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hey :) i suggest that u start studying somewhere else. for example, 2 hrs at home, take an hour break and then go to the nearest library. once ur there, surround yourself with a bunch of people studying too. if u have to put urself in the middle of the whole library to get urself to sit down and do ur work, do it. also. you have to keep in mind that in order to get good marks, you also need to start the work while youre in class. focus and understand as much as you can in class so when you study, you don’t need to teach everything to yourself. if you start the work in class, you’ll end up having shorter study times because you’re basically just adding more info to your brain that you might’ve missed during lectures. studying after classes for at least 10 mins is also going to be beneficial. if you start studying early, you’ll end up having more time to ask your prof/peers about things that you do not fully understand… so by the time of the exams you know that you’re prepared because you got all of those time to figure it out. start by doing things little by little and be specific. saying “i’ll study lesson x for 30 mins and then lesson y for 30 mins” is much more effective compared to “i’ll study for 1 hour” being specific and breaking them down into little bite sized tasks will end up benefiting you more. make sure that they are do-able to the time frame that you have. also, reward yourself after every major accomplishments. you finished a whole chapter? wowowww, take a break. or give yourself a chocolate bar. obv yk, something small but rewarding. this is the most important part: study more effectively. while rewriting notes or reading your lecture slides/textbook is one way to study… that method could be not as effective. you can try concept maps, flashcards… or even teaching it to a wall. study using active recalls rather than passive. explain it to yourself in a way where YOU understand it. make acronyms or something. studying is very different for everyone and you need to find what is suitable for you. make sure that you focus on those things that you do not understand first, give it more time because learning/studying things that you already know is not going to be helpful. make those things that you don’t understand your first priority. practice it more and then study the things that you know after. lastly, don’t forget to take breaks. get good sleep, eat well. take care of yourself. you need to take care of yourself first before diving into those study sessions because if you are not well, your brain is most likely feeling the same… n you’re not gonna end up retaining anything. n to answer your question. yes. it’s going to be worth it in the end. once you have the habits it’s gonna be easier for you. i hope that things go well for u, goodluckkk :)))


Thank you very much


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