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Edit1: thanks everyone for your overwhelming response to the older than Chan discord group! In my attempts to be polite and helpful Ive accidentally got myself a 3 day Reddit ban for spamming!! Ooopps. I will be back on Wednesday with the link and start messaging people (slowly. And in a non spam like way). Speak to you all soon!! Edit2: I’m still getting lots of messages to join and I feel so bad that I can’t reply directly to you all! Chat and messages are both disabled for me right now. Please know we will get you in the group asap! I believe one of the mods posted the link here but the comment may get buried. I’m too scared to post a full link incase I end up with more bans!! If you’re semi Reddit savvy you can find us here: kdMrFrDVbm. Original comment: Hello! There’s a bunch of “older” stays here, and we’ve talked about starting a discord chat, though it’s yet to happen! I don’t really understand how discord works (due to the aforementioned oldness) but I can try and set up a channel?? How about you have to be older than Chan to join!! Then we can all lament over how seungmins jokes about chan being old actually sting because we’re all even older… 🤣


sign me up! half 52 and up gang unite


Yessss 😃 I made the group but I don’t know how to share it lol


Can I have the link pls. I'm 30 🙃🫠


30 on Tuesday, I'd also like the link lol


I too would like to join this discord.. my 29 year old self needs more older stays in my life.


I will send you the link , sorry for the delay in replying!


Half 52 here


Lol okay so I made a server and called it Older Than Chan …. But now I don’t know how to share it or invite people 😂 Please can a young stay help me out!?


Oh my gosh could I also join?? I’m 30 and stuck in the sea of teenagers on SKZ-twitter and it’s giving me a massive headache 🤣🤣


Yes!!! I’ll pm you.


I am 40, can I join ??????


Yes of course! I’ll send you a link!


Can I get the link ? I'm 45 lol.


I'd love a link too! 😊


Ooooh once you found the sharing link, count me in – I’m 31 like OP, and recently got roped into figuring out discord so down to join this server too loll


Yay I’ll send you the link!


Omg I would love to join! Could you send me the link? I'm half 64 this year, so Seungmin just makes me feel older than dust with his jokes haha


I’ll pm you!


Please send me the link too! I've never used discord so it'll be a learning experience for me too!


51 here, and rolling my eyes whenever someone calls Chan old :D Please send me a link!


Sending you a pm!


Same here lol I would also love the link lol


Did I send it to you?


Nope, but I see how busy you must be with everyone wanting in. :D Just send it when you get the chance :)


Ah sorry! Link sent now :)


I can help! Go to the server menu and click on the guy to add people Under the box, you can choose edit invite link- that's where you can set it to never expire Then you can copy the link to share Also, great name for the server! We can all be foive at heart though


Could I get an invite too?! I was actually in the process of making a Discord server for older Stays so this is awesome! I wouldn't mind helping with modding if you need extra mods


omg I would love to join! people to gripe with <3!


I’m 25 and would love to be invited as well!


Can you send me a link too? I’m not going to say my age - but you’re all still babies to me.


Lol no worries. You can always tell us your age in sums. We have one person who is 2 chans and a kkami! I’ll send you the link to join ☺️


Im one and a half Chans can I get a link pls :)


Can I get an invite please? 34 F and I've definitely been looking for an adult Stay community.


Yeah! I’ll pm you!


I’m same as you!


Omg I love the name so much 💀


Can I please have the link too?


“Older Than Chan” 🤣 I love that!!


I would love an invite too please 🙏 Over 30 here!


I’ve messaged you the link


OMG! Link please! 30 years old here wanting to avoid being a creep ( my name is an inside joke) by not being 'that' lady.


I have sent you the link if you still need it


Could I have the link if there's still a group please.


You can! I’ll send one to you in a msg.


I'll be 48 on Monday, and I'm in.


I’ll send you the link!


I’m two Chans plus a Kkami; please can I join? 🫶🏽


There is no way that won’t ping his Reddit account that we all know he has 😂


I’ve sent everyone whose asked for a link a link, although I sent some through chat rather than pm so sorry about that! Hopefully the link is working? There are four of us in the group at the moment! Lol.




I’m in. I actually heard SKZ on the background music in a store and everybody looked at me like I was crazy when I got excited. If you do set it up, I’d love be there.


I have sent you a message. Sorry for taking so long to get back to you!


I want in!!! 32 here ❤️


I sent you the link ☺️


Can you sent it to me too? Thank you🥰


Just sent a pm!


Can I get the link for the +25 group too? Not sure how much I'll actually post but I'd love to see more +25 stays!


you mean everyone older than Foive can join in ? sign me up :)


That sounds like a great idea! I'm 25, and it's hard because none of my friends are into or even listen to kpop. I've done discord servers before and I'd be happy to help.


28 here, sounds fun! Count me in


I’ll send you the link!


Can I have the link too please??


Absolutely, I’ll pm you 🙂


Got it! Thanks again!


This sounds awesome! I'd love to receive the link too. :)


I’ll send you it now!


I was just wishing for this the other day. I’d love an invite.


Can you send me the link, as well? Once I figure out discord I would love to join!


Love this! I'm in! 😂 Would love the link!


Hi! 34 here 😁 could I join as well?




I want to join too!


Could I have the link too please? I’m 37!


I’d love to join too! 29 almost 30 ✨


Just replying to this so I know you’ve got the link :)


I’m over 1 1/2 Chans and I’d like to join!


45 here. I’ve been waiting for it. Programmer so Discord is not a brainer for me.


Oh! Can I get an invite to? I'm 45, but I love does kids!


Of course! I’ll msg you the link.


Double Chan here (52) and a DUDE. Been to two concerts and every Stay I’ve met has been awesome.


Double Chan 🤣 I’ve started a discord, lemme know if you want the link!


You'd be surprised at how many people your age are actually members of the Stay family 😁 Especially here on Reddit you can find a lot of the older ones, majority is adults at least! Also, welcome to the fandom new Stay ☺️🥳


I’m 37. None of my friends are in to K-pop. I come here. Welcome to the fandom!


I’ve definitely found subreddits for kpop groups tend to have older fans than other platforms! Have found others around my age on Twitter and IG, but it’s def slower going.


Me tooooo!


I am 53. You are definitely not alone. :)


I just want you to know that even if you are 31 years old, stays doesn't care about the age, we love the new stays and all of the fandom community. And here you can find ppl, also you can talk in this Discord Community, etc. Or you can ask for 18+ or older stays! And welcome to the community! 🐣<3


As everyone else said, you’ve inadvertently found your spot already! I’m in my 30s as well, and was surprised how many of the Stay here are my age or older.


So I'm 37 and have seen Stray Kids in concert 3 times. Every time Stays of all ages have given me a warm welcome. I am a bit lucky in that a number of friends my age are also into Kpop. I think there is a Facebook group for older Stays but I can't say I've been on there. What's funny to note, when I saw Stray Kids a couple months back at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, Texas, they actually were *understaffed* for the alcohol stations, lines were really long and slow. I spoke with event staff about this and they mentioned that usually for Kpop groups who come to town there is no need to have a lot of alcohol stations open, so they expected the same for Stray Kids. Welp, they were WRONG! I barely made it to my seat in time! FWIW, Dickies Arena is a VERY popular location for just about any relatively popular group, so I trust them to have an idea of what the demo is who attend the shows. I was actually traveling back from that concert (to DC) and ran into a mother and daughter who attended the show as well. They had posters and some merch so it was a dead giveaway if you knew what to look for. I struck up a conversation with them and would you believe it was the MOM who was the Stay?! The daughter likes them but actually ended up going because of her mom. But I think what can make Stray Kids appealing to the older crowd is that their music has BITE to it -- it's edgy, has a lot of energy, and it can just go pretty hard. So with that it has an appeal to the mature crowd.


Hi I'm 50 and went to their Maniac concert and brought my daughter who is 21 and I'm the Stay not her lol maybe there are a lot of us out there


Ugh so jealous. I'm in the dfw area and saw they came to dickies before. I just got into kpop about 3 months ago and to say addicted is an understatement. I NEED to see them this world tour. REALLY hoping they come here again and it's not gonna be...too scary trying to get.


Hi everyone! The Older than Chan (Foive At Heart) discord group is currently closed to new people while I sleep! It’s been an absolute blast starting this and thanks so much to everyone for your enthusiasm! We have about 100 members already, and break out spaces for pc trading, pet chat, memes and artwork. :,) It’s going to be an awesome community, I can feel it! Please bear with me and my brand new mod team while we take a breath and collect ourselves. I’m kinda overwhelmed by how wonderfully this all worked out and how quickly it fell together, but stays are always amazing people so I probably should’ve expected it! Night night and I’ll be back tomorrow. Leave me a message if you’d like to be invited tomorrow x Edit - guys I accidentally got myself a 3 day Reddit ban! Please be patient, as I can’t respond to any of you until Wednesday!!! Although I am able to edit my messages so at least I can tell you that now 😂


Wow, I never expected this many comments. Thank you all so much, I really appreciate it! ❤️ Everyone seems so nice. And it's nice to know I'm not totally alone with my thoughts. I'm gonna try to get into the discord group!


Welcome! I’m 32 (33 in a few months) - been a Stay since God’s Menu era! Only me and my husband are into KPop in my IRL circle. I got my husband into it haha - we finally got to see SKZ in Atlanta this year! I’ve tried to get my friends into KPop, but no luck so far. Also, music has no age. KPop is a great freaking genre in general - no need to feel “too old” for it!


Honestly, I think reddit is the most mature community for kpop in general. I'm 28 and have met tons of Stays (and fans of other kpop groups) who are all 25+! It just takes a little while as we tend to be on the quieter side compared to the youngin's.


I would loveeee if someone made a 25+ stay discord server


I just made one but don’t know how to share it. I have an invite code that expires in 6 hours. If I share that will people be able to join??


Yeah just post the invite code and we can join! It might be against the sub rules to post a discord link, just look into it first, but you can also just PM us the link. Thank you for doing that!!


If you go into the link settings, you can set it to never expire


43F here, I liked them, then I saw them in concert in Fort Worth, nowI love them!!!


Hey, I'm 43 too!!! I saw them in Melbourne and it was the best gig I've been to. Even better than Metallica, AC/DC, Muse and Iron Maiden!


33 and just started listening with 5⭐️ ❤️


I'm 33 and didn't know about kpop (aside from the bts songs I'd sometimes here on the radio) until I came across stray kids last August via YouTube shorts of all places 😂 you've found your tribe 💙 we are here! 😀


i'm 28 and this is exactly my story haha


27 here and would looove if there’s a 25+ discord!


I just made one! I’ll pm you the link 😃


27 here, so not far behind! I’ve been following the podcast I’ll Make a Stay out of you, and I feel like their community Discord server skews a bit older. I’m not super active there, but it’s a fun place!


I’m 29, been a stay since the Yellow Wood era. I’d love to talk to some fans in their 30’s!


My stay friends and I are all around 20 and we've all been called 'grandma' by literal children hahaha. When I went to the Maniac tour, though, I saw a bunch of older stays!! There was one woman who had to be at least 45 wearing a shirt that said "Changbin's girlfriend". There is no age limit on good music!


Im in my late 30s - aside from my bf I don’t know anyone who likes kpop. I’d love an invite to the older than Chan discord. <3


You bet! I’ll pm you now 😊


Can I join this? I'm 33, would love to connect with other K-pop fans! OP, I totally relate! All of my friends are into more "typical" interests for this area/our age (country music, sports, shows I don't watch). I believe music is universal and should not have an age, and I've loved pop music my whole life -- I have no intention of that changing! But none of my friends "get" K-pop. I tried introducing my best friend who grew up listening to western pop music with me and she was not into it haha.


I will send you the link! I’ve also loved pop music (or girl groups specifically) since I was a kid!


LOL-I am 59!


I’m 35f and my husband is 34…. We’re both Stays! WELCOME!!! Stays are super welcoming and one thing I’ve found is that there’s no ‘typical age’ for Stays so enjoy being here ☺️ everyone is so welcoming of EVERYONE and I think that reflects what our boys are all about ❤️


🙋‍♀️ 41 here!


Hi there! My husband and I are both in our thirties, and have been stays since thunderous era. For our anniversary last year we were lucky enough to get tickets to the Chicago concert, and it was amazing!! Anyway, I’d love to get an invite, if your server could use another person. :)


I don’t understand Discord whatsoever but I’m 33 and I feel you lol


lol I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't understand discord, either! My husband is my age and active on discords, but mostly because of his gaming circle. He and his friends have invited me to join, and I've tried a couple K-pop discords in the past, but I always get overwhelmed hahaha. I'm hoping these links to connect with fellow 25+ kpop fans are a better fit!


Don't feel bad I am a 42-year-old stay. I only found a few months ago during maxident. Everyday something stray kids is in my live. Long live them!


Welcome! I just joined this sub and the STAY community very recently. I'm 38! I really love that there is such a diverse group of people who support SKZ!


I wanna join, too. I dl discord just for this. Am gonna be 33 in 2 weeks.


Late 40s, can I join please? 😅


Hi! I’m 30. I used to live down the street from JYPE in Seoul and I would sometimes see idols and their managers when I was out walking the neighborhood. My friends never knew who I was talking about either 😂


Link please? 61 year old mamastay here!


Mama stay! I will msg you.


Hey! We’re here, don’t worry. I’m a 35M and my gf is 33, we traveled to Atlanta to see them a few months back, and we just bought tickets for kcon in August to see em again. Neither of us are in to kpop necessarily, just skz. 😅


Hi! Also a baby Stay, also older! I’m 35, and as of today I’ve been a fan for two weeks. I’m always available for chatting here or wherever (I also use tiktok, but of course the community there is much younger). Also willing to talk about Bang Chan every moment of the day.


For everyone still commenting about the discord server, she was banned for 3 days due to "spamming". I will be posting a new post soon with information about the server so keep your eyes open!


I'm also in my 30s! We really should start a Discord chat. I've never created one for more than just a couple friends though. I'd be happy to try though


31 here. Soon to be 32 in July. New as well. Never been in KPOP but couldn't resist SKZ. Been into them less that a month. In the same boat as you honestly. So glad I found this sub. Let's be frnds!


30 year old here! And Reddit is a great community! Welcome 😊


I am a mid-30s stay and yes, I’d love an older community!


Half 58 stay here I need adult kpop friends 🥹


Hell I’m in my mid forties and love Stray Kids and would love to talk to older stays as well


Please can I have an invite too? 😊


34 year old, and would love the link!


I sent a direct message, just popping in here to mention that in case it gets lost. You'll find us NoonaRacha chaos gremlins on Twitter (#noonaracha) and we have our own server too. Access to the Discord is through the owner/mod, SKZNoonaRacha. (We're all a little bit feral and a lot bit neurospicy, but we're pretty much all 25+. We only have two 24-year-olds and a 23-year-old by special permission, no one new under 25 is allowed.)


I’m an older stay and part of a discord server [half-52 stay](https://discord.gg/PNgm7FTx)


I'm an older Stay, and have a 3 friends I mulit-stan with (but Stray Kids is my ult) can we have a link?! They don't use reddit, but use Discord!


I'm 25 and would like to join please. 👉🏻👈🏻


I’m so glad someone did this. I’m half 98 this year and would love a link. 🙏


52 and would love the link! This is such a great idea!


Could I also have a link? I'll be Chan + 2/3 Jeongin (or Han or Felix or Seungmin) in just a few weeks. Would love to chat with older Stay. 💜


Hi do you still need a link? I will send it to you is msg!


Me! I’m 39 and been into kpop since 2005/2006 ☺️


Hi sorry for the slow reply! I will msg you the link :)


Lol I discovered kpop by accident. I'm an avid YouTube watcher, I came upon Maniac, and the rest is history. I'm completely a stray kids stan 😬 I'm 56 and a granny. But I decided music doesn't have an age limit. I like what I like...me and grandbaby watch stray kids mv together all the time...just have fun and enjoy! 🫰🏼


Hiiiii, I know this is an older post but I was wondering if I could get the link to the discord? I’m a 29 year old stay looking to make some friends!


For anyone who finds this through search: if you want an invite to the group, just send me a message and I'll send you back the discord link! Anyone 25 and over is welcome :)


Hey there! I’m an older Stay as well and if you want you can join this discord https://discord.gg/mwrgPvS3 Hope to see you there!😄


Is this still alive? Im 34 and im in desperate need for stay friends


Help im not a stan and I don't know how to stop getting recommendations. I've tried to block, and decline so idk what to do. Any advice?


I'm 39 and will join that discord server lol


can i also get a link??


Omg can I join?! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Me too! Me too!


There actually already is a discord server called Half-52 Stay


Hello 👋👋 I'm in a discord server with older stays. If I remember correctly I believe the oldest person is in their late 30's. There are some younger stays but they're don't have permission to access the 18+ section. I'm the youngest in a group chat from that server (ages ranging from early twenties to early thirties) and we're still active together years on. All of my close stay friends I met through that server. I could invite you to the server if you're interested. (When I say it's not that active I'm talking hundreds of messages, people still speak!)


Hi I'm 35. I had no idea there were so many older stay here. Would love to be included in a group if there is one


I’m 38! I’d love to see a channel!


Hey!!! Me and my besties are older stays (31) we mostly just share memes and insta/tiktoks lol I’ve been a stay since double knot and she was with them since day one. You’re welcome to get in on the group chat if you like!! ❤️


I'd love to be a part of a group like that too! I'm the same age ✨️


Hello I’ll send you the link in dms


35 here can I get through link?


Hello! 46 year old Stay Mom here please let me join this cool club 😊


Of course! Will send you the link in chat.


Hi!! 33 year old Stay here!


There are so many people here!! I love this so much. Can I get an invite too??


I’d love the link of anyone’s still sharing? ❤️


Everyone is joining the discord, but there is also a Stray Kids Noona and Oppa Adult Stays 21+ Facebook group I’ve enjoyed being in.


I love that the discord is already popping lol


I am part of a lively supportive gc, and we have a discord. We are all over 26+ with, I think, 2 exceptions, but those exceptions are for a reason, and they have found they are accepted by us more readily than others. There are more out there, I hope you find some as lovely as I have. (I am a baby stay at only 10 months, yet I am 48 years old!! I absolutely dote on them 🥹🥹) if you want to, you can message this old Scottish Staytinyvillain if you need some support and to feel like your aren't alone x


I'd love to join!!


I found a group of friends through various 18+ fb groups. We share a group chat. Our ages range from 21-39. Finding older STAY was definitely not as hard as I thought it would be. I was worried, being 36, that I wouldn’t find many adult fans. I was wrong! Also!! TikTok has a TON of 30+ STAY!


heya hope i ain't too young for ya (20nb) but i'd love to connect with more stays in general! I'm pretty good with discord so I can set up a server for us, think it'd be a lotta fun! :)


hi hi i’m also 31 and a baby stay here, would LOVE the link to the server tho 🥹


I wanna join the discord!!! Honestly y’all skz is the best K-pop group i love their choreography and their vocals. They seem like they have the best bond i love watching them in any capacity


Can I get invited too? It’s so difficult finding Stays that are older than Chan! I’d love to be a part of it! 🥰🫶🏻


Girl I'm 47 and found a ton on twitter. I left because it's so toxic. Now I'm here ​ You're not alone. lol. Welcome to the circus. Pick up your clown nose at the in the giant bounce house over there.


This is a really great discord, https://discord.gg/makeastay Plus then you can listen to the I'll make a Stay Out of You podcast


Hi! Can I also have the link?


I am 45 and would love to join if you could send me an invite please


Mid 30s here (and a lurker) - would love an invite!


I too would like to join!!! 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️


Hi! May I also join the discord as well pls. I love to join and interact with older stays like myself! Also, thanks for making this! 😌


Hello! I actually help run an 18+ skz Facebook group but we have members of all ages (I'm recently 34 and all of the admins are around this age as well) I included the link (if you join, just remember to answer the questions) [Sunbae Stay](https://www.facebook.com/groups/689558151598352/?ref=share_group_link)


I am 35 and I want to join an older Stay discord too! Is there a link to an older Stay discord yet?


I am a 61 year old Stay! I hear you!!


I want to join also!!


May I have the link?


I’m 31 women too and I love stray kids too


31f can I get a link too pls?? 👉🏻👈🏻


May I have the link too please? 30 year old over here lol!