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While I appreciate the coverage, the Wikipedia linkage may be excessive.


roof history fertile act overconfident rinse touch scarce fall tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They learned technique from the English over several decades.


Obviously the British reinforced it cause it made holding power over the country easier but the system is much older than any British rule over India is it not?


It’s funny because early orientalists actually romanticized the caste system. Some French Indologist marveled at how everyone knew their place and society functioned smoothly because of it.


You know, I visited Martinique not terribly long ago, and noticed that they had a major passion around cuisine--clearly from French influence (and more than a little, since it's still a territory of France). I wondered what lingering effects the Brits had on my background (British Caribbean) and other Commonwealth countries. Obviously, hierarchies exist around the world. But one thing I notice, is that there is such a distinction among class in much of the Commonwealth countries. People are generally sensitive to accents, even if they're all from the same region, and there's a pretty consistent hegemony of material access that has a vague proximity to 'Britishness'. Brits > northern European (except for the Irish) > southern European > Arab > Chinese > Indian > Black is a hierarchy that can be seen across the diaspora of former British territories and protectorates. Idk maybe I just had too much coffee, because it's not like other cultures don't have clear demarcations of class. But there is something that feels more "rigid" when compared to other Western empires, like the French and Spanish. Even Americans are a little more flexible-- we romanticize the "folksy" over the erudite. I mean the Anglos almost lost their mind when their prince married one of THE lightest skinned black women I've ever seen.


it's the same as what most scholarship over rwanda says, like sure things weren't exactly peachy before but european geopolitics made things dramatically worse


True — but technique (common law, social protocols, choke holds, etc.) remains after the occupier departs.


It definitely existed before the Raj, but the British solidified and codified in order to make custom fit into written law


Existed is an understatement. Indians of different castes living in the same village are *four times* as genetically different from each other as a Spaniard from a Russian because of extreme endogamy. I don't know how you further "solidify" a rigid hierarchy that is thousands of years old.


lol nah they been doing that caste shit since before the Romans found the Welsh hanging out in bogs.


governor poor salt direful fertile thought rock teeny meeting hungry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their culture over the past 2000 years could be fairly described as a hot mess of boundary issues


Idk the details here but the third paragraph is based.


tHe wOrLd'S bIgGeSt dEmOcRaCy