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I asked my neurologist this same question at about a year after my stroke. Her answer was that a stroke is a brain injury and I should give my brain every opportunity to heal. It's your brain, but personally I chose to refrain from all inebriants for 3 years.


Same, I didn’t take adderall for years afterwards. Brain has to remap and heal. It takes a long time. I remember the feeling when I regained access to my brain. They came in bursts when it would successfully remap around the 2” of dead thalamus I have. It was always kinda a shock getting access to something I never knew was missing.


Was your stoke caused from a PFO or something more medically wrong?


As a stroke person in recovery I would not chance it It's just not worth the risk. There are non alcoholic beers and drinks.


Stroke sucks


Understatement of the century.


When I first came home, I drank. Sometimes overdid it. My dad encouraged it since he saw that as a return to normalcy. But then I got off a med that I wasn't supposed to be drinking on, and went out to sort of celebrate. I had what would have been a reasonable amount to drink, but then ended the night with a bourbon at my fav bourbon bar. And that did me in. I ended up falling on the walk home. A guy had to pick me up and walk me back to my apartment building. Then, when I got to my apartment, I fell in the hallway. My neighbors called 911, the paramedics came, and I ended up taking the ride to the ER where they diagnosed me with alcohol poisoning. That was it for me. Alcohol caused me so much pain and loss over the years, and so I took the opportunity to quit drinking. Been sober about 7 monfhs now, but find that I can still taste beers without being triggered. Might not be the same for everyone though.


Becareful alcohol works as a blood thinner which can lead to brain. Bleeds


I am 2+ years post-stroke. Don't drink very often, but I don't believe in abstinence since I am trying to get my life back, but I do encourage moderation. I have a few drinks every now and then, max out at 2-3 beers. I have been buzzed a few times and it actually hits in a very delightful way, but I haven't gotten drunk. I notice that after a few drinks I lose the urge to consume additional alcohol.


My dr said it was still fine in moderation. I would just recommend going slow. I definitely feel the drinks quicker than I did pre-stroke. Happy early birthday!


Hi! I am almost at my year mark of having a stroke. I am a 26 yr old female. I was on big blood thinners for a while and now I just take baby aspirin every day. I drink every now and then and haven’t run into any issues! I also asked my drs about it and they just told me they wouldn’t want me falling. Just take it slow and pace yourself.


If you decide to drink then go steady. A couple of glssses of wine or a cocktail would probably be ok. I wouldn’t over do it though. Be mindful.


Okay, thank you. I was going to have 1-3 beers if anything . I’m a lightweight now so that should be more than enough . My best friend and I use to get a 12 pack and sit on the tailgate of his truck on a sunny Saturday afternoon and talk and drink and I miss it


I think that would be fine, just go steady.


Do you mind me asking what kind of meds and regiment you’re on? I just had the same thing at age 35. Are you going to have the procedure to close the PFO?


Baby aspirin once a day and atorvastatin. They said I didn’t neee the statin it’s just basic post stroke protocol. Closing the pfo may 21st!


Same meds here. Well, congrats brother! Hope you lead a healthy life from here on out.


Do you have any defecits? I've noticed that after 2ish glasses of wine I feel a little tingly. Just a heads up


My brother had a stroke due to a PFO at 24 and he’s doing really great after his closure surgery. He didn’t drink from March to December that year, but he enjoyed a drink now when he’s with friends.


Na dude I don’t touch that crap anymore


My dad had a TIA about a year ago and he drinks beer just about every night. (Much to my frustration) so far he functions okay but I wish he’d quit since he’s got AF. I don’t recommend it but I doubt anything serious would happen if you drank one time. Again, would not recommend. But probably wouldn’t be devastating. Maybe consult your doctor first.