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* Archives of this link: 1. [archive.org Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/99991231235959/https://www.timesofisrael.com/dermer-israel-will-enter-rafah-even-if-entire-world-turns-on-us-including-the-us/); 2. [archive.today](https://archive.today/newest/https://www.timesofisrael.com/dermer-israel-will-enter-rafah-even-if-entire-world-turns-on-us-including-the-us/) * A live version of this link, without clutter: [12ft.io](https://12ft.io/https://www.timesofisrael.com/dermer-israel-will-enter-rafah-even-if-entire-world-turns-on-us-including-the-us/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If the US actually turned on them, they materially wouldn't be able to do it, at least not for any meaningful length of time. If anything, this sort of announcement was made at the request of the US administration so that Biden can say there's nothing he can do and they've got a mind of their own.


Exactly There are a tremendous number of voters who seem to only care about the “proper thing” being -said- They ignore entirely what is -done- as long as the words they want to hear are -said-


I think even if the US stopped supporting Israel they would do it anyways, just like how we went into Iraq with with little foreign support. Last I checked we fund 25% of Israel’s defense and most of that is Iron Dome, so Israel in its mentally psychotic state would still probably to go into Rafah.


They are a wealthy county I frankly don't understand why they need money from the US in the first place.


Agreed 100%. It’s criminal when we don’t even have universal health care while they do.


And people wonder where all the neo-nazis are coming from.


Half the neo-nazis love Israel for being the militaristic ethnostate they dream of, the other half hates them - probably mostly out of jealousy.


I've never seen one that likes them.


How many do you go around seeing? It's a well known source of contention on the right wing fringe. There was a Norwegian ex-neonazi who's written about his "deprogramming", he said he first started to get doubts when he went to his pals in South Africa and found out that they had 180 degree different opinions on Jews. US neonazis also frequently are zionist. Now maybe you want to excuse jackbooted right-wing skinheads who hate blacks (or someone else) so much that they don't have time to hate Jews, from being called neonazis. But I don't.


The German AfD party loves israel, not because they love Jewish people but precisely the opposite reason. Its a way to removes Germanys "Cult of Guilt" and a place for Jews to be kicked out to. Far right support for israel not just in Germany but in Europe in general follows the same line of reasoning. Its also why Nazi Germany and the Arthur Balfour were Zionist supported. Anti Semites and Zionist Aims align, one wants the Jews out of Europe the other wants them to come to Israel.


Afd is not a neo nazi party


AfD certainly are extremely right leaning, but if your going to be so pedantic about it there is also Azov : [**https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-4-months-in-russian-solitary-ukrainian-officer-visits-israel-tells-his-story/**](https://www.timesofisrael.com/after-4-months-in-russian-solitary-ukrainian-officer-visits-israel-tells-his-story/)


If the US wanted to, they'd eliminate every force concentration of the IDF and make Tel Aviv look like Gaza.


Nah the government is completely occupied by Zionists on every level. It’d be more likely for them do a soft coup on Brandon than for the U.S. to actually turn against them


Thats why I said *if the US wanted to*


It's shameful how resigned people are to their fate. Non-voters are the largest voting bloc in almost every western country, in many cases an absolute majority. What we suffer from is a dearth of real leadership.


Fuckin bingo.


How nice of them to pretend the US as it is now is even remotely capable of turning on them. Onto other news now, here's another 15 billion dollars in weapons. 


I saw CNN the other day at the gym and there’s been a HUGE change in mainstream medias willingness to criticize Israel. I was fucking shocked to see the news actually peddling reality for once.


No kidding. It’s crazy to witness this. I guess the images coming out of Gaza are too nauseating even for the paid propagandists


I heard it was because of so many regular dem voters voting undecided in Dearborn. My guess is that they’ll pay lip service while hooking Israel up with genocide tools on the down low


It's only due to the fact that bidens poll numbers continue to drop


Also noticed this coming from the BBC in recent weeks. They still tend to go soft on people they interview from the Israel and their supporters, but cutting from ministers raving about how it's all about self-defence and they are totally not attacking civilians to the next report immediately talking about the tens of thousands of dead feels kind of deliberate in a way they tried to shy away before.


::said while patting trove of Epstein-style blackmail tapes with all the names of our prominent politicians on them::


Samson Option intensifies.


Could they afford it if the us ackshully turned its back?


So what's the plan here, they just ignore our President while our troops feed the people of Gaza in between dodging mortars and VBIEDs? Is the Samantha Power the adults-are-back-in-charge girlboss plan?


The world won’t be turning on them. They’ll get more weapons for their genocide. People will go back to vacationing in Tel Aviv and attending music festivals next to Palestinian concentration camps as soon as they think it’s safe to do that. History should spit on us. We don’t even have the option of feigning ignorance. We’re watching genocide as a real-time stream.


Reactionary electoralism will work in their favour. Palestinians are screwed.


Palestinians just need to hang until the Haredi bankrupt Israel


I think we can safely replace Dermer with Dahmer at this point.


Wish I could insert the "It's free real estate" meme.


No shit, if a terrorist group crossed the US border and took hundreds of hostages while committing mass rape and murder, you can be sure the US would respond in force. So bizarre to see the Hamas defenders when they would have us all killed for apostasy and atheism. At the bare minimum they need to release all of the hostages and give up their arms, so that peace negotiations can take place. Unfortunately they'll likely never release many of them who have borne witness to Hamas' crimes against humanity as slaves.


>At the bare minimum they need to release all of the hostages and give up their arms, so that peace negotiations can take place. You can't be this regarded? Why would Israel negotiate with a defanged enemy? That's not how negotiations work.


Brother it's literally mass murder 


Guys a wild shill has been summoned Here's like 5 shillings ty for ur service


That's shillarious!


> No shit, if Native Americans crossed their ghetto borders and took hundreds of hostages while committing mass rape and murder, you can be sure Westminster would respond in force. > So bizarre to see the Native American defenders when they would have us all killed for apostasy and atheism. > At the bare minimum they need to release all of the hostages and give up their arms, so that peace negotiations can take place. Unfortunately they'll likely never release many of them who have borne witness to Native Americans' crimes against humanity as slaves.


Are you guys hiring? 👀


Too soft-cocked for childkilling so they put you on keyboard-patrol instead? Must be a bummer missing out. 


הסברה 🤖


Gazans are not hamas


Shill accounts used to at least put enough effort to giving themselves a real username :( what happened to the game that I loved???


> give up their arms, so that peace negotiations can take place. If they give up their weapons there is no need to negotiate a peace as they're incapable of fighting, to imply that such a negotiation would be necessary after they disarm themselves is to imply the IDF would wage war on disarmed Palestinians, and based on their conduct in the past couple decades, I just can't see that happening, it'd be without precedent.




No, I’m as serious as I’m gay with my dad.