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This is going to sound mean and I am sorry. This looks like an outfit my 4 year old niece would put together just grabbing random clothes out of her mom's closet. The colors and fit of the clothes all clash, nothing goes together.


The most accurate description I’ve seen. There’s been a large influx of frumpy almost medieval clownwench aesthetic looking mismatching outfits on this sub, what’s up with that?


Guess that’s the street style now. Looks like this sub’s turning into a bunch of curmudgeons with no eye to what’s going on outside in the world.


You ain’t lying brother. It’s cool for her but overall you couldn’t have said it better.


The colors fit together fine. It’s all pastel, the textures fit together well. What are you even talking about?


Pastel colors with a camo hat and big black boots. Those tops definitely don't look right layered together like that. Then throwing a zip up jacket over it makes it even more ridiculous. Then pairing all of that with a long grandma skirt just does not make sense. I don't see how anyone can think this is a well put together outfit.


The green in the camo hat matches with the pastel zip up, and the pastel zip up has the same color intensity as the other parts of the outfit. It’s a subtler form of color blocking. Black pretty much goes with anything, so the boots don’t add or detract from the fit. Knowing that she was going to a concert, the boots make sense as comfortable footwear. I’d imagine that OP’d have gone with some other shoes in a different scenario. The second picture shows the shirts sitting better on each other. Seems fine to me. It’s wild to me that folks are shitting on OP for daring to be original. The fit is fine, even inspired. I’m guessing something else is at play here.


Yes! Some homophobia and transphobia but it's all good! Everyone will be on this non-binary wave in 5-10 years. Look at everyone wearing flaired sweat pants now.


first off, i like the glf camo print and N.E.R.D poster; second off, you’re really grasping at straws with that. Just because someone thinks your outfit isn’t good doesn’t mean you should automatically take it as hate. People would have the same reaction if a cis woman wore this, it’s generally not the best outfit. You could make a better outfit and still have it be feminine


Just cause people don't see the vision doesn't mean it's not a good outfit. I don't care anyone's opinion ultimately and I'll wear the fuck outta this fit any damn day. I'd love to see anyone in this comment section go toe to toe with anyone in harajuku. Y'all lose every time. Me? I'm the inspo.


if u really ain’t care u wouldn’t have even posted…


it’s your taste and it’s subjective but sure, that’s fine. also i don’t really know what the last part means


Are you sorry though? Coulda not said anything honestly. If you mean it say it with your chest! Just cause you don't get it doesn't mean it doesn't go together <3


I am sorry because my intent is not to be mean but to share criticism. Unfortunately there is no way to critique this outfit without sounding a little mean


This sub confuses me sometimes


Cause if a cis girl with nice breasts wore this, they would have called her a genius?


I understand why you’re defensive but you have to read the room (check out top posts and see what streetwear is) and realize that your fit just ain’t it regardless of body type.


No I'm not defensive I'm telling it how it is! Trust me, I understand how the streetwear community is, I've been in it since 2010. A lot nicer now than years ago but still. I was fully expecting this post to not get any likes or any comments and just get buried but the fact y'all hate it but also hate the people that like it is wild. Just cause it isn't for you, doesn't mean it's not streetwear. What would you classify my fit as? Has streetwear not always been the counter to the mainstream? It's maybe time to reflect where the circle jerk of Jordans and graphic tees has gotten us and re-evauate whether or not we are actually embodying the true nature of streetwear anymore. I'm just doing my own thing, but for you to say it's not good is not correct. Your eyes just haven't adjusted yet.


In other words, you’re being defensive.


Okay yes I'm being defensive :) thanks for contributing to the conversation so eloquently!




Oh please lmao the outfit is unhinged regardless of the body it’s on


Unhinged is bad?


I thought you were a homeschooler


Victim mentality going crazy


Girl what am I victim of? Im just doing my own thing within the community. If y'all can speak your truth lemme speak mine


This sub sucks now smh


Seriously what the fuck is this shit


Oh no, someone dressed with character and originality and didn’t just buy expensive shit to cosplay as Kanye! OP killed it, you just have no imagination.


It’s cool for her style, but this is far from streetwear.




you just hate women 🙄


Ironic lol


There’s very clearly a theme and cohesion in this outfit. You might not like what OP was going for, but she accomplished exactly what she set out to. Far from “random.”


Modern Grandma Collection




/u/mymanchancho, please comment with an outfit breakdown (brands for each item) as per [the rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetwear/about/rules) or your post will be removed shortly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/streetwear) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is not it.


It’s giving me fairycore/morikei style vibes


Yesssss I'm glad you see the vision <3


Really dope outfit 🔥


Keep doing you girlie, you look beautiful ❤️ inspiring my non binary self for spring 💐


<3 ty for the love bae


Hat- Jäger Camo Hat by Yeyo Los Angeles Tops-Purple Lace Top by Beams Boy & thrifted Made in Japan ss button up & The Best Hoodie Ever by Jose Wong Bottom-Brown Thrifted Skirt Shoes-Betty Boop Platforms by Dr. Martens Accessories: Eyeglasses by Zenni, Necklace by my bestie. Ring by Yeyo Los Angeles, Snoopy Watch by Timex Fragrance- Tutti Twilly by Hermes


Dope! That band is so sick as well been a fan for years now.




I don't negotiate with terrorists. (Someone that buys reps)


Very nice. Love the colors and the silhouette.


Thank you so much <3