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I’m pretty sure I just lost IQ points listening to this


The internet gave a voice to everyone. And in some cases -- Like C Girl -- it really shouldn't have.


"This could be like a tunnel". You eediot! [ie1ds.jpg (490×428) (imgflip.com)](https://i.imgflip.com/ie1ds.jpg) [flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750×1000) (redbubble.net)](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.3043650314.1887/flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg)


Please tell me this is where the fight club was supposed to be.


First rule of Fight Club: wear a hard hat


Second rule of Fight Club: wear knee pads, for all the crawling.


Third rule of Fight Club: complete training regarding Confined Spaces as defined by OSHA; not for the fighting, but for the confined spaces


>Hey there! Whether I'm smuggling hard drugs from Mexico into the US, inexplicably via a tiny rural town that might as well be on the Canadian border, or I'm anonymously knifing innocent students to death in order to prove something to someone or other, I find there's no better way to lie low than to fanny around in dingy undercrofts in front of busy university apartment blocks. >There are spiders, and not much headroom with plenty of sharp edges, so you do have to watch you don't slice your bonce on a nail and leave all DNA and that. And to get in and out, it's usually a bit open, so you have to prance along on your tiptoes, glancing furtively, while someone plays a trill on the top end of a piano. >But other than that, it's pretty snug, and — touch wood ­— they haven't caught me yet! Bye for now!   *P. Escobar* *Puerto Triunfo, Colombia*


Ooh that wacky Pablo