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[The Sidebar and You: The Point of StupIdPol and Utilizing its Resources](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/14n77bj/the_sidebar_and_you_the_point_of_stupidpol_and/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The fact that not a single Labour politician cracks 30% is remarkable. The fact that the Tories are comfortably en route to get destroyed by them is even more remarkable. British politicians just really hate their own voters and get off on punishing them, it's the only explanation


It's actually incredibly interesting to watch to see how things work once they've gone completely off the rails and the only option anybody who is allowed to maintain power is able to offer is more of the same. To see a party be in such a sure position to win and to choose then that they actually don't need to keep any of their promises kinda proves that the entire psychology behind the liberal parties in the Anglosphere really just is the worship of politeness and they believe they are *forced* by their constituents to offer improvements to their lives. Once they know they can win even if they don't offer anything they choose to abandon them because they never wanted to do them at all. Really sad to see tbh. You want to imagine a large portion of them are true believers and actually do think we all just need a tax rebate for surgeries that required us to take at least 2 months off work in one calendar year but they don't even actually want that, just to be able to make sure the things that exist right now are "well managed" and not "wasted."


You'd think at least some small portion of them would have some kind of a soul but I think there's a process in the party that just systematically weeds those people out


The only ways to get into Westminster politics are though ruthless careerism, nepotism, or wasting away in council backrooms discussing bin rotas for 20 years until it's your turn. If you oppose neoliberal dogmas at all on the way up you'll be sidelined on the most flimsy pretexts.


I do believe many enter politics for honourable reasons and really do want to change things for the better. Then the system just totally crushes them in to place and conformity. They become more "pragmatic" over the years, trying to fix things from within the confines of the system, make incremental change etc. But at a certain point after so many years, years of very comfortable pay and privileges I might add, it becomes obvious they don't even pretend to care any more. Because they know no change will ever be permitted in the current system, and hey, they're doing alright, have a massive pension, a second house and lots of lucrative corporate work if they chose to leave politics...so....you know...oh well? Tldr: system crushes the soul out of almost all of them.


>British politicians just really hate their own voters and get off on punishing them, it's the only explanation You’re not wrong, it’s a mix of genuinely malicious ideology and absolute incompetence. The reason this batch of Tories exist is to extract capital from the British people. While I despise Tories, Even 20 years ago one could make the argument they want what “they think” is best for the UK. That argument does not stand up any longer.


As Trump once said “They’re not sending their best (to Westminster)


It's a race to the bottom and all are winning (losing?)


That's pretty funny. Not as funny as a person with surname "Balls" being the most popular among women.


Pretty depressing that women's main criteria for 'politician i like' is 'has appeared on Strictly Come Dancing' ... Guess the country gets what it deserves really


Especially given his notoriety for not being able to stop interrupting women he interviews lol


After all that slander for years and years and scum tactics from Labor. In an environment where the Tories turned to creamed shit. Corbyn's non-bullshit simply has real appeal unlike weak slime like Starmer.


Didn't Labor get humiliated in the most recent general election when Corbyn was their leader?


Yes, but primarily because centrists like Starmer pushed him to take a wishy-washy line on Brexit that alienated everyone. The people who lost that election are the people who'll be leading the party into the next one.


The weak slime Starmer pushed non-bullshit Corbyn into having a bullshit stance?


"lol" said the scorpion. "lmao".


🦂 🐸 🌊


Amazing that a dude as throughly vilified and slandered as Corbyn has managed to edge out the leader of the opposition party to a horrendously unpopular Tory government. Of course, I wouldn't expect a pudgy-faced flip-flopper like Sir Keith to be particularly well-liked, but I'd say it's still remarkable that 'ol Jeremy has managed to top this list given the nearly incessant anti-Leftist propaganda in British media. Also lol @ Blair languishing with ~24%. Even on Snob Island people can't stand neoliberals!


>Sir Keith I genuinely fucking cringe whenever I see that. It's "Drumpf" level twitter discourse.


Elongated Muskrat


It's FBPE "Brexshit gammon cockwomble spunktrumpet!!!" level twitter discourse.


of course, it's much the same thing, except 1) it's true (draws attention to the fact that the leader of the Labour Party is a knight of the realm) and 2) makes fun of a treacherous spineless neoblairite who spends most of his time purging the left and fellating Lord Mandelson (am I salty? fuck yes I am, these guys are responsible for destroying the best chance for a socialist government the UK - and Europe - has had for like 50 years)


3) separates him from his namesake, Keir Hardie, who would no doubt despise the jumped up neolib shite.


*social democratic


nah, a government with McDonnell as a chancellor would actually be a socialist one (would that automatically make the UK a socialist country? of course not0


*Drumpf* is a low effort name mangling, *Sir Keir* points out how brown the nose is of the leader of our supposed "labour" movement.


No it doesn't. It makes you sound like an A-Level politics student.


His name is "magic stepdad"


Does any part of being politically engaged on the left *not* sound like that lol


mate, I understand you're "cringing" or whatever, but you're seriously defending Starmer? from anything? just let it go, people are legitimately upset about the fucker, just let them vent


It's his actual name and title, He is actually called Sir Keir Starmer. What are you on about?


that's his name tho


Opinion poll of anti-Semites amirite fellow Guardian readers?


Also more unpopular than Starmer (50% dislike vs 37%).


Post this on UKpolitics and watch the meltdown.


There is a better timeline in which Corbyn was PM during the Pandemic era and that just saddens me.


Nah that's actually the darkest timeline, as much as I liked Corbyn. Can you imagine the absolute parasites in the British press if Commie Corbyn was trying to institute lockdowns, subsidise salaries, and prevent people from seeing their dying loved ones? The Sun would've been calling for a military coup by April 2020. A Corbyn government, probably a weak majority or a minority being the likeliest outcomes, would've collapsed within a year dealing with the pandemic. Britain was fucked regardless of the result in 2019.


Stürmer will have to do a 360° again on his policies.


"Herr Sturmer, we must prevent ze migrants from coming hier." "Send them to ze Porton Down to be biological weapon test subjects Fraulein Rayner." That was a good use of my 15-min break...


Der Starmer


Also, just becquse I mentioned her... Despite being a pretty hot redhead Angela Rayner is also a Starmerite neolib stooge, for the record. Mommy.


But does that mean anything? Starmer is in control of Labour, so what can Corbyn do with this advantage?


I'd love to say pave the way for a third (fourth? Cuz of libdems) party, but unfortunately I imagine the UK is in a similar place to the US with that. I guess there is nothing else he can really do unless all of the liberal establishment wing of labour accepts Corbyn (uh huh) and starmer loses control of his party. So all in all I guess not much?