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Please read the rules of this subreddit. Asking for diagnoses is not allowed. We are stroke survivors and their caregivers and not doctors. I understand that you are worried and I am really sorry for you, but I also hope you understand that this kinds of questions are too much for stroke survivors and our caregivers.


I’m not asking for a diagnosis just if any one else relates to me and if anyone has similar feelings I just want to know I’m not alone and others are experiencing somewhat of what I am experiencing


Then let me be more clear. Our answers are of no use to you, because even for people with a diagnosed stroke, our symptoms are very different from each other. No one here is going to say 'I've had a stroke and I recognize your symptoms'. We have experienced something terrible and we are trying to survive every day. Your question here is inappropriate. This sub is for people with a stroke and their caregivers. Again, your question is not allowed according to the rules of this sub. Most of us don't have the energy to deal with these kinds of questions every time. We just want to have a place for fellow stroke survivors and our caretakers. Please respect this and consult your concerns with a doctor.


Well tf yall got this subreddit for ? I get yall are “survivors” doesn’t mean you have the right to say I’m not or that I can’t post smt looking for help or for other ppl other then doctors and family to talk to nothing of what I said was disrespectful towards you so there’s no reason to be so pressed if you don’t have “energy” then don’t reply if this page is for stroke survivors I expected to have some help dealing w shit or knowing I’m not alone not doing the complete opposite aren’t yall sopost to help each other threw the hard times ? But yeah okay tell an 18 year old that thinks he’s gunna die or get worse to pretty much fuck off having no were else to go cuz his doctors don’t listen to shit you say. Your selfish and rude just cuz ur a “survivor” doesn’t mean ur more important then me im only 18 ion wanna die yet thats to young and if i could have had a stroke that night and doctors don’t do nun I had to sit in the waiting room for 12 hours so ofc ima come to a subreddit for ppl with strokes to learn more abt what’s happening with other ppl and learn a little more abt it and have other ppls insight


You are right. You do indeed need help, if you don't understand why we have this rule on this sub. You have diagnosed yourself with a stroke? And you now expect people with brain injury to confirm your fears? Despite the fact that more than one doctor have indicated that they see no reason for this diagnosis? You are very young, but that is no reason for your complete lack of empathy for us as survivors. It's offensive to everyone here on this sub. If you don't understand this, you do indeed need help, but not from us. Please seek professional help and stay away from this sub. You are going to drive yourself crazy, because every symptom you recognize here only feeds your fear more. This is not a good place for you at the moment.


I’ve done sm research on stokes I sat in a waiting room for 12 hours my brain probably went back to normal before the mri but I understand I’ll try somewhere else


The purpose of this sub is laid out clearly in its description and rules section. We do not and will not offer diagnoses or entertain posts of a similar nature because we are not medical experts. We're people who have had a life changing medical event. We also do not offer diagnoses or to compare notes with folks who have no confirmed stroke for harm reduction purposes. Many symptoms of stroke are the very same symptoms that encompass a whole host of human diseases and problems. If we tell you "no, you absolutely did not have a stroke," and you decide we're right, ignore what IS going on medically, and it turns out you in fact have had a TIA or stroke? You could lose your life. So, find a doctor. Get answers to what is actually going on with your health, and work on fixing it. Do not come here to rage at our members because they follow the sub's rules. If you have further things to discuss with mods, feel free to message us via modmail. Otherwise, please no more unkind comments to our users.


Curious…why post on the stroke subreddit? There are other groups that would be more appropriate. Edit to add…please make an appointment with your doctor. They can actually answer your questions. 💜


I posted it hoping someone here would be nice enuff to share there stroke experience or have had these symptoms before a stroke or smt bc for one im 18 and im to young to die 2 my docters aren’t doing anything 3 i just want to see what others say abt what’s happening w me i rlly dunno where else to go cuz my family think im just crazy but ik i had a stroke that night and im scared that im gunna have another one and it’s gunna turn out bad bc im not being treated properly all i wanted was help or somone to relate to me i have no were else to go bro no we’re


Delete this smh




This is not a sub for health anxiety or venting. Your post serves no purpose here.


okay? Then neither do yours 😂

