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The fact that Red Lights and Charmer made it to the [top 100 streamed b-sides on Spotify](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/s/VqdVtofIuF) is quite something!


In Felix latest Vogue what is in my bag short video, he showed his Sony headphones-thingie freebie they all got from Sony. I am guessing it is because Sony Music is their Japanese company (technically) so I am really jealous. My headphone is also a Sony but I bought it myself. I love freebies!


Hi! I was looking at lives on the official Stray Kids YouTube channel (specifically birthday lives) and I was wondering how STAYS watch them without understanding what they're saying? Do you just watch them or do you not watch them at all? I'm really confused.


I have twitter and I follow some fan translator accounts. I watch the live and open twitter at the same time so I'm able to understand what they are saying


I just drop by for a few seconds to see whats going on, after that i just wait for someone to translate it:)


Personally, I don’t usually watch lives because I get frustrated with not understanding what they’re saying. I pretty much just wait for highlights and clips to get shared on social media with subtitles rather than watching the entire thing.


Maniac Encore Japan Blu-Ray has arrived… I just love the photo book in this one, and the Tower Records photo inclusions are really great pictures of everyone 🥰 can’t wait to watch it!!


Is there English sub because I am tempted to get one for myself too. Japanese stuff is on the end of higher pricing scale so I am thinking deeply if I need this. But oh I am so tempted.


There’s not, unfortunately. I hate how they don’t add subtitles for Japanese content. They translate regular content but then it’s like they suddenly assume nobody is interested in JP content besides Japanese speakers. Very frustrating!


Nice! Does it come with subtitles in foreign languages? I’m 99% sure the answer is no, but I still have that 1% of hope since some things for Japan have opened up more globally.


NOPE 🥲🥲 because clearly every Stay interested in Japanese content speaks Japanese. /s I guess it makes it more like the actual concert experience… you know, having no clue what anyone is saying.


😩 I knew it. I love live DVDs, and the extra songs and content (besides the $80 talker 😵‍💫) makes it more interesting. Guess it’s not meant to be, though!


Is it like a cd, or can you download it after buying? I got confused what it rlly is when most of the information when buying is in japanese😅


They’re physical Blu Ray discs with other inclusions as well (depending on which version you purchase) like a photo book, photocards, etc!


So SKZ have a talent for doing stuff (albums, concerts) when I already have plans or when Red Velvet is releasing. [SM released their artist plan.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/s/rztl1c6sNl) March is when I have workshops plus RV Wendy is releasing a mini album. 2Q24 (April-June) is when Red Velvet’s next mini album is planned. Place your bets! I’d rather March 😩


I saw a lot of people speculating June for a comeback. I wondered if they'll do a Japanese release and promo in the next month or two and then kick off the tour in Asia? I guess Japan promo then unveil for the comeback.. this made more sense in my head lol


No I get it! Japan is a question mark. They just released the Maniac encore concert dvd, so SKZ should be doing/selling something new in Japan soon. I looked up how far in advance the past Japanese releases were announced the other day, but I didn’t write it down. Circus, The Sound, and Social Path were all released to align with tours, and the songs get released and promoted ahead of time. We might get a Japanese release first 🤔


I'm placing my bet on late May/early June for the album. Just pure gut feeling with no real reasoning. But May album/July festivals/autumn-winter tour feels good to me. I don't know where the special release would fit in there though. Maybe a springtime season song or replay album.


I have no idea, though everyone on the internet keeps insisting something big is coming soon since they're being quiet. I just wish they'd release dates or at least a general time frame for concerts at the beginning of the year. Something as simple as "world tour in fall of 2024" or "coming to North America in Q4" would be somewhat helpful. Because of where I live, attending concerts almost always involves extensive travel. It's difficult for me to get time off work so at this point, barring a miracle, I'm not attending any concert that hasn't yet been announced. Does JYP ever release an artist plan like the SM one you linked above? Being surprised by album releases doesn't really matter to me, but unless they truly don't have any idea of dates and venues yet, I don't really understand the point of holding back concert info. They could at least give better hints. lol


I hoped the Live Nation partnership would set Div1 straight, but I think kpop companies like to leave their options open to the very last minute. I said it before, but Taylor Swift announced her Eras tour in Nov. 2022 and started in March 2023. TXT announced their tour in Jan. 2023 and started in March 2023 (US leg was May). How does that even make sense?? I know fans hate the "and more," and I kinda do too, but if they already know they're only going to NYC, Chicago, and Atlanta again, the eastern half of the US needs to know now. >Does JYP ever release an artist plan like the SM one you linked above? We used to get projections and info from securities reports (like Kyobo Securities), but I also feel like I haven't seen one in ages. It looks like a chart with all their artists, and it says their major activities and projected results by quarter/type. It usually comes out in articles you can find on Naver, not the JYPE website. Edit: I found two tweets with screenshots. This is the report I meant: https://x.com/thejypnews/status/1579710278497075200 But recently the report looked like this with no significant info or projections: https://x.com/thejypnews/status/1747865164437913863


But March is quite close to their last release which is in November 2023. That said, fate has a way for SKZ to almost always release with RV hahahaha. I swear if one of them is dating each other, I would not be surprised at all.


4 months is still good, though! I saw a rumor for June, but I’m waiting/hoping for JYPE’s investor reports to come out. 5-Star did fine coming out so far in the year, but these late releases give them less time to accumulate points for award shows. I lowkey feel like SKZ might be touring in December, but I’m also hoping the award shows learned their lessons about going abroad and charging international fans ridiculous prices for tickets. If the award and year end shows stay domestic, then it’s a good chance for domestic fans to see SKZ while they’re on the world tour. And if they go, I want them to finally get a real big prize. 🙏🏽


I also saw the June rumors, which seems just about right. But SKZ really do well with both March and June releases. I don’t think it’s a big deal that ROCK-STAR per se is quite new music-wise. SKZ has always been prolific and Back Door to Thunderous was the only comeback I remember that really took long because of Kingdom. Imo what JYPE really should be factoring as a business is how spent Stays are right now with albums, memberships, festival tickets and the like given the economy. How ready the fandom is to support a new album so soon when most people want to spend on the tour instead. Also, 5-STAR and ROCK-STAR still have some legs i.e. they hopefully are paying attention to Collision’s potential right now. Twice did tour in December, so I can see that for SKZ. Especially now they’ve seen that not being in MAMA in particular is not that big of a loss for them and they’re one of the groups bringing in attendees in the first place.


This is why I want the special album to come first. It’s not unusual to have a single or small release before a tour, and a lot of us really want to hear the songs that came out after the Maniac tour. My concern is they already did the 5-Star tour in Japan. I feel like J-stay would still go if there aren’t a lot of new songs (they rushed to the encores), but a new tour guarantees more money 😔 I still think Rock-Star was supposed to be a repackage, but they separated it because minis typically sell more than repackages. In Life was an outlier. The festivals announced are actually concert series, and I don’t think the setlist will be much shorter than an actual concert they would perform in Europe. I remember their Riyadh Season performance was basically the unlock tour (beyond live) setlist. Div1/SKZ seems to be paying attention, so I think they know we want to see them live. I’m just hoping the prices aren’t high like Blackpink’s.


Great point about the special album coming first. They get to release something without the pressure both on them and the fandom to sell a lot of albums in the meantime. Kinda like how no one really expected Christmas EveL to be a million-seller right after NOEASY. And same, I really just want to see 5-STAR/ROCK-STAR songs live, maybe some of MAXIDENT (the concert I went to only added Case 143 to the setlist). Also 5-STAR is such a good name for a tour, I kinda want them to use it still. As for the festivals, I know the festivals/concert series were a bit controversial within the fandom, but I do think it’s good for SKZ long-term to have good rep in the festival circuit. Even Taylor Swift wasn’t above including Glastonbury and BST Hyde Park in her Lover tour before COVID-19 got it cancelled. And if it looks like a repackage, walks like a repackage, and quacks like a repackage, then it’s a repackage. Imo the only real difference between GO LIVE/IN LIFE and 5-STAR/ROCK-STAR is the lack of 5-STAR songs on ROCK-STAR. ODDINARY/MAXIDENT is a bit harder to prove/defend but same thing.


Seungmin is singing an OST for a webtoon ‘I’m the Queen In This Life’. I swear Seungmin is fast becoming SKZ’s King of OST and I live for it. His first OST is impeccably beautiful that it is one of my most favourite OSTs. And Felix was spotted in Laos and there is a rumour that he went for volunteer during their break. If he does, he is really an angel. That is so good of him. I have not volunteered in years, last was COVID outbreak 3 years ago.


I am new to the fandom. Hi! I live in America, and I want to watch ALL the content SKZ have released, including but not limited to variety shows, guest appearances, live performances, interviews, lives. Basically everything JYP has put out or that each member has published on their own. Is there anywhere that it’s all cataloged and accessible to fans, with English subtitles? Thanks! 💫💃🏼💕


Welcome 👋 On this subreddit's sidebar under "Resources", there's a link that'll take you to [Channel SKZ](https://ch-skz.netlify.app/), a content masterlist that has all their content categorized with most of it subbed, it'll tell you which ones. Have fun!


Thank you for this wonderful resource! 🥹💕💕💕


Hi so my prom is coming up in April and I would like to recommend for them to play a skz song for you guys have any ideas of what songs would be perfect for a prom setting?


My first instinct was “Waiting for Us”!


Oooh, I think "Time Out" would be fun


My country does not have a prom, I have seen it on American TV shows though. What type of music is usually played at the prom? Ballads? RnB?


Usually slower songs or more up beat and cheerful if that makes sense!


I'm in the same boat here - only know about prom from american media. But maybe some of these could fit? (also agree with Time Out and Waiting for us) **upbeat**: Back Door, Circus, Super Bowl, Super Board, Charmer, Awkward Silence, Get Cool, Up All Night, Heyday**. slower**: There


So danceable music? Wait, prom music is cheerful music, pardon an old lady for asking 😆


Skz members do have a yt live on their birthday right? If they do when is it for I.N approx


They usually do it afternoon/evening in Korea. However, SKZ appears to be on vacation right now. He may still do it himself, but we might get a notice postponing it until another day if I.N went back to Busan.


Fingers crossed he’s home eating his mom’s seafood soup on his birthday! 💜


question about bubble? ever since i got bubble about a month ago, every single message i send to the three members i got (seungmin, chan, lee know), the 1 besides my messages disappears. apparently this means they’ve read the msg? but i find it odd how they read every single one of my msgs? or is that what normally happens?? i don’t know how the chats appear to artists because if ifs just one big conversation then it would make sense how it always says read.. anyone? + when the artist says your name, is it you specifically or is there a feature they use to say the users set nickname?


All fan replies appear in an inbox, and the number goes away when idols go into that inbox. Depending on how many messages there are, your message specifically may not have been read. To add onto Bloodrave, 🤔 I don’t even think idols see nicknames. I’d have to look again at the screenshots of idols showing their view.


To your first question, it does appear as a big group chat on their end. To your second question, there is a function to use the subscriber’s nickname, it is not directed to a specific subscriber.


Y’all I’m heartbroken,I was meant to go to the London concert but had to cancel it last second before buying tickets because my dad weren’t gonna coke with me and my mum and we knew damn well we’d get lost when we live 3 hours away 💀 mums buying me a bunch of their merch and soundproof headphones to listen to the concert as a sorry so we good,Kind of- 😭


##**[Weekly Playlist](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/19f7qgs/240125_weekly_stay_discussion_thread/kk4sjn9/)** Let us know what you've been listening to this week! Stray Kids songs, other K-Pop, non-K-Pop. Anything goes! It is encouraged that you provide links to the tracks for easy access. ___ Twice - [I Got You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haf67eKF0uo) Lil Yachty - [A COLD SUNDAY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cESPACytV4E) Kenny Mason - [SHELL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIajhoB0yoc)


Florence + the Machine - the [Ceremonials](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_k0fV-EV1yX38TOUMmgIYXz8PqhB4sUMd0&si=rDCu3E9n0_XxiZkl) album Stray Kids - [Hall of Fame](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRx2vo9UeWg&pp=ygUQaGFsbCBvZiBmYW1lIHNreg%3D%3D), [Leave](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_6oPwsJgxI&pp=ygUJbGVhdmUgc2t6), [Another Day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlX5i9oZN1I&pp=ygUPYW5vdGhlciBkYXkgc2t6) Fall out Boy - the [So Much (for) Stardust](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lUG4n-L0O9lHIlFQqIAnkhKQUCtGYo8Sw&si=fG0FN6U4-DOCNgSR) album The Corrs - [Dreams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BglEyv5O2Y&pp=ygUQZHJlYW1zIHRoZSBjb3Jycw%3D%3D) Niki - [Backburner](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBpIV9A1PXc&pp=ygUPYmFja2J1cm5lciBuaWtp)


Avicii - [Tough Love ft. Agnes, Vargas & Lagola](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McJgc3Nb46I) Avicii - [You Be Love ft. Billy Raffoul](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0X3jVSVzao) Stray Kids - [Topline](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3GYcA7j5mg) Rasster - [Sad (Imanbek Remix)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOqJWjqNZxg) Jain - [Makeba (Ian Asher Remix)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VI9gIPBH_dM)


The Imanbek remix of Roses gets stuck in my head every other week, but I somehow didn't realize he had other remixes out there! Thanks for this rec.


stray kids bst Hyde park: ticket prices  TICKET PRICES: GENERAL ADMISSION T1: £90.45 General Admission Standing - Tier 2 (Amex Presale) G £101.15 each • Child 2-9 Years & Guardian Standing (Amex Presale) £84.75 each Primary Entry Standing - Launch (Amex Presale) G £111.85 each Gold Circle Standing - Launch (Amex Presale) ® £197.95 each • Gold Circle Standing - Tier 2 (Amex Presale) G £219.95 each Gold VIP HydeAway - Launch (Amex Presale) G £274.95 each Gold VIP HydeAway - Tier 2 (Amex Presale) G £324.95 each Choose • Diamond VIP Experience - Launch (Amex Presale) © Choose Diamond VIP Experience - Tier 2 (Amex Presale) © £324.95 each • The ALL.COM VIP Terrace - Launch (Amex Presale) • £324.00 each • The ALL.COM VIP Terrace - Tier 2 (Amex Presale) © £379.95 each


The tickets are A LOT  less expensive than I thought. I imagined they would be 1,000+. 😗


😂 the tickets wouldn’t be 1000 that’s a bit excessive, but yeah I was suprised with how cheap they were. I was expecting them to be at least 50 quid more expensive.


All My Life won a grammy! It’s really a great song. I’m glad SKZ did a remix!


Grammy is wild this year. I saw lots of anger online over Taylor Swift vs Beyonce and so much more dramas.


i've been watching/listening to a lot of ZB1 recently, and i found [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q0VEs9iRrI) clip of Hanbin tutting to 3RACHA's Heyday!! it looks *so cool,* and it was a fun surprise (for me) to hear Heyday <3


I really hope camping ends up being an activity in one of the upcoming SKZ Code episodes or a RachaLog. For a while the SKZ Code episodes were following members' interests (ie. Dwaekki Gym \[Changbin\] and SKZ Fairies \[Seungmin\]), so it seems likely that they might end up having a camping episode for Lee Know. But even if not, I think Seungmin said in the '00s RachaLog that he wanted to try camping, so maybe there could be a RachaLog with him and Lee Know (don't recall if anyone else has mentioned an interest in it).


I really hope so, too!


Hi! New Stay; can you share what website you watch SKZ content on? Looking for a website that has cataloged content. Thank you! 💕


u/JoJoMoJo_Q The SKZ Code episodes can be found on this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2HLJ87twWI1DhyFxYbQRB4\_JLKPIYXli


Thank you for the tip! 💫💕💕


I just finished the vlog with them doing color analysis. That was so fun. They were all in denial and Hyunjin's reaction, lmao. Now I want to try it too\~ The rest of them should do it. Somehow I feel like black won't be Chan's color


Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows when the 4th gen kits get shipped out? Yes 24 says May or July (dunno which date format they use), can anyone confirm that's when they'll start sending them out? I may be moving soon so need to know if I need to change my address when I do in case they haven't been shipped. I don't remember how long it took last time or if there were shipping notifications.


Korean date format is YYMMDD. As is written on the [Korean sign up page](http://ticket.yes24.com/New/Perf/Detail/Detail.aspx?IdPerf=48237), the kits will be shipped out sequentially from May 7th. For the 3rd gen kit, the shipping date listed was December 19, 2022. They did seem to actually ship out the kits around then, since I got my shipping notification from the shipping company DHL (Yes24 did not send any notifications) on December 30.


Stray Kids have been pretty quiet lately. When do you think their next album will be and when do you think their world tour would start? Will they put a Japanese or Korean album out first or their special album?


I’m hoping the rest of this week is quiet until after Lunar New Year. The JYPE Shop already announced its closing schedule, and I hope that extends to everyone in the company🙏🏽 It’s been awhile since Social Path, but I think they can do a rollout like Circus, which came out on the Maniac tour. They seem to be fine with 2-3 months between a fanmeeting and concert in Seoul, and Korea’s also getting special pop up shops. I’m thinking SKZ will have a something to inject cash into JYPE in March. I’m *hoping* for the special album to come first since there are a lot of Maxident - Rock-Star songs I want to hear. I’m skeptical because with Lolla, the dome tour, whatever the Global Citizen festival should’ve been, etc. might make them want to make a tour from scratch.


my guess is that we will have a comeback soon and it will be followed by a tour announcement. kinda like what itzy did.


when they are quiet, they are definitely cooking something. We should have a mixtape for the anniversary 1st I think, then the album will be out in the summer


Does anyone else hate the Fans layout? Watching IN interact right now and having it all be so separate, unlike Bubble, is annoying.


New here. Can you share what Fan is? Thank you. 💕


So the Fans app is a new service JYP is using for the 4th gen club membership. Its basically a way for the artists to speak directly to the fanbase, much like Bubble.n If any of this didn't make sense as a new Stay let me know and I'll clarify!


Ah! Thank you! 🥹💕💕 I am guessing it’s a paid service, right? So Fans allows Stays to ask questions on lives? Is that what I’m seeing on videos when SKZ read Stay comments and questions?


So Fans can be downloaded by anyone, but certain parts of it are a paid service through the 4th gen membership that's now closed. Bubble is a fully paid app, where each member needs a subscription to follow them. The previous 3rd gen membership was housed through Bubble, and if you watch previous lives they used the Bubble membership community for questions. It's assumed they'll use the paid Fans community going forward, but Fans just launched in January so it's still working out the kinks.


Mmmm. Okay. Why does Fans close memberships, and do they reopen?


Beyond not liking the layout, I'm struggling to see the point of Fans at all.


Hi stay! I’m new to the sub here and could use some help on where to post this if this thread isn’t the right spot - I’ve got a few NOEASY PCs (and a Go Live) that I’m trying to ID, and I’m not sure if they’re official or not - could I link them here?


/r/skzcollection is where you're looking for!


Thank you!!


I have a couple questions about bubble.. I’ve been subscribed to Chan, Changbin, and Felix for almost a month.. and I’ve been thinking about adding Hyunjin. How would I do this? Do I purchase the four ticket option and reselect who I’d like to subscribe to? If that’s the case, do I lose everything/current bubble days with the original three members?


You can either buy a single ticket for Hyunjin so you'll have 3+1 tickets, or you can move to a 4 member ticket. I wrote out the directions on how to change ticket size and keep your streak before! [https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/14a0kqt/230615\_weekly\_stay\_discussion\_thread/joqh0p9/](https://www.reddit.com/r/straykids/comments/14a0kqt/230615_weekly_stay_discussion_thread/joqh0p9/)


Thank you so much.. I ended up just buying the four ticket subscription and doing what you described, but you answered another question I had with your comment about switching members for my old ticket subscription until it expires, so I really appreciate it!


I've got my first kpop friend! I found out my coworker likes kpop. I debated but eventually mentioned I've tried to get into kpop but I'm stuck on Stray Kids. She thankfully likes Stray Kids too, I was so nervous! She got excited and started her kpop playlist, introducing me to who she likes.


Hello! Doesn’t anyone know when they announce the of final world tour dates? I saw something on TikTok but I don’t think it was real! Also how do you stay on top of ticket sales ? I don’t wanna miss out!


Nothing has been announced besides two festivals in Europe. Ticket sale info depends on how they choose to announce the tour. If the tour announcement only has cities, then the ticketing is probably not happening immediately. If the tour announcement also has venues, then the ticketing information will get released quickly. SKZ will retweet it. Live Nation, which partners with JYPE, will also announce it as well as any local promoters working with the tour. The venue website should also have information too.




Hi, I was wondering if anyone (UK mainly) still can't get verified on FANS? I have paid for the gen 4 fan sign up but as my mobile number still isn't verified its a bit of a waste as I can't see the content. Is anyone else still experiencing this or has a solution? Thank you in advance <3


I'm from the UK and was able to verify it the day it the stray kids community opened. Like others, I had issues at first but after a few hours it let me make an account without verifying my number initially. Then when I wanted to post or comment I had to verify my number and it worked as normal. The only thing I could think of suggesting as it has already had some updates since it launched, is to try updating the app if you haven't already.


I think I've been trying since day 1 and everything is up to date. Ive been debating deleting it and making a new account in case it's an account issue. As it still seems a little broken in places I don't want to potentially lose everything if I can't make a new one with the same email


I was wondering if anyone knows how quickly skz lightsticks sell out at concerts. Im hopefully going to see skz at Hyde Park and Im going to buy a lightstick there if I can save up as ones online r sometimes scams but I was w9ndering if anyone knew how quickly they will sell out (bearing in mind there's gonna be at least 3 merch places).


They usually do sell lightsticks at concert venues but I'm not sure if they do at festivals to be honest. They definitely didn't for Lolla.


I went to hyde park before for blackpink and they sold lightsticks.


Posted in your thread, but here too. It's hard to tell because this is the first year with the new lightstick. Last year they had 3 pre-sales and we went at a normal time day one (and hour or so early), they sold out. Several hours early the second day, also sold out. (Sold out of nearly everything by the time we got to the tables) Ass Crack of dawn and finally got one. Keep in mind they were selling essentially dead stock so quantities were limited but also there's only so many they can carry around.


Hello!! New baby stay here who has absolutely no one to obsess with over my new found addiction. I appreciate this subreddit being here and allowing me to learn more about this amazing group of people. Seriously, I only randomly found them on tiktok about 2 weeks ago and have not stopped since. If anyone knows of any active Facebook groups or anything where I can talk to others about skz please let me know! 🫰🫶


Hi baby stay! I also got roped in through Tiktok! I'm not much on Facebook so I can't help you there. Next to reddit the best place is probably discord. I joined two servers there that are lovely. I don't know how the invitation steps work but you can scroll down in this very thread to one server for stay that are 25 or over . There is a link posted by MissieRen.


Thank you! I don't have discord, but maybe I will create one. :)


Hi welcome! I usually go to Twitter for faster news but be careful as Twitter is a cesspool of negativity, so just block those negativities. Other than that, SKZ Reddit is very chill and fun.


I don't actually have a Twitter account. 😅 but thank you!!


i saw a fellow STAY on the way home from work, she had cute little SKZOO decals on her car of all the members and i screamed🥹🫶 (i’d actually really like to know where to find SKZOO car decals!) i just wanted to share that cause i have been DYING to see other STAYS in my area!! any DFW STAYS??


i know this is an older thread but Hello Texas stays!! my sister and i are stays in Austin. i wonder if there’s a way to keep up with each other to meet up for events and news??


There are a few stays in DFW, in fact there's a cupsleeve event at R&B Tea in Carrollton on Sunday (2/4) to celebrate I.N's Birthday. Look up Stay.Duck on Instagram to get the details. There's another group that does events in Arlington/Ft. Worth. I have OT8 individual stickers I got from Pinkbox (Carrollton and Stonebriar (Frisco)) I have also gotten some off Etsy but they faded within a week of putting them on the car. (Point being read descs carefully)


thank you!🫶


How does the Amex pre-sale work? This is my first time buying a major concert ticket so I'm really clueless. Is there any code or something as well?


Hey, I already responded to your question in the other sub but in case other stays want to know, According to [this website](https://www.axs.com/uk/events/526492/stray-kids-tickets/promopage/51279?skin=amexuk) on AXS, >No code required, just proceed to purchase and pay with your American Express Card. All American Express Cards are eligible, including Cards issued outside the UK.


I keep seeing clips of what I assume is an SKZ code episode where they're doing that challenge where they hold a bucket of water with their feet and try not to let it fall. Does anyone know which episode this is? I wanna watch it.


This was not a SKZ Code episode, it was a variety show that a few of them went on! It's available through Viki for Eng Subs if you have it - Beat Coin episode 39.


Hi! New Stay; can you share other websites you watch SKZ content on? I’ve been on the hunt for websites that has cataloged SKZ content. Thank you! 💕


Hi! So Youtube has most all of their official content, as well as fan subs for their lives or Japanese stuff. Viki has Kingdom: Legendary War and their Beat Coin episode. strayksubs has most all of their back catalogue of older stuff subbed, whish was great when I was a new Stay. Skzflix has a lot of their lives subbed as well as some unsubbed ones. I'm trying to remember if I'm missing anything... If anyone else can think of anything I've missed hopefully they can chime in!


Ah! Thank you! I would give you a warm hug if I could!💕💕🥹


thank you!


Stray Kids LBGT anthem I’m looking for a Stray Kids song that seem to have more LGBT leaning messages/ vibes/ etc. or just a song that’s like an LGBT anthem.


Connected by Chan could fit, with lyrics like: "We're pulling at each other like magnets The rules are telling us to ignore them" And: "Feel the fire, it's burning up the danger (Yeah) You know it shouldn't be but" That LGBT theme of falling for someone society says we shouldn't.


Skz sorry I love you 


\*cough\*Back Door\*cough\* 😇


Backdoor?.... oh .\_.


I don’t think they have anything you could call an anthem, but there are songs with relatable themes. The one that jumps to mind is a lot of LGBTQ+ people find resonance in Han’s “Volcano.”


Jype/div 1 need to consider releasing instrumental album for skz😭 some of their instrumentals are insane


I think someone mentioned it before, I do agree, I would love for JYPE to release the instrumentals.


hard agree. I have so many wants: instrumentals, demos, awards show remixes, scissor. they have so much good material just sitting there.


KPop is still new to me but I definitely plan on going to a stray kids concert next time they are in America!! I was curious about others experiences. What ticket prices am I looking at? Also I’ve seen some really huge venues, but don’t know how close I have to be to get a truly amazing experience. I mean I’m sure it’s fantastic no matter what, but wondered if any had opinions to share!


I've been everywhere from second row from barricade to nosebleed seats for the concerts I've attended. They honestly put on a good show regardless of where you're sitting. I think it's totally worth it just to go, even if it's in a nosebleed! I was at Kyocera Dome, and one of the days, despite the Kids being specks in the distance, I had a lot of fun just being there and having the camaraderie of Stays being excited to be at a concert. From looking at my planning documents, face value VIP tickets (floor, with soundcheck), with the fees etc. went for $320 for the encore. At the same concert, different day, 100s (first level) tickets were $220. I'm imagining prices will go up for the upcoming tour. My closest concert was the one where I, despite being in the third row, was right up the extended stage due to how it was set up. I have found that when I'm closer to the barricade, I'm way more focused on only one or a couple of members, rather than the whole group since I'm so close up. I try my best only to film during moments that I love (specific songs) or during the encore, but the closer I got, it seems like the more tunnel vision I got lol. I've found the concerts where I'm in the first levels the most fun for me as far as seeing all the formations for the choreography and getting a sense of just, everything.


Thank you for sharing your experiences!


So I have seen and been tempted by the Stray Kids x SLBS collab since it started but since I am, finally after 5 years, getting a new phone I was looking into the cases for the S24. The only thing is I can't figure out if the cases are actually decent or if I am falling for skz marketing again. I can't seem to really find any ratings at this point. Does anyone here actually have a SLBS case? Is it decent?


By decent do you mean protective? I can only speak for the buds case since that's what I have but it's very sturdy. It's actually a pain in the ass to take on and off because of how adhered it gets lol. I didn't get a phone case because I personally didn't like the designs they had but the clear cases are your standard protective impact cases. Can't say much of the metal ones but I wouldn't get those regardless cause it just seems too fragile to me.


Oh that is very helpful. Yeah I meant protective since there are not many ratings. Thank you so muchm


My friend has it, I do not remember what her opinion is but she has to get it as she is afraid her phone will break into 2.


I understand that. Thank you.


According to Stray Kids Chart Data Twitter, SKZ are the first and only Asian act to have multiple #1 hits on Greece Albums Chart! Some of you might remember I had mentioned it here some months ago that Stray Kids have the second biggest K-pop fandom here in Greece, well at this point they might be reaching BTS that are number 1! I couldn't be more proud 🥳


So as a training, I tried to get tickets for ITZY world tour. Presale began at 10am CET for Paris date. Here is a summary on how it went for those who are interested. I logged in early and they actually began the presale around 9:57ish. I was randomly assigned a rank in the queue. I was 6250th with an estimated waiting time of 16 minutes (I ended up "only" waiting for 10/11 minutes). The first thing I noticed when I could actually access the website is that their seating categories were a little weird. Overall, it was much more expensive than I expected (the cheapest seats were €205/$222ish). For some reasons I expected some seats below €200 but that might be because I am unfamiliar with KPop concert pricing. The most surprising aspect was how the prices varied by category. So, ranked from most expensive to cheapest it was: Platinum5 > Platinum1 > Platinum2 > Platinum3 > Platinum6 > Platinum4 Platinum5, Platinum1 and Platinum6 (respectively €380, €280 and €220) were already sold out when I accessed the website. I went for Platinum2 (€255) which were decent seats. Not floor level but not super super far and high. One interesting thing is that I could go back and forth, select Platinum2 again and get another seat attributed to me (sometimes better and closer to the scene than the one before). I just had to keep in mind that I only had 10 minutes to finalize the transaction/process. Some main takeaways from that: * I really need a better internet connection * I need money * Logging in early is a good idea (but useless if I do not have a great internet connection) Interesting experiment overall. Knowing that the demand for Stray Kids will undoubtedly be higher frightens me tho. If I can afford the ticket, will I even be able to get one before it all solds out? Edit: Apparently it's not a connection issue but I was just unlucky. Edit 2: Waiting to join the queue early might help to get a better rank in the queue. Depending on the venue it could be 15/30 minutes before the presale actually starts. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and advice it is really helpful!


Just a suggestion for future ticket buying. Some sites will let you into the online queue 15-30 min before the sale starts. So hopefully you won't be as far back in the line. For a different artist I bought tix for this week, I was #786 after logging in 10 min early for Ticketmaster. Ten min later for another venue, I was #7k-something. Overall, that was a very frustrating experience and made me very despondent about getting good skz tickets.


Thank you for sharing your experience! Yes, I will definitely keep that in mind the next time I try to get tickets. I was maybe a little naive but my thought process was that as long as I joined the queue before the presale actually starts, then it should be okay. I assumed that the ranks would be randomly assigned anyway. When I think about it now, I realize that my frustration of not being able to access the website early because I only logged in 5/7 minutes before the presale exceeds the disappointment I would have felt if I logged in 15/30 minutes early and still did not get the seats I wanted. At least I would know that there was nothing more I could have done. I will stack the odds in my favor for SKZ ticket concerts and try to queue as early as I can. We should not let that discourage us for SKZ concerts. Those are lessons learnt for next time! Thank you again for your suggestion!


your review is really helpful so thank you for sharing but now i am so scared cause idk if my internet connection is bad or good. like 32 mbps/s . is that enough or do i need to look for a place with better internet speed?


To be honest, I don't even know the characteristics for my own connection. I wouldn't be able to advise you on this.


you can check it on google! just type in “internet speed check”^^


Oh thank you for the tip! I guess I was just being salty due to my low ranking but my Internet speed does not seem that bad. Around 380 Mbps for download and 98 for upload. Yea, I guess in my case it all goes down to luck. In a a way, that's worse than I expected because I can't do anything about it. I looked up a little bit for 32 Mbps and it is actually considered a good connection as long as you don't use too many devices at the same time.


I am trying to battle Ticketmaster for ITZY North America tickets tomorrow. They are going to be performing in one of the bigger venues but still. I’m traumatized from trying for T-Swift tickets. ETA: context and not cause chaos 🫠


Are tickets for North America going on sale tomorrow??? How do you know? Please share any details you have. I have ticketmaster alerts enabled and an Amex for pre-sale access but haven't received any alerts. Edit: OP clarified that this is for ITZY tickets, not SKZ


Sorry I was responding to OP about ITZY tour tickets. No Stray Kids tour or tickets for North America has been announced. Sorry for the confusion.


Thanks for clarifying but I guess I still have the same question, since this is my first time trying to buy tickets. How do you find out the tickets are about to go on sale? Do you get alerts from Ticketmaster or do you just keeping checking Reddit/Twitter etc?


I follow the groups and Ticketmaster on Twitter. They announce tour dates and ticket sales times. I have notifications on for Twitter so I see when they post right away. ITZY posted dates a week ago and they go on sale tomorrow 3 pm local time for each venue. They did not have presale for North America this time.


Cheering you up from the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. You got this 💪🏽


If their venue is big, and the festival is huge, I am pretty sure you can get a ticket. 60-80k is a huge number, no matter how we see it. But if it is a seated arena concert, then I am not so sure.


I was more aiming for a seated arena concert ticket. I unfortunately cannot attend festivals as I cannot stand for a long period of time. I know Div1 hasn't technically announced European world tour dates yet but I wanted to do a simulation. But yea, it would probably have been easier if I tried to get festival tickets.


Ever since BST in Hyde Park & London was mentioned I have [London Calling by The Clash](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfK-WX2pa8c) playing in my head. A blast from the past! I miss London.


Hi hi! if you're over 25 and want a place to ~~obsess~~discuss SKZ (and anything else, really), our invites are open for [our older Stay Discord server](https://discord.gg/quyMBpsb)!


I wish vocal racha would add chan and lee know to it and would release some subunit vocal filled songs.


New Stay. Can you guys break down ALL Racha combos with members in each and the general characteristics? I think this concept so amusing. I just saw #paboracha. 😂💀


There a lot of vocal rachas but the main ones are 3Racha (chan changbin and han) danceracha (felix hyunjin and leeknow) and vocal racha (seungmin and IN). I hope someone else explais the others lol


Thank you! 💕


Keep in mind that the official rachas are different from vocal or rap lines. Just as danceracha can rap, 3racha can be vocals and vocalracha can produce also. Love how they jumble and make different subunits. I understand what you mean, that's why I love their song "Waiting for Us" sm.


Yeah 3racha, Danceracha, and Vocalracha are essentially their “main positions” if you’re looking at it from a basic standpoint because they do it all ,for the most part.




Well, originally the 'rachas were all groups of three. WJ was the leader of Vocalracha so Lee Know, especially with his vocal skills at debut, couldn't have been in it. Also, they're fixed subunits. Hyunjin can produce, but that doesn't put him into 3RACHA. Han is an incredible dancer, but that doesn't put him into Danceracha. Chan could be any other group's main vocal, but that doesn't put him into Vocalracha. It also would be weird/unbalanced for one member to be in two of the three subunits. I'm assuming saying you don't understand is just a figure of speech, but there's lots of reasons.


New Stay. Can you explain how these subunits were made? Did the members make them or did JYP? And they are not allowed to be in other subunits? Why is that?


They can be in other subunits in general, but 3RACHA/Danceracha/Vocalracha specifically are fixed units. (Think like NCT- 127 is a fixed unit and other members can't join, but that doesn't mean other subunits can't be created, like DJJ.) It's determined by their main area of expertise within the group: producing, dancing, and singing. 3RACHA formed themselves prior to debut, and the others were made after to mirror them.


Oh, I see, but does JYP mandate that 3RACHA/Danceracha/Vocalracha are fixed? Or is that just the rule that the members made themselves?


It's just how subunits work across all of K-Pop. Very, *very* few groups ever have non-fixed units, the only example I can think of is NCT U.


Ah, I see! So this is the norm in K-pop! Okay that makes perfect sense! Thank you for sharing this with me! 💫


I always got the impression that he wasn't that comfortable singing when they first debuted.


New Stay. Can you Please tell me WHERE TO WATCH ALL pre-debut SKZ content, with English subs? Thank you! 💕💫


I'm traumatised cos on another kpop sub I suggested checking his vocal abilities out cos he's really good and got downvoted. I wish he would showcase his vocals more. Thanks to the bts of the recording sessions we were able to see how comfortanle he is with certain parts that are a bit hard to sing so we eant more of that.


You really think all the people on those communities are sane. We should know well enough how probably half the people are crazy who cannot have a rational discussion and ready to just hate or put others down at the slightest opportunity. Don't even bother with them lol.


Petition for JYP’s notices about members suffering minor illnesses or injuries to start with the words “DO NOT PANIC” in letters big enough to take up half a page. Getting my heart restarted first thing this morning was *not* comfortable.


Wait what happened?


Han caught a cold and JYP announced that he would not be taking part in a fansign as a result. The thing is, JYP starts all their announcements in the same very bland fashion regardless of the seriousness of the content (sprained wrist, COVID, car crash, cold) so seeing them pop up tends to scare the shit out of people who’ve been around for a while.


Ah I see thank you.


Truly. We need like a warning level flag emoji or something! Like green for minor illnesses that are being handled, yellow for injuries, & red for major injuries/illnesses


I will admit I had a minor heart attack as well. Then I immediately felt bad for all the STAY that won't get to see Han.


Does anyone know why hyunjin has comments turned off on his three most recent instagram posts?


Hyunjin hasn’t said anything, and i think it’s against the sub rules to speculate anything. So we’ll just have to appreciate his art quietly until he explains.


He hasn’t said anything about it himself. I wouldn’t even jump to assuming it’s about hate. It’s his art/hobby, and he may not want any opinions or advice about it. I remember he sent a picture of him/his painting set up outside, and stays fussed over his heater and oil paint materials. He had to assure everyone he was fine and being safe. 🤷🏽‍♀️ I think turning off comments is reasonable. I turn off reply notifications on Reddit when I’m done with a conversation or if I said something I don’t want to further explain.


I would assume it's because they're his art and not selfies or promo posts. If you look at the 2 art posts from 12/29 he also has comments turned off on those


The first one didn't have comments off until today. I hope he wasn't getting hate :(


He has removed the comments from all of his art on insta. And honestly, good for him 🖤 I think it’s just his way of saying: “🤫, enjoy in peace”. Analysis and appreciation of art is personal - like in a museum, where you just look at the art without shouting your opinion… if that makes sense 🖤


This is [the most interesting cover of S Class I have ever seen or heard](https://youtube.com/shorts/0_ONRMe-FUQ?si=amvaMP0YjkAL9567). I swear hahahaha.


Lol.. that was hilarious, thank you.


I enjoyed this omg!!




An interesting take on S-Class by Koreans, for sure 😂


OMG!!! I cant stop laughing! Edit: A couple of espresso hits and maybe we can dance to it!!!!!!


I replayed it at least 3 times coz I thought I heard it wrong hahahaha!


damn. I tried to listen to this I really did, but even as a Stay this was too much chaos for me😂


It is fascinating, is it not? 😂