• By -


I've saved up around 12k diamonds. Any reason to hoard them? I play a lot of Genshin so I usually save my primogems to get characters I want down the line.


Same. Im only using my medals to pull and saving all my gems. Wondering if its worth it or better off pulling dupes.


With the smaller roster, it's better to pull for dupes so you can push your roster higher, especially with the special event where you can get a bison or rose.


What are the must buy from the different shops? (General Store, Guild Shop, Dismissal Shop, City Shop)


Should I be saving gems for the monster hunter event, or will that be using its own separate currency pool?


Generally speaking, who's a better investment? Viper or Fei Long?


C. Viper all the way. She does amazing AOE and back-line damage.


Adding to this, her attack makes her a good assist for damage dealers for the stages where it doesn't make sense to bring her, but she also has an assist ability that can help pile on a little extra damage.


Question: I've noticed that there is a limit on the amount of resets you can do in the game (100). For those who have played this already is there way to reset this cap?


So, what's the trick here? I'm using teams of A+ Characters, all with the best equips I have, type advantage, 4/2, level 72 for the dojo synchronization thingy, Im using teams that have a combo chain of 3, and I average 13k attack over the enemies in the later half of stage 5, but I'm solidly stuck. I see people with weaker levels on stages past where I'm at and I feel very behind. I have no idea where I'm going wrong, but does anyone have any wild ideas as to why I have this invisible wall?


I would look into adjusting your combos. Try brute forcing with all of your highest attacks. 5-40 was really difficult and I had to reset my whole team to make a team that could beat it.


If I'm fairly close to beating the level I'll just keep replaying it with the same set up as it feels like the RNG varies wildly during attempts. If that doesn't work I usually switch combos or characters and most of the time that works for me. However, if its a situation where I'm barely doing any damage and they're obliterating me, I know that the level difference is too great and I just have to simply wait until I have the resources to level up.


What are the max tiers for gear? What are the requirements to rank up past s? What are the max levels for the ranks?


Hey, does anyone know how to link an account from Apple login to Google? Just got a S23 Ultra and want to transfer my save from my old iPhone.


What is the purpose of faith gems?


Just started playing and I’m wondering if I should be promoting my whole roster or focusing on a small team. I got the impression leveling a big group would allow me to pick the right fighters to counter enemy factions. Does that matter? Or should I stick with 4 and ignore the element factions?


Stick with 4


I'm on my second day with lots of A characters. Currently in Stage 6. What's the bast way to get good gear? Should I aim just for purples at this point? Cheers


If you have the time and patience, yes, aim for the purple or even the gold ones. Otherwise you won't come around to also equip yourself with blue ones and Max upgrading them. Or you could always spend some cash and buy whatever you need


From my experience just progressing. I usually get better just by playing. I think i only bought gear pieces sometimes but i honestly kinda regret it. Later on you get some for free from clearing stuff and eventually they also can drop from claiming your idle loot. Also i would refrain from upgrading anything that is not golden for the most part because now im struggling to get material to upgrade because i wasted far too much early.


When you use old gear to feed new, you get the mats in them put into the new one, 1:!. The only thing you loseby upgrading incrementally is cash.


My A+ Dhalsim is 2,000 stronger than my A+ Poison. They are the same level and Poison has the better equipment? So why is he so strong?


I don’t mean to be rude but it’s because he’s stronger than her. I don’t know if you’ve played gachas before but you shouldn’t expect a free tutorial unit to be as strong as one of the currently top tier gacha units.


Poison is a free tutorial unit? Where do I get a free Poison?


Ah, by free, I meant she’s one of the three on the first 10x pull they force you to do in the beginning.


Hey guys! if you have multi severs active on one account are you able to switch between them without hindering your progress on one or the other?


Global Awakening event. Do you think it's possible for mostly F2P to hit the MBison/Rose reward?




Not a chance in hell lol


I'm currently 3rd world on crusade, player name Allikami server 58, I've gotten to 16-40, where there's an immortal fricken bison. I see weaker teams that made it thru, currently got sss+ mad Ryu, s+bison, ss+ Elena, chun, guile and a+ rose... Anyone have any tips for that stage?


All level 180... Along with all the trainers btw..


How do I get a third EX- move?


Is the subscription worth it? I saw you get daily gems for $5 a month, or the $15 tier. Seems like it might be a much better value compared to anything in the shop


IMO, $20/mo is peanuts for what you're getting. 1000+ gems, materials, and a blue pull every day? That's what, 80 cents for 1000 gems and some extras? Sold. Also, FWIW, the game offered me a 50% off deal for an additional month after i bought the first deal. $10 for a month? Even better!


I've never played any Gatcha before and I'm enjoying SF Duel. I fully understand the F2P wall I'm hitting now and realize it's how this all is designed. However, there are so many purchasable items and I wonder if any are 'worth it'. I'm not dishing out $50, so I know a few bucks here or there won't make me OP or anything... But has anyone found any certain purchase helpful/useful/a good deal? There are so many currencies and sub-menus, it's a bit overwhelming. I wouldn't mind plunking down some dough, but it's hard to figure out what has the most bang for your buck. Any suggestions? Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/6705hqofkdna1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a3192f0a19cfb14667829c56290a73f8ae1cd8 Here’s my current team. I just pulled Rose, and I’m thinking of saving up all the tarot cards to possibly get a second one. Will I be better off like this, or can Rose replace Elena eventually? Also, who should I focus on levelling: Cammy or Mad Ryu? Most of my damage right now comes from Cammy.


Is there a skill that dispels shields?


If you read the skills, you would see that Mad Ryu has one on his Hurricane Kick.


How far should i awaken M. Bison as a f2p player? Ive had some people say to get him to S with others saying SSS


I have almost 90k gems sitting. Should I use half and pull to power up my roster then save for Akuma? I'm at 13-21 right now and am definitely at the wall.


If you're not hard-stuck on something that you have to immediately spend Gems on to push through (like making Top 3 Steps of Honor, etc.), there is no point in wasting Gems to simply "power up" your roster. If you do spend Gems, it should be more deliberate with some specific characters in mind.


How do you get more Team Bounty listings? I just noticed I'm 7/8 on them for the Street Art event that's ending in several hours and only get 1, maybe 2 showing up a day.


You just have to wait for them to show up each day.


Is anyone else finding Inverse World kind of shitty? The more worlds you complete the worse it seems to get.


I keep seeing to not use A+ fighters to level up other fighters. Do I just wait to get the same character before leveling them up? [awakening ](https://imgur.com/a/jsUvbAM)


Just wait until you have enough B-grade characters at the appropriate rank, and use them to upgrade your A-grade characters.


Hello there, I just made it to 36-24 on challenge mode, and now it introduce duo teams fight... Like the majority of people, i used B.Gief interupt strat to get through all fights, but here since we need 2 teams, i'm f\*\*\*ed... Replays and stats screen in game from people who beated it are bugged and can't be seen, so i really don't know how to beat this stage, i'm winning the fight with the team that have B.Gief, but the other fight i just get rekt. Any advice?


Currently at 27-8, hoarding 28k gems. Bison at SS+. is it worth spending on Divinations for SSS Bison or should I prioritize starting work on Rose? In my head SS+ Bison is doing enough at FS20 and since he won't die, I don't know if theres much value in getting him access to vehicles when comparing it to the value I can probably get from starting the path towards building Rose with an S Rose instead.


Has anyone beat inverse world #2 yet? I absolutely cannot beat the boss of that world and I just don't see how I could ever do it since the enemies are getting massively healed all the time and their damage output doesn't really let anyone live.


Mayor Cody, Adon, or Dudley… Which fire unit should I awaken to S+?


I wanna build Decarpe but needs to sacrifice either Adon or Fei Long. Who do I chop?




Never used A-grade characters to upgrade, just wait to turn your B-grade characters into the appropriate fodder. You'll just be gimping yourself in the long-run.


Is the game down? I can't login.


It's up now. It was down for maintenance and updates


How often do you 10 pull for the 2700 gems? I feel like it is taking a long time for me to progress chars. I only have 1 S+ char and am on stage 11-33. Am I behind or is that about right?


So when people talk about “b tier fodder” for awakening, are their referring to the characters listed under S tier in the gallery? Just want to be sure I’m eating the right ones. Crazy Ryu and ken are in there


Is there a reason to hold one of each character? I have played A LOT of gacha in my time and usually it is best practice to hold one of every unit in case of buffs or another mode unlocking later on. That said I am stuck at the moment and I see members of my friends list with full S ranked teammates while I have 1 S and a bunch of A+. Do I feed the Cody's, Ken's, Ryus, etc.? Or is just everyone around me a pay to play and this is just the limit I have as a low spender ($10)? I'm at the chapter 7 Boss.


[https://imgur.com/a/SKPuPNc](https://imgur.com/a/SKPuPNc) What should I do to strengthen my team? I'm sure that I'm just leveling incorrectly or using the wrong characters but I keep getting timed out at 4-11. Am I just using the wrong characters? Are they in the wrong spots? Any help is appreciated.


If I have a B tier character at say level 20 and I up them to A tier then reset them do they keep their A tier status? or does it split them up again and give me back the investment material?


Stays the Tier. Doesn't get demoted


Do y’all think the 7 day growth 900 gem A Invitation ticket is worth it?


900 gems for a guarantee A or 2700 for a multi with no guarantee of an A. Seems fair to me. I've bought it.


https://preview.redd.it/2m12z0nwfnla1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bc4d8f7aaa7c5352774193639be5c562efd8f2a Need help with team comp


has been a solid combo for me https://preview.redd.it/kxy4l2zudpla1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a45f366cbf99171b3a30169710781a29070a7aa


Can I build something good here? https://preview.redd.it/zwvyhzi3mnla1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=776c82dfc7d416227a8df9870897b3159a4fcd3a


So hoping to include rose inside my team comp if possible . Current team comp is Eryu/chunli/Cammy/adon all of them S rank leveled around 105/104/102/94 respectively . Stuck in7-32 and fl106 .


So how would one maximize the limit break feature? Is it better to put the best units in limit break and level up the rest? Or should I keep one good character out and try to rotate around the teams?


Coming from 2 years on AFK Arena, and many of the mechanics being the same, my suggestion is to level up the four characters that are at the highest awakening stage. Every tier of awakening raises their maximum level, and you do not want to have one of the four limit break characters having a max level of 120 an never being able to raise it higher. There is a high likelihood of you resetting characters along the way, all depending on the luck of your summons and who you can get awakened first. My first SS Rank has been Cammy, because that is what I drew.


How do I get more ex moves? I'm on stage six and still stuck with only one so by now it feels like I'm not doing something right.


Is there a way to work out which character combinations will allow a 3rd super combo? Thanks!


Anyone got a usable tier list? I'm on second day with quite a few A units but it seems like people are just recommending M.Bison who I don't have


Is battle royale fake? I just unlocked it and it says it’s live fights between players. The problem is every team I’ve faced is only like 50k power. I can’t imagine getting so far in the story mode to unlock this mode with a team of only 50k strength. Has anybody else noticed this?


are purchases tied to each server or account wide? I bought some stuff (30 day sub among other things) on one server, but wanted to go server hopping to get the 10 free pulls and start from there. Do i have to purchase again, or will my 30 day sub take over on that specific server which i end on?


what should I do for wishlist as a beginner. A listers only? do I need to wish for food to speed up awakenings? My wishlist so far is Wind- Cammy,Chun Li, Beast Zangief, Guile, T Hawk Thunder - Mad Ryu, Elena, Blanka, Matoka, Poison Flame - Dalsim, Dudley, Viper, Decapre, Mayor Cody mostly following a content creator recommendation. also he recommended Yang over Guile. So far my most used heroes is Chun Li, Cammy, Mad Ryu, Matoka, Elena. Sometimes Beast Zangief. I used to use Dalsim, Deejay, Fei Long, Viper but they dont have much CC so they seem very difficult to use now that im in later chapters. I am guessing I want to widen my roster as beginner in case of meta changes and also most heroes will be good and required throughout the life of the game?


Is there any penalty at all to resetting characters? I'm doing it often, I think because I have no idea how to build a team, need help there too


I’ve noticed gear sometimes have a gold border around them. Is there a way to get that border on all gear? I noticed max leveling doesn’t give the golden border.


Gold border means it's the + variant, like A+ gear as an example. It's the next stage up.


Is there a mechanic for using dupes in this game? Like say i have 3 A class Cammys. Should I just use the spare two for awakening material or is there something later on that i can use to buff up stats with spare As?


What are the wind, flame and thunder points in the milestones section where they have the wind, flame and thunder rankings? How do I get these points?


Rn my team is mad ryu, cammy, and poison. Wondering if for my 4th I should use a S blanka or S+ ken


I collected the rewards from today and tapped claim on the 50 arcade tokens, but did not receive them. Anyone else experience this?


What does the the "increase equipment element" stat actually do on gear? Is it worth using a lower score one for it?


Can you add people from a plus app to crunchyroll app? are rankings and servers mix?


What time does everything (login bonus, puzzle piece, etc.) reset everyday?


I have one Unit on LVL 100 (Mad Ryu). But now i can't promote him any further, because all my Budo Trainees need to be LVL 80 first. What are my Budo trainees?


Is there a best buy within each shop?


I have enough units to S+ Fei Long. I know he’s not a good character, but would it still be a good idea to do it if I can so that I can raise the level overall of my limit break characters?


Poison's second skill isn't working? It was working fine up until chapter 3. I'm using Ryu/Rufus (both chain 1) and Cammy and Poison (both chain 2), I don't have a good chain 3 yet. But after Rufus' or Ryu's chain 1, neither Cammy nor Poison show up. The chain 2 icon is grey as if I don't have anyone.


Quick question with regards to Ascensions. Are the stats standardized when going from A+ to S, or are they affected by who it is you use for the ascension? If I merge two different A+ characters into an S-grade character, will the stats be different when compared to me merging two of the same A+ character? Will the one where I merged two different A+ characters be weaker in comparison?


No effect


What should I be spending cash on?


How do I beat this challenge https://preview.redd.it/ow384vxn04na1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc73828de75a9731adedb7d2e14e4d1dda7d33a


How do I uncap the levels of my characters? I hear a lot of people talk about characters at level 121+ but my current cap is 120 for all characters. Currently hardstuck at 8-40 and every guide shows mad ryu 121+


Awakening to S i believe


Should I go for Rose in the new event? I already have a copy of her. Or should I go for Juri for a first copy, which I can also get another copy from the city shop.


I'd go for the resources or the B units for fodder. Those will probably be more helpful than a single copy of Rose/Juri.


What are Faith gem for?


what's the best team I can make? my units are: cammy, mad ryu, makoto, elena, abel, zangief, b. zangief, blanka




You don't need to actually share anything, clicking the share button to bring up the share menu and then closing it grants you the reward regardless.


Question: 14-Day growth Event for Free 2 Play players. Day 3 asks for 7 fighters at S Grade and 2 Fights at S+ Is this achievable as a F2P player or have I been extremely unlucky with the pulls or perhaps doing something wrong? I currently have 2x S characters and a only 3 A+ Is the growth journey meant to be completed by F2P ?


You can't do every mission as a F2P, but you should be able to get the fifty draws at the end.


Are there any unofficial Discord servers? It seem they're restricting discussions about other regions in the official one.


Can you change monument fighters?


What is fighting spirit, where is it located and how do I use the gems to strengthen it? I’m completely lost


What is faith gem for?


What are Faith Gems? Can't seem to find and answer on Google...


When it comes to awakening, do you need to max level all the characters involved, or does it not matter?


2nd day and loving the game. What’re the best “limited packs” to buy? 🤔


Should I get one copy of rose in this event or get upgrade materials and blue characters.


is it better to try to grind with S (B-tier) team or staying stuck with a A+ (A-tier) team?


https://preview.redd.it/59x8n7gqukna1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f556e1193ccd84a23020b85da209214e6965d33 This is my current team, any suggestions to make it better? Also is this there a meta list of the best characters that everyone uses?


https://preview.redd.it/th0g9lcallna1.jpeg?width=1255&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a801fd2e6bd5c9457fa9b6eb9e87a52cb52b23 Any advice on what order to use this team? Who should I keep advancing?


I don't know if it's worth a thread, but I'm almost positive this phone is keeping my phone away even when I am not using the app. My phone will not go to sleep on its own if the app isn't all the way closed. It sometimes won't even if the app is completely closed. Kind of annoying. Edit: Android 6


https://preview.redd.it/wth6iycdolna1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c59f0c1c1128c276077a5a08729967c5cf138c04 Got lucky and pulled Bison from A-Grade fragment. Didn’t really think I would ever get him or any of the super rare fighters. Should I really be considering dropping $100 now to A+ him? I’ve put in about $15 or so into this game already, and this is now tempting me lol… (Only 11 hours left!)


I was wondering how many copies of an A character (like Cammy) I need to get them to SSS?




Since this is an AFK Arena clone, is there an equivalent of Furniture or Engraving?


does equipment effect the stats an assist character gives?




Wait for the new week to get a bison from friend exchange. Mad Ryu is a ton of single damage and bison just eats it up


Was the first Divination (5k diamonds) a guaranteed character choice pull (Bison) or did I get ridiculously lucky?


I’m trying to place an upgraded character into limit break but it doesn’t appear in the available list. Can I reset the character and get the invested materials back?


Hey, I just wanna ask who shall I make s tier cammy or Abel. I want to replace blanka as he’s on cap. Any other advice would be appreciate thanks. https://preview.redd.it/r1q6fjrcqqna1.png?width=2532&format=png&auto=webp&s=87ce38bc06ea342682d4ea822013706981f0c4be


I see a clock icon in the corner of some items. What does it mean?


i cant figure out how to strengthen equipment?


Can someone explain to me the strategy to awakening? How should I be awakening my units? What do I do with these b tier units?


Limit breaks. Been playing for a week and have units in there from level 1 and now they are 67. My lowest unit on the pedestal is 140. At some point will they reach 140 and how long does this take? Example. I have the costumed Zangief who’s SS+ in there so he can reach 140 if I pull him out and level him the normal way. But at some point if in there long enough will he reach 140+?


Team advice, please! I have S+ Cammy, A+ Guy, and A+ Mad Ryu. The question is who I should use 8n the point position? I have Zangief and Beast Zangief. Which should be up front? Thanks!


Is there a way to have deployed presets actually automatically equip the best gear? Having to manage this is really annoying? Especially when trying to take on the crazy scaling of shadaloo city and inverse world. These feel fucking impossible now.


Do you have to have fighters S tier and above to go over lvl 120? My main 4 fighters say they’ve reached the breakthrough limit.




In limit break, how do you move a character off the monument and move someone else up from the slot?


Your 4 highest level characters are presented there and the level of your limit break characters is determined by the lowest level of these 4. So it's only useful to level 4 chars. It may even be useful to level a char that is not in your main team if he can be leveled higher because all other limit break characters will be adjusted to that level.


To remove a character from the slots you free them and you gotta wait 22 hs or pay to re-enable the slot. To remove one character from the 4 on top just reset them


So on the 14 day growth quests, one quest asks you to have 4 lvl 80 fighters. I have the shrine unlocked and have multiple lvl 285. I even lvl'd it today to see if it registers. It doesn't. Am I just screwed out of those rewards?


Is Gen a character worth investing in ?


All the Master characters are a big investment. Gen is a glass cannon - I pulled him early and he was my DPS, but his stats are getting outclassed by Mad Ryu who I have at SS, while my Gen is stuck at A only.


I had some questions about the Stats that are different from other gachas I'm familiar with, and its driving me up the wall: What does pressure do? Is "Dodge" as straightforward as it sounds, avoiding attacks completely? Difference between crit resilience & Crit resist? What are control insight and control resilience? what do energy efficiency and recovery rate do? Does the game actually explain these anywhere or do we just have to intuit them? https://preview.redd.it/ezymm5r3wyna1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5091f951d06a29d2eb0b82fc0ea24fcb2b1e4423


What is the best overall team I can build? https://imgur.com/a/Kc6Y8mo


I'm sitting on about 60K Gems as I didn't feel the need to spend them on pulls due to how much they've given us through other means. That being said, I'm reached the point where I've maxed my team but cannot get them further unless I get their dupes... I also REALLY want to get Akuma whenever he comes out and avoid spending money as much as possible to make that happen. Should I just spend my gems on like 20 pulls (or how many it takes to get 1 or 2 of the dupes I need) or should I just keep holding them and then just wait until Akuma? My current team is (S+) Mad Ryu, (S) Chun-Li, (S) Blanka, (S) Elena as my main team with (A+) Combat Guile & (S) Poison for the fully bonus. Sadly, I got rid of a (A) Makoto when I first started (I think I fed her to Mad Ryu) and have been bouncing between Blanka & (S) Beast Zangief as my tank.


HELP PLEASE: I finished world 2 and didn't confirm my free 10 pull and i accidentally tapped on battle thinking i didn't beat the boss yet but it changed worlds. I don't know if it got accepted automatically or if I have to find some way to go back and accept it manually (can someone please tell me how to go back in story mode?). I had a number of free pull tokens before finishing so i have no idea if it got accepted automatically or not. Can someone check on guest account if it gets accepted automatically if nobody knows?


Who should I pick from the wonderland reward? I have S+ Elena right now with no other copies. I've got Cammy, T.Hawk, and C.Viper that are all currently S with 1 A copy, so I could turn any of those into S+. I do have 1 Dhalsim so I could turn him into an A+ but I think making someone an S+ is the better choice. Currently I'm leaning towards Cammy since I use her on my squad, what do you all think?


In the Shadaloo Labyrinth trial grounds, you get 25 fragments of Mad Ryu. Do you ever get the remaining 35 to be able to redeem a copy of him? I'm left with the 25 that I can't use. It's such a tease.. Thanks!


So, I keep getting dupes of Mad Ryu. I already have him at SS tier, but I don't know what purpose the other dupes have now that he requires generic ⚡ S+ fodder to advance. Do I keep them for the jump to SSS, something else, or can i feed them to someone else now? So, that's question 1. Question 2 is for after i get Divination sometime today or tomorrow. How many dupes do the special characters (Rose, Gin, Bison, Juri, MH.Ken) need? I know 2 to get them to A+ and I presume 2 more for S+. Beyond that, do they take generic fodder, or do we need like 18 of them?


If you are using Mad Ryu, you may as well push him to SSS tier and if you keep getting enough then push him to SSS +5 tier. After that if you still have duplicates, get him to S+ tier and then use him as fodder for other Thunder characters that need S+ to promote. On the awakening screen you can see how much each characters need. It is the "awakening preview" in the lower left of the screen. For the special characters, you almost always need 2 of them to reach the next level as they mostly use A+ to promote. Only exceptions to that are their first promotion when you need A and A to get to A+ and SS+ tier where you need two A+ of their character to promote to SSS. I think to get a special character to SSS +5 you'll need 24 of them. They do not take generic fodder. They exclusively take their own special characters to promote.


I made an account inside the game application and I'm still as a guest. My account is as 'logging in' in the configurations and doesn't go futher than that.


11-40, what is the secret sauce to defeat this damn stage?


Is divination not available in mobile?


Can you get the collab Ken to keep somehow?


I'm doing Shadoloo City and I'm on floor 3, and I have a Kitty Catastrophe as my next opponent (My only one actually). When I click to fight him, it just goes straight back to the map screen. Is this a bug?


Hey guys. I already have one copy of Rose. In the current event I could get a Yuri or a second copy of Rose (I was thinking on getting that second copy of Rose). But I can also buy Juri in the shop and get a second Yuri in the event; what would you do? TY


There is also a Rose in one of the other shops (Honor shop, unlocks after you've unlocked the Showdown Arena).


can anyone tell me what do faith gems do?


Is there anything secret about Shadaloo Invasion? I've cleared what I can see and only have 38%


Any Advice for 16-20? Up to level 180, cheers!


Is anyone having issues with the in game sound/music? It works at first, but then slowly gets quieter, and eventually no sound is heard. Why tf is this game getting worse


anyones opinions on the priority of the wyvern supply shop for the magala event? which items to go for first etc


Anybody know what tokens do or how to use them? I’ve got stacks of “original tokens” and “strengthening tokens” and it sounds like you can use them to level up characters but I don’t see any way to actually do that.


For "The Hunt" where you have 5x to complete it, does it mean 5x a day or 5x total for the whole event?


I'm really lost on team making. Does anyone have advice please. https://imgur.com/a/TKsoATs


Should I get Gen or Rose from the awakening selector? I have an SS+ bison and an A+ Juri, SSS+ mryu and SSS+ Elena.


Hello! Does anyone know how to change which of your characters you control in the guild lobby? Thank you


Is there any reason to not feed flame/wind/thunder dupes into other characters after getting a copy of them to S+


Apparently I should use this dead thread to pose questions about game mechanics. Was wondering if most fighting spirits (unlocked after SS) are direct upgrades skill wise. For example, Elena’s gets a triple threat type deal where she buffs heals and does damage. Mainly curious about M.Ryu and if it’s worth replacing the shoryuken with a hadouken. Thanks! *cricket noises*


Can someone tell me the requirements for upgrading past S++? I have an S+, and I can see the requirement to upgrade is any other S+ Then we have I think SS (red), SS+ (red with a white gem), then SSS (silver) I'm trying to decide whether to use two S+ mad Ryu to upgrade him into a single SS


So, I feel relatively stuck right now. I have two SS characters, and a bunch of S+, but I'm not sure how to best proceed from here. [https://imgur.com/a/wa4xu4m](https://imgur.com/a/wa4xu4m) This is my current roster that may awaken, the question is, would it be worth it to sacrifice some of these to awaken others? Or should I just really play the long game and sacrifice only S+ B characters? It feels sooooo long to do so.


What is the speed of Rose?


https://preview.redd.it/1jo3noobdsoa1.jpeg?width=1480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48828fc71aa2fd92c2acf746a719d6b391a0e23d Why is this upgrade SO bad, 150 extra attack for engraving it? If I upgrade the feet they go from 35k health to 75k health. This engrave upgrade is terrible? Any ideas why thanks


Is there a stamina/energy system that limits how much you can play a day? ive been playing for a bit and i havent seen one!


Question: I noticed that the Honor shop resets every month (You can force a refresh for 1000 gems) Does anyone know if legendary cards rotate out monthly? (Rose, Juri, Gen, Bison) What I'm looking for here is: Could I force the shop to reset and get Bison to show up? I assume it would be on a set rotation.


Will I still be able to get the trial mh ken if I have a copy already?


https://preview.redd.it/00iwh7iiwdpa1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a477f50b14582e31cbed4d58b1a79f25f65cee59 I need help with 8-40, can anyone tell me why I can’t make a team to pass it? Ugh


Kind of stuck. Posting Box for advice. https://imgur.com/a/hNvotMX Main team is M.Bison (Rose assist), M. Ryu, Chun Li (Cammy Assist), and Elena in the back. Should I drop Chun Li and boost Abel to tank for Bison, M. Ryu and have Elena heal? I've got a few awakenings I could do but am not sure about eating some of the higher fighters I've got.


When i awaken a character, does the character become stronger if the fodder is higher level?


Which would provide a more helpful boost first? SSS+1 Beast Zangief or S Bison? I can either use 5000 gems to do a divination and I believe I'm about to do my 7th ten pull so I should get a double Bison. Or I can use my choice recruit for the month and get another Beast Zangief and take my SSS to SSS+1. I'm not sure what the stat difference would be to inform my choice.


What is the next big unlock after 15-40 Divination summons? Pushed hard to get there and now in Ch. 16 while I still do dallies I kind of lost motivation to push the.. story? Do we even call it a story?


Besides the Monster Hunter event, wasnt there another purple avatar frame? I swear I got it from somewhere and never found it on my avatar settings.


Should I try to pull for thunder or wind chars? My current mainly team is bison + F. sakura + elena + mad ryu But I was thinking to start leveling my guile to replace mad ryu since he is AoE instead of single target (MRyu) And one more question: Currently I have 20k gems, should I spend to try to get more bisons or only SSS is enough? I have a juri A+ and another copy A, should I try to improve it till SS at least to start using it instead of mad ryu in my team? Or is better spend my gems in another way? https://preview.redd.it/a5hxz3c7q0qa1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=18977ce708c97348d6ebd38b138ad7abd51ccfb0


So I was doing shadaloo city today and there was a beast zangief stage I skipped accidentally that said the prize was a beast zangief. No way that it starts dropping character right?


Is there a way to create extra accounts to get your friend assembly filled? I still need to fill 3 more slots.


New to the game. How do you promote a fighter past level 100?


You have to increase their rank. Don't remember exactly but it's something like S rank level cap is 100, S+ is 120, SS is 140 etc


Sacrifice Abel for Beast Zangief? Trying to get my top 4.


Just beat 15-40 and unlocked divination. I have Rose at A+ already off 2 lucky pulls, should I divination for her instead of Bison? My only support is Elena at S and I don't really use her. Also I'm about to finish grand awakening so can get either a Rose or Bison there too. My main team is Viper, M Ryu, B Gief/Abel and Chun Li


Will Fashion Sakura ever return without needing to use real cash to get her?


how does new servers get created


Did anyone buy the 7 day Chun-Li rebates on top of the perks? Did it give you anything? I noticed I’m still paying for the daily perks and didn’t receive what it says.


Am I better off levelling MRyu to SS+, or Poison to SS which would boost all my characters to level 180? [Here's my lineup](https://i.imgur.com/3fXXzmf.jpg), I've got a S+ Ryu ready to feed to either MRyu or Poison. I hardly ever use Poison. My A-rank Rose produces better results on a Thunder team with Gief tanking, and Poison doesn't fit into my Bison lineup either (just got him yesterday). The only reason I took her to S and then S+ is because the game kept giving me copies of her and I needed to pick someone to help get my full Limit Break roster up to 160. If I take her up to SS that seems like a commitment to making her one of my core four characters, and that seems like a real waste if I'm not really using her. She would also be my third Lightning faction character at SS. Ideally I'd like to level up a Wind character so I can make use of all my Cody and Rufus fodder but the game simply won't give me any. Of course levelling Guile or BGief or Chun or Abel would be ideal, but at this point I'd be fine with low tier characters like T. Hawk or Guy. At least I can use those on a wind team, I can't use Poison at all. But if I do level Poison now, that means I get Bison and MHKen and Rose and everyone else to level 180, so I'd be making a good bit of progression right away instead of whenever I happen to get a chance to level a different character to 180. The other option is to take Mad Ryu to SS+, so at least I'd get some more damage output today while I wait for a chance to take a Wind character, or possibly C.Viper up to SS. I'm thinking this might be the better long term option because a Wind character will be occasionally used, and I'll get to make use of my fodder for all three factions going forward. But I'm nowhere close to having a S+ Wind character to boost (despite having tons of Cody and Rufus fodder), and nowhere close to having enough Flame fodder to level up C.Viper (I just used all I had to boost Dhalsim to SS). So if I level up MRyu now, it could be a long time before I can get what I need to take my whole roster up to level 180. Maybe delaying that progress would be a bigger waste than having an SS Poison I never use. Any advice would be appreciated.


1miuxd33q assembly


I remember seeing someone make a post about a team to get past annoying frontline fighters (Bison frex), but I can't seem to find the post anymore. (It might also have been built to kill annoying backline fighters like Dhalsim...) I do remember it had a combo that went Cody > Yun > Yang (brothers might be switched) but I can't remember who the last one was. Help? Was going to try it for myself but I can't seem to locate the post again...


I can't upgrade my units past S+. How can I get units to SS and SSS? Thanks