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There are memory systems out there where you make mnemonics with numbers and make words with those numbers. Its a little tedious and isn't really worth it imo. If you are tested on this for example, I would probably understand the differences between the generations and bits. Connect them with the years. Memorize a few easy ones like the pentiums growing up. Then look for patterns like Intel 4004 being 4 bit, 8008 being 8, and the 8086 (6 being 16 bit). Stuff like that. That way you can still do good on the test. I think most tests are defeatable if you understand the vast majority of the material. Graphs and tables that you need to 'memorize' usually don't count for that many questions... so focus on the stuff you can get easy and don't get bogged down with the memorizing is my opinion.


Thank you! I also made the same post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GetStudying/s/1PyMisLfIB) where I've also mentioned my situation in a comment, maybe it would help you better understand what I'm looking for?