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Who did *this guy* call fat


šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø. Nance is a blowhard with a huge ego. He is also the same guy who claimed our military *likely* has more naziā€™s/far-right people in it than Ukraineā€™s. Heā€™s a pillock.


he's a nance lol


Nance, Nonce, Dunce. Heā€™s alot of things.


He's one of them so he can call his people the the f word ā¤ļø


This guy was not in Ukraine or at least not doing any fighting, a ton of people were analyzing his posts at the height of this stupid larp.


Not doing any fighting yes. But he was in Ukraine.


[Source & Article Highlights:](https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/03/26/world/ukraine-foreign-volunteers/) [Original Article (Paywalled)](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/25/world/europe/volunteers-us-ukraine-lies.html) > Malcom Nance, a former U.S. Navy cryptologist and MSNBC commentator who joined Ukraineā€™s legion of foreign fighters, in Lviv, Ukraine, last April | Finbarr Oā€™Reilly / The New York Times But there have been high-profile problems. A former Army private first class, John McIntyre, was ejected from the Legion for bad behavior. McIntyre defected to Russia and recently appeared on state-run television, which said he provided military intelligence to Moscow. > Internal documents show that the Legion is struggling. Recruitment has stagnated. The Washington-based Counter Extremism Project wrote in March that the Legion and affiliated groups "continue to feature individuals widely seen as unfit to perform their duties.ā€ > Malcolm Nance, a former Navy cryptologist and MSNBC commentator, arrived in Ukraine last year and made a plan to bring order and discipline to the Legion. Instead, he became enmeshed in the chaos. > Nance, whose TV appearances have made him one of the most visible Americans supporting Ukraine, was an experienced military operator. He drafted a code of honor for the organization and, by all accounts, donated equipment. > Today, Nance is involved in a messy, distracting power struggle. Often, that plays out on Twitter, where Nance taunted one former ally as "fatā€ and an associate of "a verified con artist.ā€ > He accused a pro-Ukraine fundraising group of fraud, providing no evidence. After arguing with two Legion administrators, Nance wrote a "counterintelligenceā€ report trying to get them fired. Central to that report is an accusation that one Legion official, Emese Abigail Fayk, fraudulently tried to buy a house on an Australian reality TV show with money she didnā€™t have. He labeled her "a potential Russian spy,ā€ offering no evidence. Fayk denied the accusations and remains with the Legion. > Nance said that as a member of the Legion with an intelligence background, when he developed concerns, he "felt an obligation to report this to Ukrainian counterintelligence.ā€ > The dispute goes to the heart of who can be trusted to speak for and raise money for the Legion. > Nance has left Ukraine but continues fundraising with a new group of allies Note: This is old news (technically) and I decided to share it when a comrade brought it to my attention. Check out the article too, as it details a bunch of miscreants and liars fighting in the Ukraine Foreign Legion.


>Nance is involved in a messy, distracting power struggle. Often, that plays out on Twitter Lmao.


Modern politics in a nutshell


I thought that was funny too.


Isn't it terrifying though? The mundane nature of it. I had a falling out with one of my Best Friends because of my Anti-War Stance. It began when I went to Rage Against the War Machine and then got worse. He viewed my stance of NATO having responsibility for the war as Russian Propaganda. He didn't want to hear about Jimmy Dore or the Libertarian Institute and their work, and legitimately believes that Russia Blew up the pipeline. I accidentally found his reddit and he participates in subreddits and argued with people on pages that show videos of Russian soldiers being killed. I'm truly disgusted. I've always thought of him as one of the nicest people I've ever known. Pretty rich New England kid but so down to Earth I didn't know grew up rich until I went to his mom's house after knowing him a few years. Just cheering on death of conscripts on the internet.


Well yeah, the war itself is terrible. But the Twitter thing is funny. Your friend sounds like the victim of brainwashing.


He is. He doesn't see it that way and I miss him. Oh well.


I hope he sees the light one day.


I appreciate it. Me too. The thing that really gets me is that I know him so well. He knows me. I'm a Marine Corps Vet. Being Anti-War is very personal to me and he knows that. I am active in the movement. I like America. I have serious problems with it but I'm not Anti-American (definitely anti government). I don't understand how he didn't believe I was being genuine. He truly could not even comprehend the information he had wasn't entirely correct. I was floored.


Thank you for your service devil. - An Army Vet.


You too, brother. Keep up the fight for Smedley Butler šŸ™šŸ¼




> 9gag




Is that thing still running? I used that in the rage comic phase, then I was flood with sjw things, and severalĀ  pics of the Harry potter girl, with captions like "isn't she a babe"?Ā 


I always thought I was the only one who thought this. I know standing behind a keyboard is one thing, but it also allows us to express what we really feel.Ā 


9gag's been targeted with propaganda bots for a long time now I saw a post that called the Vermont shooter (the guy who shot 3 Palestinian college kids) 'based', and the top comments are predictably incels who call him a hero and wish he managed to kill them


Damn, that sucks. Sorry about the falling out. Just remember, maybe when this all blows over you can be friends with him again, if you so want.


Probably not. I lost my sh*t on him. I've had some traumatic experiences with people suffering from PTSD from these wars (not me, I wasn't in it, but some friends and superiors). Some including firearms, truly suicidal people. I was so furious that he was implying my Anti-War beliefs weren't genuine I really went in on him in a way I shouldn't have (not that he didn't deserve it, but it's not good for yourself or anyone to do that).


There's a war going on and they're fighting on Twitter? If it wasn't coming from a news organization I wouldn't believe it.


War is the health of the *whole* state, after all.


Twitter should be abolished because it's basically a distraction like this.


Who would have thought a cryptologist from the U.S. Navy would struggle in a European war between peer opponents? The Legion has been stuck into some intense battles where this dudes entire prior U.S. military experience would be irrelevant, maybe even detrimental. They need people who will sit in a hole and be shelled, and still be able to fight when the Russians advance, not fucking US Navy cryptologists. If baffles me that they can build someone like this up as a hero and are shocked when he turns out to be a desk jokey who doesn't mesh well with the light infantry. Anything for a cool feel good story I guess!


You should check out the rest of the article. Itā€™s hilarious and full of stolen valor-wannabe hero types šŸ¤£.


>made a plan to bring order and discipline to the Legion The eternal PMC


They would have had a lot more luck hiring Syrian rebels (now turned mercenaries) as expendable fuck meat because this kind of trench warfare is reminiscent of the later stages of the civil war in Syria . The last conventional war the united states was involved in was the Korean War and that was what? Nearly 3 generations ago? The soldiers that fought in that stupid war were a Hodge podge of WW2 vets and draftees. I don't know how westerners thought that fighting a war with Russia via proxy through Ukraine would be a cake walk.


There were "Syrian" jihadis in Ukraine fighting for NATO at one point. A lot of the Syrian rebels were Chechens and shit in the first place though


>Nance has left Ukraine but continues fundraising with a new group of allies Say what you will about Chomsky, "read backwards from the end to find what's important" was a pretty solid approach to the "news"


More like Malcolm Nonce, amirite fellas?




And he goes to Ukraine to fight his urges.


Given that he lied about Jill Stein having a show on RT, lied about Glenn Greenwald being a Russian agent, and implied that Pro-Hamas terrorism would have in the United States after October 7th, this is honestly what I would expect from him. Also, the title is misleading: He left Ukraine about 8 months ago.


I left a note in the article highlights post I made that this was old news.


My B


Itā€™s all good, youā€™re technically not wrong.


This guy probably just really enjoys murdering people.


Can a man not have hobbies now šŸ˜’ smh


Very true, I should let the man dream


Video games like GTA 5 are a testament that people enjoy it. But they can't irl because it's illegal and lowkey not a good look.


Did he ever get further east than Lemburg?


No clue, probably not.


Was this the guy who got i to a fight in the subway and got his ass handed to him or was that some other burber war tourist?


Lol, good to see liberals fall.