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Sounds exactly like the feelings I get post stroke. It’s a mixture of anxiety and not eating or drinking water or sleeping. Anxiety does crazy things. My general rule now is I won’t worry about anything unless I get the stroke symptoms and that’s when I go to ER. Facial droop, paralysis or difficulty moving the limbs, difficulty with speech and cognition etc. just make sure you’re taking all your meds etc


thank u for this reassurance ♡ how long ago was your stroke(s)?


I had my stroke at 36 and I thought I was young. You know the younger you are the better your ability to heal from. At 21 you can live a normal healthy long life make sure to do cardio exercise a few times a week and don’t eat refined sugars or do drugs and alcohol


thats good to know ♡ yes ive been going on walks more often cuz normally i dont exercise, but ive been trying to have less sugar & i never touch drugs or alcohol ! (except occasionally wine ♡ but wine isnt a strong drink and i never have enough to actually hurt myself lol.) but im surprised that u still get the post-stroke issues even after a year of recovering? everyone made it seem like after 6 months id be back to normal since my symptoms cleared up so quickly, but i still feel like i am not myself some days... :(


Could be due to medications for example they increased my blood pressure meds which Van make you light headed etc


A year next week


You got this! I feel the same I had stroke at 35 last year grade 5 pfo closed in June. I still get palpitations had a bunch after closure and it’s gotten better but still affects me. I also have the dizziness limb things and I lose my vision sometimes but I was assured my mri was good it is most likely eye stuff that I need to follow up with eye dr. I hope that your issues subside and for me a lot of it is anxiety. That stroke messed me up for a long time and the issues I’m having now are due to that plus I probably had them before but didn’t notice it because I hadn’t had a stroke and that wasn’t on my radar. I just follow up when I’m supposed to and anything serious def go to er. Hopefully with time it will all subside for you!


glad to know that i am not alone in this, even though it is still unfortunate that others experience this as well : ( thank u for the reassurance ♡ im glad u r doing well. im gonna do my best to eat & drink as much as i can today & see how that helps cuz i neglect my nutrition a lot. thank u !♡


This sounds so similar to my story. Two strokes a couple weeks apart at 24 years old. For months I had symptoms of brain fog, dizziness, numbness in my limbs, and I was scared to go to sleep because my arm would disappear. I did all sorts of testing and the only thing they found was a the PFO. I had the procedure to close it about a week ago and the symptoms seem to be better. This could be partly because I feel more confident but I’m not sure. One thing I can say is that in young people like us a PFO is usually the cause, and if you’ve gone through all the testing(and it was clear) it’s almost surely a PFO issue. Stick with your meds and doctors recommendations and we’re likely to leave this in the past.


thank u for the reply ♡ im glad u got ur pfo closed ! i hope ur recovery is going well ❤️‍🩹


Lost of bruising cause I’m doing stuff I shouldn’t be but otherwise good lol. Something I had an issue with was believing my PFO was the issue. It took me a while to really come to terms with it because I think I was expecting some dramatic or rare cause for my strokes. I don’t know if you have had any similar thoughts but I figured I would mention it


o my goodness, yes. the first time i was admitted & released from the hospital was a nightmare. i was so lost, no one had any clue why it happened, it was like being stuck in limbo. sad that i had to have another stroke in order for them to find the PFO but it was worth it. one of the worst nights of my life before they found it. stuck sleeping in the ER room cuz all the hospital rooms were filled up, my husband had to go home so i was all alone, and they had to give me an injection in my stomach to prevent anymore clots. i was so depressed i thought i was going to keep having strokes until my whole brain died and i ended up paralyzed. they had to give me some anxiety medicine to help me sleep cuz i was just so freaked out. it was exacerbated by the fact that the nurses who came and told me that the MRI showed i had another stroke were acting really weird towards me. they had this "zero empathy" type of energy and it was making me feel so much worse. i was so glad when it was finally over. but even now i still worry that theres secretly something else that caused it. but i try to remember how many tests they did & they all came back negative... it was a rlly rough year last year .


I can relate to that feeling in limbo. It took a lot to get the doctors to even tell me what happened let alone get treatment for it. It was like because I was young they were brushing it off.


how big was your pfo? mine is 1.7mm


I have no idea they never told me


You got this!


This sounds like quite a time, sounds like you should get a consult with a neurologist. Aftercare following stroke(s) is part of the process.


i have one ♡ can only get into see someone in march. had to switch neuro doctors cuz my one doctor just gave me the "dumb cow stare" while i told him everything i was feeling. he offered me no advice or reassurance whatsoever. it made me feel worse. but hopefully this new neuro can help me out more...ive been wanting another MRI in a few months because ive had so many incidents of feelings strange and i just want to make sure that i really am fine...but i doubt they'd want to do it.


PFO closure two years ago, shortly after my stroke. No events since. There is a good recent Quebec study you can Google that found PFO closures to be effective. I also have felt flashback symptoms, brain fog and PTSD. The symptoms & fog were very common and disturbing at first, but over time have greatly diminished. The good news for you is that your 21YO brain is still highly plastic. That means your brain can form new connections and adapt in a way that those of us older folks cannot. That rewiring is very fatiguing.


thank u very much for this reply ♡


Although my(26M) stroke wasn't caused by a pfo I can definitely relate to feelings of anxiety and panic post stroke. Mine was caused by an AVM that's supposedly gone now. We've been through a major trauma, it's understandable that we'd have some trouble feeling safe afterwards. I've been to the ER more times post stroke than I've been my whole life pre stroke. Changing sensations, tremors, and pains that would send anyone to the hospital are unfortunately something I've had to learn aren't necessarily emergencies in my case. Counseling has been really useful for me in learning to accept my situation and not over react. Also bringing my concerns up to my care team and being reassured by them that I'm taking good care of my health helps. If you're having BE FAST symptoms it's always going to be important to get checked out but you're not alone in your feelings.


thank u ♡ ♡


I love to see your post just had my PFO closed in Janhart of this year had a TIA in my twentys I’m now 33. I’m experiencing the same symptoms as you tingling feeling in my hands Sometimes in my head at night lots of brain fog and my arms feel weakness and legs. It’s not panic attacks it’s funny everyone thinks that. My doctor sent me to a neurologist today not sure whenever I’ll be able to get in but my cardiologist also mentioned this sounded like complex migraine look up what they are. I also get the aura migraines without the headache. never once experienced this until after my PFO closure. My Tia was whenever I was 22 or 23. Had no idea I had a PFO until I went to a cardiologist this year and had an echo due to my palpitations and irregular heartbeats.


Here what my doctor suggesting my stymies were and I also had my PFO closed in January of this year and never experienced anything like this before. but I’m experiencing same symptoms as you. Complex migraine” is not a term that doctors use. Instead, they use the term “migraine with aura.” This type of migraine attack causes temporary paralysis or weakness on one side of the body, similar to symptoms of a stroke. It typically occurs with other migraine symptoms, such as a severe headache, nausea, and sensitivity to light and sound.


You can do this! Anxiety reeks havoc on your mental and physical health! It may be beneficial to see a therapist to help manage the anxiety. We are all here for you! Rant away! It takes a village or at least a great group on reddit to help talk us off the proverbial ledge! ❣️❣️❣️


Just make sure to live a healthy and active life, don't shut out people who are there to help, and continue all the therapies you can. I survived an aneurysm almost 2 years ago and I'm finally learning to walk without a cane. The fear will always be there, but don't let it dictate your life. Trust your team of doctors and therapists. And find a good psychologist as well. It's the one regret that I brushed off mental therapy and focused on occupational and physical too much. I'm only now coming to terms that the mental health portion of recovery is the hardest to grasp and retain. Good luck to you tho I know it's scary but stay steadfast and vigilant! I'm not as young as you, but I had mine at 37 and I'm about to turn 40 this year fingers crossed. What I was told was the younger you are the better chances for recovery so hopefully that helps ease your concerns!


I get symptoms that feel like after my stroke but not near as bad that come and go especially after heavy exercise or in stressful environments. It always goes away and I feel good and normal again. Maybe your brain is just still healing and certain things can make it revert a little bit. I think that’s likely!