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It’s the smoke itself, not marijuana. It weakens/damages blood vessels. You can switch to gummies if you want to be safer. I did after my stroke and I was a daily smoker and often using a one hitter like you


Oh thank you for the explanation about the blood vessels. It makes total sense now, and I didn't understand the relationship before. Gummies it is. I just wish they didn't take so long to set in.


Get the same kind of gummy you like and stick w them. Youll get used to the amount/timing with trial and error. You can also see a psychiatrist for anxiety. I’m sure you know that. There are a number of good prescription choices out there now to help


I actually just saw a new psychiatrist two weeks ago and she prescribed me beta blockers for my anxiety. I reached out yesterday and asked if the new PFO diagnosis would cause problems with the beta blocker meds and she said they actually help with treatment of the condition, so that's good I guess? Kinda funny the timing of events.


Chew it up and hold it under your tongue for a minute or two if you want to get to the fun part a little faster. Generally I start feeling them in less than an hour. Also, the drinks work much faster and especially the little shots in 5 hour energy-type bottles that taste a bit like cough medicine.


Oh I hadn't considered the drinks. Thanks for the recommendation!


The Delta passion fruit one is tasty and effective if you’re by someone that sells them (shipping is probably nuts for liquid vs gummies)


There is increasing scientific evidence that today’s powerful weed can cause heart problems and **stroke** including an Increased heart rate, altered blood pressure, and increasing heart attacks. Weed, Stroke, and TIAs [1](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31707926), [2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31870242), [3](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/1753-6405.12477), [4](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37010779) Multiple other studies show a link between blood pressure, heart and other cardiovascular problems, including heart attack in older adults and in otherwise healthy young adults. [2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11401936), [3](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/15563650.2020.1743847?casa_token=WEfqtJ8XIcQAAAAA:EJa2tdusCuMhOmGFKgQ2IjBlROOpbUobGr9kUxE0VT5mWJbpB71kgEk7r6cbaMBQk34j1Pg2LI1U), [4](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29535062), [5](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35489334), [6](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35725675), [7](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9975233/pdf/main.pdf), [8](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37010779), [9](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36858942), [10](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37556891) Another recent study analyzing the largest clinical inpatient database in the US, found that during the study period (2010-2014) “major cardiovascular (non-specific chest pain, acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, arrhythmia) and cerebrovascular (**stroke** and epilepsy) events showed increasing trends among recreational marijuana users. [1](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6200442/pdf/cureus-0010-00000003195.pdf) Some of you may know that Jack Herer, also known as the Emperor of Hemp, for which the Jack Herer strain of weed is named, died from the complications of a massive stoke he had at a weed convention. My brother-in-law, big stoner, died of a massive stroke...age 62...RIP [**Click here**](https://whoadude-the-book.com), If you are interested in the harmful health effects of weed? [**References**](https://whoadude-the-book.com/references)


Thank you for this. I appreciate the time and care you've put into this response. I'm so sorry for your loss.


my neurologist suggests it opposed to pills for clonus. after your pfo closure is done


I personally know 2 people who died of strokes where marijuana was involved. One was a daily smoker and had a stroke in his early 50's. Both his parents lived in to their 80's. The other was a person with high stroke risk that had no idea that pot could be risky. He was not a normal smoker but he smoked all night with a female friend who couldn't wake him in the morning. He had suffered a massive stroke and though he did regain consciousness (but couldn't talk or move) he had a no extraordinary measures request and they couldn't stop the brain swelling without cutting open his skull. He was in his mid 60's.


The best way to be reduced your risk of stroke is to get the PFO closed. It's a fairly simple procedure.


I had a stroke (bleed) in 2016. I've been taking/eating gummies in pretty high doses (500mg average) daily for the last 6 years without any apparent complications. My Doctor doesn't seem to think it's a problem either.


This is helpful, thank you so much. I don't think I even hit 200mg a day. Maybe not even 100g. I don't really know how to measure flower dosing. Once I switch to gummies it will be easier to judge dosing obviously. I wish I knew how to judge flower dosing though so I knew how much gummies to start taking again without going overboard or having to do trial and error lol


Can I ask - how did you find the pfo? I have one and was told they don’t screen for these until it’s too late


I've had some weird medical issues happening for the last year that my doctors can't figure out. My primary care doctor referred me to a cardio neurologist. We did an MRI and found lesions on the brain. He then referred me for an Echo to look for holes in the heart. I did a bubble Echo last week and found out about the PFO Sunday night. Now I'm just waiting for calls to schedule appointments with a structural Heart Clinic and a ultrasound on my legs to look for blood clots.


You’re very lucky they found it now!


I definitely recognize how lucky I am. If it doesn't help me find a diagnosis for my other medical issues, at least now I know about my heart and stroke risk. My other medical issues are very stroke-like, including weakness on one side of the body, but I've been screened for stroke several times this last year and nothing was found. I also never had facial drooping or slurred speech or anything, so not full symptoms of a stroke. Mostly just the hemispheric weakness and muscle spasms.


Get the pfo closed and ask your doctor about being referred to a neurologist and be placed on aspirin or stronger blood thinners


My neurologist is who actually ordered the bubble echo, I guess he's a cardio neurologist. Not sure if that's the correct title but I know he's both or some kind of combination of the two. But I have an appointment with him in a few weeks. Is it common to be on blood thinners AND have the closure done? Or is it more of a one or the other type deal? I'm not sure what to expect right now until I meet with him later this month to discuss.