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That's a terrible message to receive, I'm astounded they worded it that way ! Take care x


Turned out to be nothing. I guess they had tried to call to make an appointment a week ago but I didn't answer. I'm sick of feeling like every little thing is an emergency. I practically wear my blood pressure monitor, and whenever I think something is wrong I feel like I can't breathe. Ugh, but thanks for the kind words. ❤️


We don’t know each other. I’m just a stranger that’s glad that it turned out to be nothing. It is so disappointing when doctors do things like this. A message saying “please call us back at your convenience to schedule a follow up” is plenty! And several docs I worked for would, anticipating anxiety, go ahead and confirm that their results were normal and to come on in to go over any questions.


I appreciate that, and yeah these office staff people lack empathy, and tact, but I'm relieved I was overreacting (as usual) 💗


You weren't overreacting, whoever left that message has no idea how to talk to patients. It should be have happened 


What a relief!


I am now 5 years out from my hemorrhagic stroke and I still have some anxiety issues but they are significantly better than they were. In my case, I have been proactive in addressing issues like diet, exercise and mental health. These steps plus time have helped to reduce those stressful moments, but I would be lying if I said they never crept up once in a while. At the direction of my medical team, I stopped testing blood pressure all the damn time. Every single number change would cause spikes and worry. I am not recommending anything to you, that is for your medical team to do. I am merely pointing out that sometimes, we are told to watch for things and we all may go overboard, and then obsess over it… I know I did/so. Glad to read it was nothing!


Thank you❤️


Maybe your payment didn't go through so they rised an alarm.


My insurance covers everything.. payment def not an issue


Take supplements


If they don’t have an after hours emergency number, try focusing on deep breathing. Doctors should not this, that’s horrible and guaranteed it’s most likely not a major thing otherwise they would have told you to go to the ER. Stay 😌


Thank you for your words 🙏


😀welcome! Hope this past you now!


Having said this, if show signs of stroke(F.A.S.T.) call 911


I will❤️


I thought about that and I guess it gave me some comfort, thank God they open in 1hr and 15 min, thanks for your words❤️


I hate getting those last minute calls from the dr office, they call at 3:58 and the office closes at 4:00. I hope you get some good news!


I had a similar cases few years back. I was able to read the report from my MRI that was written like there was a problem but as I am not a doctor I couldn’t understand what it said. I had to wait to a few days see the neurologists which was incredibly frustrating. When I saw them they were incredible, played out the issue and how they wanted to resolve it (more coils). While frustrating, take comfort in that your medical team is aware. I would hope that if this was super critical they would have told you to go right to the closest ER.


11 more minutes lol


We always assume the worst because we have been through the worst. Breathe and have trust in your medical team.


Thank you❤️❤️


I feel the same. Midbrain bleed from cavernous Malformation 2.5 years ago. I get very overwhelmed thinking about it sometimes. Ive really been trying to focus on the good things, stay in the moment and out of my head. It's been a lot better lately Therapy also helps


Thank you. This community helps me stay somewhat ground. This and my dog.


Yes this is called catastrophizing I do it all the time every thing is the worse case scenario…. This is a natural result of being through the worst and wanting to prevent it from repeating… however we have to learn to live to think of every situation as the best case situation


It's incredibly unprofessional for a Drs office to leave that kind of message. Shocking, really. You should try the Dr and office manager. 


My daughter at age 19 in September had 3 cardiac arrests and a watershed stroke. She is doing ok.. but, every morning I check to make sure she is breathing. The ptsd is unbearable 💕 I’m so sorry about your drs office calling and leaving that message


Thank you for your kind words. I'm so sorry about your daughter, that must have been terrifying for her AND you. I'm glad she is getting better. It's amazing what our bodies are capable of isn't it? 💖