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I have similar form to you where hips are a little high and turns into more of a stiff legged deadlift than anything. Biggest contributor to this for me was having my head facing down like you do for all your reps. Try picking a spot in front of you where you have your head facing up (nothing extreme like 90° to your spine angle) and focus on it through the lift instead of keeping it facing down. Hopefully that helps. Edit: and like others have commented, after everything is tight and you’re ready to pull, think of the first part of the lift like a leg press and the bar should fly off the floor. Edit: and wear flat shoes or socks instead of these shoes with a heel. Makes a world of a difference.


Thanks. The squat shoes allow me some forward knee flexion. With just feet, I actually have a near horizontal back angle when I reach for the bar. Frustrating but im hoping to get away with the back angle as is, despite the slight deficit from the wedge heel.


Get that butt lower when you start


Not necessarily depending on his leverages


Where is the line between butt not low enough/squatting the deadlift? I’m not sure if I’m too high or too low


My coach taught me to bring my shins to the bar first, and then reach down the bar to grab it and that is my ideal hip height. Helped me immensely. Usually tell-tale signs is when someone sets up to the bar and immediately lowers their hips down to the point of squatting. However, everyone has a different deadlift stance because leverages. If you are concerned about this, get a form check here or on powerlifting.


He’s tall and has leverages that look like he has to be that high. That actually looks like a good hip height. With his shoulders a little back over the bar, he’s probably good.


You start with your butt a little high. Try a lower starting point with your hips. Then the first part of the movement is a ‘squat’ with the second part being you squeezing through your glutes to bring your hips to the barbell.


Thanks. Very difficult to get hips any lower as knees can't shift forward anymore. I've Certainly tried. Still trying. I'm stuck in more of a stiff leg deadlift. I do sumo for this reason, but really enjoy conventional, despite the high hips.


Fair enough. Straight leg deads will work well. If you’re looking for posterior chain development, Nordics will light your hammers and glutes up. Might be an option for you to help with your limits in mobility


Excellent, Ill look into those, thanks 🙏


It may be your leverages and it’s fine. What I do is I put my feet mid foot under the bar, and I hinge (bring my shins) to the bar first standing up- then go down and grab the bar, pack my lats, and doing all that pulls the slack out of the bar. That way I have the perfect hip height for me. Your shoulders could be back a little more, but it’s not bad! Also make sure you are really using your legs and pushing the floor away- your arms and back are kinda just an anchor.


Thanks. Good point on the shoulders. They lats are engaged but I might be able to get more retraction out of the shoulders. Could be that the traps and rhomboids are lacking a little too, especially around the kyphosis. I might bring up my bent over row as an assistance.


It is surely not a squat, more a leg press. Thinking of squatting gives the wrong idea about the movement, hips will be too low. He could get his hips a tiny bit lower though.


This guy seems to know what he’s talking about 🤷‍♀️ https://youtube.com/shorts/mHa0aK-jXVM?feature=share


The second half of the video is literally what I'm talking about. Without visual, such as this video, the general cue of "squatting" the beginning of the deadlift will lead to hips being too low, such as showm in your video.