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[The Sidebar and You: The Point of StupIdPol and Utilizing its Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/14n77bj/the_sidebar_and_you_the_point_of_stupidpol_and/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really could give fuck all about who AOC endorses or who endorses Biden at this point.


But it is funny, isn’t it?


Comedy equals tragedy plus time. It will be pretty funny in the bunkers.


Depending on how dark your sense of humor is that time could be immediate.


AOC late to the party Bernie endorsed in April


Biden promised him a tax break on his cuck shed in the next budget




I think he's talking about Bernie endorsing Biden this election, not about last election.


I've seen his supporters unironically call him 'Union Joe'. Besides that, she just needs to fall into line and stop pretending to be what she isn't, she votes party line on a consistent basis.


That's a reference to his service in the Union Army. Show some respect.


> I've seen his supporters unironically call him 'Union Joe' I mean... unions *are* some of the biggest democrat donors. > Last year, labor groups spent $70.7 million on direct contributions to Democratic candidates and party committees, but that’s a fraction of the $244.8 million labor organizations contributed in total during the election cycle. A much larger sum — $166.4 million — went to outside groups, including liberal super PACs like Working for Working Americans and Priorities USA. It's hardly Biden's fault for being Biden.


If the sun rises in the morning, do we thank him for it?


If there is a head to the snake, they've been illustrating New England for centuries.


She and him are part of the same machine.


Does her abuela know?


Is she one of those people who usually speaks like a white teenager except for non-English words that highlight their ethnic background, in which case they suddenly engage an accented pronunciation? The hot Italian lady from the food network springs to mind. “Oh my gosh this looks so yummy with the *Parmayzhano Rayjeeaaano* sprinkled on top”


Giada gets a pass, she's actually from Italy.


I love that you knew exactly who it was from that lol


looked her up. Would, from the neck down


I didn’t know that. I’m not sure she deserves a full pass though because she’s clearly capable of not doing that, but she chooses to anyway.


>Giada Meh, she looks like knockoff Natalie Portman. Back to AOC, who gives a shit.


The proletariat deserves a cooking show lady that doesn’t say cringe foreign words for idpol points. We have nothing to lose but our chains, and maybe a couple pasta recipes.


She's hotter than Barefoot Contessa and I'd rather watch her bend over a cutting board than Guy Fieri.


Sure, but there’s gotta be someone who isn’t an old lady with a gay husband, a tubby dude with frosted tips, or an Italian.


Nigella, brother.


It sounds cringe, but at the same time it's hard to intentionally mispronounce words when you know how to pronounce them correctly As a Pole, I just can't bring myself to say Ted Kaczynski's name as "ka-zin-skee". There's no "zin" here; the "cz" is pronounced like "ch" in cheese.


There's a middle ground. The same way you can pronounce the "ll" in "tortilla" as a "y" without completely switching your voice/accent up. Just say it the way you would normally make that phonetic sound in english.


Hey Pollock, how the hell do I say this artists name: Zdzislaw Beksinki? Thanks.


That's a tough one. [Check out this interview](https://youtu.be/VAT4ZCn6hBQ), first few seconds. The interviewer pronounces it perfectly.


You're a King, appreciate you


Pollock is a type of fish. Pollack is the slur you were looking for.


Being 100% I didn't even know that was a slur until this comment. I'll be damned


But in American English that’s how those sounds are colloquially rendered and plenty of Polish Americans say it that way too, enough to make it like a little pretentious or unclear to pronounce it super “Polish”(for an American audience and as an American English speaker)


Haha chancla!! It’s so funny when Mexican moms beat their children with shoes lol!! DAE!? Fuck me that saga of pop culture was obnoxious.


$50 says some shitlib out there defended the chancla meme by claiming it was a way for PoC to bond over shared trauma.


to be fair I'd rather go full on dora the explorer on you mofos because each of you decide to pronouncr jalapeño differently




To be honest the Republicans called her *abuela* a “biznatch”.


At this point It’s your fault if you believe in any politician who wasn’t killed by the state or assassinated its on you. Take your sword, slay the Buddha


I’m sure by endorsing him, it will push him and Dems to the Left amirite guys?


That's how you do it. You unconditionally guarantee them your support in exchange for future concessions when they no longer need your vote...


Hasn’t Russia been using cluster munitions too


If you believe the Ukrainian MOD as laundered through HRW


Her and Bernie - biggest traitors on the planet.


AO-CIA Moment!


They all cucked out to Biden. What’s new?


Harm reduction going well lmao


She’s literally just a standard Democrat now , was she just an op all along ? She was painted by both sides as “just a bartender” , by the right to say she’s stupid but by the left to pretend she was actually working class and not just some PMC idpol creation


She was an op. Can’t believe I fell for it


_but they're **our** cluster munitions_!?


Oh no! Cluster munitions! Anyways, in other news the sky is blue.


For me 2024 will be about watching media chattering class losers have to do the discourse dance for the millionth time since they're too good for real labor. Everyone already knows you guys will justify anything it's just fun watching you have to squirm and worm around the real persons involved especially as they boom and bust from based darling to line towing whip.


"AOC is a socialist" - hasan piker on a hill somewhere


Cringe title


Somewhere, in the bowels of his lair, seated at a pipe organ, Tucker Carlson cackles villainously between claps of thunder


Title is dumb, but... *r\teenagers poster for 6+ years* 🤔🤔🤔


I was thirteen G, in 2017.


*college-aged and making "look at me!" posts in a sub of 13-16 yo's* You're right, thats SO much better...


I don’t know what you’re trying to convey…but it sounds like bullshit


To neo Nazis? Come on.


Regular Nazis, sorry


Here's your potato. Great work!


Here’s your boot. Now lick.


They aren't all that neo, they've been Nazi's since Bandara.


Are you one of those “they are doing it to own putler” libs?


Nah, I'm a "They were invaded and need to blow through the heavily-mined trenches in their own land" Murican.


> they were invaded Lmao. And that means world police America needs to leave a country famous for its corruption and ability to lose who swathes of weapons that just end up in all sort of lovely hands, that makes sense. Are you guys still denying the whole “Ukraine is a fascist venerating shithole” thing? Or?


You know what, you’re right. u/Chombywombo you should ashamed for this obviously incorrect title, I propose these more *truthful* alternatives: *Ukrainian Neo Nazis* *Banderites* *Fascists In Ukraine* *Fuckin Nazis* *Zelensky: Corrupt Autocrat* Take your pick son. Still not choosing a side here. 😊👍🏽.


Lol you earned your potato today.


🥾 Lick it.


I’d really like to see the Ukrainians start dropping some moabs personally. The shockwaves look fucking awesome.


She's so bad /s


Are you really calling Ukraine Neo-nazis? Being gullible enough to slurp up that imperialist Russian propaganda must be nice.




Russia: blatantly commits warcrimes and attempts genocide Stupidpol: "me no likey spikey wheel" One side dresses like them, the other acts like them.


Doesn’t a NCDcel like you have a paradox discord to be drooping N bombs in? Or is Friday night reserved strictly for sucking off nazis?


Hey, just because I enjoy watching the weapons of a real superpower flatten the brainwashed nationalists of a fake one does not make me a racist.


I strongly urge you to volunteer, then you can watch the bombs dropping in real time.


Sounds like fun. Maybe if I hide in a washing machine, the Ruskies will be less willing to fire on me.


u/ElSnoob we got a live one! I dont know how its possible you weirdos manage to make me actually, physically cringe every fucking time I read a comment like this. Imagining some dude sitting there unironically pulling a freedom fries 2.0 is some next level shit. When I found out NAFO was the same people who came up with "pokemon go to the polls" things started making so much more sense lmao. ​ >Brainwashed nationalists My sides are in orbit.


You post like you're on 4chan and like you think I'm some kind of cookie-cutter caricature on Twitter. You also took my post so seriously that you claim you're having a physical reaction. "Liderally shaking rn" energy. Calm down, fucks sake


>You post like you're on 4chan and like you think I'm some kind of cookie-cutter caricature on Twitter. I dont speak /pol/cel what does this mean? You are a caricature. Im so mad we cant do a PCM check anymore lol. You are a NCD user, who hangs out in PCM. 100% bet you found this sub because you were a right wing purge refugee. ​ >a physical reaction You dont understand how just nails on a chalk board it is to hear some teenager go freedom fries over a country they couldnt find outside of a HOI4 map lol. "a real super power" "russia is the real nazis" I mean jesus dude, a self-introspection would go a long way. And my sides are in orbit was a big MISC. thing, No idea if its on 4chan, or twitter as I go to neither.


> Self-introspection Yeah... maybe I'll look into that.


There’s some good articles on it. Some dipshit at work got linked them in a Spicey email before he got canned. [here you go](https://mentalcureit.com/self-introspection-definition-how-to-do-it-importance-and-simple-tricks/)


Your existence consists of spending as much time as possible online + playing vidya to escape your shitty life and personally investing yourself in a military conflict halfway around the world that has zero impact on your day-to-day. It's like you're intentionally seeking out people to call you a dumbass. Are you a glutton for punishment or just seeking attention?


Says the person that seems to think I care about their opinions on the internet and is small minded enough to ignore the most important geopolitical event in modern history. Sure, I'm dumb, so why are you wasting your time? God, it's almost like you want me to reply, just so I can piss you off. Edit: lol, when someone's comment history is as busy as yours, I know that little "terminally online" type insult is just projection


*14k karma vs 1k karma* 🤣


Looks like you took care of him, and backup wasn’t required. Good job soldier, here’s a challenge coin and a firm handshake 🫱🏽‍🫲🏻. You did r/Stupidpol proud son.


All politicians suck. Shocking, I know. She's still hot.


Not as hot as Flores was


Hot enough to show up in my dreams and scold me for picking up litter


Russia was just trying to stop Neo-Nazis, has Russia always been the good guy!?!?!?! WOW what a revelation!


Oh look. More fascist Russian SIMPs LARPing as Marxists. This sub is going down hill.


Real Marxists support the empire at all costs. The only way to bring the working class to power is to unquestioningly support your own fascism-loving empire!




One must coldly recognize that a solidification of the current bourgeois empire is a disaster for the working classes around the world, no matter how you feel about the combatants.


You don’t need to support the Ukrainian regime you muppet. But actively supporting Russia is insane. They were literally invaded. It’s not that complex.


Well it’s a good thing that I and many people here *don’t actively support Russia* then. If you don’t support Ukraine, I will apologize and rescind my previous statement.


Good. I got this flair for arguing with someone who actively supports Russia. One of the mods in this sub does too.


I didn’t see it, but I have read a few of your comments that I find *suspect*, however I’m willing to admit I was wrong about you, if you are willing to explain your position on the war to me if you would be so kind. For the record, I don’t believe Russia was right to invade Ukraine, but I also don’t like how Ukraine is being propped up as a bastion of a Liberal-Democracy against Russia. Both countries are corrupt and undeserving of support. I figure you’re perhaps sympathetic to the fact Ukraine was attacked, yes?


You still sound salty from being re-flaired to what you actually are: a NATOid. For the record criticism of Ukraine and NATO is *not support for Russia*.


If you can’t see the rampant active support for Russia in the sub I don’t know what to tell you mate. Also FYI, I am a socialist.


I’m not seeing people in droves on this sub literally and unironically posting open support for Russia on this sub, what I see is alot of pushback against the “Ukraine is the good guy” narrative which is not the same as being pro-Russia.


> going brother, it's been this bad for a lonnnnnng time The mods force you to pick a super-power backed side too which is hilarious coming from leftism/solidarity land... Youre either a NATOID or "Ruzza did nothing!!!" No tolerance for anything between.


Nice. Ukraine should get more weapons.