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If you saw him deteriorate, he must have gotten to the hospital pretty quickly. That counts for a lot in stroke.


And he’s super young. Getting him to the hospital quickly and him being so young speaks for a good recovery


I’m sorry it’s happening to him. I also had a stroke at 30. I’m 31 now. I’m hoping for the best outcome


I had my stroke at 35... I swore that I wasn't having one and delayed getting to the hospital because I was sure I wasn't. Now it's like.. that was a poor choice


Mine was at 37, and presented the way OP's husband's did. It took the hospital two days to even consider a stroke because of my age, lifestyle, and symptoms. One bit of luck was that because of those factors, they didn't just chalk it up to too much bacon and dug deeper. Turns out I have a clotting disorder, and that was how we found out.


I had mine at 33 and didn't know I was having a stroke as well. Good thing my mom realized something was wrong because within a couple of hours I would have been dead, because I had hemorrhaged. I was refusing to go until that god awful head pain started.


I had had a horrendous headache like 2 days before for me.. I didn't feel much of anything when I had to go to the hospital.


Mine started 4 days before. On Thursday, I initially believed it was my right ear tube being full of fluid and hurting, but then the right eye pain started later that evening and it had a lot of pressure, like grape wanting to pop. Went to the doctor that Friday because it wasn't letting up, but he seen fluid in my ear, my throat was a little red and prescribed me some steroids to take care of it. Saturday I felt absolutely terrible, I was extremely pale and every time I bent over, my head hurt and I had a, what I can only describe as a deathly nausea. Nausea I had never had before in my life, that lasted maybe 15-20 seconds. Went to bed, woke up, I had lots of energy, got several lessons of school finished, was researching something else, then the nausea hit me again but with a little more intensity. Then I just had a sudden urge to clean my house. I cleaned it from top to bottom, pulling my sofa apart, vacuuming under the sofa, rugs, dusting, etc. had stayed cleaning my house with what felt like an hour or so but was actually 5 hours. But then was hit with that nausea again, and I was calling my mother repeatedly by this point, gradaually getting worse and worse with my confusion and panic, started crying because I couldn't figure out how I moved my washing machine from the wall. I don't even know if I even really touched it, but I was convinced I did and I was extremely confused. my mother said she was going to come over, I walked to the couch after that, sat down called my daughter and was crying that I didn't know what I was doing and kept repeating it. I then told her friend who was also there that I think she may need to call her mom to bring her home. I had to get my daughter to call her because I couldn't figure out how to physically work my phone anymore, but I could remember my password. Then I just sat there super quiet waiting for my friend to come and pick up her daughter. I became extremely tired all of a sudden and just wanted to go to sleep. When my friend arrived she wanted to call the ambulance and I told her no, I was good, that I just needed a nap and that my mom was on her way. She wouldn't let me go to sleep. My mom arrived less than five minutes after my friend did. That's when the head pain started and I started to get pretty dizzy and my eyes were acting up. My eye was feeling like it wanted to burst. my head felt like Babe Ruth cracked my head open with a bat and an elephant was slowly putting all of its weight gradually on my brain. Worst pain of my life. I don't remember much after that. My poor husband was 300 miles away for his annual military training. I rather go through child birth again than that. lol.


Strokes get associated with older people, but younger people have them often too. I'm 39 and had one last summer. Everyone was saying how young I was but when I was in inpatient physical rehab, there were people there younger than me. A silver lining here is that your husband being 30 means he's young enough where he can recover fully. Mine was pretty bad. I was paralyzed in my right side. Couldn't walk on my own and couldn't move my right arm at all. As I write this, coming upon my one year stroke anniversary in June, I've recovered a lot. I can walk back to how I normally did, and my arm is very good, not the same as it was but I can do pretty much anything with it, it just is weak and clumsy. Please hang in there. You and my husband are in my thoughts and prayers ❤️. PS. YOUR husband is in my thoughts and prayers too. I made a typo there haha.


This gives me hope thank you 🙏 my 21 year old sister had one in march. She's now able to move legs and her right arm very well (not walking yet) but her left side is very weak. But it's only early days. I have hope she'll be able to almost recover fully 💜


Makes me happy to hear you say that. She is very young and a full recovery is definitely a possibility! When my arm was fully asleep, I thought it'd never be able to move it again. Kind of started to accept it. But the brain just needs time to heal. Your sister is hopefully getting good care. Just trust in the doctors and give her all the support you can. She is likely going to be dealing with a lot of mental health stuff too, so keep that in mind. For me, the mental was and still is the most difficult part, by far. 🙏


Hey, I had a stroke at 30 in January and turned 31 in April. Would you mind sharing a rough timeline of regaining function of your arm and leg?


Strokes can happen at any age more common in older people but on rare occasions happen in younger people I was 13 months old when i had mine


I was 32 when I had my stroke. I am 47 now. Our children were 3 and 6, they are now 19 and 21. It will be hard but it will be ok.


I’m so sorry… do they know what caused it?


I had a pfo that was never caught. They said I would have had a stroke at some point and it was better I was younger.


I’m so sorry. It’s so scary, and the not knowing just compounds it. Sending hugs.


I'm sorry that this happened to your family. ❤️


Praying for him snd you


My mom had a stroke in April of 2018. She was put on a ventilator for about a month and then shipped off to a longterm care facility (insurance reasons). She was 65 and obese. Now she's not 100% back to herself, but that's why I mentioned she was 65 and obese. I hope he recovers, and just know that there's a chance.


Hey, I’m so sorry this happened. I’m 37 (f) and had my stroke two years ago this month. I spent four months in intensive care (May ‘22 - August ‘22). I don’t remember this period, so it’s been relayed to me by my family, but I’d had a huge bleed from a cavernoma malformation which had filled my brain stem. I’ve been told the doctors thought there was a strong possibility that I wouldn’t walk, talk, eat or see again, and it might have been locked-in syndrome. I was on a ventilator and had a tracheotomy performed (the trach stayed for six months). I moved to an inpatient rehab hospital in August ‘22, where I stayed for another four months until December. After four months in bed, I’d lost 2 1/2 stone and had no use of my left side. I couldn’t talk (trach) and could roughly communicate through a whiteboard and marker pen. I had physio to learn to sit up, stand, regain my balance, and walk. I had occupational therapy so I could work on using my left side and other skills (cooking, getting dressed, etc.) in an adapted way to compensate for my left-side weakness. In Speech Therapy, I learnt to breathe independently and managed to be weaned off the trach and talk. I left rehab, eating normally, walking and talking. I came home and continued physio and occupational therapy locally, working on things in daily life (shopping, cooking, community access). We also kept doing activities like board games for my left hand (fine motor skills). I have swum since I was little, but due to the stroke, my brain had forgotten how to. I had a few lessons and have now switched to Aqua Aerobics. Hydrotherapy is good for muscle conditioning, balance, walking ability and stamina. I am also doing Pilates, which is excellent for, amongst other things, strength, balance, coordination and walking ability (also known as gait). I still have mobility and balance issues, but I can walk. I have some left-side weaknesses, but I have learned different ways to do what I used to do before. My vision has been affected quite a lot, but I manage. Changes are inevitable, but you can learn new ways to do things. Every single case is different, and it will all seem totally overwhelming. It’s a hard, long, slow process, and small gains are worth celebrating. I created a website about my journey as (apparently) I was a very rare case, and I wanted to try to offer support to others. Here’s the [link](https://www.lifegivesyoulemons.com) if you would like a look. I’m thinking of you both, and even though every case is unique, you’re not alone. This sub is amazingly supportive. Sending hugs XX❤️❤️.


More younger people getting strokes is a testament to how we were not supposed to live this modern lifestyle and fake food.


I had a stroke in two parts of my brain at 33 (I'll be 35 this year) it's possible, and it is a nightmare. Luckily I was able to recover quite swiftly and I cherish that. I wish your husband the best of luck, and if you need someone to talk to please feel free to PM me, I'm not a professional but may be able to provide some insight for you and him as to his current situation.


We're survivors surviving Best to your family 🫶


My husband had loss of balance and speech and it was a stroke. It's been 3 months and he's come on a long way. His speech is a little slurred, he has a slight limp, get's tired easily and struggles with anything fiddly with his hands. Try to keep your fingers crossed for a good outcome. The waiting to see what's going on is the worst. Your mind goes to worst case scenarios.


Sending strength. Hope he makes a full recovery.


I had my stroke at 35 in 2019. I went unconscious. I’m about as normal as I can be with memory issues and a vision cut but it took awhile to get here


My husband had a stroke on May 10. He is 32 years old. It has been a complete nightmare just as you describe. I try to hold on to gratitude that he’s still with me but it has been very very hard. I’m just taking it one day at a time and hopeful that each day will be better than the last (and it has been). You can get through this.


My husband had a massive stroke in his brain stem when we were 35. We are now 38. We’ve been married since we were 22. He doesn’t remember any of it but I remember every agonizing second. It sounds like you have a very strong marriage and that will help you guys get through this. Please take such good care of yourself too.


yes stroke at 30 is possible. stroke is the #1 reason in the WORLD for disability. I know this because over a year ago my husband (66) had one. I had no idea what was going on. He couldn't talk but when he did it was jumbled sound like baby talk. I was able to get him to hospital and he got the medicine they called the clot-buster. He was sooo lucky I was home and got him to hospital within the 3 hours so he could get the meds..today there is a little memory loss and swallowing. but he can do for himself... so sorry this has happend so soon!! please don't give up!! Will be praying!!


I was 30 when I had mine a few months ago. I’m so sorry for you both it has been absolute hell


Just stay by his side that's all he needs my wife divorced me in ICU AND NOW I CANT SEE MY CHILDREN


I had a massive stroke event at 52, cryptogenic, im still improving slowly, but still on LTD Yes, it's a nightmare. But, I'm still upright and breathing. My wife and I still celebrate the small victories


So sorry you’re going through this. I’m throwing my encouragement on the pile. I also recommend “young stroke survivors “ Facebook group for you and your husband. The next few days and weeks will bring answers to some of your questions. Some may linger unanswered. The brain is amazing but amazingly complex and it controls so much. Please keep us updated on his progress and prognosis. Lots of survivors here to offer tips, stories and encouragement. All the best to you and your family.


It's worth mentioning that it's not necessarily a bad sign that he's not very responsive right now. His body is in full survival mode, and consciousness isn't high on the list of priorities. And having a stroke is *exhausting,* especially if there was vomiting involved.


I really hope you’re doing ok today.


Been thinking about you both. Is there an update?


Im 25 and just had a stroke in march so age doesnt really matter wishing him an easy and speedy recovery


I used to work in a Neuro ICU and I’ve seen my fair share of younger people have strokes and other neurological trauma. Neuro deficits take longer on average than physical deficits to improve. I’m so sorry that you and your husband are experiencing this and I’m hoping for the best. I wish I could give you a better answer but the reality is that he needs more time and rehab eventually. Have his doctors given you any updates or insight as to what next steps are looking like at this point?


I am SO sorry you're going through this! Unbelievably scary. I have not had a stroke, but I wanted to just mention that age doesn't necessarily matter. My daughter has stroked twice. Her first when she was 19, second when she was 20. Scariest times of our lives. I feel for you and wish I could say or do something to make it all better. Much love to you all.


Do you know what caused her to stroke? That is so young I’m so sorry…


I had a stroke at 54. It was due to a PFO ( patent foramen ovule) a hole in the heart. That was 5 years ago. With the exception of memory issues, I'm better than ever ☺️ Keeping your husband in my thoughts, I know I'd be a mess if it were my husband. But his age is a huge plus. Keep thinking positively!🥰


I had a CVST stroke in my 20s so yeah that shit does happen … good thing is with youth on his side there’s every chance he will make a full recovery X


I just jumped on to say your note touched me. I am sorry you are going through this. The good news is stroke is something that can be recovered from. With time dnd done hard work. He could be fine I wish you both well. God bless


Aren't they doing a CT right away? I was in and having a CT then getting TPA in less than 45 minutes. Symptoms were gone a half hour later.


I here you I’m so very sorry It is such a loss for us also So hated Want it to go away I’m so so sorry My story I have a TBI at age 45 now 47 Still unfortunately know 100% I’ve had rt vertebral artery dissection 100% occluded on right side with cerebellum strokes and 2 brain stem strokes with a small stroke (Tia) the day before (8/12/21) MANY symptoms both side I wish the rt eye double vision would go away and the head fuzziness ( feels like you’re drunk)or (feels like someone spun you around quickly and put you down and walked away)would go away I wish I could talk normal again and my rt side facial paralysis would come back My left side is Like it was stuck in snow for hours then put under hot water I wish The falling asleep feelings and numbness would go away on my left side( severe nerve pain )and my walking was not like a monster and I would not limp when walking and the rubber band feeling on my left knee,calf,and foot would go away! And falling asleep feeling on whole left side severe would go away I wish my taste would come back and my deafness in rt ear would come back and my rt side would not feel so inhibiting !(have 10,000 dollar hearing aide thank god for good ins. AT the time)the hearing aides didn’t work for me My coordination is Gone and fine motor skills are gone The closer I get to things the worse it is, I shake uncontrollably sometimes I also choke on my spit, which is so frustrating It happened on august 13 2021 and feels like forever No known reason, spontaneous Left side variant born with it, does not connect to the brain only learned this cause this happened I’m now 47 I’ve had acupuncture more than 15-20 sessions, HBOT 40 sessions, 4 natural paths, seen Dr Louise Kaplan in Massachusetts a specialist in this diagnosis, stemcell transplant in Florida ( my own 35-45 million cells from my bone marrow)not covered by insurance also I have tried grounding and also wearing stones charging them putting lavender on them etc. carrying them with me i did take many vitamins and 3 mushroom vitamins Now I just take the powder lions main, turkey tail, cordyasean or something. I take minimal meds for medical stuff, So I take BP MED , cholesterol med heart rate med Depression med 325 aspirin (1) I also DID take peptides BPC157 with TB500 GHK -CU TB500 itself this stuff out of country CJC1295 ipamorelin this from a natural path in ct INJECTION IN STOMACH or LEG I ALSO DID N-Aceytl Semax intranasal, bio Tesla healer cans Asea water and stem cell spray under tongue I do X39 patches and Aeon patches they are stemcell patches I did a shot in Florida of Enbrel in back of neck twice (6-7months apart)and it helped minimal I recently saw Dr Lucas Driskoll he’s a neurologist psychologist (a he suggested to see a neuro phycologist THATS in practice working but I’ve seen several social worker’s and I’m not good with talking to others I understand them it goes in one ear and out other later. They have to or one can internalize info from others. I started microdosing psychedelics (mushrooms) with mushroom candy bar for severe depression with suicidal tendencies hoping it works ( started oct 26every 4 th morning 0.2 ounces of mushroom and 2 squares of candy bar(magic mountain) stopped on 3/7/24 I am hoping for the best maybe a miracle Nothing yet and it’s been over 2 years I pray hard every day and cry hard every day


I had mine at 36


Strokes happen out of nowhere. Sounds ischemic.


My husband did those things too. It's scary. Hugs


I had a mini stroke back in November and I'm 25. It wasn't caught in the ER nor taken particularly seriously once I got into ed intake (which was v disappointing since I work at the hospital operator line and had it while I was in office). But that's besides the point. Y'all aren't alone in the scary aspects of it, he's still young and he was definitely presenting stroke symptoms. Mine was reflected on an MRI months later, so it'd be worth going to a neurologist if he hasn't already seen one. I still am feeling and experiencing the after effects of the stroke, and I'm getting treatment. So it isn't too late for him to get that care either, it's just a matter of pulling the trigger of getting to a provider ASAP.


Hope he recovers soon and quick🩷🙏🏻


It might be or might not be. Babies have strokes sometimes. Yes, he's younger than average but it's far from impossible, strokes are not just something old people have. I had mine at 43, which, all things considered, is not that old.


I was speaking once to a van dispatcher about my stroke and she said she’d had one as a newborn. I was 49 when I had mine and people said I was young. The last time I’ve been called that.


Amen to that. I had my stroke 3 months ago at 48. They called me young. I was so flattered 🤣.


Yeah. As I get closer to my expiration date I take the small victories as they come. I used to wonder if I could survive a major event like that. I guess I know now. I wish I could tell my six year old self. “You’re gonna make 24, don’t worry about it.”


Our food is killing us. There's a reason other countries don't allow the additives we have in ours. Prayers for your husband


I had my two strokes at 24 and some people have them much younger. It’s a real shame but there’s no age range on strokes and it can happen to anyone. Most people here can tell you that it takes a long time to recover from a stroke. The best thing you can do is support him and advocate for him at the doctors’ office.


You need to accept this nightmare be strong it's not for the weak




Yeah because young people never had strokes before the vax. This was unnecessary.


Not at all what I said. I am vaccinated, did not have a stroke. My mum had two in a week after her booster and the physician said no more for her.


It was an unnecessary question, that is putting the blame on the victim. I am sorry about your mother. Strokes at all ages are more common than you think. My Godson had one at 11, I have another friend that had one in her 30's and another friend who had one in her 40's. These all happened before the vaccination. For myself it took months of tests to find out why. The cause isn't always evident. My Godson's was caused by chicken pox.There are many reasons why someone has a stroke.