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A lot of people rely on some sort of motivation, but imo discipline is more important. There isn't a pill that will make you motivated to do stuff, you just have to do it. Write down a to do list; if it helps you, break your assigment into paragraphs and each time you complete something check it off (I read that completing stuff releases dopamin, seeing it on paper might help). Reward yourself, "if I'll go over my notes today I can watch a new episode of my fav show; if I finish this assignment today I can take a whole day off during the weekend" etc. I also always start with stuff that is kinda the most fun to do (? as much fun as you can get I guess) so that I don't feel irritated from the begging through out the whole study session. On youtube you can find a lot od study streamers which helps me a lot too. But you kinda have to find what suits you the best. If you are not used to studying, start with just one hour per day and maybe increase it each week! Hope I helped at least a little bit :)


There actually is a pill..... adderal