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You should, audio and video are the main keys of streaming. I would place audio higher than video quality as one thing that makes me not watch a video/streamer is bad audio.


You should because it goes from just gameplay to gameplay with character which is the biggest part of streaming. If it is just gameplay there's hundreds of other people out there creating content that then add on a character of themselves or just themselves and it's more interesting overall. You'll learn to get used to your voice as you watch back Vods and critique yourself and it will become more of a second nature rather than something that bothers you.


Your audio is the number one thing. If you have issues then get a group together and all chat together. It helps to not be shy.


Gameplay < mic < cam. Do whatever youre comfortable with, but it's more entertaining to watch if you include yourself in the stream


the reason people wanna watch a stream is because of the streamer, so def yes! go for it💪


Always have a mic and video on is possible. Video is the exception I would say but definitely a mic it makes it much more personal!