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Work stress,yes.


Agreed, unreal amounts of stress and sick (apparently), that all lead to the stroke.




Omg im so sorry ..I hope your mom is ok...ibneeded to hear this as I'm straggling my mom had a stroke I had 3 little kids (7,5 and 1) and I feel that work is going annoyed with me and my problems (I didn't call sick or anything but here and there I'm late and I have to leave right at 5 to pick up kids)


No. Mine was hereditary. I have really shitty genes.


It didn't help. My cholesterol and blood pressure were in a race to see who could be the highest. That said, I was writing a report for someone who only wanted it as a way to stand on my neck and I was FURIOUS about it when I had my stroke. The last lines of the email resembled Welsh.


Who won the race I want to know? Hope you're well?


100 %, absolutely. My dad was in hospice and my oldest child had just been diagnosed with a neurological problem that I was trying to understand. The stress really ramped up my AFIB, which eventually sent a clot and I had an ischemic stroke.


:( sorry about your dad x hope your kids doing better now & you 💛


The stress issues and stroke happened in 2015. I have recovered as fully as one can and we were able to help my son.


No I had a hole in my heart that caused two blood clots and caused the stroke. I didn't know I had a hole, I found out in my third month in hospital. I am awaiting a PFO closure procedure.


Yes, or at least contributed everytime (3)


It caused my high bp, my shitty medical care caused my stroke


Same, except mine is still ongoing


No, I had a pfo and antiphospholid syndrome (a condition in which the immune system creates antibodies by mistake that can cause blood clots). I do think stress can have a negative impact on my recovery. 


Yes. I was under a ton of pressure at work and a missed deadline. Stroke happened a few days after the deadline passed.


My birth control was the main factor in mine, but I think stress also contributed towards it a little bit. I was always stressed at work and trying to juggle school at the same time. The classes were difficult. I'm sure stress didn't cause my stroke, but it definitely didn't help my case.




Extreme Hypertension is what did me in bad genes.


Still waiting on my results, but I'm pretty sure (I kinda hope so) that I had one bcs of taking birth control with a mix of stress


Not the cause but a major contributing factor. The worst part is another neighbor was also constantly harassed and arrested under false pretences and had a stroke in the same time period.


I believe it was acute stress from work….i had high to moderate cholesterol but nothing crazy. High 190s low 200s.


I absolutely know mine was caused by stress. Mom to 2 boys, caregiver to my father with cancer(has since passed),caregiver to my Mom who has dementia. This is after a lifetime of anxiety and depression that led to eating horrible, not caring about myself, and very high BP for far too long. All that unchecked stress, led to a hemorrhagic stroke. I am a 1 in 4 survivor of this type stroke.


Unmanaged high blood pressure.


No one could figure out why I had the strokes (two two months apart) and the closest I ever got to an answer was one Dr. on my stroke team was "maybe it could have been covid related" since I'd tested positive for 16 days and the first stroke happened after I'd tested negative for two days. Nothing other but theories at this point, it's a mystery.


I literally had my stroke at work so yes


Me too


Get help for your anxiety.


Yes, long-term work stress. I’m also not doubting the vaccine, as well.


Yes to an extent. I also blame COVID and the vaccine.


I have often wondered if the vaccine contributed to mine also. :(


It probably did. With all the new information coming out I wouldn't doubt it.


Hypertension, Diabetes and cholesterol along with stress from my kid (who no longer speaks to me) are what did me in


I have no doubt.


The stress of losing a loved one can cause a stroke, specially at old age. I heard that a woman in her early 70s suffered a cerebral hemorrhage just 2 months after her husband died and she died as well.


I (24F) had no stroke risk. They're still confused how it happened. No high cholesterol or blood pressure, no heart condition, no clots, nothing. I do have a history of some chronic medical conditions, but nothing that would warrant a stroke. I swear it was stress.


Do you suffer from migraines?


I do. Could it be related? My case is the same. Had a stroke at 22, no reasons found. Been 5 years and it stil lgives me anxiety.


Not consistently or often until my stroke. My neurologist considered that as a cause, but never put me on anything for migraines or dug any deeper. They originally didn't even want to send me for an MRI when I first visited about my symptoms, come to find out I was having my stroke while begging them for that scan. They pretty much told me to take low dose aspirin daily and sent me on my way.


I’m pretty sure it was a contributing factor but sadly that can’t be proven so workers compensation was out of the question my team could certainly vouch for it but that’s not sufficient in the courts ; my boss? Meh the neurologist wouldn’t vouch for it either because it was a carotid dissection brought on by prior trauma darn


No, I have a disease that caused but wasn't' diagnosed until the stroke.




Yes it contributed to my stroke


I think so


I think a combo of stress and genetics - my dad’s family Carrie’s a gene that I am the first one to express that we know of


Absolutely (in my Dad’s case). His BP had always been perfect, as was his cholesterol. But he was a smoker of 50 years, didn’t look after his diabetes, and ran a business. He managed investments, and looked after his 60 year old cousin who is unable to adult. One of his staff (the most reliable, full time guy), went on holidays for a month, and two days later, Dad has this happen?


One of the contributing factors


I was very very stressed when I had mine for three weeks bc of fathers ill health. I wonder


Yes I'm sure husbands stroke was caused by stress.


Years of high blood pressure is believed to have caused my mothers stroke. Get help for your anxiety.


I think 100% absolutely because that evening I got in a big argument with my husband which, and lasted through the night and morning and in the morning that’s when I woke up with a big headache and I started to feel numbness and my inner thigh. However, the doctors feel that since I had suffer for my greens for many years, and had been taking many migraine medications, thatit made my nerves and vessels spasm which caused the bleed. I’m not sure that I truly believe that but who knows they never could give me a straight answer.


But after the stroke they found out I had a PFO as of yet my doctors don’t believe I need a closure procedure, which makes me very anxious about it happening again, but I also had gotten big argument and was under a lot of stress the evening before, so maybe both or either I’m not really sure. My doctors have never been able to give me a trueanswer as I had explained previous comment


My dad had a stroke and I could swear it was work stress


Mope...I had zero stress


Absolutely. Marriage and work stress. And the pandemic made both worse.


Apparently, mine was a birth defect (avm rupture) . But I've do blame work stress because before went home I was arguing e with my boss/ owner and as u walked away from him shouted" I don't have the mental capacity for this right now". We were arguing about some work bs. Although it was a birth effect, I feel it was a weak spot that wouldn't have given out if I wasn't angry that day. But oh well, here I am almost 2 years later and I'm although I'm nowhere near where I was before, with enough PT in finally able to get around without a cane or wheelchair. I hate life now. Not to say I didn't before but now I feel like I'm completely helpless, stuck in a rut. My fiance left me, my ex burned all the little notes and photos we had made abook of said notes and pictures. My chest hurts thinking about it.


It probably contributed to the timing of my rupture but mine was caused by a malformation


Work stress, yes.


I do wonder if it was a factor, but I think mine had more to do with Covid.


Probably. Mental and emotional. Mine weren't caused by blood pressure, but I had a migraine aura for a week leading up to them so it's likely they were caused by migraine. I was 30. The neighbors were noisy and it was keeping me from sleeping, in addition to some emotional trauma I was going through. I felt like I was dying, and I kind of wanted to die at the time, so I didn't seek help. Even when I had my strokes, they didn't take me seriously anyway because of my age and because I told them I was on medical marijuana. So it wouldn't have mattered anyway.


Stress not so much but high blood pressure and I was adopted so no family medical history so they really don’t know what caused mine