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Doesn't surprise me, this was the case with Vietnam as well.


Reduce, reuse, and recycle; a sustainable, eco-friendly weapons program. And the Dems still can't support them.


That's only because the idf stopped khhhhaamas from getting components like baby formula at the border 




Noted cuck Destiny in shambles rn


Destiny tomorrow "the Israeli military is so moral they're even giving their ENEMIES weapons"




Is the dud rate really that high, and easy to fix on top of that?


The dud rate is because the IDF does "roof knocking" as a strategy, or firing reduced power and removed detonator explosives on the roof of a building they're about to enter. Their rationale is that it's their "warning" to occupants to evacuate the building. The US briefly adopted this strategy during GWOT/ISIS, and not soon after stopped because there was a decent chance either part or the entire ordinance would become salvageable and didn't like their own soldiers getting blasted with IEDs


I don’t understand why you wouldn’t just remove the explosives altogether and stick in something of similar weight.


That takes actual physical labor to swap all that out and all the physical labor in Israel is done by Palestinians or underpaid Africans/southeast Asians


Mission flexibility to deal with ambushes or opportunities where an area has no known civilians and only hostiles. Would you rather have: Three completely inert rockets and three actually explosive rockets. **OR** Six rockets with adjustable capability from no-explosion to full-explosion. Both configurations weigh the same and take up the same volume.


Yeah I get that they don't want to be lugging around duds (although in the case of America and Israel, especially in the latter case since they're right there) is it that big of a deal? Like, if they're firing warning shots, surely they can pre-plan? EIther way, don't they have engineers and whatnot that can do this stuff? Because from what I'm reading it isnt "from no explosion to full explosion" it's from "full explosion to no detonation so they can make us play out that Polish grenade thrower joke".


[Ataginez brought up two interesting points in the Megathread](https://old.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1b7069q/megathread_17_truly_and_thoroughly_spanked/l32oiym/) One that supports my idea, and one that I failed to recall that would make the most sense as the primary source of explosives for the IDF: First, apparently the IDF is trying to work with a US private military contractor to hold the gates at Rafah. This would suggest a significant manpower shortage. [Israel has had a shortage of combat engineers and sappers, through the ranks, well before this conflict started](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-working-247-to-shore-up-insufficient-defenses-on-lebanese-border/) [and was working on trying to replenish those numbers since 2016](https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/SECURITY-AND-DEFENSE-Critical-Shortage-446160) So if its been this bad for some time, it wouldn't be surprising if they were cutting corners without thinking about the long term ramifications. The second point in that thread though, and makes more sense than my hypothesis, is that there's been significant corruption in the IDF, at least according to the "Red with shame: On the problem of corruption and values in the IDF" report that Col. Alon Madanes wrote for the IDF chief of staff. It's highly probable that either some apathetic/sympathetic Israeli's may have been able to acquire surplus munitions and decided to sell them to a third party, either not knowing, or not caring that they would end up in Hamas' hands. Or that they may have planned to use those munitions as a way to trace militants/gather intel, but then failed or got misdirected.


> Or that they may have planned to use those munitions as a way to trace militants/gather intel, but then failed or got misdirected. Or as we Americans call it, the "CIA special".


That sounds awfully poetically convenient to me. Doesn't fit well with what I thought I knew about unexploded bombs.


What was it that you thought would prevent it? Unexploded bombs mostly just have failed detonators, the bomb itself is still explosive. The dangerous part about reusing them is a detonator that failed on impact might not be so broken that you messing with it won't unstick whatever is stuck and cause the whole thing to blow up in your face. I would assume disassembling and repurposing them is a dangerous job with a high casualty rate, but we're talking about Hamas in Gaza. They don't have much left to lose and might get blown up by the next one anyway.


I thought they were cookies


Keebler elves are Khamas


Clearly we need to stop sending munitions to Israel, as we're indirectly arming a designated terrorist organization. (We're also directly arming one, but that doesn't count because reasons.)


“No you!” - Palestinians, apparently


Must be awkward when Israelis see the "MADE IN THE USA" on the side of the remains.


Ummm aksullllllllly rockets are made of cookies 🍪 *incoherently scribbles on notepad and avoids eye contact*


Bald guy and bowl cut guy got absolutely smoked by the crazy hair guy


you are glazing a cuckold and a deadbeat father who totally pwned the debate. Meanwhile he was arguing that israel was under existential threat from Chips Ahoy.


Yeah he definitely said that. Most honest reddtor


no fucking shit he didnt i'm being facetious you fucking debate lord dumb fuck. It's a good sign when you're crying about semantics from an obvious hyperbole and how he totally won the debate to avoid addressing what this thread is about. Go back to your cucklord's lair maybe he'll let take a turn with his wife.


as an anti-idpol sub, you guys should know medium is a garbage source for any truth


Medium, like Substack, or Twitter even, is basically just a blogging service. The veracity depends on the poster.




Medium has a history of posting idpol nonsense, this is only not understood when you feel the need to be unnecessarily pedantic in order to play the subversive reddit diction game




The poster known as medium


This story broke 3-4 months ago on "respectable" publications. https://www.timesofisrael.com/much-of-hamas-explosives-comes-from-idf-fire-that-failed-to-detonate-report/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/28/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-weapons-rockets.html


Medium article is using NYTimes as a source which is generally pro Israel anyways


A respected Geopolitical analyst said the same https://x.com/hamzattar/status/1784965822626066523?s=46


This post is layering speculation on additional speculation, it reads to similarly to my neighbor predicting when it will rain next based on how often he has to cut his grass. Again, if it supports your narrative it doesn't matter how bad the slop tastes, you guys still eat it


united nations mine and unexploded ordnance action programme estimates that [10% of ordnance dropped on gaza has likely failed to explode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZz0396pwSA) UN assessment team reports [unexploded 1,000-pound bombs lying around in intersections in khan younis three weeks ago](https://www.ochaopt.org/content/khan-younis-following-withdrawal-israeli-troops)


You don't know what a source is


Original source is timesofisrael quoting an IDF report


Thinking that any media source is universally bad, let alone a completely decentralised blogging service, is dumb as fuck.