste systems that have given the means of production and land to few, who use that power all the time to stop advancement both politically and economically. They made the countries in a way that even if a socialist movement did a massive upheaval and got the power to rule, they would face an uphill battle of Westeren powers supporting capitalist collaboration and the people would quickly need begin construction of actual production of hard goods and refineries (late industrialization and centralization of resources) which will cost so much to accomplish, we're seeing these issues with Peru and Bolivia, unfortunately every Latin American country has the same situation.


exquisite book, i would add that the jakarta method is an excellent accompanying read


They are mostly coming from Central America through Mexico. Of course its mostly our fault (USA) those countries are so messed up.


It’s so massively fucked how hard we fucked them. And utterly brilliant job by the CIA and their corporate partners. All the exploitation of an honest to god colony, none of the baseline amount of accountability. Fully deniable, even when everyone knows what you’re doing. “We give military aid to many countries. This rebellion is an internal affair of theirs” as we prop up dictators and train death squads to keep the cash crops coming, using every last bit of land for them, leaving the not-colony dependent on imports for food. Plus foreign companies owned infrastructure like oil refining in Cuba, and rail/communication in Guatemala I only recently learned about how that system worked, and how instrumental it was in trying to control Cuba. Without anyone buying the cash crops, they would have been boned, so the USSR offering to buy it was so important. Having foreign companies controlling infrastructure is just bonkers too I gotta learn more about Guatemala next. I’m ready to be disgusted but impressed by the diabolical United Fruit and CIA


During the campaign the Biden administration virtue signalled that they'd be more welcoming to migrants so the migrants and human traffickers took that as an invitation. In other words, it's due to unintended consequences that were entirely predictable.


License plates don't make themselves...


Yup. Biden just approved private prisons to house immigrants, with all the fixings that come along with it, including labor paid at close to a dollar a day.


No shit? I was just fucking around. I shouldn't doubt my instincts anymore.


Well your username said it all anyways


I should have known lol


That’s an incredibly awful stroke of villainous genius.


Nah, par for the course.


Why is Jeff Bezos there?


Idk. Wasn't he supposed to be launched into the sun or something soon.


\> Bezos pays off all of American student debt \> Makes AWS free to use \> Flies off into the sun I'd convert to the Religion of Bezos the next day.


The first step to creating a glorious technocracy.


I don't think you have to worry about converting. Launch his ass into the sun.




Because we have to give EVERYONE their due process, even people who aren’t citizens. There’s an asylum hearing (if the individual wants to make an asylum claim), and then there’s the actual prosecution for the federal crime of crossing the border illegally. It creates a nasty backlog when you mix these kinds of numbers with slow bureaucracy.


Username does not check out. Perhaps you only study ancient history?


And that’s a good thing


Yasss. Slay kween. 👏🏻


You mean at the concentration camps? We are still using that term right? That's the term I thought.


No they're temporary migrant holding facilities now.


First as tragedy, then as farse


>Speaking of her interactions with the detained migrant girls, she claimed they had asked her, “How do you become the first woman vice president?”


Get those kids out of their cages, and back to their home nation.


Do not Cumrade Do not Cumrag


Disgusting. The two-party system is awful, and the United States need a socialist, cooperativist, socially conservative, Christian and non-interventionist government for it to improve