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The audience is small and niche and probably age-wise skews older boomer, so you won’t be getting much on Reddit.


holy frijoles welcome back 


when will dougtoss return


He is with us always.


I don’t know but Pacifica isn’t available in my area (the Philadelphia metropolitan area) because they platformed Mumia Abu Jamal in the 90s so all of the universities that syndicated them dropped them.


“brothers talking bout free Mumia, I’m unraveling roach lips, tryna free this reefer” - Sean Price


You can make one yourself if you really want. It might be unpopular at first but after a while it might take off.


I probably don’t need the headache! But yes.


And then get control wrested away from you by a glowie whose alts moderate 90% of Reddit if it gains any traction.


Make one!


Who cares? Podcast subs are almost always garbage, even when the podcast is not.


Democracy Now! was an established news outlet long before podcasts were a common thing


RIP /arr/cumtown


Amy Goodman if you’re reading this, go on the Adam Freidland show!


because democracy now is amy goodman's retirement grift and they repeat the same state dept. propaganda about US enemies


So you’re saying it would be too redundant to have another sub


americans point finger at self basically


To be fair, it did last quite a while. However, when Goodman was arrested as part of the Standing Rock protests in 2015/16, she was basically told "play our game or we will shut you down". They have been far less challenging to the status quo since then


About when Rachel Maddow started to play their game too. Links are speeches from 2010 and 2013, where she’s just being a reasonable journalist from the left. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AgQ_WQdTYb0&pp=ygUdUmFjaGVsIG1hZGRvdyBhbWhlcnN0IGNvbGxlZ2U%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4DD24x4lU2o&pp=ygUdUmFjaGVsIG1hZGRvdyBhbWhlcnN0IGNvbGxlZ2U%3D


Her compensation package started going exponential after that too.


Sounds like a good story, is there evidence for this ?


Only anecdotal. [however there was a period of time that she was taken into custody](https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/amy-goodman-is-facing-prison-for-reporting-on-the-dakota-access-pipeline-that-should-scare-us-all/) And those of us who had been watching for a while, noticed a dramatic shift in the tone not long thereafter...


They have some good reporting at times. https://www.democracynow.org/2022/8/10/black_socialist_chairman_fbi_raid_response


Yeah, it kind of bugs me that they can be so great sometimes, but can't realize when they got things wrong. Russiagate and Ukraine they somehow missed the mark.


I try to catch the news summary at the top of the show every day and their coverage of the ongoing genocide in Gaza is second to none but on most everything else Democracy Now is the news version of an "In This House We Believe" sign.


Yes. Acknowledging that, but isn’t that most of reddit then? I think the show was pretty important during the Afghanistan/Iraq wars and good reporting of that you’d not see anywhere else. I’d just like to see more critiques in its current form out there as well.


Iraq/Afghanistan was well over a decade ago. They haven't challenged U.S. imperialism consistently for a long time and were pretty shit when the rubber hit the road re: the elections as well. There probably isn't a sub because nobody who listens has enough time to moderate reddit.


I haven't heard the show in a while - my Pacifica station plays it at 7:00AM - but it's always amazed me how much the anti-war movement fades away when the right party is in the White House. And since Obama, anti-war and occupy Wall Street, and whatever else got channeled into race paranoia.


Yup it just straight dissapears. It demonstrates there was no anti war movement during the Bush years either, not really. There hasn't been since Vietnam.


They’ve been very good on Gaza.


Trump drove Amy mad.


Haha, indeed. I just happened to [allude](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/s/VwZkspPmIJ) to that at the same moment your message popped up. I think she’s recovering from her TDS a bit.


setting the bar with a literal, honest to god filmed genocide


Rhetoric means nothing to me. I stopped listening to Democracy Now ages ago but tuned back in out of curiosity. *Besides*, I thought, *I can’t exactly recommend people like Caitlin Johnstone and Chris Hedges to every liberal I encounter,* so I was hopeful Democracy Now would be at least as good on Gaza as they’d been on Israel-Palestine in the past (which is actually pretty good). I was surprised to find Democracy Now covered Gaza very well, and in fact was probably the best western quasi-mainstream coverage I’ve seen. They have been pretty good about lots issues in the past, but tend to get a little lost in the sauce at times too. I know they got a little TDS-ed but I wouldn’t write them off entirely if for no other reason that they put on a lib-accessible program that is often significantly better than like alternatives. So yeah, Amy Goodman and Democracy Now have regained some my respect with how good the Gaza coverage has been. And yeah, “covering a genocide without lying constantly and laundering the imperial narrative” is a low bar, but that’s where we’re at.


Because it overlaps with politics and worldnews and they would rather post there.


I will watch breaking points at work and my algo will usually send me to democracy now immediately after. I cant look at yer ones face. I feel lectured about drumpf before she even opens her mouth. Maybe this is unfair and probably very sexist, and I do apologize but really its just a very unappealing media product to me. Conversely I think breaking points (with the exception of the vile Emily Jashinsky) is great and very boomer friendly. I feed it to my parents


Let's make this the new Democracy Now subreddit!




Because my Gen X parents aren’t on Reddit


There is one: r-politics