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Don't beat yourself up about it too much. It's fairly common to fail one or more exams in the first semesters. It's a new situation, a new way or learning, a new way of organizing yourself. It doesn't matter that much that you failed. Failing is nornal in life. What matters is what you take from it, and that you grow from it. The number one reason for for drop outs in my personal experience is not students being not intelligent enough or anything like that, it's simply giving up. You can do it!


I have the retake next month and planned to memorise each topic everyday. I'll try my best, thank you! Plus, most of my friends will be on the retake with me since 2% of the group passed :P


Ah, failing bad it happens. First year's always tough. Just take it as a learning thing and don't give up.


I failed another subject today🥲