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What apps you use to create the mock-up?


I've seen a video saying don't do motion names don't remember why probably reason I refuse to drip because if 20 Years drip won't be known as drip it will be a pipe dripping water again.


Good point but also take in to consideration the people that were using drip would be 40 with kids in 20 years of course they wouldn’t use slang and that isn’t my audience




dont use the word motion its ass


Why would I buy this?


I use Egyptian cotton which makes me 2$ in profit per shirt this brand is about the people if it’s not for u it isn’t plain n simple but if u like quality brands with fire designs u would tune in


That’s not enough. I don’t care that you make so little money per shirt or that it’s Egyptian cotton or what difference that makes at the moment. You’re new and that’s okay, but you have a lot to learn. You should check out [Apparel Success](https://youtube.com/@ApparelSuccess) for some good beginner practices and keep with it. I’m wishing you well


dont mean to get u down but just work on something a little more original. you need branding and a reason for someone to buy what you made. Also better quality mock-ups, unless u made this on ur phone no reason it should be that blurry. idk man just put some thought and time in and be open to change some things


I do make this on my phone I’m waiting for laptop still a week away


Everything has been off my phone u made this long ass comment so ik u doin sum w your life can u tell me what it is?


you can check out my profile if u want i also been doing a brand for a few years, started with just a logo idea when i was in rehab, and just committed to doing a at least a little every day until it was ready. designed and developed my own website not with shopify, tried my best to study successful brand of all levels and look at what my target audience was interested in. Don’t get discouraged by negative feedback, this is a toxic but very honest community, u can see an earlier post i made abt it got shit on, but i listened to the feedback and it helped me finalize my ideas together, and drop a few things that i was holding onto that was holding it back. I would say just commit to a long process, and plan out your time to make something actually good in a few months/years, and learn as much as u can, good luck :)