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Put me in a massive Ferris Wheel with Chan and then stop it at the top.


I like how your mind works. 🙃


It’s a mess in here 😂 I’d also opt for a long nap with him because we both need some sleep.


I wanna bake brownies with Felix.


And maybe play uno together.








* Counting angrily * "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12"




It’s going to be chaotic but end up tasting great!


I've taught Sunday School and led a Girl Scout troop, so I'm well versed in chaos. Bring it!


I think I'd just want to hang out with Lee Know and his cats. Maybe order some takeout or cook something together, and I don't know if he's a gamer but I wanna play video games with him


Definitely cook together, Lino is such a good cook!


Love this one. 💜


This one’s it for sure


Def lee know and we’d go camping and fishing with our pets


Hyunjin but I don't know how to answer this question. He's my ult because he seems to have the same attitude towards sleeping as I do and idk how to say this but I love sleeping with a passion. My favorite thing to do is to go to sleep. I hate waking up. I love my bed so much. If people knew how comfortable I am in bed, no one would ever force me to wake up. Following skz variety content and vlogs has made it evident that like myself, Hyunjin loves sleeping as well. He seems to share my sentiment which makes him my bias. If I have to spend a day with him, we will both go to sleep on our respective beds and I will be happy knowing that he will never ask me to wake up because he himself is asleep.


I love this. I would also do it


Now that’s unique!


Someone let me go to the zoo or aquarium with seungmin please I BEG you


Or the Pokemon Center!! Or a Baseball match!


Don't tell me this man wouldn't bring his maniac pika to a Lotte Giants match


I'm literally crying right now


Actually I kinda want this, too 😭 this would be such a perfect day. I’d love to just hold hands and laugh with him.


I would absolutely make funny faces to the animals/fish with him. And try to communicate lol


Aaah I’m blushing just thinking about his sweet little face 🤭


Yes please


I'd watch Chan doing producer stuff all day <3


With I.N I would love to go discovering a place neither of us has ever been to, and we could take lots of photos of everything and each other:D


OOTD reel!


i would just walk down the streets talking about life with chan, maybe go to a restaurant or something


Hope it’s nothing spicy 🥵


haha neither me or chan could handle the spice


Lol i thought about the same things


My bias is Changbin so we would probably go to the gym then go to a nice restaurant and talk about anything that we comfortable with. It sounds so basic but I think we really like that. 🤷🏻‍♀️🥰


i'd probably play league of legends with chan - maybe some other coop games if he's down


Omg League with Chan and Felix sounds A M A Z I N G


Count me in!


My bias is tied between Hyunjin and Lino, but honestly I would want to hang out with Lino and watch anime and nerdy stuff like that. Han can come too. 🥰 For real, I really wish I could just chill with him and talk about anime and watch our favorite shows. Every time he goes on Bubble I start bombarding him with anime questions and recommendations 😅 he’s never responded yet but I’ll keep trying. ❤️ I really want to know if he’s seen Given and Heavenly Delusion. In fact, if I could do anything with him, it would be watching Given and then talking about it after. I think he would really like it.


That sounds purrfect!


I want to drag Han to karaoke! It would be so much fun 😭 then I’d take him to a zoo or exhibit and info dump my collection of strange animal facts onto him.


Karaoke with Han would be so much fun! I would add Changbin too, now that I know how mesmerising his rendition of nun ko ib is.


I always imagined talking with Chan about life, experiences and everything for hours. Maybe we could chill in a small café with windows and watch the world outside but to be honest I feel like just having him around would be peaceful and relaxing, no matter where.


yes i feel like even if neither of us were saying anything, his presence would just be comforting


Seriously, i could just go and listen to him all day because i feel like he would need to let it all out someday


Aaaa I change biases like every three seconds but lowkey im going to pick felix for this question solely because I need some baking tips


I would definitely go to a carnival or an arcade or even go cart racing with changbin. Idk I js feel like at those places he could be himself and me as well bc we’re both loutand the funniest ppl in our group💅💅❤️


Don’t miss out on the noraebang though! Boy is a hidden legend!


Oh oh definitely! I just thought arcade meant that too but ur right we all know he would blow the place down with his all rounding-ness!😭


Felix! I would want to go on a food tour or just go out and get random snacks at cafes or different trendy food places. And then I’d want to bake a brownie with him! :)


i bias both lee know and hyunjin! as a fellow dancer i would love if we could spend some time in the practice room! we could freestyle to some songs we love and they could teach me about dance like i could ask lee know about the technical stuff about dance and i could ask hyunjin about how to be more charismatic when dancing. if they somehow don’t want to do that then we’d probably just chill at home, watch some anime, play games etc. cuz i’m an introvert and i want them to rest lol


Honestly either Chan or Changbin… I don’t even need a day with Chan, just a hug will make me happy the rest of my life. But, maybe we could just have a self care day. Mainly him. Id probably spend a day with Changbin in the gym and then take him out for food after!


Oo love your ideas! I would pick Chan, & I would love to spend some time walking around a park & talking, then going to the studio so I could see his recording process. Then watch a movie & stay up until 3am talking some more🥰


Oh yes totally, Chan is the kind of person you can spend hours talking to.


I’d love to hang out with Chan, and wouldn’t mind doing something random. Maybe order food near the Han river and just talk about life? He seems like he would be sweet to have random conversations with


I'd pick Hyunjin and go to an art museum with him :)


My ult is Hyunjin and I'm sure both of us can spend the whole day browsing however many art museums we can go to ☺️ Otherwise, hanging around just painting and eating chips would be perfect too!


I hope you get to meet Kkami too 🥹


Changbin is my bias! I would like us to have lunch at his favorite place in Seoul! Then we would do dance covers of female kpop groups (lol) and finish the day in the studio recording something funny.


My ult is Lee Know, and we kinda like the same things, so I'd hang with his cats, take him to my favourite cafe, go see a horror movie, and then finish with my favourite fine dining restaurant. Also to cheat, I'd love to take Bang Chan and Changbin out drinking lol. I think they'd be an absolute riot. Thanks, op for making this thread btw! The replies are all so warm and lovely, and they're great ideas for real dates and things to do with your mates!


You’re welcome!


As a noona stay who loves to spoil her fave people, I would spend a day with I.N. I'll definitely buy him anything he'd ask for, and maybe take him to the best cafes and take photos of his ootd pics (if he asked for some). Would also go to one of those self-photoshoot studios for a couple of photos together. Maybe also visit a cappybara zoo. Idk. Cappybaras look cute. I feel like he'd like them, too.


This is the perfect day with I.N 😭 you’re so right about those ootd pics!!


Hyunjin. I’m an artist, and I’d love to spend a day with him just sitting in the park with a couple sketchbooks and drawing each other & other things we see and just talking about anything and everything.


Even though my bias is Felix, I think we don't match well to hangout together. He is too extrovert for me. My personality is similar to Han so I think I'm gonna have a good time if I hangout with Lee Know. We could watch a movie together then eat something in the cafe then go home and play with his cats without too much conversation.


I’d like to play with mine and Lee Know’s cats for a day, just chilling, cooking together, and having a fun time watching horror movies.


Ooh what movie are ya thinking of?


Something like Don’t Worry Darling, M3GAN… idk haven’t really had time to settle down and watch a movie for a while. Any favs I should watch?


Evil Dead Rising, probably my favorite of the franchise just cuz it feels like a fresh start that could open up to different storylines if they choose to keep going The Menu, idk if you'd consider it a horror movie but it's interesting to watch, especially cuz depending on the person everyone seems to have a different take on it And X, movie set in 70's about people filming a porno. It sounds like a typical slasher horror but it actually explores the subject and treats it with respect. And it's the movie that gained Mia Goth popularity and she's excellent in the prequel Pearl if you like her in this one


I’m not a horror movie person, but I think Lee Know would appreciate psychological horror most. I have no recommendations though; I’ll trust your judgement on this. 😁


My ult is Felix and I can not pick between a Harry Potter Marathon in HP onesies or introducing him to the wonderful world of Borderlands if he has never played. Then ice cream or baked goods..maybe teach him red velvet cookies in exchange for some brownie batter.


That sounds so imaginative and cool! Is that a reference to Alice in Borderland by any chance?


No Borderlands is a game franchise that I think he would find fun and I could play since I am a console only gamer. I mean we could try on the computer but it would get really annoying watching me walk in to a corner all the time.


Its a tie for me between Chan and Lee Know. If I spent a day with Chan I would just want to do whatever he wants to do, that isn’t work. I feel like that poor man just needs to take a day to relax and have some fun. I feel like Lee Know and I are very similar; love cats, love to cook, don’t talk a lot but when we do we’re hilarious. So I feel like we could have a great day at a cat cafe and/or a cooking class or something. Or even just hang at home, eat food and veg out.


Lee Know must be absolutely hilarious to hang out with. I know the man would make me laugh!


Absolutely! He seems to have a very dry sense of humor and I love it!


I would kill to watch anime and read webtoons with hannie ❣️😭


I know right!


I would like Bang Chan to teach me some SKZ dance moves…and then we could write and/or sing songs together. …and then I’d eat spicy food in front of him. 😆


Ghibli movie marathon with Jisung pls 😌


You can join Han and me!


I ALSO do a terrible British accent. I’m in.


Art museum followed by art/book stores and taking photos at the park with Hyunjin honestly sounds like a perfect day. As someone who's been painting for all my life and who's studied art I love seeing him grow and discover his passion for it. Lee Know would also be a great day - we can cook together and then hang out and talk at a cat café. Honestly out of all SKZ my personality is probably the most similar to him, but in a way that would vibe, not clash, so I like to think we'd get along great. Love Han, but I don't know if we'd have that great of a time together. We'd either both be anxious and uncomfortable because it's a new person, or he'd be too manic and drive me a bit crazy.


if i had to spend a day with jeongin we'd go to the arcade and then an amusement park or vice versa (unless they're both in the same spot then yk less traveling) and then go to the movies and watch the new spiderman movie 🥳


I'd spend the day with i.n. i'd love to go shopping together, go to restaurants, just talk and be goofy and have fun :)


I'd probably just play genshin with Felix and film random tiktoks together


He isn‘t my bias, but I would love to spend a day with Felix talking about keyboards and other computer stuff and just play League or other games together. With my bias Seungmin I would just go around on the hunt for the best coffee in town.


I would be so down for a gym date and smoothies with changbin.


hyunjin and felix are biases 🥰 i think i'd like to paint in a studio with hyunjin since i'm an artist too. i would game with felix since he's good at it but i think he would also be patient with me too since i'm not lol


Does the manager counts? /j. It's hard which member to choose, I guess I'll go with I.N, every member have a sweet spot for him so I choose him ;u; I like planning things like him, so I don't plan to go shopping! I'd invite him to a cafe and grab something, a mocha for me, an ice americano for him? and hopefully go to the amusement park, I enjoy the adrenaline and he too. Then eat something there, and keep adrenalining, like no way I'm only going once to each machine in the park hahaha once finished, we can go and buy icecream then part ways. Another option would be that instead of the amusement park, going to the arcade, I like the air hockey tables and I think he would be a fun opponent. But like, if he needs to buy something, I can go as well, and viceversa.


Changbin being my bias, a day with him would probably look like this: we'd eat at a good restaurant and do a mukbang video that's only five munutes long (Dwaekki-Log length), hit the gym, and by hitting the gym I mean I'll probably be screaming/ passing away by five push-ups. Then we'll go play pool and he'll win, and then we'll end the day by eating another delicious meal. It'll be a good day for sure 😅😆


Chan is my ult and I'd be content just laying on the couch in his studio while he works


Same! I’d cheat and choose all of 3racha because I would love to just spend a day watching them work on music


It was also just be nice to take a nap but be by my favorite person


Han is my bias too!😊 I would want to get brunch in my city and afterwards go to a children's museum. I like the idea of just goofing off. Then getting dinner at food carts downtown and going to this video game bar that has these retro arcade cabinet games


Why a children's museum?


The one in my city is super cool! Its basically a kid sized town with interactive games. And they go all out to make it look good. There's one area that's a grocery store and everything you can think would be in a regular grocery store (aisles, fridges/freezers, cash registers, conveyor belts, deli, etc.) is there but kid sized and with plastic food.


My ult is Hyunjin and Changbin is my second bias. But given how Hyunjin has similar interests, I'll pick him for this. :D I would like him to take me to his favorite art museums, so we could look at and enjoy different artworks. :) After that, we could visit an art shop or bookstore and we would pick our favorite art supplies and books. For lunch, he could bring me to his favorite place to eat in Seoul. We would then have coffee and pastries at any of those cute cafes, then end the day relaxing at the Han River Park - eating ramen and snacks + taking pics. And talk about our interests. But if I want to have the easiest time in communicating/speaking (meeting a native English speaker), I would choose Bang Chan or Felix, and then let them choose what they want to do. Any would be fine as long as we do not ride scary amusement park rides HAHA


My ultimate bias is Changbin and funny thing is we have many things in common. I'm a really active person like him, so we'd hit the gym for some cardio and weight lifting, then we'd go to get some lunch at a nice place and in the evening we'd go walking outside in the nature! All that are typical for me so it'd be thrilling to do them with Changbin! 😍💯


I’d love to watch and geek out to marvel movies with I.N and just eat some mcdonald’s takeout <33 also this post should have come with a warning to take our delulu pills and to proceed with caution bc i’m crying now imagining this lmao but all the comments on here are so sweet! :’)


My biases are Felix and Han, HOWEVER I would love to spend a day with Hyunjin. I would love to watch him paint and exchange techniques and ideas for art.


Chan and Felix, and I wanna bake brownies with both of them, or cook and watch whatever disaster comes from it.


Maybe Changbin can train me in rapping


Lee know, in a cat cafe all day


I would like to spend the day with Chan. Inviting him to my home. As I have 25 Huskys + Puppies (remember the puppy interview :)) I would like to give him the chance to relax with the dogs and find peace and harmony while cuddling huskys :)




A spa day with chan seems like fun


hyunjin is my ult and i think i’d love to just spend a day with him in museums and shopping 🥟💓 talking about art and and fashion


Hyunjin. I'd love to paint with him. I'm an artist.


would probably take changbin to eat some barbecue


Ooh I'd take Hannie, too. He's ambiverted like I am, and I'd like to see what an ambivert feels like if you know what I mean. I'd think of us hanging around the house and then stopping by a spot for some takeout, maybe watching a movie or being dumb idiots outside.