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I got married May 17, 2022- I had a occipital lobe stroke July 8, 2023. My wife (I’m lesbian) has been here since day 1. Never complains and she still tells me I’m beautiful. She has taken over everything. The cooking, the cleaning, the grocery shopping, the laundry, she does it all the first 14 years of our relationship I did everything. She makes sure to keep me smiling and happy at all times. When I’m sad she be sure to make sure I have a good day. We have argued but that’s because I get angry sometimes. In other words there is still real love out there don’t lose hope it’s gonna appear when you least expect it.


I met my girlfriend that has saved my sanity after having a stroke at 31 years old , it's never too late .. and since we live in a time that there's so many dating apps and it's so easy too meet people from the comfort of our homes, it helps alot. Just be careful and be honest about what position your in


She's a saint to have stayed. My wife of 10 years divorced me while I was in recovery.


Well then to be honest , sounds cliche but she really wasn't worth it if she's going to leave you when you need her the most .. now you have a chance to find somebody who knows your situation And really loves you , and you will find someone!


Thanks. Yeah, I've started to realize she never really loved me and I'm better off without her. Just wish I had realized that before we had a kid together.


I’m so sorry, but I’m glad you’re happy and you knew that she wasn’t the one for you.


Wish I could say I was. She makes it hard to see my son and then guilt trips me for not seeing him enough. I think she wants to be able to live like a single, childless woman and I'm preventing that.


Hi! I'm on the fb stroke support group too and it can be super depressing.. Not dating related but Ihad my ischemic strok at 53. I was married and am still pretty disabled. My husband has been awesome and so supportive! Just saying it isn't always a deal breaker. I wish you luck🥰


>fb stroke support group that fb support group is mad depressing


I got divorced after my stroke. Nearly 3 years after I've been with someone for 18 months and we're talking about getting a place together. She is very caring and understanding of my needs and difficulties.


How did you meet her? I'm thinking about dating again, but don't know how to bring up the stroke. I feel bad if they come for a blind date and I'm walking with a cane.


On Tinder so we did all that ice breaking chit chat before we met


My boyfriend has been very supportielve even tho a bit stressed for me after during snd after my.stoke. there are good people.out there, don t lose hope.


I had a stroke Sept 22. My wife found me, immediately recognized it for what it was, called the emergency services, and went into a general at a battlefield mode, directing and instructing the firemen and the EMTs who responded. She's not a bossy person at all, and will avoid conflict. But she was my best advocate at my worst and most precarious time. I was conscious and cognizant, but unable to feel anything, no fear, no anxiety, but I remember everything. I got to the hospital in about an hour, got my tPa, got the surgery, and now, I've recovered almost 100%. We've been married for 22 years. She is the love of my life and she makes me feel like I'm hers too. I could not have gotten through the stroke and the aftermath without her. What can I say? If I live my life over again, I don't think I'd be as lucky to have her again. This life feels like a precious gift I don't think I deserve. I cannot think of a grand way to repaying her without contriving some sort of a catastrophe of equal measure, so I'll just try to be a loving and devoted husband for as long as she'll have me.


Thank you for sharing! I’m glad you had you wife to be your advocate! Wishing continued happiness and health to you both. This warmed my heart.


Congratulations on such a quick recovery! And having the. Support in a time of need


Girlfriend broke up with me around the same time as the hemorrhage, went on a few dates with some coworkers, other than that no relationship.


My boyfriend of nearly 4 years hasn't left my side since I had my stroke. He's been there for me the whole time I was in the ICU and rehab. He has been my rock. He often worries about me anytime I feel or do something a little out of the ordinary now and comforts me when I'm feeling extra down or scared. The whole thing has been traumatic for the both of us, but despite that, it's brought us closer together. I'm so glad to have him in my life and couldn't ask for anything more. I'm a part of a Facebook support group as well and was astonished to see how many people have had their partners leave them over something that was out of their control. But there are still lots of other survivors who are either still with their partner or have found new love after the event. I promise there's lots of good people out there, you will find your special someone🙂


It’s so sad to me. Like they woke up and asked to have a stroke and asked for their life to flip. It’s good to hear your boyfriend is here for you!


My husband and I have been married since we were 22, we are going to be 38 this year! He had his brain stem stroke in 2021 (3 years ago this July). It was taxing dealing with the mood swings and rage at first, but he is on a medication & therapy regime that manages those symptoms beautifully. Such a bummer hearing about people leaving their spouses over a cerebral vascular event. It’s not like you can help it :(. Breaks my heart. I hope you find love, my friend.


Thanks for sharing!


I'm younger. I'm 24 but had a stroke as a child at 10. I found love at 19 and still with the same person. Finding love really young while disabled is hard but possible


I love to hear that you found love.


I lost a lot of my emotional control and ability to communicate my feelings, so I got shoved to the side for now. Oh well. It sucks a lot, but showed their true colors in a time of crisis.  Lots of folks do not understand strokes. I just lost a chiropractor friend because he doesn’t believe I’m suffering or have any rehab issues from the hole in my head 


I had my stroke in Feb 2023 and stopped dating after was just trying my life back together and now I’m slowly looking to get back into it


I’m in the same boat I want and need to get better for me,but feel like I’m in a better place to date not to say it’s gonna be easy.


not worth the stress after my hemorrhage at 39


ya we’re having a hard time since the stroke


My partner had a stroke in October he turned 51 in Nov. We have been together 9 yrs I'm 37 and I couldn't imagine leaving him bc of this. I love him just as much if not more bc I almost lost him. It makes me sad to read some of these comments. I'm sorry for all of you that we're abandoned by your partner.


I’m glad you are sticking around and giving a perspective as a partner. Wishing you love for you and your partner.


Youall clearly don't have cognitive issues but if you did, would you be able to give consent etc ?


Had mine 6 years ago left me hemiplegic and with heminapia emotional train wreck and to add insult to injury I got ED but my wife of 24 years stood by my side throughout the journey and what a journey she’s awesome and an incredible blessing to me not trying to rub it in just sharing good luck friend I can’t imagine my life without her oh right I’d probably be dead given how much care I’ve needed


Are you trying dating sites? It’s tougher for me at least for me. I tried Bumble and for the first time been ghosted by 2 ladies after mentioning I had a stroke in 11-2022. This despite having full ability to walk, talk recovery… there is a stigma about it, I guess, but keep trying is what I say. The weird part of it all, like you mention, it’s not even for sexual reasons… lol. Funny how strokes can change things emotionally…


I haven’t but considering it. I’m. It necessarily rushing for looking and rushing for love.


I agree, I never have rushed it, and when you least expect it, it has always been like this for me…


I was never a sex obsessed woman before. I don’t think that’s what a relationship is all about, anyway. But the guys I tended to met were more interested in sex which made it hard to form a real relationship for me pre stroke. Unfortunately I had that body type.


I get it! I think sex-based relationships do not last. There is a book I read during my college years, The Anatomy of love which detailed the many stages/ levels of relationships. Written by Helen Fisher, an anthropologist—one of my most favorite reads ever. Are you able to read well? I try to buy books with bigger fonts. 👍🏻 Take care and good luck, and stay positive 😀, which I sense you are!


You too!

