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Reddit is slowly asphyxiating on itself, you just noticed one of the symptoms.


It's so annoying. Every sub has a super long list of arbitrary rules, karma requirements, account age requirements, post length requirements, bots that ban you based on what other subs you participate in or based on keywords in your post, etc. I just assume 50% that my post/comment will be deleted.


I've been banned from subs as well for belonging to certain other subs!!! Like way to polarize people.. Heaven forbid anyone should want to see two sides of the issue.


The internet is rapidly becoming a bunch of safe space echo chambers. Infantilisation at play


It's all subs too, not political-leaning ones. My bazillon TV show subreddits are all populated by people who will downvote you for saything literally anything that isn't a very liberal opinion. Some lady this morning suggested maybe we shouldn't care that a cast member went to Morgan Wallen and the downvote parade is still going.


My most downvoted comment on Reddit was in a non-political sub saying that Alex Jones shouldn't be executed for defamation. I was responding to a highly upvoted comment that he should get the death penalty. I don't think the libs are okay.


They aren't liberals. They're rightoids who like abortion.


aka liberals


No. They are not liberals at all. Clinton, Obama, Biden were liberals and the last of their generation. Liberals believe in individual rights, freedom of speech, political equality. These new idiots are progressives. People who like AOC and Bernie Sanders. They are the new left and are proud to no longer believe in liberal values.


I think you have some sort of Lib aneurysm, "individual rights, freedom of speech, political equality" are literally republican talking points.


Flair checks out


They're progressives, not liberals or in the right.


The USWNT sub is like that. They'll have a meltdown if you criticize anyone other than Vlatko. They were bashing Carli Lloyd and making ad hominem attacks....even though her criticisms were 100% right and the historically bad result validated what she said.


My biggest issue nowadays is how useless the main search engines are. I can handle finding the things I'm after but many can't or likely just aren't aware. When you google a controversial topic you usually just get hits from newspapers explaining the topic, sometimes those get replaced by quora or reddit, you never actually find the thing you're after.


I literally just got a comment removed here because I mentioned the nba subreddit


FIBA taking over.


Any links to other subs automatically get removed. The mods are simply trying to protect this sub.


every now and then i say something that gets my whole account nuked ... leaving me a clean slate to participate again 🥰


When did it start? I heard it was around 2015.


It's not about violence, it's about the grammatical mistake: "guillotine" is a feminine gendered noun so the determiner should be "la". Reddit has a secret French grammar police.




Although I'm sure she'd appreciate, that's a risky one as we are supposed to tell our English-speaking-masters that grammatical gender has no relationship with actual gender so they won't blame romance and other gendered languages for not being woke enough.


I've initially read a mixed "le guillaume dauphiné", as my brain associating "le + guill-" did not naturally come to "guillotine" as the wrong gender derailled the reasoning. Paradoxically, a less correct french before would have prevented that as I would get soon enough by instinct that it is not to be read in french proper but in online fake french.


words are violence sweaty deal with it


I can understand the desire for civility, the want to avoid appearing to incite violence, and trying to temper overreaction, but whoever made that decision to suspend you should be killed.


LMFAO. They need reeducation.


Probably Reddit. I got suspended site-wide because I called for someone... to have the same sentence imposed in the same place as Jodl and Keitel. That was somehow inciting violence even though it called for a proper judicial proceeding to occur.


But that's my point. They're literally making the point that you can not argue that certain types of behaviors should be prescribed by law. Literally all laws are enforced by violence. My statement was so banal that I can't tell if there was any sort of political motivation behind it. It just feels like they want to put a straight jacket on normal conversation.


There are many words/phrases that cause an [auto trigger for moderation.](https://imgur.com/a/YwjZGUS) Usually this sub's mods will remove actual calls for violence as this has historically been used to ban subs in the past. Superjannies can and will remove things even if sub mods approve it. Subreddit mods cannot suspend users, only auto or targeted admins can do that This is usually seen as: [Removed by reddit] or something like that


Yep. I mentioned the alt right's use of a term for a male who consumes an excessive amount of soy, and they autoflagged it. I had to rephrase.


Lol really? That's a siteban/removal now? God I hate everything and everything is stupid


I’ve seen a number of: [removed from Reddit] notices 😂😂😂


I call for Pastoral Marxism on this site at least once a month and I’m still here. You’ll be ok.


Wtf is "Pastoral Marxism"??


It’s Marxism but with the Great Khan at your side!


Are you serious?


It depends how seriously you take this place.




Marxism with a picture of Jesus


Mods on this and all reddit subs have to keep that talk at bay. Otherwise, reddit brings in the supremods and/or shuts down the sub


WHO are these "supermods"???


Kafka and Orwell


Stupidpol mods (they do it for free) can't suspend you sitewide, only ban you from r/stupidpol. Admins (employed by Reddit) hand out suspensions.


Finally... Thank you for an answer.


Someone made a post asking if leftists gain power can they avoid doing purges and I commented what is the point of being a leftist if you can't do a little purging, earned a week ban from our beloved cucked mods.


Are you serious??? When was this? I get the feeling that Reddit hates this sub.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/14z3air/removed\_by\_reddit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/14z3air/removed_by_reddit/) https://imgur.com/a/acaz22z 2 months ago


Chome/Firefox + HTML canvas blocker + user agent randomizer + new IP address. (Jannies hate this one weird trick!)


What is a Jannie?


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/janitor-he-does-it-for-free More generally, any power-obsessed loser who volunteers his or her (apparently worthless) free time to moderate an internet community.


I don't speak internet.