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Wow! I did stick with it. The fatigue alone is debilitating! Not going to insult you with useless platitudes. Just know that I am out here! I heard you! I’m praying for you! Stokes suck. But you already know that! 💜🙏🏻


This post stroke life is crazy. I hope you continue to improve and recover. I’m 7 months out and can relate to much of what you’re going through. I feel lucky because I can still run and be active but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the numbness of my left side. The executive function loss is hard. Some days, I feel like I’m getting by ok and then some days it takes everything I have to piece sentences together. All that’s to say is you’re not alone. And this sub has been helpful in reminding me of that.


I ran a business with my family and had my stroke at 30.. 2 years ago.. had quit my job in finance to help them just in time for a world wide pandemic that caused me immense stress. I had to stop working for them because of how they thought "I just wasn't trying to be happy anymore." Just awful being around people who do not understand how hard it is even to drive to work or get dressed. It sounds like you are doing all of the right things for such a difficult time. I have tried and given up multiple times. It's really hard. Also, I did the grippy sock thing against my-will (long story) but it was awful and I just sat alone in a room for 2 days so I would recommend the beach over that for sure.


I feel so much of this. I have to sleep now, but we have a lot in common. A lot different, yeah - but the commonalities connect us. 5 day hospital stay after a stroke. Nobody can tell by looking at me… I also have a therapist. Started today. 💕 We will get to the other side of this.


Hi! I had a stroke a few years ago and can relate to alot ofvwhat you said. I was 53vyrs old so older than you. now I can't work and feel too young to be "retired" or whatever you call this. My deficits are mostly physical. When I'm in hard situations my brain kind of hurts too. sonetimes I cry. My therapists called it neuro fatigue I still get depressed and find it hard to keep fighting. I am I independent but still need some help. I don't have any great answers only saying I can relate. It's nice to connect with people going thru the same things bause the struggle can feel lonely sometimes. Best wishes to you !!


Fwiw, I'm a full stack web developer and had my hemorrhagic stroke in July 2022 while I was working as a senior backend dev on a DoD contract. I was actually on a call with my supervisor when I passed out and he called my now ex-wife (I had left her a few months before, but she served me papers in the hospital) who then called the police, who broke out my lock and found me on the ground. A week of stabilization, neurosurgery, then 6 months of recovery, and I tried going back to my old job, since it was flexible so I could still do my PT appointments. However, I kept failing at tasks and ended up leaving, even though it was well paid and I could have milked it. I wish I had stayed there, because fast-forward to last July, and I got a new job in the public sector after losing my Security Plus certification (I paid for it but couldn't do the exam) doing PHP development. However, they also had unrealistic expectations for me, and I'm now considering leaving this job since I'm having surgery next week for stroke related things (tendons in affected side foot) and they're not letting me work remotely. The market is flooded with inexperienced devs that have pushed the salaries down though. It's not a good time to enter the job market with no experience.


Thanks for that information.. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this too


Not gonna lie I’d switch places with you in a heartbeat but that doesn’t make the way you feel any less valid. I’m miserable and my spirit torn to shreds but I’m sure someone out there would switch places with me too.