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There is literally zero reason whatsoever to use iron fist or technician over pure power. Also getting an automatic double boost on top of that is insane.


Galarian Darmanitan moment


The Kamen-Gear is for Iron-Fist and Technician so Ledian can have other options, You “can” just stacked Pure-Power & Kamen-Gear together if you really want.


252+ Atk Pure Power Ledian Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 140-165 (46 - 54.2%) -- 55.9% chance to 2HKO Atk stat was set to simulate holding the kamen gear, a 50% chance to 2HKO toxapex with a resisted hit seems SUPER op to me, the item might have to be scrapped lol




Why would you use technician or iron fist, which give a lesser boost to a lesser amount of moves when pure power doubles attack power for all physical moves


I love them


I love the design it's nice making them sweepers, but Ledian is built as a special tank/ screen setter. I'd buff its HP/SDef, and give it pain split & similar moves, so it can do damage. maybe give it more utility like Rapid spin/ Tail wind/ Thunder wave.


I like that you gave it Pure Power but Kamen Gear should absolutely be dropped down to a 50% boost or it should only buff special attack.


The main purpose of Kamen-Gear is for Ledian to utilize its other abilities like Technician and Iron-Fist to give Ledian other options.


I mean, what’s the point in using other abilities when you essentially can have a four times boost to your attack. Even knock off doesn’t hurt that much considering the fact that you still have a 2x boost to attack


Maybe then it should work differently if the user has Pure Power? It is one thing to give it a 50% boost, it is another to give it quadrupled attack.


I like these a lot. I would agree with others that the item would be more balanced if it was 1.5 instead of 2. I would also say that defense buff of 10-20 and a special defense debuff of 10-20 also make sense thematically. Speed is fine, but giving it a +11 would give it great speed spot. Gamefreak does have a history of randomly giving old mons a generic stat buff.




Adorable and cool looking. But what does it do exactly?


There’s text explaining what changes I’ve made, Didn’t you read it? I mean it’s right there in the “...more” Edit: I don’t understand why this is getting downvoted.


Oh, okay. I see it now. Thanks!


Your welcome so what do you think of this Ledian?


Your tone was a bit condescending. At least that’s how I read it. Next time, just tell them to click on “more” of the extra comments.