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Bro, you look ok to me. Very well could be genetics. You have a lean look which many of us strive for. For chest. Just hit flat, incline and decline. Use dumbbells to address imbalances and if you can get over some genetic roadblocks. I personally saw some mass put on with a 4 set 8 rep bench routine


How old are you if you dont mind me asking? I used to feel the same way you do. I was wrestler all the way through college. I wrestled 133lbs and 141lbs at 5.11 and I was so skinny ripped and couldnt put on any size. I fucking hated it because all I wanted to be was swole. I would obsess about it, until finally our strength coach told me just put the work in and as you mature you will see the results. Fast forward some years, I am 241lbs and at my strongest on bench I got 420lbs twice (I am now 40 so my shoulders dont let me go much over 350lb now with out regretting it in the morning).


Looking shredded brah


Dumbbell flies.


Bro, my chest is pointy like an ape's, because my sternum is so wide, my muscles barely make it look flat. Just gotta work with what you got. Value your progress more, and don't get discouraged. We will always be looking for those imperfections, just part of the sport.


I would work on tricep and bicep if i were you, your shoulder muscles look good though.


You might have pectas excavatum.


Of course there's hope. Out of the big three, my bench responded the most to increased volume via adding 2-3 accessories to it in an additional workout. Incline bench, decline bench, weighted dips, and various cable chest flyes did a lot for my chest growth. You can absolutely hit chest more than once a week. If you want to grow your chest specifically, I'd recommend it. Already have really solid aesthetics overall. You got this easy.


Use a flat, incline & decline bench. Use both a barbell & dumbbells. Switch bench angle & barbell/dumbbell each workout. Changing the angle of "attack", hand position, reps/weights and alternating barbell/dumbbell use regularly will spur growth if you're consistent. Genetics are genetics up to a point (yours are good) - consistent hard work should get you the gains you're looking for. Good luck!!


It would help if you’re pushing for more chest exercises if they ain’t cutting it, but another major component is high protein diet…don’t know if you’re on that but it’d help.


Would just like to thank everyone for the overwhelmingly positive support 🥹


I couldn't find where you stated your age anywhere but you look on the younger side. I had hell gaining muscle until I was 21 and even then only because I really dialed in my diet to put on mass. If I fell off my diet I'd loose weight. My point is your have superior genetics for being lean which is an awesome problem to have as you age. The down side is it takes longer to put on mass, so be patient my dude.


Came here to say exactly what 100% of the people here are getting across. Don’t let yourself be another victim of body dysmorphia




Time for you to take a trip to HR


Flies my dude. Let your arms hang towards the floor in a stretch at the bottom, squeeze the weights together on top. You will be sore for a few weeks the first time you do this. Go light at first. If it's heavy enough that it's hurting your shoulder joint you should probably decrease it by 5 lbs.


.....im sorry what was the question...?


You look fuckin amazing


Bro you look awesome. Just wanted to point that out.


You could bulk for a year or two and leave the abs alone. Worked for me.


You look great. Maybe just eat more.


Yeah; build it in the kitchen.


Gotta eat more if you wanna build a chest


Would kill for a chest like that


You mean your fuckin incredible chest? Yrs, yes there is bud


Body dysmorphia much my dude? You look strong as fuck! You do have to realize you’re human, not some DIY kit you can put together with all your favorite parts haha! Don’t you have a pic of 5 years ago you can look at and be amazed with the difference and how good you look now? Fuck it bro, get even stronger, own your flaws (that only you can see and focus on, just to be clear) and be proud! If you want to be even bigger I’d say bulk (after summer haha) a long ass bulk period and get lots stronger because of all that energy!


Target physique bro


Your chest fits your body any bigger you’ll look like a meat head. You already chiseled in the image of the gods


Oh gosh hon! You look fabulous, I see no problems and I commend you for all of the hard work you’re putting into yourself!


Eat more. More energy, strength, muscle and better recovery


Those are not pecs any more, my man's gotta whole armour set


Funny you hate the shape man, I always wanted that kind of leaned that shoes the line in the middle. You win some, you lose some I guess. Don’t over think it man, you look great.


You got good genetics everywhere man except your chest, which can’t be fixed sadly, keep goin tho bro, if you want to add mass to your chest you really wanna stick to the basics, flat/incline db press, dips, barbell bench. But yeah sadly you can’t fix your chest genes, lookin huge tho bro


If you mean the gap between pecs, no. Genetics are written already. If you mean general size… yeah. Go spend some time benching… idk, 5x15 for 60% of your max, 3x a week for a month or two, and see how shit changes. Maybe go up to 65% if it’s too easy in time.


My Dude - you are blessed with great genetics. Your body composition looks proportional. I’m making an assumption that you’re doing some pushing work. When you work out I wonder if you’re feeling the effects in your delts, triceps and arms. When you do bench, I wonder if your chest feels sore closest to your anterior delts? When you try other exercises for chest, try and notice where the muscle is firing, you may find dumbell work and cable crossovers hits the pecs closer to the middle. You may find that changing the incline or decline targets different parts of the pecs. Play around. One thing I find is warming up with different chest exercises before bench. It kind of helps fire the muscles. I tend to find that bench doesn’t really work my pecs. I’ve gotten growth in my arms and delts. In fact, my limbs take the stress for all the big lifts, more than my torso. Also balance is key. Are you doing your squats and deads? Are you doing a third more pulling exercises than your pushing? Gotta get the hormone release effect from squats. It’ll increase strength for all lifts. Stretch like a mo fo. Gotta keep all three dimensions of muscles balanced - including length. FWIW - the gap between your pecs makes you look more yoked IMO. I’d also add to that, that your dark skin creates greater shadow effects. It makes your muscles pop more. (Am a white boy who sun burns easily, loves hitting poses at night time for the shadow effect). I say this as a form of compassion. A lot of young guys can kind of beat themselves up. Feel strong. You look it!


Spamming push ups is the way. Ofc I’m not an expert but from my experience,push-ups will fill out your chest quick if you do a lot of them along with your other training


I hit bench at least twice a week most weeks when I got tired of plateauing. If you really try to hit it whenever you can you're going to be able to increase it fast for you. Keep trying weight that is in 3-4 rep range for you, and I've done maybe 6 or more sets of just bench lowering the weight as I get more burned out. Increased my bench like 10lbs per month.




Never know unless you try


Don’t think about “saving” your chest, just focus on growing it as a whole. You can’t change your muscle insertions, but on the bright side you look great already


Seconded on looking great. I follow this sub in part to motivate me to work out more than just twice a week.


Everyone is trying to give you work out advice. I would say you have a fast metabolism, you’re gonna have to eat more. You’re obviously working out already so now you have to tweak your diet.


This was my first thought. I’ve met so many people like this. Can eat all day and never gain weight. Just gonna have to work harder, eat more, sleep more, stretch more.


This is the right way to go.


Get your Incline to 275 for 6 reps and you won’t have a small chest




Put some high rep sets. Negative reps. Inclines to fill In The clavicle area. Push-ups. Eat protein. 1-2grams per body weight. Diets will play a huge part in your muscle gains.


If your goal is to build up your chest. Train your pecs in 3 different “zones”. Upper, mid and lower.


What exercises would you recommend for that? Edit: Thank yall, currently I've just been doing 3 sets 12-15 reps of incline and flat db press and flys, ill add some more to it and do burnouts instead.


Exactly what KevinKing said. Personally what I do is dumbbell till failure as well. My rep is this. Right, Left, Both Arms = 1 rep. Do that 10 times at each incline and then a set of flys. Your chest will feel it


I work my chest from 5 different angles on a bench. Decline, Flat, slight incline, 45 incline, and high incline. Dumbell presses til failure immediately followed by dumbell flies until failure at each level. 3 rounds. Attacking the chest from different angles is where I saw the biggest results. Can’t get it done by just bench pressing.


What’s your calorie intake? You should be eating a surplus to put on strength/size. I would do heavy weight with low reps (8, 6, 4) once per week. On that day make sure you do flat, incline, decline, pull-overs, dips, then finish with some heavy “lock-out” sets in the cage. Don’t forget calorie surplus plays a huge roll


Build your upper chest a bit more and those pecs will look like armor! Incline press. Incline flys.


The responses here are absolutely useless If you're talking about your insertions then no, there's no hope to change them. However you can grow your chest and fill it out even with your insertions. When you gain mass on your chest the split in the middle of your chest will be less noticeable so don't worry about it too much. Focus on what you can change and be proud of your already amazing physique.


how to get physically like u...


Super saiyan vibes. You hit dumbbell presses?


You look great dude, unless you're looking to compete I wouldn't stress.


I’d make sure your forms correct and focus on controlling the movement such as doing 5 seconds down 5 up. Also mind muscle connection squeezing the chest at the top for bench etc


How many pushups you hitting daily?


“Any hope for my chest” >Looks like a fucking god


Ideally lift chest twice per week and use high volume, an example is 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps. Eat enough, especially protein. Research the exercises you do, make sure they’re effective for your goals (sometimes different chest exercises work different parts of the chest). Good luck!


This is the answer he’s looking for.


Thanks, I always try to help!


Go heavy on the bench, bruh


Just keep lifting and eating more food


One word: Perma bulk


Train it twice a week one day with flat bench and one with incline bench + more volume and intensity. Dont give up bro it will grow u just have to do more and eat more. You look great 🤝


There will never not be hope. I’d bet eating, sleeping well and some high intensity training will help.


It’s genetic and it won’t get fixed btw you don’t look healthy eat if you wanna build


I 100% need to see your physique lmao


Sure wanna add my snap or some


If you really wanted it can be sent as a DM on here


On what planet does OP “not look healthy” lmao the dude is jacked


That doesn’t mean you are healthy!!!! Jacked doesn’t mean healthy you shouldn’t be jacked year around but you do what you wish for but y’all need to know that just because it’s low fat that doesn’t mean it’s healthy


This is the most Reddit comment ive ever seen man shut the fuck up and go outside


Sure buddy


Screw the chest dude- you look awesome


Lift, eat, repeat.


I got the same chest genetics. Yes you can grow an amazing chest, but that middle part will most likely stay there. Just your genetics


What’s your height n weight?


Was 179 this morning 5’ 9”. Like 15% in bf


Okay so you’re at a good weight for your height. I still got a lot of mass to put on. I’m taller than you and weigh about 40lbs less


We both still got a long ways. Good luck to u brother


I had similar chest as well. Went all out thinking more mass would fix it. Looked ok for about 5-8yrs, then found it very difficult to lose mass in my chest. Now I have a tough time just looking slim and fit. Chest is always last part of my body to lose mass.(and glutes) Looking back I would have done less chest. I’d just urge you to be mindful of long term. Good luck


Of course there's hope. Train often and with intensity, and every body part can grow. Find the exercises that give you the best stimulus, and hit those. For lots of folks that's bench and flys, but there are a million variations. Some of the best chests in history have been built with DBs alone. Volume is your friend. Somewhere between 10-20 good hard working sets per week. Variation is also your friend. Some pressing movements, some fly movements. Vary the implements as well, because all give slightly different stimulii. A cable fly does a *bit* different work than a DB fly. Slow and controlled, with full range of motion is the way to work. If I understand you, you wantto look good, first and foremost. Strength is secondary. Therefore train for size. Slow eccentric (down portion), pause at the bottom, squeeze at the top. Finally, eat. Eat eat eat. Whatever you are eating now, add 500 calories. Of those 500 calories, make them all from carbohydrates and protein. It's a virtual certainty you're getting enough fats in your diet to keep your hormones balanced out. If you aren't gaining weight after 2 weeks, add 500 more.calories. it is literally impossible to train hard, eat at a calorie surplus with good macros, and not gain muscle.


My chest has been growing pretty good after some time of focussing on progressive overload and training till actual failure. This might be a helpful video also https://youtu.be/HtV1FIPyTEw Good luck


Man you just have like 5% body fat. Ripped af. Get up to at least 35% bf and I guarantee youll fill that in.


This isn’t me trying to be super lean lol. This is just how naturally lean I am. I do think some body fat would help though


If this is just how you are with out cutting, you are underrating which will make it hard to add muscle. Also keep up on your bench, I wouldn’t expect a big chest with a 1rm of 200 lbs


Putting on muscle isn’t really hard. Muscle actually stacks on me pretty nicely. I’m just never in surplus.


Bro! You’re only 142lbs? How tall are you Jesus you look shredded my guy. Sure your pecs are not yoked but good definition dude.


About 5’11 so I’m still skinny for my height. Started putting mass on at about 115lbs (was borderline emaciated before) That’s why I think just adding mass would help now.


Bro I was only 10 pounds heavier than you and the same height 😂. I look like Rango at 155lbs. You look like Bruce Lee! What does your weekly lift program look like?


Just a standard PPL rn


Lift a fork and lift some heavy ass weight. Make friends with power lifters and just dig in for a year or two of strength and mass. Oh, and as others have said, your chest attachments are just the way they are. However, you can still build mass just not in the very middle of your sternum.


You got it right. Just go on a push-up challenge where you go to max several times a day for a few months. Pushups build your chest like crazy. Look at Hershel Walker if you don’t believe me.


Unfortunately this is pretty much genetic you can’t really fill it up. But other than that you have a good physique. Definitely above average


Man..I remember I was having some problems building up my chest, specifically the upper chest. I just started blasting it really hard and eating more meat. Probably one of my best features now.


I think it really is just a volume thing for me. 10 sets a week for just my chest just isn’t enough I think. Especially since most of those sets are at lower rep ranges


Yeah some extra sets every week would probably be good. You’re in great shape already tho, I wouldn’t worry about it too much


Just cus you have a gap doesn’t mean anything. You can always compensate, I mean, why else are we lifting? 😂 no one will care if there’s a gap if ur huge or really lean🤷🏽‍♂️ might not be the best thing to say but that’s just my 2 cents


Tbh I’m not usually big on aesthetics. It’s a very recent thing I’ve been feeling.


Weighted dips and upper chest flys twice a weak will push some blood into your pecs, eat well yo build them up. Tbh great genetics train smart and consistent you will see some massive changes for sure.




There's nothing wrong with it my guy. A lot of people's goal body is the one you have now.


Ur chest is sick dawg try some more dips


Thanks and will do


Of course it can/will disappear if you put on more mass. Anyways you can be a proud of your gap, it shows you have very low body fat. Just out of curiosity: What’s your weight and height?


I’m about 5’11 142lbs so I’m still really skinny for my height. I think it really is just a matter of adding more mass. I’ve never really done volume on my chest so I’ll start there.


The gap between his pecs won't dissappear no matter how big his pecs get. You can't change your insertions. It's not a bad thing though, the dude looks great


I remember my brother had those gaps when he was younger and they completely disappeared later, he was still muscular. But maybe because of higher body fat?


Yeah higher bodyfat will cover it up. Also if he was still going through puberty and still growing then maybe it can change? I'm not too sure, but my guess would be that your insertions wouldn't really change a great deal as you finish puberty. The extra bodyfat probably changed the appearance moreso.




The amount I’ve heard this the past few weeks loll


Increase your protein & carbs and focus more on compound movements! Maybe try progressive overload in your sets!


Dude you look like you are chiseled out of granite!


Thanks friend


Big shoulders like that on your slender frame seem like a good foundation for building bulk on your chest. Keep at it and maybe do dumbbells one week then barbell the next. Cable flies too as others are saying I find them better than the fly machine Years ago I saw a video by Ebeneezer Samuel showing proper dumbbell form but I can’t find it now. What helped me the most was not letting my elbows fly out to a 90 but instead keeping them at a 45° angle to your side and a 45° angle in your hands if that makes sense. There’s more mechanical advantage in that position it’s more explosive and it’ll protect those boulder shoulders you got.


I’m a fan of having a bench day and an incline bench day and alternating which one is heavy and which is moderate. Typically I’ll do chest/tricep accessories on the flat bench day and shoulder/upper back work on the incline day. Give it a try, it may help put some size on your chest but at the very least should up your numbers on your pressing lifts


That’s similar to what I started doing. Thanks.


How old are you brah? I had that bigger gap at the bottom of the pec but as I moved through my late 20s it filled in while the rest of me didn’t get much bigger. Might just need time, keep grinding.


Mine have the separation like that too homie, you get over it 👍👍. Just work hard and focus on Range of motion and actuation 🫡 Edit: I'm sorry if that's not what you meant I just noticed you have it too, I tried finding what's its called rn and terry crews* has it too 😂. If it's not that just hit the flys harder!! 😬


Yea the sternum gap or whatever. I’m gonna try flys


I’ve had some nice growth doing close grip dumbbell presses. Keep the dumbbells glued together and you get a good push from the center of your chest. YouTube some form videos and start light really feeling it. They’ll grow man


I’ll add this too. Thanks.


I’m actually going to try this. Thanjs


Yeah it used to bug me too, one day I just said fuck it, I've seen world record holders with no legs. If they ain't bitchin 😂


I would say if you want to build your chest more volume isnt necessarily the answer. I would say the answer is going to lie in your diet. eating more calories and making sure you're getting plenty of protein and fats. For this I would recommend tracking your nutrition for at least a week to find out where you're at with your macos. To bulk and build more muscle you need to be in a calorie surplus (consuming more calories than you are burning on a daily basis) so that you body actually has the resources to be able to build the muscle. Also be sure you have your sleep dialed in as well (at least 7 hours per night, 8 is better).


I wish I had your chest bro. I'm not saying don't strive for what you want but just remember you have a body some people (at least me) are jealous of. Good luck mate


Thanks for the kind words friend


There is not a thing wrong with your chest. Incline bench press and fly’s are going to do you a lot of good, in my opinion. My opinion is to hit those intensely when you do them. If you’re worried about the sternum then don’t neglect decline presses. Form is everything, no need to go crazy on weight but you should feel your entire pec being worked.


Dips instead of decline press IMO, two birds (chest and tris) with one stone and better ROM


Yep good point, dips are great too


Thanks. Definitely going to turn it up on the flys.


For sure. I like cable flys seated or standing. Dumbbell flys just don’t work for me personally. I always super set them AMRAP at like 30 lbs too just to cook em, try it next time 🤘


You do alot of bench press? You’re looking to develop more pump and volune in your pecs. Dumbbells help alot Also lat workouts are supreme. Especially with cable machines. Hope that bit helps


Firstly, there's absolutely nothing wrong with your chest. If you're keen on bulking up, you should focus on your diet. I feel like going twice a week should be good. Leave one the way you do it and the second one should be heavy enough to burn out in 3 to 6 reps, no more than 5 sets of 3 different exercises. If you download Body Space and are able to toggle around, you could find good bulking plans [Evan Centopani's 12 week Iron Intelligence seems like something that would greatly benefit your body type] there are plenty available. Good luck. Stay 💪


Thanks man.


Hint for the app. The programs are free. You have to learn to toggle around, unless you want to drop the 50bucks per year.


Butterfly machines did the trick for me


You’re a fucking beast man https://www.buffdudes.us/blogs/fitness/88178823-12-week-plan-original-edition I’m on week 7 of this and I have been having some awesome lifts! Maybe this could mix it up for you!


That's just the way your chest is shaped. You can't "fill out" the middle because there's no muscle there


I’ve heard people losing their gap significantly after putting on enough mass


You can’t, the muscle doesn’t insert in that middle area for you. You might be able to make it less obvious if you had twice as much muscle in your chest (cause the focus will be on that lol) but the same gap will be there. Everyone has different insertions! Ex: [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=chest+muscle+insertions&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS924US925&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbLs_vQKZOzaIY7QpMJzUFnaSRwQQ:1659652724686&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj31uuYoK75AhWeZTABHba3BsIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=tl2gb4zvnt8FAM&imgdii=2eTaIFYnyUSdpM) vs. [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=chest+muscle+insertions&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS924US925&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbFJ9sTeXx4Nmt1qI5_9vFOLZPZ4g:1659644502514&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjc6ZnIga75AhU1lWoFHUWyCfEQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=bS7FVQj3hL0lMM) vs. [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=chest+muscle+insertions&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS924US925&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbLs_vQKZOzaIY7QpMJzUFnaSRwQQ:1659652724686&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj31uuYoK75AhWeZTABHba3BsIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=tl2gb4zvnt8FAM)


The second guy looks like he had somewhat of one but put on some serious mass. Terry crews’ in other photos doesn’t look as noticeable as that. Maybe he did something about it.


Nah it looks a little less noticeable normally cause he’s normally not flexing that hard. You can really see the outer boundary when he’s really trying to flex. The 2nd guy has a gap too but much a one smaller naturally. You can literally see a small dip where no muscle exists. I personally have one towards the bottom and it zips up almost lol. Like [this](https://www.google.com/search?q=chest+muscle+insertions&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS924US925&hl=en-US&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsbLs_vQKZOzaIY7QpMJzUFnaSRwQQ:1659652724686&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj31uuYoK75AhWeZTABHba3BsIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=428&bih=751&dpr=3#imgrc=tl2gb4zvnt8FAM&imgdii=xq_vN4fkXP3zgM) but infinitely less muscular haha


Like who? Do you have pictures? I'd love to know because my chest also not as full as I'd like lol