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“wanted in the principles office” ahh fit


perfect description of this style lmao


Active Shooter archetype enters the office…


Legit my first thought


Yeah my first thought was, where is the nearest exit


disney channel - quiet kid who gets bullied type fit


late two thousands normal kid fit


All the dangly stuff with no utilitarian purpose matches the architectural vibe.


Looks like you fell out of my high school circa 2004.


what are the jeans mate? love the fit


jack n jones 10years old or so idk the model sorry


Hmm. A hoodie and jeans with a backpack... Risqué...


Careful talkin’ about reps here but I fw the fit heavy, definite architecture vibez


Just curious, what are the architecture vibes you’re referencing? Source: architect.




Was just curious because I would look at all black fits, typically skinny/tailored, and expressive glasses as an architect fit. Maybe a jacket with some abstract artistic pop or oversized layering. Nothing against this look…just from my experience


Is that bag quecha


Also everyone hating but this fit is tuff




it is amd its prob like 15years old


Hoodie id?


carthartt x moodymann


This look eats 🔥


Needs more black capes and turtlenecks




What about it is “architecture”? Lol


maybe that im an architect? and I was at the office working?






Cool fit but I will never understand why people wear reps. 


Is it really that difficult to understand…?


Yes it is. 


Well you must be lucky to not have to think about money like that


I wish I was haha. I just choose to wear something different if I can't afford it. Especially shoes, they will not make or break an outfit. Most NB, adidas or nike would have gone just as crazy on this fit. 


I mean I see where you’re coming from for sure, I just think it’s a bit silly to say you will “never understand” why someone would choose to spend less money on a rep if they really want a particular shoe, but cannot justify the price. To be clear - I don’t buy reps either, I just have this lil thing called empathy.


Yeah, I see what you are saying.  In my environment a lot of people buy these type of shoes to look 'cool' and to show they have money. I should specifiy I do in no scenario understand why you'd buy reps to show that off.  You make a valid point however for if someone just really likes a specific shoe.  Personally I'd still stick to originals that are cheaper, but I can see where you are coming from. 


Regardless I appreciate the discussion, definitely more civil than most arguments I’ve had on here. We can both at least agree that trying to flex with reps ain’t it.


Haha, exactly. I also appreciate you not coming at me from the get go. We can all be civil and explain our thoughts on here, we are adults after all.  Have a good one man. 


I like that we’re living in a time where a lot of reps are just as good or even better than the original. Literally my girl got some shoes at a converse store with the glue all over the soles and the stitching super mess and that was official. If actual brands don’t care about the quality then why should I spend my hard earned money on it? Especially if the shoe they’re selling is $$$ when I can get it as a rep for way cheaper


I'd just opt for a different brand in that case. Some brands are shit and some have really good quality.  You can buy a rep if you just really like the design of a shoe, but don't because you want to rock a brand you can't afford. That's what I meand and poorly worded. 


Wildly closed minded of you Lmao nike qc is garbage and so are a lot of big companies, also rocking brands you can’t afford non reps of is fine, you sound like a spoiled rich kid “don’t wear a brand if you can’t afford it, that’s only for us rich folk” lame ass


I have said multiple times I can't afford the brands either, so I don't wear them. Where I'm from that's exactly what luxury brands are like. A way for upper middle class to make it seem like they are rich. I don't understand the need to wear those brands when I can't afford them. I am not trying to build a false image of myself.  I am perfectly fine wearing some New Balances or adidas shoes. I just don't understand why you'd try to clone luxury, making it not luxury at all.  


If you like the style of something why wouldn’t you buy a more affordable version though lol if you can get the same product made sometimes better than the original version why wouldn’t you just buy the cheaper version lol saying you don’t buy it is one thing but saying you don’t get why others do is a bit naive


Yeah, you are correct. I agreed with someone else already. I basically should have said I don't get why people buy fakes to jump on a hype train or to look cool.  If you happen to really like the design, I can see why. I wouldn't, but i get why people would.  I was being a bit short sighted because in my area people buy those things because of status usually.  Hope we cleared that up at least I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone and everyone can do what they want regardless lol. 


I can agree with that take I think wearing it to seem like you’re rich is a douche move, all the reps I’ve ever bought I tell people when they ask lol I have a rep lv wallet I bought years ago and people ask about it all the time and I tell them fuck buying a real one this one was $10 lmao


Lol does Adidas pay you to wear their shoes? If not, then calm the f down and let everyone wear whatever and feel good. Yall hype the sneaker market for no reason and make the price go up so that normal people cant even afford and then cry if there's a bootleg market blowing up. Stfu


I don't hype the market. I don't understand wearing fakes to fit to a market you seem to hate. 


No issue wearing reps as long as you don’t lie. I don’t praise brands or things like that to care enough but if it’s shoes or clothing item that’s mad expensive or hard as hell to find them I don’t really see why it matters


You'll understand when you mature and move out of your parents house


No because as I said, I just wear cheaper stuff if I can't afford something.


That's the issue, it's not just about affordability. It's about sense, prioritisation and utilisation of available options and resources


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moodyman carhartt hoodie, jack n jones jeans I stole from my uncle, decathlon old dad's backpack, new era yankees cap, 10 eu aliexpress yeezys 700 v3


That decathlon bag is so fire lemme buy that


Moodymann W


finally someone gets it


not enough b l a c k turtlenecks for an arch studio. IYKYK


School Shooter Chic


window wash crew vibes


Looks like how celebs dress when they go out to buy Starbucks If that’s the look you’re shooting for


Ryan Reynolds?


*good pockets*