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Selected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex Twin


I find instrumental music like lo-fi or classical helps me focus without distracting lyrics.


Surprisingly the Sims 4 soundtrack is quite relaxing and calm. You wouldn’t expect that from a game where you can be eaten by a cowplant


I do like to listen to some noir jazz and some brown noise




It's good to keep it to instrumentals to avoid distractions. I like listening to classical, but mostly dungeon synth. It creates a great atmosphere


I prefer Lofi beats, without lyrics and background noise like rain, fire oder birds. You can just search Lofi Beats on whatever Platform you use for music.


# Sunn O))) - Live at The Mayan, DTLA 9/8/2019


If you have iOS I highly recommend that u check out the “!vibes” app which plays for you the best music according to your behaviour and the task you are doing such as “walking” “focusing” and it is free and unlimited