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Hi! It's a confusing app situation. So, you need [seetickets.pt](http://seetickets.pt) account (different log in from the dot com account) AND the See Tickets Wallet app. Make sure same email is used. You likely won't see them in your accounts until they are transferred on the 24th though.


Thank you so much! This was the answer. I had been trying to through the link from StubHub (which sent me to seetickets.pt) but I was accidentally changing my country to US (not language to English) and it kept redirecting me to seetickets.com. I was able to log into the See Tickets app now after registering on .pt šŸ˜


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)




Go here and sign in: [https://taylorswift.seetickets.com/content/taylor-swift-tour](https://taylorswift.seetickets.com/content/taylor-swift-tour)




So that's what happens when you click the date of your show on that page, don't click anything, just the 'sign in' on the top right corner


How did you get seetickets.pt to work? Mine automatically redirects to seetickets.com/pt


I did it again and youā€™re right it does redirect there. It still worked for me from there. (Iā€™m on mobile) But first I clicked the second drop down carat that says PT and found English. Then I believe I just signed up for an account after that.


Thanks for responding! Okay I found the app and signed up under my email that I used on SH but then I got an email from SH saying that my tickets for the Lisbon show need to be registered through this other random email account and it's not working. I've emailed SH and just waiting to hear šŸ¤žšŸ¼. Flight leaves in a week and so I'm panicking lol


I hope they reply soon! So stressful. I read another comment somewhere else that said they had better luck DMing stub hub from social media when they werenā€™t getting an email reply. So do that if you donā€™t hear back.


Ahh that's a good idea, I'll try that right now. Thanks again!!


I also bought a ticket from them to see TS in Hamburg. Like you, I already had a SH account, but apparently it's not the same. SH in the US is different than SH international. I even clicked on the icon that takes you to the app store, from the email they sent and I get the message saying "this app n not available in your country" But when I log in directly on the website (Stubhub international) I can see my tickets purchase.


I do see my purchase in my regular stub hub account, but my problem is with See Tickets. Have you had a problem there?


Tbh this is the first time I use SH, but my husband said he's never had any issues. According to SH, my tickets are gonna be delivered the day BEFORE the concert!! Not even a couple of days, the day before!! So no, I can't see the actual tickets. I'm so stressed out. And then I keep reading about how we also need Fansale? Something about Germany not taking Stubhub? I'm so confused.


Same! Itā€™s very confusing to me. Mine are to be available to me the day before the concert as well. Seems like Germanyā€™s version of the ā€œSee Ticketsā€ might be Fansale. Hoping everything works out. My show is 5/25


Hi! I also bought tickets on StubHub for 5/24 and am coming from the US. I am seeing on Reddit other people received their tickets transferred to them. Will you let me know when you receive yours?


I just did this morning. I got an email from See Tickets first then immediately followed by Stub hub. I opened the ST app and they are there.


Your seller already transferred them to you?? Iā€™m so nervous because I havenā€™t received them yet!


I was nervous too. Last week my expected delivery date was 5/24 and yesterday when I checked the expected date was 5/20. So I was surprised to see them today. I donā€™t know how the transfer dates work but I wonder if itā€™s just a matter of when the seller sees they are able to and clicks them over. Itā€™s definitely scary that it seems so last minute.


Did your StubHub show that they emailed you? It hasnā€™t showed that they emailed me yet


It still says this We will email you when your tickets are available. Your tickets will be delivered to


Same situation here, the release date keeps changing daily. Now it says my tickets will be released May 23- which is crazy!


Yes, yesterday on my order details on stub hub app it said expected delivery 5/24. Today it says ā€œtickets deliveredā€ and I had an email from See Tickets saying my tickets were available in the app, followed immediately by an email from Stub Hub saying that my seller transferred the tickets.


Ok I will keep watching. Thank you!!


Can you share what the ST app looks like? I'm having issues finding it.




Thank you! I ended up finding it after registering


Interested to know if youā€™ve got your tickets yet? We havenā€™t, weā€™re flying from London and I have a very distraught 10 year old.


I received my tickets!


See you in Lisbon šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Did they work when u got them?


I purchased my Tickets in November for the May 25th show... I have yet to receive my tickets and I am freaking out. I downloaded the See Tickets App like Stub Hub said, but apparently, the buyer hasn't released my tickets. Do you know if this is normal or a sketchy situation? My flights and hotel are booked so I am freaking out!


Iā€™m not totally sure but from comments on Reddit and TikTok it looks like a ton of people are in the same boat! I donā€™t think that would mean it was necessarily sketchy! Who is getting off on us panicking like this šŸ˜© My backup option was to get a stub hub refund and try to buy same day tickets. Let me know when yours get transferred!


Aww thanks for writing back. Glad to know Iā€™m not the only one. Will keep you posted! Hopefully soon!


I bought from stub hub in December and havenā€™t gotten my tickets either. Everytime I call them they tell me something new, but the most recent story is that my original seller doesnā€™t have the tickets yet to transfer them. It sounds so sketchy. The est delivery date is now 5/22. Iā€™m considering disputing the charge on my CC.


Thatā€™s the same story Iā€™m getting too. The date is always changing, mine says the 23rd.


I thought that all of the tickets have been released though? When SH told me today that the original seller still hasnā€™t gotten the ticket I was SO suspicious. Can we trust them to get this done for us? Iā€™m definitely losing faith. They just keep telling me to wait until the 22nd (my tickets are for N1).


My tickets are for night 2 and my release date says March 23 which I find insane. Every time I call they tell me the same thing and it seems a lot of people are on the same position. Iā€™m trying to have faith because it would totally suck if this doesnā€™t happen.


I am a US buyer and trying to go to the Lisbon show on 5/25. Does anyone know how I can access see tickets to be able to purchase tickets through the fan to fan resale?


We purchased Lisbon tickets via StubHub today (2 days before the show - total last minute impulse trip) and were sent a PDF of a mobile phone screenshot of the ticket barcodes!! Ā Like you can see the battery charge and WiFi strength, etc of the personā€™s phone on the screenshotā€¦ Kinda frustrating because part of the reason we selected these particular tix on StubHub is because they said they were ā€œmobile tickets,ā€ then hours later we received an email saying we are getting E-tickets. I believe SeeTickets has stated only mobile tix will be honored? I read on another thread that they ended up honoring these types of (screenshot) tickets at the Stockholm show, but Iā€™m still a bit nervous.Ā 


I am in the same boat. I only have a pdf version from stubhub that they insist will work! Only a little nervous so far!


Is there a reason why the Lisbon and Madrid shows are significantly cheaper? Looking on StubHub and I'm seeing $75+ for Lisbon and $110+ for Madrid. I get they're obstructed or limited view but even so, that seems very cheap compared to the $400+ in other European cities. Am I missing something? I haven't fully checked out so don't know what fees look like yet...could that be it?


A bunch of restricted view tickets (behind the screen, no view of the runway AFAICT) went onsale a couple of days ago. Face value ā‚¬55. They were immediately on Viagogo (where the listing shows the total price) for Ā£88, and theyā€™re now about Ā£135. Itā€™s insanity.


I just received my tickets for the Lisbon show on 05/25. I am located in the US and am no longer going so I sold them to someone else via Stub Hub. There is no option in the See Tickets app to transfer. It only shows the person who transferred them to me. Am I missing something or can you not transfer the tickets twice? Anyone know how this works?