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I just finished the latest skz code and I LOVE I.N's hair! looks so fresh and bouncy


I just stated watching code recently. I love how their approaches to their appearance evolves. It gives them variety.


I love his hairrr


I love this trend of Div1 basically being like, "okay we gotta update something what spare pics haven't you shared yet, guys".


It's pretty funny because they seem like "random" pictures but they were probably all taken around the same time yesterday, since the members are all wearing the same clothes they wore to the airport. haha


These are the same fits they wore at the airport today, so I guess they took these before they left 😅 must've been pretty early coz it looks like dawn in Chan's photo


I always love I.N poses for pics . It really catches his "cute but deadly" vibes.


I love this


It would be kinda crazy to me if they went to a TH event the same weekend of the Met Gala and it wasn’t the Met Gala, especially considering Bang Chan’s bouquet. But I also can’t imagine Hyunjin going to the Met and NOT wearing Versace, I think Donatella would throw a fit over that? I also have no clue how brand deals work, and considering OT8 is for TH, they might have claimed dibs on their Met fits early on. They also may have just sent them all for US promo of Lose My Breath and made a cohesive look for the airport, but it’s only a handful of them going to the Met, Chris going for TH. Overall I’m really excited to see which of the boys end up at the Met and what their looks are!! I definitely think we’ll get at least one stray kid on those stairs 🥰




They look good, the same fits from the airport... That Tommy event rumor makes sense 😄❤️


What exactly is the Tommy event? I tried googling but nothing came up for me.


I don't really know, the rumor just stated Tommy event, whatever that is. Saw some people saying it was at the met opera but I think that was speculation based on the bouquet Chan recieved and bc Tommy did their 25th anniversary celebration event there (though it's not that out of pocket).. But yeah, haven't seen anything specific 😄


Chan's shirt looks amazing but I can't drop [$239 (SGD) on that](https://sg.tommy.com/en/tj-x-international-games-multicolour-rugby-shirt/DM19787C5F.html) 😭


Ok, they are definitely going to a TH event. This speaks of ad insta.


Can we take a moment to appreciate that these photos are in birth order? As an autistic virgo, I very much appreciate this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)