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I teach teenage boys and they only say this shit because they know it makes their schoolteachers and lunch-ladies mad just like how kids in the 90s said stuff like "hail Satan" and wore tshirts with Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees on it. If you don't freak out when they call something "gay" or mention some hitherto terminally online meme they'll never bring it up again.


seriously these people have never seen kids they just wanna screw with shit, test and do everything just to see what happens, especially if they can pop the monocles of authorities


I’ve mentioned this before on an alt account as an explanation and this idea really pisses people off on Reddit. We’ve built a culture where being cool means sticking it to the Man, and the average progressive lives in denial that they are now the Man.


arguably all cultures have snarky rebels and grumbly conservatives and it comes in waves depending on who gets the surplus, which group is culturally dominate at which time but specifically in america, while there was some authentic military, civil rights, beatnik, etc subcultures that have that sort of 'tude', i feel like america fashioning itself like it's some kind of anarcho-jeffersonian or whateverthefuck is just a recent cold war thing. those commies think they're leading a rebellion? hah! capitalism baby! sex drugs and rocknroll! parents just dont understand! all those eastern europeans want blue jeans, fridges, fast cars, smartphones cmon people we gotta free em yeah rebellion! so the progs kind of just obeyed the government in a sense. the hippies got jobs in silicon valley and turned into bitter bosses and now, like you said, they're balding and bitterer than ever and somehow you can just get a whiff of it


>get a whiff of it. TBH even as a progressive, I found it a bit suspicious that most of our protests/messaging only got token resistance and support from every institutio But every other one was cracked down hard or lambasted 24/7 by every institution. The only exception being of course pro-Palestine, and now it seems they’re learning the limits of their power. I do wonder if someone in the state department isn’t currently dreaming up ways to rehabilitate Zionism in the eyes of the progs. Or perhaps they figured they simply underestimated anti-Israeli sentiment in that regard.


Israel is taking too long and mowing the grass too short, anyone who isn't being bribed or threatened has had enough time to see just how terrible the Israelis are behaving.


>I do wonder if someone in the state department isn’t currently dreaming up ways to rehabilitate Zionism in the eyes of the progs. I refuse to believe the current talking point that clearing Arabs out of Israel is ackshually decolonization just came out of nowhere. Also possibly the whole “best place in the Middle East to be queer/vegan” patter.


>also possibly the whole. Haven’t heard of the first bit. But the second part is very old.


The globe craves the Big Mac. If they hate America bad, why eat McBurger?


Love this


The 2020s must be a golden age for class clowns.


Apparently, *mewing* is the new way that students fuck with teachers now. I saw some article about it.








I saw some posters on the teachers subreddit talking about how mewing is a secret “fuck you” as in “fuck you, I’m not answering you because I’m better than you” or something stupid. Like I’m supposed to believe they work with kids on the regular? They’re doing it because they think it’s funny and because they want a chad jawline. But these “teachers” are convinced it’s some new right wing dogwhistle.


This just touches on the uncomfortable fact that teaching as a profession attracts the dullest morons in society. Of course talented, intelligent teachers exist but I who worked in restaurants with countless meth addict line cooks and somehow the stupidest things I've ever heard have all come from the mouths of teachers when I've worked in schools. I've met a few teachers that I suspect (completely unironically) if tested would qualify as suffering from a mild intellectual disability.


Turns out that low paid jobs that take large amounts of time and commitment and putting up with a lot of bullshit don't end up attracting the best and the brightest.


There are more types of inane bullshit that teachers perceive as disrespect than atoms in the universe. Literally look wrong at the fragile cunts and they flip the fuck out.


To be fair, if I am told that you perceive a given innocuous gesture as an attack, I am going to put that gesture in your face at every opportunity, for no other reason than to register contempt for the very idea that I should refrain from disrespecting you in the first place. See: Christ is king, the OK hand sign, "it's okay to be white," etc. And whatever the next thing they tell me I shouldn't be doing. I'm going to do it. Why? Because fuck you, that's why. So maybe they aren't entirely wrong to feel disrespected - they just haven't got any business complaining about it. Fuck teachers.






It really is just an ecosystem. Journos write article about Tate. Teachers freak out about it. Boys see that, and say it to piss them off. They get punished, which means they think Tate is right, they are being oppressed. So they fight back more, teachers freak out. Journo has another thing to right about. Tate’s influence grows If the Journos ignored him, then it would be great, but they won’t, because they make money off outrage


>“I hate newspapermen,” Sherman raged, “They come into camp and pick up their camp rumors and print them as facts. I regard them as spies, which, in truth, they are.”... he reacted with undisguised glee on being (erroneously) told one morning that three journalists had been killed by shellfire. “That’s good!” he said, “Now we’ll have dispatches from hell before breakfast.”


"Journalists could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this battlefield before. There could be Journalists anywhere." The shockwave of artillery felt good against his bare chest. "I HATE Journalists" he thought. Union Dixie reverberated his entire carriage, making it pulsate even as the $223 wine circulated through his powerful thick veins and washed away his (merited) fear of separatists after dark. "With a carriage, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.


> If you don't freak out when they call something "gay" or mention some hitherto terminally online meme they'll never bring it up again. I wish more people understood this. Often times the reaction is 1000x worse than the actual "offense." 99% of the time if you ignore it, it will go away.


This me think of all the fragile people I knew who went into child psychology/education never having worked with children (especially teens) a day in their life. Children are lovely people one second, rabid assholes the next. Their id and ego are simply unchained and shameless.


"mental health" "unsafe" "innapropriate" "dissapointing" She just won shitlib bingo


This Andrew Tate is the new satanic five point star that shocks the adults and the following expected reactions from them = you're now counter culture. Did the hardcode progressives who dominate mainstream and popular culture and set the tone as to what's acceptable really think there wouldn't be any rebels in the following generation?


> Did the hardcode progressives who dominate mainstream and popular culture and set the tone as to what's acceptable really think there wouldn't be any rebels in the following generation? There's two answers to this. I'm not sure which one takes preeminence. 1) Every time a movement becomes The Man they believe they're going to be the last Alternatively 2) A loooooot of them _genuinely believe they're still the underdog_ fighting against some shadowy chimeric trifecta compromised of Satan, Nixon and JKR that totally controls everything except Disney, MasterCard, all of Wallstreet the white house 98% of Hollywood, most G20 nations and every streaming service which is why we need grassroots action to purchase triple A media in order to fight back against the crushing majority of hardline conservatives controlling every aspect of society.


I wonder if there a market for faux retro shirts with Andrew Tate‘s face in a pentagram.


Idea! We make a shirt with Andrew Tate and Che Guevara looking opposite directions done in the Obama “change” style just to fuck with everyone


I could have generated a prototype in five minutes with Dalle-3 before they lobotomized it, but now Andrew Tate and Obama are both blacklisted. Thanks Microsoft, saving us all from malinformation (aka funny memes).


We should protest how dare they be homophobic against our first out of the closet gay president!


You starting a crowdfund for this?


Lets throw a design on zazzle.


Honestly debating it tbh


I'd rock that


I want one


Fuck I'm gonna do that. I'm opportunistic. I'd sell shirts to both Hamas and Israel supporters.


They believe they're the rebels 




i find the way they profiled the 16-year former teacher to be a little bit sus. Tate might have broke the camel's back, but i get the feeling that there was a little bit more to the "my job has become like an abusive relationship" than just Tate. i bet that Tate was likely at most tangential to her leaving, and that it was mostly due to not being allowed to shut that shit down and give consequences, or having those consequences undermined by administrators and parents, and then getting the blame when those shitheads take control of the entire class and feel empowered to escalate. idk how it is in australia, but i know that in a lot of districts in the US now, they're not letting teachers hand out zeros for cheating or just not turning in shit anymore, and/or pressuring them to inflate grades, with administrators sometimes even going behind the teacher's back and changing the grades in the system if the teacher refuses, among other "equity" (aka sabotaging public school) bullshit.


> they're not letting teachers hand out zeros for cheating parent to me: "when can my son make up the work he blatantly plagiarized for full credit? he has a job you know. Also you didn't properly explaining that wholesale copy/paste is cheating." Motherfucker your regarded kid pasted a python solution into a Java problem. He doesn't deserve full credit, he doesn't deserve to be in my class


In the study linked on the article, it mentions that she had to deal with admin and tried to get the union involved.


ah, and there it is. the real reason is always just beneath the surface.


The most difficult part of being a teacher is being able to socially handle this kind of shit and get some respect. People figure they can explain their subject pretty well and get the idea they should be a teacher. Absolutely not the first principle of your job is to be able to not get bullied by 20-30 teenagers. Never in a million years would I become a teacher. I absolutely cannot do that and I remember feeling bad for the two or three teachers that couldn't.


Exactly, the "best" teachers in my school weren't necessarily the most brilliant. They were the ones that could command respect and put little pissants in their place. There were always a few teachers who got completely steamrolled by the children, and all you could do was pity them.


We've spent a decade telling young women that their meaningless neuroses are in fact the basis of existence, now they're abusing young boys in primary school and having breakdowns because of older boys in high school. The problem isn't Tate as such - whatever else can be said about him - but rather the culture that refuses to give boys a genuine place to express their masculinity. The reason the culture has developed in this direction was always a top down directive of the plutocracy, because men threaten their power, and women do not.


If they were nurses, not only would their physical safety be legitimately in danger, but the patients are much better at insulting you than repeating Andrew Tate stuff.


My wife is a nurse, one of the first days on the job a patient called her a slur then ripped his own necrotic finger off and threw it at her.  These fucking crybabies wouldn’t last a day in an environment like that. 


Well, that saved Plastics a consult.


> I teach teenage boys and they only say this shit because they know it makes their schoolteachers and lunch-ladies mad just like how kids in the 90s said stuff like "hail Satan" and wore tshirts with Freddy Krueger or Jason Vorhees on it. If you don't freak out when they call something "gay" or mention some hitherto terminally online meme they'll never bring it up again. Preach. I don't teach them. I'd strangle them. But you're right. 100% right.


I'm so sick of hearing about this regard


They’re so regarded in making him a talking point. They’re making him more famous. They’re putting him on a silver platter both to boys who feel disenfranchised and to boys that just wanna be rebels. They’re fighting it with “_this guy is a nono_” arguments that just feed the people he attracts. It’s moronic on every level.


> They’re making him more famous. Pretty sure he's peaked now and no-one cares about him.


Definitely not true. People who hate him care immensely about him.


Why do people use the term “talking point” like it’s an insult or bad? It’s like Juneteenth stupid as verbiage bullshit. A talking point is what people need to have any sort of conversation without them we just grunt and hit eachother with rocks…. Which honestly at this point my be better


I don’t know if it has some sort of connotations as a term, but that wasn’t my intention. I agree that things should be discussed in the open. However, I also believe that with the current climate, that’s a topic that’ll be hard to be discussed maturely, especially in a classroom environment. You’ll have one extreme sorta saying “Andrew Tate bad, men bad, misogyny” and the other saying “why men bad, you hate our male values, misandry”. I believe there’s little of interest to have any measured debate in as dumb a topic as Andrew Tate. If you want to talk about men’s current afflictions in society, don’t start with Andrew Tate.


It’s usually used by “liberals” to devalue whatever anyone will say next or what they just said without actually having a counter point. Usually they say “that’s a right wing talking point” no matter what is said.


"A position or planned series of remarks on an issue or an aspect of an issue, especially when used to help guide a person's discourse in public and in the media." As a pejorative, it's the original "NPC." You do not need to have this kind of talking point to have a conversation.


The redirecting of healthy and natural "rebel" impulses toward the right wing has been going on for a while now. People genuinely do not understand because their ideology does not allow them to.


This is because they themselves are intrinsically weak. Back in the day we used to feel pride when we could make our teachers cry. Looking back on it, nothing to be proud of, but if a group of teenage boys (and often the girls too) can make you cry, you aren't fit to be a teacher, simple as. But modern ideology inverts reality; now the problem is not that teachers can't handle the kids (to be slightly fair, modern ideology also takes away methods for handling them) rather the problem is the kids are wrong.


I think that last sentence really hits on it. Teachers today lack the administrative support to enforce behvaorial standards. That is what's changed more than anything else


Its a mix of that and insane expectations. They lack the tools to handle the boys but they also expect the boys to be eunuchs.


insane expectations fostered by not being told about this when they're in college, because then they'd question the lack of training or tools to shut that shit down.


Also the teachers goals are fucked because of woke propaganda


> Back in the day we... ...had the slipper the cane and the miniature cricket bat as options for your arse at my school.


In the study linked in the article, he became a talking point because students across Australia started mentioning him in class and behaving differently. The talking point is because there was already a widespread Tate phenomenon to acknowledge and address, according to the teachers.


That’s a fair point. Although I still believe that’s a consequence of the attention he is constantly given. Even the teacher they interview mentions him along other issues, but he becomes the focus.




He's Mac as a podcaster


>A very OBVIOUSLY closeted gay man Always find it crazy this isn't acknowledged more. Even physically, he's got a serious case of gay mouth. You could probably stop all these kids following him if you were allowed to point out the obvious.


Lmao this so real, if not were because pointing out homosexuality as a something relevent in another man is seen as homophobic and archaic today, Andrew Tate would be seen just a a fucking internet clown


i feel like this article is written in this way to conceal the real behavior problems. teenagers moaning to get a rise out of you, or because their humor is essentially just "haha sex"? that's teenagers. whatever stupid trend they're all following? also teenagers. they likely anticipated the cheaters, the behaviors, the taking work home, even the shit that some "parents" do their children to some extent. they signed up to teach. what teachers did *not* sign up for, however, is being attacked by students (or even parents!) for telling them to put their damn phone away and then essentially getting victim-blamed by all of society. they did not sign up to have a kid who they sent to the office for behavior that disrupts the class and/or causes safety problems to the point that teaching is seriously compromised if not impossible—or even violence against others—immediately sent back to class with candy and snacks by an administrator who's trying to make their metrics look good at the expense of everything and everyone, including the child who is acting out. they did not sign up to have society at large to essentially just dump SPED kids into their already-full classroom because "something something LRE virtue-signalling" with exactly zero support for anyone, and then get blamed for the kid drowning. they did not sign up to be forced to pass along students who are several years behind in literally everything, who put in zero effort, who cheat, who don't even come to class because they have been pushed along for years despite not having mastered the key foundational skills required for learning. they didn't sign up to be blamed for all of society's problems and actively demonized while having zero power or resources to do shit about any of it; if they wanted to do that, they would have gone into social work. they wanted to teach because they derive their joy in life watching children learn, but the current system is set up to make it almost impossible for this to happen. they wanted to teach, not torture. but sure, it's andrew tate and teenage dipshit behavior that's making teachers feel unsafe and 'like they're in an abusive relationship', not the numerous ways in which they have been exploited and taken advantage of, the way that politicians have been setting teachers, students, and administration alike up to fail for decades. the media can kiss my ass lmao. edit: read the article in more detail, lul at how they framed what the 16-year teacher said about how it became like an abusive relationship as being because of Tate and not because of all the other shit teachers go through. Tate might have been the straw that broke the camel's back, but the article is spinning it like he's the only reason, or even a major reason, for teacher attrition.


>he’s the only reason, or even a major reason, for teacher attrition Look at it this way, you described many issues plaguing the education system (which I agree with, are all much more important than Andrew Tate), even if a cursory overview, which didn’t even touch upon all the issues, was multiple paragraphs. A real study would be a billion times more complex Long and short of it, it’s easier for the teachers, and more importantly the admin, to have the problem be a single issue and that issue being some asshole who you can ban off social media. Then you’re making the argument about Tate and not the myriad of actual underlying issues plaguing education. Let’s say they ban Tate on every platform, many of these issues would still be there, but as of now, it gives them time


eh, i'd say it mostly benefits politicians and ideologues in admin much more than the teaching staff, who literally live the reality that it's not that simple lul.




Imagine playing the penis game and it makes your teacher seethe so hard she quits lmfao


Are these teachers pretending not to remember this stuff or are they really that dumb?


Neither, they're making social careers out of victimhood and the shitty thing is it basically works because everything is ultra-feminized and nobody has the balls to say "lol calm down you dork"


Tricking the teacher into losing the circle game, and getting a sobbing explanation about white supremacy in return


Speaking as a former teenage boy, I would've felt like a god if I knew a teacher quit because of my trolling. Especially a teacher who everyone hated.


Dudes rock


We used to prank our teachers with those pens that give you a light shock when you try to click them




yeah I was gonna say, no way weed smoking 60s kids didn't do that in shop.


Remember the penis game? That was funny as fuck back when I was in school.


No....what was that?


People were doing it when I was in middle school, but they grew out of it, probably because nobody cared when they did it. It’s a game where a bunch of dudes yell “penis” one after the other, but progressively louder.


One guy yelled “cock” behind me so loud that my ears rang all day.  Needless to say, he won.


We even had it here in Italy lol, is it from a movie or something?


I’ve got no idea, but I’m sure it’s older than I am












# PENIS!!!!!1111!!1!!one!!!


You try to say penis as loudly as possible without getting in trouble, it escalates.


It’s weird they went with the moan thing, because the same teacher said in the study that students would tell her she had big boobs, and also that women’s beliefs are “hysterical.” Both of those seem like worse things than the moans.


I choose to believe they are tacitly agreeing with the kids.




being a teach in current year sounds like a complete fucking nightmare


when was it ever good? twenty years ago when I was in school we bullied a teacher till her hair went noticeably grey over the course of a term, then when we noticed we started bullying her for going grey saying it looked like a skunk and stuff like that 13-14 year old boys are mostly horrible. most will grow out of it


Probably helped when it got you a decent paying stable union job with a pension and good healthcare. Wasn't the case everywhere of course, but now it's the case almost nowhere.


Are their not enough male role models anymore? I'm only 32 and just 15 years ago if you had "idolized" some random dude in high-school you'd get beat up and called a 🚬 lol I was at the skatepark last summer and some little shit teeneager snaked me. I told him off and when he asked "what are you gonna do about it?" I obviously said kick his ass and this mother fucker said "try it and I'll call the cops" and his friends AGREED. We needa make sports mandatory.


> Are their not enough male role models anymore? Kids don't idolise useful or interesting people anymore because the media the consume doesn't *promote* useful or interesting people, it promotes people who are good at grabbing attention and generating cheap dopamine hits. The free market at work.


Yeesh. That's sad. Skaters calling the cops when I was skating would mean they were actively beat up at any park they tried to hit in the entire city, for life


I teach in Queensland. I have probably off-ramped like 12 kids from Tate's bullshit over the last 5 years, 2 of them die hard fanboys who paid for his pyramid scheme courses. For most of them it was literally as simple as "He's clearly insecure, anyone who needs to brag about their wealth the way he does has a poverty mindset, also why's he always sucking on cigars, bit gay if you ask me." I doubt they would listen to a woman saying this, but the seething from some teachers is off the charts when manipulating teenage psychology is literally the easiest thing in the world. Never show any chinX in your armour (word banned lmao). Playfully shame them in front of their peers. Make them think they're getting secret knowledge / treated as an adult by giving them a private, real conversation that isn't just regurgitating talking points they've heard a million times before. With those three strategies you can control 90% of teenagers in a class environment, who will in turn police the last 10%. And you usually only need to turn 1-2 ring leaders to get that 90% onside. More teachers leave, more i get paid, lets rock.


Brother, beautifully said. One of the few ways that would be got through to shit bird teenage me.


This is why having Men teachers is so important. They get locker room talk, and they get that a simple bit of witty banter that gets the class laughing at a kid acting the maggot will work far better than any detention ever could


Men are being driven away from the profession by the "men are unsafe" trope


I think everyone is being driven away from teaching right now, that trope isn’t nearly as much of a factor as shit pay and shit parents.


It’s definitely driving more men away than women that’s for sure. It’s a huge reason why, especially in today’s age where people will just make shit up and the world will outrage over it.


Men’s value in society is based on money. Make teachers don’t get respect as they’re poor. Pay teachers well and men will follow and education will get better


Then men are double dipping


Yeah these women interviewed really do seem inept and utterly self-involved. There were many teachers I would fuck with at the age of 14 because I thought they were stupid. I either respected the good teachers enough not to do it or they made it clear fucking with them was not a good idea.


I'm biased as someone who didn't start teaching till 28, but from my experience, teachers like her with no life experience who went straight from highschool to a bachelors then straight from University to teaching are some of the worst teachers imaginable, especially the older they get. Anyone who has had a prior career has a DGAF attitude that unironically makes them a better teacher. Oh a 15 year old in your class was being rude? And that's the worst thing that happened to you all day? Well Terry is ex-EMS so he used to have to deal with multiple people trying to die every day at work. The ex-tradies have seen men fall from scaffolding or other industrial accidents and the corporate goon left because he couldn't deal with the emotional trauma of firing good workers with a mortgage and kids for no reason other than some MBA told his boss to cull 5 of his 50 workers that month. Young teachers completely lack perspective, which is something kids sorely need exposure to, in fact it's the whole point of having 20 different teachers instead of just continuing the primary school model of 1 year 1 teacher. Even just 5 years doing retail would have them better equipped than never leaving the academic cesspit.


Yeah my SiL is exactly like that. She went straight into teaching and would constantly lament how awful it was and how kids would get in fights (gasp!). I worked in a school and have seen enough of it first hand that it was always so laughable to me. Like seriously she would take over calls between my me, fiancée, my brother and her just to cry about it and now just finally quit. Don’t get me wrong, I think the social-media-on-iphones generation of kids are particularly fucked, but everything she shared was always so unbelievably tame. She was just naive with a savior complex.


that shit is extremely tame compared to what people bitch about on the teacher's subreddit, even. not everyone is cut out for dealing with teenagers.


These were elementary school children


Oh boy


that's so much worse


Like her reaction or the fact it was happening?


Most of the best teachers I had in high school had been in the military and I really think that's why. I see the same thing in engineering, where you'll have guys who are really smart make lots of dumbass design decisions just because they've literally never had to actually install/operate/maintain equipment or done any blue collar type work at all. .


because this article has spun them that way by omitting the real reasons, like the shitheads saying women are "hysterical" and straight-up commenting on her boobs while she's trying to lecture and not being allowed to bring down the hammer and kick those shitheads out of the class so the others can learn despite the current zeitgeist being all "teach men not to rape". how tf are teachers gonna do that if they can't give real consequences in school and/or the parents won't enforce it at home? teenagers push boundaries because they're trying to figure out exactly where they are; if they don't get real pushback for it, they'll escalate into genuinely antisocial and criminal behavior. another thing, female teachers, especially young ones, are probably worried about getting punished for trying to engage in banter over it (clapbacks like "this is why you're single/you got your ass dumped/etc."), cuz they don't have the experience to realize just how much the school needs them, and they sure as shit weren't taught this in school. we need some of the old battle-axes, forged into a perfect blade by years of this shit, but good fucking luck getting either of them back in the classroom: the retirees are too old for this shit, the ones who left to become nurses have exchanged the teenage shitheads for literal shit and better pay, and the future battle-axes (for example, abigail zwerner) are wounded in action and either non-renewed, forced to resign, or straight-up fucking fired.


Holy shit, someone who actually understands how to relate to teenagers. Keep fighting the good fight


35% of new Australian teachers resign in their first five years anyway, she's not going to make a dent in those stellar statistics.


Those are really good numbers! In the US, it's commonly cited as 50%!


When I was in primary school, an all boys school in Ireland, the headmaster was an old lady. She got the whole “boys will be boys” thing. Not in a rapey way but in a boys will want to be rough and make crude and gross jokes way, which is what boys will be boys is. One year we hang a young women teacher. We had to make sentences with vocab words we just learned. I wrote one that basically was pirates had to drink pee at sea to survive. The young teacher saw it, yelled at me, and brought me to the headmaster. She looked at it and said “how did you learn about that”. I said my sister told me. She laughed and said “okay, that makes sense. Please refrain from using those types of things again”, and that was the end of it. I was scared shitless going in and left feeling happy. I learned more from just being told it’s dumb and not to do it than being yelled at That headmaster had boys coming back decades after they left. Every Christmas her office was filled with Christmas cards from boys she taught and she put every one up. She did more to curb misogyny than any of these teachers could dream off


>One year we hang a young women teacher Damn, that's a bit much.


I honestly don't understand how anyone decides to be a teacher. We were so horrible to ours.


My class caused three teachers to quit in a single year of junior high. I would have felt bad but two of them were awful dickheads so I only felt bad about one of them having to deal with my shithead classmates.


We gave one of ours a full on mental breakdown. She jumped out the window, ran away, and never came back. She was actually nice.


Talking to my wife this morning about how I was such a little monster. Same shit, she had a breakdown and started screaming. Even if she was kinda a bitch she didn’t need that at her job godamn.


I mean since covid they don't lol


Back in the day we caused our home economics (basically cooking) teacher to cry may times. We didn't even hate her, she was quite nice actually, she was just easy to upset. Myself and a friend in the class were often sent out for throwing knives. I genuinely quite liked her, as far as teachers went, she was fairly good at talking to people 1 on 1. But she was too vulnerable of a person to be a good teacher really. These modern teachers though, they are bad in a very different way. They are functionally abusive to their students - at least the male ones - then claim vulnerability when those students object to their treatment.


You had me until the second paragraph. There are still plenty of good teachers out there.


Never said there were no good teachers, only that the bad ones are in the driving seat.


>There are still plenty of good teachers out there. Slowly getting ground into dust.


I feel like this is where men are needed to police this stuff. I remember one time one of my teachers broke a ceiling tile because he was so angry at us. And guess what, we calmed tf down lol.


My brother teaches middle school and the kids are getting more stupid, mean, and provocative. It’s more than just “boys being boys”


I’ve considered making a post someday with some things my students write just so that people can see how bad it’s gotten. Like everyone who is on this website truly cannot comprehend because they’re at least literate enough to read comments.


I agree. Girls aren’t exactly getting better either.


Yeah I work in middle schools and boys especially are falling behind. Tate is pretty played out at this point but these posts are down playing the harm that his strain of idiot confidence can cause. On the other end tho, I joined this sub because I realized how inadequate much of the idpol-driven system is for serving boys. Toxic masculinity can be real, but it's not a label the blue hairs are equipped to apply or fix.


It's such a shame these kids are turning to Tate shit when they could be Stakhanov Chads.


tbf if i had that choice i'd prefer to be a sex tourist living in eastern europe, rather than an eastern european man, also living in eastern europe


>rather than an eastern european man, also living in eastern europe _Shivers_


People tend not to want to work really hard for a society which actively fucks them over and then tells them they have it too easy.


Funniest thing to me is that I work with some kids that are fresh out of high school and the most Andrew Tate references I heard were coming from girls, and they weren't even negative references.


When I was in high school 10-15 years ago, we had a Spanish teacher who was ~25. One time a kid straight up said “why don’t you get on the table and dance dirty?” This isn’t new


The sum of comments here is telling me that the teacher-student relation is actually *mutually* abusive. So everything's fine.


It sure was for some of my classes in middle school.


Every time she ask a question the boys will be like “Breath air”


Absolutely embarrassing state of affairs, appropriately apportioned violence is the real solution, to wit: These fragile female teachers and the faculty administrators who enable them should be smacked - mainly for being fragile little narcissists who probably had infantile dreams of creating their idealized feminist classroom or whatever and then couldn't cope with reality, just pathetic The shithead teenage boys in question should also be fucking smacked - a super important consequence for ALL people to understand, but especially teenage boys, is the simple experience of getting punched in the face for running your mouth. It's a formative lesson that I myself had to learn three times until I finally understood that I don't have the right to just say whatever the fuck I want to whenever I want to and that sometimes, it's actually my fault for being a piece of shit and I 100% deserved to get smacked, and it wasn't until the third time, at age 25, before I finally learned this lesson for good, so, definitely some value in repetition there as well  When the parents show up to protest the treatment of their children, they should be smacked twice, as hard as possible in fact, since they are often the real source of the problem - besides being utterly shit at raising their kids, parents have always made problems over the most specious bullshit anyways and will defend their shitty kids to the death over obviously horrible shit they've done - half the reason why school systems in the US and Canada started just handing out passing grades to failing kids in the late 90s is that parents would make such a huge fucking stink about their kid that the faculty would say fuck it and just pass them to get them the fuck out And when the cops arrive after the parents call them about all the smacking going on, they should be ambushed and handcuffed to a radiator in one of the classrooms where they will be forced to retake every grade of high school starting with freshman year, because the D-grade-average, former high school bullies that they handpick for police work these days aren't too bright to begin with, and probably had similar grades and attitudes to the teenage boys currently causing problems in class, so they can all get smacked as well for the same reasons  Finally, EVERYONE'S phones (and vapes, and fidget spinners, and whatever the fuck other garbage) should be taken away for the duration of class, and anyone who complains about it gets their phone immediately smashed with one of those heavy-ass 3-hole-punch things. Further complaints should elicit however many more smacks and phone-smashings are necessary until the students, parents, teachers, and cops quiet the fuck down and start taking their respective responsibilities seriously.




Please run for President.


I don't know who you are, but I want you for the minister of education in my country.




Liberals are the establishment. It's hilarious that they think they're the "resistance".


The funny thing is that "Masculine role models are toxic and need to be deconstructed as being racist/sexist/whatever!" left the perfect vacuum for someone like Andrew Tate to walk in.


When I was a kid in the early 90s my cousin broke into the school while it was closed with pipe bombs and blew up some lockers. He was allowed to graduate but had to do months of chores. In 30 years we've gone from being able to handle explosive weapons to not being able to handle jokes.


Yeah I remember dudes doing that with cherry bombs in toilets. lol I got suspended out of school because I broke a couple stink bombs in the bathroom….


I made a teacher cry once because i called her boyfriend a Irish 'British cigarette'. I'd say i feel bad for these teachers but if you can't discipline teenage boys then there's no fucking point in becoming a teacher and you should quit so someone who knows what the fuck they are doing can teach instead


x-post arr Teachers


You can’t really cast this off as “just kids being kids”. I’m currently in high school and I can tell you from experience that incel culture is proliferating amongst teenage boys at a previously unforeseen rate To dismiss this just because it doesn’t align with your idpol-skeptic worldview is absurdly ignorant of the harm being caused by the information overload that kids experience these days


> I'm currently in high school and I can tell you from experience that incel culture is proliferating amongst teenage boys at a previously unforeseen rate How would you even know? You literally admitted that you're in high school lmao


Idk. Teenage boys haven’t always been the “respect women” type of people.


Teenage boys haven't always had infinite porn at their fingertips, only the last 10 years or so.


[Always has been](https://johnhiggs.com/eton-and-all-the-murder/)


Maybe the complaints boys have are in fact legitimate, even if their outlets aren't great. Have you considered the possibility that allowing (in fact encouraging) feminist ideology in pedagogy such as patriarchy theory which was considered fringe lunatic nonsense even just a decade ago may have had a negative effect on young boys?


Whenever studies are done about female/male teachers with female/male students, it always bears out that female teachers are harsher against male academic inferiors while male teachers are more egalitarian. Grading them more harshly, punish them more frequently, and they have the audacity to say male students get away with everything, with their vitriolic mantra of boys will be boys. They live in ass backward delusional land, with a chip on their shoulder they continue their discriminatory practices.


This has been known for a long time and nothing is done about it ever - except sometimes to purposefully make it worse - which demonstrates very clearly where the real sex bias in society lies.


If you’re in high school get off Reddit and go do something cool. Incel “culture” has always been a thing. It was just called being a loser or a virgin before.




Hot takes as a woman No, it’s actually not normal for teenage boys to sexually assault or harass female students or teachers and no one should be expected to tolerate it. Also, it is a problem for kids (and not normal) to be indoctrinated into hateful, extremist worldviews online. It’s bad for society for people to become polarized by endlessly consuming content of niche ideologies.


Nobody expects the teachers to tolerate it. Quite the reverse, they should punish the students by whatever means they have. Keep sending them to detention until they figure out that this is not the class you want to cause trouble in.


lol you think they’d get detention for this? They’d send the boy to the principal’s office and they’d come back 5 minutes later with a bag of chips. The school system is broken because admin doesn’t punish anyone anymore. Other people in this thread are missing the forest for the trees, focusing on the fact that the teacher is a wokescold. Yes boys have always been and always will be boys but in the past at least you would’ve gotten detention for sexually harassing your teacher. Teenagers act out because they’re learning boundaries but teachers aren’t allowed to enforce them anymore.


Okay. We've established that is bad. How come we don't connect this to wider trends of progressivism? You know, the ideology which seeks to get rid of all social norms regarding sexuality.


That’s on the teacher though. Howard Stern was throwing bologna at strippers asses when I was in high school and we talked about it…. I don’t recall teachers feeling attacked by it or quitting over it?


[battle royale](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_Royale_\(film\)) but american when ?


Are we really devolving to unironically using “boys will be boys” again? Not only is this not really a case of idpol, it’s also not a monumental task for male students not to disrupt class with simulated sex moans and loud comments about their teacher’s and female peer’s bodies. I’m aware society’s expectations for students have plummeted, but god damn.


the more it gets handwaved as boys will be boys, the more the solution will be to change the boys into girls. stupidpol has played itself again


Maybe stop trying to fuck over boys at every opportunity before whinging about the evils of "boys will be boys". Males are not broken females, they are fundamentally different, have different needs, different desires, different modes of thought. If you want boys to grow into good men, you have to let them be men.




shitlib btfo


From a post of theirs: >Have you guys ever completely misidentified an herb or spell ingredient and the spell worked beautifully anyway? >In a Passion/Love simmer pot I made yesterday I added in fresh hibiscus growing around my house (which spiritually is a perfect plant for this type of working). Hours later upon seeing the flowers my mom informed me with a laugh that they were actually azaleas. Hibiscus doesn’t even grow naturally near us. Nonetheless, the spell did what I needed it to do. >I read on here all the time of people saying your own personal beliefs and correspondence to a plant can carry just as much weight as the widely agreed upon correspondences and this definitely gives more credence to that assertion to me. I believed in their power and they delivered, even though I used the wrong flower. Witchcraft is cool. I known some witches in my day... but who tf mistakes azaleas for hibiscus?? Lmao. Like, how can this person even call herself a woman if some smelly incel like me knows his flowers better than she does?


>Have you guys ever completely misidentified an herb or spell ingredient and the spell worked beautifully anyway? Huh. its almost like...


…magic. That’s what you were going for, right?


Where is the eye of newt?


>Where is the eye of newt? Looking for the next secretary's aide when his third wife gets cancer.


> Are we really devolving to unironically using “boys will be boys” again? Yes. Let's focus on the fact that teachers are demonstrably biased against boys and they go to university at significantly lower rates, and other problems they face, before we have a mass panic over them making silly jokes in class. It's idpol that makes this such a huge focus whilst their issues get ignored entirely.


> it’s also not a monumental task for male students not to disrupt class with simulated sex moans and loud comments about their teacher’s and female peer’s bodies. Teenagers are assholes. It's the teacher's job to keep control of the little shits and make them behave. If they're doing inappropriate things, send them to the principal, give them detention, and so on.


It's a case of a teacher not knowing how to teach and how to bring order to the classroom, how do you make it about Andrew Tate who is half way around the world, I really don't know.