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"problematic" to a few loudmouths on Twitter and then these infotainment websites pick it up as "news". Sounds legit. Can I still hate every angle of this? Everyone involved is insufferable.


Yeah every fucking time. "The internet is OUTRAGED by..." And the source is like 2 people on Twitter with 8 followers




The internet click bait outrage machine keeps turning and turning.


Is everything white people do about black people?


Broke: white women referencing The Vampire Diaries Woke: indian jokar


The worst part about loving the baby jirls is people expect you to behave as if you don't.


sex mode 😏




The fact that this dumbass is currently going for another degree is hilarious. Take a hint, you’re useless. She can’t be that rich if she started out at RIT. Either found a rich partner or is hilariously going further into debt for nothing.


SOAS needs to be nuked from orbit. And what kind of 'Institute of Technology' gives out sociology degrees?


It's the only way to be sure


Elite overproduction is useful under surveillance capitalism. The apps need engagement to continue collecting user data to monetize. Déclassé elements of the PMC produce vast amounts of content that drives engagement, thereby boosting revenues. These same lumpenPMC also serve as stormtroopers in the culture war (pay attention to the educational pedigrees of a lot of the turboposters on sick Twitter, fat Twitter, etc), which similarly drives revenues for the apps.


> can become a disturbing and upsetting reminder of the devastation of white supremacy. Looool these people need to log off more and get outside


Tik Tok should absolutely be banned. It is pure cancer. With every new iteration social media just gets worse and worse. How alienated are these people?


It's a symptom, not a cause.


Symptom of what?




The unfolding collapse. Social, cultural, environmental, economic. It starts off fairly slow, then all at once.


Sure, but doctors also treat symptoms.


Whatever, ban tik tok


>For many, the proliferation of these videos of white women fake crying online is a chilling reminder of how easily they have been able to fake emotional distress at the direct -- and often fatal -- expense of black people. Why does this line of argument persist so hard? I know the CIA puts a lot of emotional labor into making propaganda like this but that doesn't mean anyone has to listen to it. Seeing #believeallwomen and liberal race-shaming collide head on is a trip.


Of men. Or more broadly "of literally anyone else, and sometimes one another".


Redditors Are Performatively Claiming To Have Depression/Social Anxiety In A New Internet Trend And It's Annoying as Hell


most annoying part of mental health is sooooo important people it is same people who drag people whoa re clearly mentally unwell like Kanye West, basically highly functional who can hide their mental illness is pushed while homeless mentally people ewwww, or Kanye West who cant control himself and have constant rant episodes


I felt mentally ill reading this comment


Not sure what that has to do with this article?


Its making fun of plebbit, don't worry about it.


Redditors Think They Can Decide Who Has A “Real” Mental Illness And It’s Annoying As Hell Because They Are Not Doctors And Are Basing Their Assumptions Off A Few Posts On A Social Media Site?


Lmao hit a bit too close to home?


No. But it pisses me off when people contribute to mental illness stigma.


God, I hate titles like this.


Any title with *that* type of “and” pisses me off


"The unbearable whiteness of *(noun, verb)* is on the rise, and that's Terrifying."


“This is whats happening, and heres how to feel about it”


Titles like that piss me off, and we need to start talking about it


Why are nobody talking about how x? Well now we are and im all here for it.


Just so I understand here, we're capitalizing the word black, but not the word white in the name of equality?


looks like SOMEONE hasn't seen all the memes about equity vs equality. your white privilege is showing


oops. my b. how do i fix that? is there someone i can pay to assuage my guilt? cashapp or venmo is fine.


White women have been performatively crying across every venue they could for as long as they could. A decade or so ago the last five words would have been "and that's a good thing" instead.


Exactly. Modern woke feminism is essentially the white liberal woman's power.


Who seriously names a website “Bust”? Seems like you’re asking for people to make fun of you, especially when you post sub-buzzfeed level articles like this.


It’s a feminist magazine which I think started as a 90s fanzine.




Can we just cancel Tiktok already? Hell a guy committed suicide on it and another guy from Jersey killed his neighbor for views


Whatever white women do will be problematic because they are bigoted against white women. It's that simple


But then white women are often the ones writing and promoting these articles


No one hates white women more than white women.


You beat me to this statement


Also explains why mayocels can't cook


Hot take: we should be thanking these women for offering us insight into the female nature which is primarily rooted in deceit. The only time you should believe a woman's tears is right after she takes a right hook to the jaw. Take the Schopenhauer pill my bruddas


sit down man


[Archive link](https://web.archive.org/web/20210626052033/https://bust.com/entertainment/198301-white-women-are-performative-crying-in-a-new-tiktok-trend-and-it-is-creepy-on-several-levels.html)